Hillary says "Benghazi was turned into a political football"...and SHE IS RIGHT!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"I write about how — like today the Benghazi tragedy," Clinton said.
Benghazi, she continued, "was turned into a political football, and it was aimed at undermining my credibility, my record, my accomplishments."
Clinton on 'Today': Comey's 'Intervention' Cost Election; 50-50 Chance I'd Win Now

AND boy she is 100% correct! It was a political football by Obama's administration!
Because if what Hillary told her daughter in private:n her first public statement, the secretary of state referred to the video, but made no mention of terrorists or a terrorist attack. An hour later, she sent an email to her daughter, Chelsea, that made no reference to the video, and blamed “an al Qaeda-like group.”
The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition - FactCheck.org

YET Hillary and the Obama state department including Susan Rice who went on 5 TV shows that Sunday blaming the video and Rice went on to tell Patricia Smith, the mother of State Department information specialist Sean Smith, In October 2012, Smith told CNN that then-U.N. ambassador Susan Rice said at the private meeting that the attack took place because of a video. “She talked to me personally and she said, she said, this is the way it was. It was — it was because of this film that came out,” she said.
What Benghazi family members say Hillary Clinton said about the video

I wonder WHY Obama/Hillary and the state department INSISTED as Susan Rice stated:
Susan Rice: Attack on Benghazi was Direct Response To Video

Well remember Hillary said Benghazi was a "political football" and she was right!
Remember Obama's re-election in less then 8 weeks was at risk and major investments in proudly stating that Terrorism/ ISIS "JV Team"/was dead!
Remember these bumper stickers???

Political football being simply put: If Obama didn't block the truth, i.e. failure of Obama's "fight" against Terrorism he might lose the re-election! Political football at it's worse because instead of taking the blame for security failures (See below... Obama blamed the Benghazi on the video!)
Clinton State Department silenced them on Benghazi security lapses, contractors say

Clinton State Department silenced them on Benghazi security lapses, contractors say
Lair. She blame an extremist element that came to the Consulate with heavy weapons to launch an assault.

Even Faux news reported that there was a protest at the site during the first few days after.
Hilarious to hear now that Security Contractors were told to STFU and be silent about what they knew or end up in a shallow grave along with the rest of the Clinton Body Count!
Yes republicans went out of their way to exonerate the terrorists that were behind Benghazi for political gain against Hillary. A proud moment in U.S. politics. :rolleyes:

Yes Old school, the lives meant less than the political "talking points", sad.
Jason Chaffetz and Trey Gowdy were among the Repubs who voted to cut security at Benghazi.

Then they refused Clinton's and Obama's requests for added security at Benghazi.

And then they started an "investigation" of Clinton's role in the Benghazi deaths.

RWNJs will continue to blame Clinton and Obama even though the deaths were caused by Republicans cutting security.

The kicker to all of this is that Chaffetz, knowing Clinton would win the presidency, planned to spend her entire term(s) "investigating" her. When the little bastard learned that pino trump had won, he knew he would be eaten alive and likely lose everything he owned and would ever own if he took part in the investigation of pino trump's daily illegal activities. So he "retired".

Trey Gowdy very quickly reported there was nothing to report, thus avoiding the wrath of duh donuld and being able to keep his shirt, as it were.
Hilarious to hear now that Security Contractors were told to STFU and be silent about what they knew or end up in a shallow grave along with the rest of the Clinton Body Count!
I heard this this morning. the corruption is amazing. there is no integrity with these people.
Jason Chaffetz and Trey Gowdy were among the Repubs who voted to cut security at Benghazi.

Then they refused Clinton's and Obama's requests for added security at Benghazi.

And then they started an "investigation" of Clinton's role in the Benghazi deaths.

RWNJs will continue to blame Clinton and Obama even though the deaths were caused by Republicans cutting security.

