‘Historic Palestine’ – A Misleading Anachronism

The Jews exaggerated their history. Solomon had no mines. The mines belonged to Egypt and the to the Edomites. Much of what is attributed to Solomon was built by Omri.. Exodus is a myth and so it Noah and the battles of Joshua.

Israel has some of the finest archaeologists i the world and yet you persist ....


The first period that Geva considers in his study is from the 18th–11th centuries B.C.E. (Middle Bronze Age II to Iron Age I, in archaeological terms), the period before the arrival of the Israelites. Jerusalem was then confined to the small spur south of the Temple Mount known today as the City of David. As Geva reminds us, even then Jerusalem “was the center of an important territorial entity.” From this period, the area includes a massive fortification system that has recently been excavated.

Overall, however, the area comprises only about 11–12 acres. Geva estimates the population of the city during this period at between 500 and 700 “at most.” (Previously other prominent scholars had estimated Jerusalem’s population in this period as 880–1,100, 1,000, 2,500, 3,000; still this is hardly what we would consider a metropolis.)

The shaded area reflects the current walled Old City of Jerusalem.

The next period Geva considers is the period of the United Monarchy, the time of King David and King Solomon and a couple centuries thereafter (1000 B.C.E. down to about the eighth century B.C.E.). In David’s time, the borders of the city did not change from the previous period. However, King Solomon expanded the confines of the city northward to include the Temple Mount.

This increased the size of the city to about 40 acres, but the increase in population was not proportionate since much of this expansion was taken up with the Temple and royal buildings. “It is likely that Jerusalem attracted new inhabitants of different social classes,” Geva tells us. “Some of these people came to reside in the city as a consequence of their official and religious capacities, while others came to seek a livelihood in its developing economy.”

Geva estimates the population of the city at this time at about 2,000. (Previously, other scholars had estimated the number of people living in the city at this time as 2,000, 2,500 or 4,500–5,000.)
Black Obeslisk of Assyrian King Shalmaneser, 9th century BCE depicting ancient King of Israel Jehu mentioned in the Bible (2 Kings, chapters 9-10)

Palestine was just a province of Syria.

Let's see, Sargon 2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria around 700 BC. The Greeks has 10 cities of the Decapolis. Plus there was Scythopolis.

11:8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
Palestine is an English word. No place palestine ever existed.
Palestine is an English word. No place palestine ever existed.

The Zionists got off on the wrong foot in 1920.. They were all Socialists or Bolsheviks .. They mistreated and demonized the Palestinian Muslims and Christians even back then..

The Zionists formed their terror gangs in the 1920s and they ridiculed Arab culture. They were a disaster to the extent that the Palestinian Jews organized to stop the huge migrations from Europe by 1922.

Clearly by 1930 they desperately needed sanctuary, but they botched it with their treatment of the indigenous population..

You'd think with the persecution they had suffered in Europe and Russia they would have known better.
Before Israel, the area was a primitive wasteland without electricity or medical care or schools. Jews developed hydroelectricity using the Jordan River and built the first hospital. Jews brought advanced agriculture techniques and built the first schools. The Ottoman Empire taxed trees, so Arabs cut down the trees, deforesting the area. Jews planted hundreds of thousands of trees, reforesting the area.
Palestine is an English word. No place palestine ever existed.


Did I mention “Palestine” is an English word?
Before Israel, the area was a primitive wasteland without electricity or medical care or schools. Jews developed hydroelectricity using the Jordan River and built the first hospital. Jews brought advanced agriculture techniques and built the first schools. The Ottoman Empire taxed trees, so Arabs cut down the trees, deforesting the area. Jews planted hundreds of thousands of trees, reforesting the area.

So what? That gives you no right to take other people's land. The Arabs planted a hundred thousand olive trees as well as pistachio, pomegranate, almond and date trees.
So what? That gives you no right to take other people's land. The Arabs planted a hundred thousand olive trees as well as pistachio, pomegranate, almond and date trees.
The thread is not about planting this or that.

The Arabs have been calling it "Historic Palestine" since they lost the 1948 war. Or from the 1970s on.

Where is this ancient history of Palestine which pertains to this indigenous people called Palestinians?
The thread is not about planting this or that.

The Arabs have been calling it "Historic Palestine" since they lost the 1948 war. Or from the 1970s on.

Where is this ancient history of Palestine which pertains to this indigenous people called Palestinians?

You're too young to remember. They were Filastin.. olive trees live 300-500 years. The European Jews didn't plant them.
Arab Conquests. THAT colonialism!

The Arabs traded with the Levant, Egypt, Mesopotamia, East Africa and the Indus valley long before Islam... So there was already intermarriage and commerce. That's a more benign sort of "conquest".
The Arabs traded with the Levant, Egypt, Mesopotamia, East Africa and the Indus valley long before Islam... So there was already intermarriage and commerce. That's a more benign sort of "conquest".
Jews lived all over the place, including Arabia. They traded, built their homes, etc.
They were not interested in conquest, only in living in those places following their religion.

But the Jews were expelled from Arabia once Islam was founded based on Judaism, and Christianity which taught that Jews had been surpassed.

Your excuses as to the take over perpetrated by the Arabs/ Muslims in the name of Islam are endlessly childish.
Jews lived all over the place, including Arabia. They traded, built their homes, etc.
They were not interested in conquest, only in living in those places following their religion.

But the Jews were expelled from Arabia once Islam was founded based on Judaism, and Christianity which taught that Jews had been surpassed.

Your excuses as to the take over perpetrated by the Arabs/ Muslims in the name of Islam are endlessly childish.

The Jews betrayed the Muslims and violated treaties. They also tried to hog a couple of Oases. I think most left and went back to Jericho.
The Jews betrayed the Muslims and violated treaties. They also tried to hog a couple of Oases. I think most left and went back to Jericho.
You know nothing about that history. You did not even know that there were tribes of Jews living in Arabia before I told you.

Childish, ignorant response.
What is ancient Palestine?

Image result for What is Historic Palestine?
Palestine in the ancient world was part of the region known as Canaan where the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah were located. The term `Palestine' was originally a designation of an area of land in southern Canaan which the people known as the Philistines occupied a very small part of.Oct 25, 2018

Palestine - World History Encyclopedia​

The Jews betrayed the Muslims and violated treaties. They also tried to hog a couple of Oases. I think most left and went back to Jericho.
Please tell us how the Jews betrayed the Muslims. It’s funny that whenever the subject is brought up what Jordan did to Jewish Holy Sites, Gravesites, etc. it’s ignored
The Arabs traded with the Levant, Egypt, Mesopotamia, East Africa and the Indus valley long before Islam... So there was already intermarriage and commerce. That's a more benign sort of "conquest".
Arabs did not populate the Middle East until the Arab conquests: Colonialism.
So what? That gives you no right to take other people's land. The Arabs planted a hundred thousand olive trees as well as pistachio, pomegranate, almond and date trees.
Whose land?


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You're too young to remember. They were Filastin.. olive trees live 300-500 years. The European Jews didn't plant them.
Filastin is not an Arabic word. It’s a mispronunciation of Palestine, an English word derived from the Latin Palaestina imposed on Jews. This prominent soil scientist witnessed the area before Israeli statehood and recorded its depletion under Arabs and Muslims and the land’s revival by Jews…


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