His name is Nakoula Basseley Nakoula

The slippery slope of freedom.. Yiu start fucking with our rights and that sword will eventually fall on you. You liberals don't get to pick and choose what is and is not offensive. In America, you do NOT have the right to NOT be offended. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.

This guy wasn't looking to "offend", he was looking to trigger exactly the violent reaction he got.

Otherwise, he would not have to lie to his actors about what they were starring in, and then dub over their voices with the offending dialog.

Now those actors are probably in fear for their lives for saying things they didnt' actually say.

This guy was on probation, and the first rule of probation is "Stay out of trouble."...

The trailer is two years old. He couldn't have intended anything. Whoever did intend this spark is the person who dubbed it into arabic and put it on You Tube. We don't even know if he's the one that dubbed in any offensive language at all. The man was released without charges, it is obvious that he did not violate the terms of his probation.

When it comes to the American Christians and anti-Muslim activists, the deaths of an American ambassador and other Americans is but mere collateral damage in their hatred for President Obama.

A video didn't kill anyone, you pathetic moron.

It's hilarious watching all you Obama fluffers falling all over yourselves to place the blame anywhere except where it belongs: on Obama and the Muslim fanatics who pulled the trigger.

His name is Nakoula Basseley Nakoula... but it well could be Sarah Palin as far as I'm concerned.
When it comes to the American Christians and anti-Muslim activists, the deaths of an American ambassador and other Americans is but mere collateral damage in their hatred for President Obama.

A video didn't kill anyone, you pathetic moron.

It's hilarious watching all you Obama fluffers falling all over yourselves to place the blame anywhere except where it belongs: on Obama and the Muslim fanatics who pulled the trigger.

His name is Nakoula Basseley Nakoula... but it well could be Sarah Palin as far as I'm concerned.

I have the impression you would welcome any violence against people just because you disagree with their political views. Sick little freak, aren't you?
A video didn't kill anyone, you pathetic moron.

It's hilarious watching all you Obama fluffers falling all over yourselves to place the blame anywhere except where it belongs: on Obama and the Muslim fanatics who pulled the trigger.

His name is Nakoula Basseley Nakoula... but it well could be Sarah Palin as far as I'm concerned.

I have the impression you would welcome any violence against people just because you disagree with their political views. Sick little freak, aren't you?

Wooosh! Right over your head. I wasn't suggesting violence against anyone but just pointing out the anti-Islamic hatred that some in the right exhibit towards Muslims/Arabs.
An alliance of Egyptian Coptic Christians, right-wing American Christians and anti-Muslim activists is behind the "Innocence of Muslims" film.

Inside the Islamophobic-Religious Right Alliance Whose Film Sparked a Crisis in the Middle East | Alternet

Is the religious right behind this film? Probably.

Actually, your hero Obama, took campaign money from this filmmaker who is also a registered democrat and has been for YEARS. ROFL NOW WHAT????? let me guess??? "So what?" If you liberals had a brain you'd be dangerous.

Actually, your hero Obama, took campaign money from this filmmaker who is also a registered democrat and has been for YEARS. ROFL NOW WHAT????? let me guess??? "So what?" If you liberals had a brain you'd be dangerous.

Gotta link? Of course not you fucking liar!
Is the religious right behind this film? Probably.

Actually, your hero Obama, took campaign money from this filmmaker who is also a registered democrat and has been for YEARS. ROFL NOW WHAT????? let me guess??? "So what?" If you liberals had a brain you'd be dangerous.

Gotta link? Of course not you fucking liar!

Now who's the fucking liar, you brain rotted moron?!! NOW WHAT??????????????? COME ON BIG mouth..

Mohammed Movie?s Mystery Director - The Daily Beast

Nakoula had been registered to vote as a Democrat from 2002-2008, according to the L.A. County Registrar Recorder’s office. In April of 2008, he changed his political affiliation to American Independent.
Is the religious right behind this film? Probably.

Actually, your hero Obama, took campaign money from this filmmaker who is also a registered democrat and has been for YEARS. ROFL NOW WHAT????? let me guess??? "So what?" If you liberals had a brain you'd be dangerous.

Gotta link? Of course not you fucking liar!

Oh ouch, THE DAILY BEAST, a liberal rag reported your messiah took money from this DEMOCRAT filmmaker. ROFLMAO

We see who the fucking liars are.
The million dollar donation from Bill Maher is hardly a secret. He announced it to the world on his show.

If we keep pointing that out enough, perhaps Maher's film will be enough to spark a new wave of violence. Which is why we need to keep chewing on this bone.
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According to ladyfuckingretard and alpifuckiingretard it's impossible to be insane if you are muslim.....so if a ordinary person committed a crime in his own country it's not possible he's insane...or he has PTSD....or he has an mental condition....or if he did it for another reason such as anger...business struggle....he's a Muslim so he did so because hes a musim.....but anywhere else in the world they are just mental people who are diagnosed with mental diseases....but if you're a muslim well you're a terrorist and you did it becaue of the Koran

Fucking double standard fucking nazis

Its like Christians who bomb abortion clinics. Not an act of terrorism. James Holmes killed 12 people. It wasn't an act of terrorism, he was just mentally ill. But if it was a Muslim, he's automatically a terrorist, and is just being a Muslim, doing what the Quran told him too...