The kicker to all of this is that Chaffetz, knowing Clinton would win the presidency, planned to spend her entire term(s) "investigating" her. When the little bastard learned that pino trump had won, he knew he would be eaten alive and likely lose everything he owned and would ever own if he took part in the investigation of pino trump's daily illegal activities. So he "retired".

Trey Gowdy very quickly reported there was nothing to report, thus avoiding the wrath of duh donuld and being able to keep his shirt, as it were.
too funny. always the other guy that did it. you have no integrity ned.
Jason Chaffetz and Trey Gowdy were among the Repubs who voted to cut security at Benghazi.

Then they refused Clinton's and Obama's requests for added security at Benghazi.

And then they started an "investigation" of Clinton's role in the Benghazi deaths.

RWNJs will continue to blame Clinton and Obama even though the deaths were caused by Republicans cutting security.

The kicker to all of this is that Chaffetz, knowing Clinton would win the presidency, planned to spend her entire term(s) "investigating" her. When the little bastard learned that pino trump had won, he knew he would be eaten alive and likely lose everything he owned and would ever own if he took part in the investigation of pino trump's daily illegal activities. So he "retired".

Trey Gowdy very quickly reported there was nothing to report, thus avoiding the wrath of duh donuld and being able to keep his shirt, as it were.

Hey I don't disagree with you! Chaffetz proudly proclaimed cutting the security requests for the state department. No question.

STILL DOESN'T ALTER THE POLITICAL FOOTBALL by Obama/Hillary regarding putting the blame on some lowly video instead of being honest.
Shit... If I were them instead of blaming the video be honest and say that terrorists caused the attack on a poorly defended embassy because there were
no security funds!
BUT no... they took the dishonest lying political expedient course and blamed the video!

That's what the point of this thread: Hillary claiming Benghazi was a "political football" and she was right BECAUSE she and Obama made it so!
All they had to do was NOT send out Rice on 5 networks blaming a video. WAIT. WAIT till they got all the facts.
BUT they couldn't because it was less then 6 weeks till election and besides they had all these bumper stickers!!!
Hilarious to hear now that Security Contractors were told to STFU and be silent about what they knew or end up in a shallow grave along with the rest of the Clinton Body Count!
I heard this this morning. the corruption is amazing. there is no integrity with these people.
Add the fact the security contractors were sworn to silence about what happened, that James Comey knowingly allowed Clinton to violate the Preservation Order and Bleach Bit 33,000 emails, and the fact that Comey Exonerated Clinton months in advance prior to hearing testimony from Clinton and 16 other witnesses, and you have a cover up far more massive, and corruption far more serious and exponentially worse than Watergate.
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Hilarious to hear now that Security Contractors were told to STFU and be silent about what they knew or end up in a shallow grave along with the rest of the Clinton Body Count!
I heard this this morning. the corruption is amazing. there is no integrity with these people.
Add the fact the security contractors were sworn to silence about what happened, that James Comey knowingly allowed Clinton to violate the Preservation Order and Bleach Bit 33,000 emails, and the fact that Comey Exonerated Clinton months in advance prior to hearing testimony from Clinton and 16 other witnesses, and you have a coverup far more massive, and corruption far more serious and exponentially worse than Watergate.

Comey, Clinton, Lynch should be under INDICTMENT.
Saw a clip this morning some gal asking for a signature from Hitlery at her book signing and the gal asking hitlery where the 33k emails were and where did the money from Haiti go. funny stuff, challenged at her book signing. I loved it. I'm going to look for it, since it was filmed.
Hilarious to hear now that Security Contractors were told to STFU and be silent about what they knew or end up in a shallow grave along with the rest of the Clinton Body Count!
I heard this this morning. the corruption is amazing. there is no integrity with these people.
Add the fact the security contractors were sworn to silence about what happened, that James Comey knowingly allowed Clinton to violate the Preservation Order and Bleach Bit 33,000 emails, and the fact that Comey Exonerated Clinton months in advance prior to hearing testimony from Clinton and 16 other witnesses, and you have a coverup far more massive, and corruption far more serious and exponentially worse than Watergate.

