Hillary's War

Here is a more realistic view and not from ''hindsite''.

Everyone says the Libya intervention was a failure. They’re wrong. | Brookings Institution

Of course, Libya, as anyone can see, is a mess, and Americans are reasonably asking if the intervention was a mistake. But just because it’s reasonable doesn’t make it right. Most criticisms of the intervention, even with the benefit of hindsight, fall short. It is certainly true that the intervention didn’t produce something resembling a stable democracy. This, however, was never the goal. The goal was to protect civilians and prevent a massacre.

Critics erroneously compare Libya today to any number of false ideals, but this is not the correct way to evaluate the success or failure of the intervention. To do that, we should compare Libya today to what Libya would have looked like if we hadn’t intervened. By that standard, the Libya intervention was successful: The country is better off today than it would have been had the international community allowed dictator Muammar Qaddafi to continue his rampage across the country.

Critics further assert that the intervention caused, created, or somehow led to civil war. In fact, the civil war had already started before the intervention began. As for today’s chaos, violence, and general instability, these are more plausibly tied not to the original intervention but to the international community’s failures after intervention. The very fact that the Libya intervention and its legacy have been either distorted or misunderstood is itself evidence of a warped foreign policy discourse in the U.S., where anything short of success—in this case, Libya quickly becoming a stable, relatively democratic country—is viewed as a failure.
She and Barry ALLIED THEMSELVES WITH AL QAEIDA - THE TERRORISTS WHO SLAUGHTERED ANERICANS ON 9/11/12. This alone should cause them to be branded as 'TRAITORS'!

They injected the United States into the middle of a civil war between Al Qaeida and the dictator the US put into power, the fictator who had begun HELPING THE UNITED STATES FIGHT TERTORISM in northern Africa.

They by-passed Congress and began their own personal war, using the United States military to HELP AL QAEIDA defeat Qaddafi and take iver their own country.

They by-passed Congress to do this becauae Barry KNEW there was no way in hell even he could come up with an argument for aidong and abetting the terrorists who perpwtrated 9/11/01!

Be honest - on 9/12/01, if anyone would have told you - the day after 9/11/01 - that 15 years later the President of the United States would drag the country to war to AID the tertorists who had just attacked the country and killed so many Americans you would never have believed it.

...yet here we are, and that is exactly what Hillary and Barry did.

BOTH are TRAITORS to their nation.

Barry has supplied, armed, trained, financed, protected, and even used our military to help enemies of this nation - terrorists (Al Qaeida, ISIS...) & Mexican Drug Cartells...and each betrayal has left a trail of dead bodies in their wake...illegals, Mexicans, Muslims, French, Americans...

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