Hillary is SO Desperate to Stay OUT of Prison She Has Sunk to Attempting to BRIBE Obama


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
LINK: Hillary: Hey, wouldn’t it be great to have … Supreme Court Justice Barack Obama?

The FBI has more than enough to justify a Grand Jury and the indictment of Hillary Clinton on charges of crimes under the Espionage Act and of Corruption. Such a call, in fact, is expected as soon as within the next month. The FBI has let it be known that if the DOJ or Obama refuses to act on their request / recommendation that they will release all of their findings to the public and the head of the FBI would consider stepping down in protest. Hillary just opined how she is in 'the greatest fight of her life'. She KNOWS she's in deep fecal matter and KNOWS the only thing that can save her should such a call be made by the FBI is if the DOJ / Obama refuses to take action....

SO, in an attempt to ensure that happens, knowing the Obamas have no love for the Clintons, Hillary floats the idea / 'offer' of appointing Barak Obama to the US Supreme Court (despite the fact that the GOP would NEVER EVER go along with such a nomination)...with the unspoken understanding that he makes sure the DOJ does not call for a Grand Jury or allow her indictment to happen...


At a campaign event in Decorah, Iowa, a voter asked the Democratic presidential contender if she would consider making such a move.

“Wow, what a great idea. Nobody has ever suggested that to me. Wow, I love that, wow,” the Democratic presidential candidate responded. “He may have a few other things to do, but I tell you that’s a great idea.”

Clinton acknowledged that the next president might have the opportunity to appoint several Supreme Court justices. Nearly half of the court — four of the nine justices — has served on it for 20 to 30 years and are either over the age of 80 or approaching it. …

“He’s brilliant and he can set forth an argument and he was a law professor. He’s got all the credentials,” Clinton added about Mr. Obama’s qualifications.


NO, of COURSE no one has thought of suggesting / hinting at a USSC appointment for Obama should Hillary be protecte..., er, win the DNC nomination and the Presidency - Offering the man who can save her criminal ass a life-time appointment as a SC Justice.....which she can only do if she is NOT in prison....

Nope, purely 'coincidence'.....

What a 'brilliant idea'...

Quite the double-standard here.

If a Republican were to suggest such a thing there would be no end to the criticism. Fox is so busy trashing the Republican frontrunner they haven't even touched this one. Just shows us where their true priorities lie.
I heard the interview, she was asked if she would appoint him. She said he was brilliant so yeah she would think about it. Shows how much she knows about Obama and his understanding of the COTUS.
"Shows how much she knows about Obama and his understanding of the COTUS."

She has demonstrated concern for protecting and upholding the Constitution takes a back seat to the desires and what is in the best interest of Hillary Clinton / the Clintons. If giving B.O. a nomination for a seat on the USSC will buy her protection from conviction/prison it is a 'small price to pay'.
"Shows how much she knows about Obama and his understanding of the COTUS."

She has demonstrated concern for protecting and upholding the Constitution takes a back seat to the desires and what is in the best interest of Hillary Clinton / the Clintons. If giving B.O. a nomination for a seat on the USSC will buy her protection from conviction/prison it is a 'small price to pay'.

It won't happen, Obama has hardly worked a day in his life, he is not up to starting now.
Quite the double-standard here.

If a Republican were to suggest such a thing there would be no end to the criticism. Fox is so busy trashing the Republican frontrunner they haven't even touched this one. Just shows us where their true priorities lie.

...and this is relevant to the OP- how? Try using your frontal cortex, for a change (if you still have one).

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