Comey, Clinton, Lynch should be under INDICTMENT.
Saw a clip this morning some gal asking for a signature from Hitlery at her book signing and the gal asking hitlery where the 33k emails were and where did the money from Haiti go. funny stuff, challenged at her book signing. I loved it. I'm going to look for it, since it was filmed.
here is the clip, great stuff


  • Benghazi was an Illegal Weapons Dump that Clinton and Obama were using to illegally funnel weapons to Al Queda in Libya. Sounds just like Fast and Furious, does it not? Same M.O.
  • Clinton had a Private Illegal Unsecured Server that Comey swears WAS NEVER HACKED.
  • Clinton sends Copies of Classified Emails to Sid Blumenthal to tip him off to Weapons Purchases so she, he, and a close circle of "friends" can cash in on insider trading through the Secret Server to avoid being detected by State Department Monitoring and State Department IT security.
  • Blumenthal's account gets hacked and this email finds its way to The Very Al Queda Terrorists Clinton and Obama Hired to Assassinate Qaddafi, and start a Coup in Libya and the Terrorists ATTACK the Illegal Benghazi weapons depot to get those weapons.
  • Clinton & Obama, knowing this do nothing for 13 hours, letting Benghazi burn to Cover Up Clinton and Obama's Crimes.
  • Security Contractors were told to STFU or else over what they knew about Benghazi.
  • Clinton comes under increasing scrutiny, and lies her ass off in front of Congress. She only had one device (17 of them were smashed with hammers) She lied about the reason for the attack (A video instead of an intercepted email and illegal weapons dump) She and Obama lied about their responses to repeated pleas for increased security at Benghazi....600 requests denied.
  • Obama, Rice and Lynch ALL LIE about knowing about this Secret Server, as they not only knew about it, but they emailed Clinton using Aliases to discuss GOD KNOWS WHAT!
  • The Public finds out about The Secret Server, and Comey is forced to Investigate it, but is told by Lynch to call it a matter (obstruction of justice) He is so upset by this that he does absolutely nothing about it, does not report it, and not only that, complies with Lynch's unlawful order.
  • Comey KNOWINGLY allows Clinton to "Clean the Server of Personal Emails about Yoga Pants and Wedding Plans" in direct violation of two Subpoenas against the server to preserve ALL OF THE EMAILS ON IT.
  • Clinton Bleach Bits the shit out of her server and NUKES 33,000 Emails.
  • The Entire Clinton Staff is given IMMUNITY....BEFORE THEY ARE INTERVIEWED.
  • No testimony is EVER RECORDED....NONE....like they were NEVER INTERVIEWED.
  • Hillary's Private IT Pro-Hacker is given immunity (before he is interviewed) and still pleads the 5th 256 times.
  • Despite Clinton's Bleach Bit attempts, The FBI still finds tons of violations of US code dealing with Espionage and Classified Intel. Comey, being the Obedient Political Croney he is, simply stands up like Leslie Nielson on Police Squad and tells America that Clinton was too stupid to Prosecute...."Nothing To See Here Folks!"
  • Then we find out, Comey planned on Exonerating Clinton several Months Earlier and was dumb enough to put it in writing so he had a few months to craft the perfect cover story.
  • No doubt then Comey was criminally involved in a cover up, and this explains his obfuscation, his helping the White House conduct espionage on The Trump Campaign, his refusal to go after and investigate leakers & unmaskers....and his being a leaker himself, is in my opinion why Comey orchestrated getting Mueller appointed Special Council to save his own bacon.

Comey, Clinton, Lynch, Rice and Obama should be under INDICTMENT.

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Hillary has turned avoiding responsibility into an art form.
Hillary is full of shit and so is anyone who continues to defend her by lying, denying, justifying for her.