Or the Christian guy who proclaimed himself as a crusader in Norway and shoots what 70 innocent people or around 90? But they keep telling us he wasn't a Christian even though he said he was a Christian knight.....

Double standard

So the guy said he was christian.

Did we haul out that artist for the urine soaked picture of the virgin mary.

If you had an IQ above 70, that would be something to post about.
Actually, your hero Obama, took campaign money from this filmmaker who is also a registered democrat and has been for YEARS. ROFL NOW WHAT????? let me guess??? "So what?" If you liberals had a brain you'd be dangerous.

Gotta link? Of course not you fucking liar!

Now who's the fucking liar, you brain rotted moron?!! NOW WHAT??????????????? COME ON BIG mouth..

Mohammed Movie?s Mystery Director - The Daily Beast

Nakoula had been registered to vote as a Democrat from 2002-2008, according to the L.A. County Registrar Recorder’s office. In April of 2008, he changed his political affiliation to American Independent.

Lies, I don't believe it.
Why isn't his picture plastered all over the media is what I would like to know? This perp, who is responsible for the death of an American ambassador and other Americans should be properly exposed immediately. Those who financed the perp should also be exposed immediately. These anti-Islamic haters knew what they were doing and had to know the devastating consequences that had to possibly follow. Expose them and let the shit hit the fan!

Filmmaker linked to anti-Islam video meets with probation officer - CNN.com

Los Angeles (CNN) -- The California man believed to be the maker of an anti-Islam film that ignited a firestorm in the Muslim world was cooperative when authorities escorted him to a voluntary interview, officials said Saturday.

"It was all choreographed," said Steve Whitmore of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. "He was ready and willing and very cooperative."

The overnight meeting with a probation officer came a day after federal officials said they were reviewing the probation of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, who was convicted of bank fraud in 2010 and placed on supervised probation for five years.

Federal officials consider Nakoula to be the filmmaker behind the anti-Islam "Innocence of Muslims."

Nakoula is an Egyptian-American.......that's why his pic isn't plastered all over the place.

Just like George Zimmerman, a Hispanic-American, who killed a thug kid Trayvan Martin, the left figures out a way to blame who they hate for what they are responsible for. In that case they tried to blame whites. In this case it's Jews and Christians they want to blame.
Gotta link? Of course not you fucking liar!

Now who's the fucking liar, you brain rotted moron?!! NOW WHAT??????????????? COME ON BIG mouth..

Mohammed Movie?s Mystery Director - The Daily Beast

Nakoula had been registered to vote as a Democrat from 2002-2008, according to the L.A. County Registrar Recorder’s office. In April of 2008, he changed his political affiliation to American Independent.

Lies, I don't believe it.

Another crazy like TM..
Gotta link? Of course not you fucking liar!

Now who's the fucking liar, you brain rotted moron?!! NOW WHAT??????????????? COME ON BIG mouth..

Mohammed Movie?s Mystery Director - The Daily Beast

Nakoula had been registered to vote as a Democrat from 2002-2008, according to the L.A. County Registrar Recorder’s office. In April of 2008, he changed his political affiliation to American Independent.

Lies, I don't believe it.

Well...you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer.........
Now who's the fucking liar, you brain rotted moron?!! NOW WHAT??????????????? COME ON BIG mouth..

Mohammed Movie?s Mystery Director - The Daily Beast

Nakoula had been registered to vote as a Democrat from 2002-2008, according to the L.A. County Registrar Recorder’s office. In April of 2008, he changed his political affiliation to American Independent.

Lies, I don't believe it.

Well...you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer.........

LOL!! No doubt, right? ;-)
Nakoula isn't responsible for any deaths at all. The trailer was made two years ago and no one has ever come up with a film the trailer is based on. To imagine that he's responsible for deaths now, for something he did two years ago (if he did at all because that's not even certain) is a stretch that only liberals and muslims are capable of.

Someone found that trailer, dubbed it in in arabic and gave copies to mosques throughout the middle east. That's who started this. Who did that?
Now who's the fucking liar, you brain rotted moron?!! NOW WHAT??????????????? COME ON BIG mouth..

Mohammed Movie?s Mystery Director - The Daily Beast

Nakoula had been registered to vote as a Democrat from 2002-2008, according to the L.A. County Registrar Recorder’s office. In April of 2008, he changed his political affiliation to American Independent.

Lies, I don't believe it.

Well...you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer.........

Still haven't proved anything.
Romney betrayed the principle of free speech.

I have the right to say what I want, and you have the right to criticize what I say.

Romney gets the first part, but not the second.

The Mohammed movie and the embassy attacks: Romney betrays free speech. - Slate Magazine

Is Jake turning to the Dark Side?


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