Hitlery Clinton's Defeat: Who should we thank?


Gold Member
Aug 1, 2016
Right here
Does everyone agree with me that the one person who deserves the most credit is Julian Assange? After all, it was the revelations on her criminal activities that he made public ... that broke the evil witch's spell. Or am I wrong?

What do you think it was that made the big difference?
I think Comey's October Surprise was the straw that broke the camel's back. Not that Hillary wasn't responsible for bringing it on herself, but Comey put the email scandal back in play when it was mostly forgotten.
Does everyone agree with me that the one person who deserves the most credit is Julian Assange? After all, it was the revelations on her criminal activities that he made public ... that broke the evil witch's spell. Or am I wrong?

What do you think it was that made the big difference?

amen to that.
if he follows through and does what he said he will do,he will suffer the same fate as JFK,our last real president I fear.
if he follows through and does what he said he will do,he will suffer the same fate as JFK,our last real president I fear.
You might be right. After all, it was the FBI who wanted to deny Hillary's crimes - as well as obscure the facts in the JFK assassination. Very surprising (to me) it was the NYPD who stood for justice over the FBI! I know that you have a very good point, but maybe (just maybe) the example the NYPD has set might take hold across the nation? Just think of it! The New York Police Department leading the country towards Democracy! Now that is something to be very proud of! Shit, I'm getting exited already!
Hillary is first to blame. If the democrat candidate was mildly competent, with the powerful media machine behind them and an incumbent president, they would've won easily.
if he follows through and does what he said he will do,he will suffer the same fate as JFK,our last real president I fear.
You might be right. After all, it was the FBI who wanted to deny Hillary's crimes - as well as obscure the facts in the JFK assassination. Very surprising (to me) it was the NYPD who stood for justice over the FBI! I know that you have a very good point, but maybe (just maybe) the example the NYPD has set might take hold across the nation? Just think of it! The New York Police Department leading the country towards Democracy! Now that is something to be very proud of! Shit, I'm getting exited already!

the good thing though is i would think there would be revolt if they tried that again with trump because you got to remember back then,people trusted their government without question.they believed everything they told them without question.Now people are scared of their government and dont believe in anything they tell them so there is hope.
I dont think we should leave the media out when giving thanks that Trump won.
Think about it, the media kept putting out the false polls showing hillary winning almost every time.
This motivated the voters to get off their ass for Trump yesterday, and put a false sense of security into the left that caused many to think their vote was not needed.
Does everyone agree with me that the one person who deserves the most credit is Julian Assange? After all, it was the revelations on her criminal activities that he made public ... that broke the evil witch's spell. Or am I wrong?

What do you think it was that made the big difference?
I am thinking it is Monica Lewinsky.

But then again you could blame Hillary herself for either (1) not watching Billy like a hawk the same way Nancy Reagan watched Ron, or (2) not giving Billy daily and nightly blowjobs so that there is no way Monica could get Billy's One-Eyed-Willy up no matter if the fat girl stripped on a silver pole.

Hillary was destroyed by Monica. And Hillary did nothing to prevent it.

If not for Monica, and Billy's other train of tramps, then Hillary would not have had to lie so much.

Of course the email server was pure foolishness too -- Colin Powel gave her that foolish idea.

Finally you need to give an honorable mention to FBI Director James Comey too.

Now the US Senate has been saved.

And the SCOTUS has been saved.

And the 2nd Amendment has been saved.

And all the gun haters like Hillary and Ruth Bader Ginsberg should move to Canada where they belong.

(Sorry Canada, but you guys up there are little better than the UK or the Auzzies on guns.)
Hillary is first to blame. If the democrat candidate was mildly competent, with the powerful media machine behind them and an incumbent president, they would've won easily.
Over-confident you mean? She assumed that the public could be blind-sided. She didn't count on Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Actually it is probably more accurate to say that she thought the American population had been sufficiently dumbed-down with regards Wikileaks credibility.
I dont think we should leave the media out when giving thanks that Trump won.
Think about it, the media kept putting out the false polls showing hillary winning almost every time.
This motivated the voters to get off their ass for Trump yesterday, and put a false sense of security into the left that caused many to think their vote was not needed.
The media all hated Trump.

Yet he beat them single handedly.
Yup I was thinking this last night as well.

After all the previous miracles of God at Yorktown and at Gettysburg and Vicksburg and at Midway and Normandy, it seems like after all that hard work God would not like to see the SCOTUS destroyed by more appointments like Ruth Bader Ginsberg the Communist, and the 2nd Amendment die, and the US Constitution fall in favor of The Communist Manifesto.

Maybe it was God.
Over-confident you mean? She assumed that the public could be blind-sided. She didn't count on Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Actually it is probably more accurate to say that she thought the American population had been sufficiently dumbed-down with regards Wikileaks credibility.
Yea, over-confidence is a good description. You could tell that her and her people went into last night expecting a coronation. I don't think they thought too much about the wikileaks stuff. They avoided prosecution so they'd just write it off as "ah, my bad." They had the media 100% behind them demonizing Trump including most of the pollsters coming to conclusions that they wanted rather than realistic. They convinced themselves of a victory long before the actual ballots were cast. The negative stuff about Hillary was just noise from bitter, racist, bible thumping gun nut white guys.
The fault lies on the doorstep of the Democrat Party "leadership". They had victory in their grasp with Nutty Old Uncle Bernie and they pissed it away.

Let's hope they remain in power and keep up the good work.
the good thing though is i would think there would be revolt if they tried that again with trump because you got to remember back then,people trusted their government without question.they believed everything they told them without question.Now people are scared of their government and dont believe in anything they tell them so there is hope.
Another good point. But I'm not so sure it holds water. I've been on the internet a few years and I've seen so many Americans who support the invasion of Irak, for example. The whole invasion and occupation was saturated with obvious lies and more lies ...... and lies upon lies upon lies. So why do so many Americans support US action over there? Or have I got the wrong idea on their numbers?
I dont think we should leave the media out when giving thanks that Trump won.
Think about it, the media kept putting out the false polls showing hillary winning almost every time.
This motivated the voters to get off their ass for Trump
yesterday, and put a false sense of security into the left that caused many to think their vote was not needed.
An interesting observation.

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