The latest news reveals security for the Benghazi compound was a F*ing JOKE - a State Department Official who believes guns are not necessary to protect US Ambassadors - even when they are surrounded by Al Qaeda and have been attacked twice before, hiring a tiny foreign company whose employees have never carried weapons and have never been in such a high threat environment, denying requests for additional security from Ambassador Stevens more than 50 times - after 2 previous terrorist attacks...and even then REMOVING some of Stevens' security team members...after refusing to take Americans out of Benghazi after every other nation had done so with their people.

Hillary Clinton demonstrated she could not run an AGENCY, let alone a country, had no control of the people in her AGENCY, let alone an entire country, could not protect a tiny portion of the US population (US Ambassadors and State Department employees) let alone EVERY American, and when things went to shit she lied her ass off and blamed everyone from fictitious protestors of a video, a US filmmaker exercising his right of Constitutional Right of Freedom of Speech, and Republicans for her F*-Up.

Hillary, Democrats, and snowflakes CONTINUE to say, as the OP demonstrates, "4 Americans were NEEDLESSLY allowed to die at the hands of terrorists ... what difference does it make?!"
Hilarious to hear now that Security Contractors were told to STFU and be silent about what they knew or end up in a shallow grave along with the rest of the Clinton Body Count!
I heard this this morning. the corruption is amazing. there is no integrity with these people.
Add the fact the security contractors were sworn to silence about what happened, that James Comey knowingly allowed Clinton to violate the Preservation Order and Bleach Bit 33,000 emails, and the fact that Comey Exonerated Clinton months in advance prior to hearing testimony from Clinton and 16 other witnesses, and you have a coverup far more massive, and corruption far more serious and exponentially worse than Watergate.

Comey, Clinton, Lynch should be under INDICTMENT.
Saw a clip this morning some gal asking for a signature from Hitlery at her book signing and the gal asking hitlery where the 33k emails were and where did the money from Haiti go. funny stuff, challenged at her book signing. I loved it. I'm going to look for it, since it was filmed.

Just in case people are unaware of your Haiti comment...

The Clinton family’s charitable work in Haiti has been a mix of success, disappointment and controversy. As our Washington Post colleagues reported, some Clinton-backed projects didn’t come through, such as a $2 million housing expo for thousands of new housing units. The Government Accountability Office found poor planning and unsustainable outcomes for taxpayer-funded projects through USAID, such as a $170 million power plant and port for the Caracol Industrial Park, which the Clinton Foundation promoted.
Hillary Clinton’s younger brother had connections to a mining project in Haiti, raising suspicions among Haitians about the Clintons’ motives. Luxury hotel projects paid by the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund promised construction jobs — but for Haitians, it represented another disconnect between Clinton-backed efforts and the realities of one of the poorest countries struggling to rebuild after one of the worst humanitarian disasters in the Western Hemisphere.

There’s real frustration among Haitians over failures in progress promised to them, not just by the Clintons but from the international community at large. In 2015, Haitian activists protested outside the Clinton Foundation in New York, claiming the Clintons mismanaged hundreds of millions in taxpayer money through the Interim Haiti Reconstruction Commission.
Did the Clinton Foundation raise ‘hundreds of millions of dollars’ for a hospital in Haiti that was never built?

Perhaps no Clinton Foundation endeavor better highlights the consequences of marrying politics and philanthropy than the staggering failure of the Caracol Industrial Park, once the flagship project of the Haiti reconstruction effort.

The foundation promised it would one day create up to 60,000 jobs for northern Haitians while revitalizing the country's flagging garment industry. As of September 2015 — three years after the park was completed and officially opened for business — it was home to just 8,648 jobs, according to a generous estimate from a local newspaper. Other estimates continue to place the number of jobs in the Caracol complex around 2,000.

Clinton Foundation critics revive scrutiny of Haiti failures in hurricane aftermath
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political football, is that what we are calling four dead Americans?
political football, is that what we are calling four dead Americans?
That's what Hillary called it...
"I write about how — like today the Benghazi tragedy," Clinton said.
Benghazi, she continued, "was turned into a political football, and it was aimed at undermining my credibility, my record, my accomplishments."

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