Hillary is a phony


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
I found this article by Rush. He really nails it:

Mrs. Clinton Just Can t Pull It Off

RUSH: I do not want to make the mistake of assuming something is happening prematurely. Nevertheless, ladies and gentlemen, I have to note that I am a bit surprised at the frequency, and even the number, of really negative or less-than-flattering suck-up stories about Hillary Clinton from the Drive-By Media.

Now, what we know, what we have learned -- I take it back. You and I have known this since the nineties. She's a phony. There are no coincidences with the Clintons. Nothing just spontaneously happens. Everything is orchestrated; everything is planned; everything is staged. That is, everything that's intended for public consumption. Her spontaneous road trip in the van is phony. Her unscripted sit-downs with, quote, unquote, everyday Americans, are phony. They are Democrat operatives who are being driven to the events. They are Hillary donors in some cases. They are Obama donors in other cases.

They have worked on Obama or other Democrat candidate campaigns. But they are not everyday people. They didn't just happen to be wherever Hillary just happened to decide to stop. And then just happened to stroll in. While just happening to wear dark glasses. Just happening and hoping not to be recognized -- with 15 cameras in tow. Her claim to care about everyday Americans is phony, as evidenced by, well, her life. The way the Clintons have been reported to treat White House staff, uniformed military people at the White House, stories from the nineties are legion about that.

Her social media numbers are phony. Over half of her Twitter, whatever they are, tweets, are fake. The people are fake, they don't exist. She is paying $38 per Facebook like. Now, the UK media is all over this, particularly the UK Daily Mail. They're all over it, but now we're starting to see on American television, if not yet in print -- that's the next domino to fall -- but some traditional Hillary-type supporters in television, Drive-By Media, are starting to raise questions now about her competence.

See, this is the thing. She has known for however many years that this week was coming. Am I right? She's known for how many years that this particular plan was going to be executed. With all of this time to plan it, they still can't execute it. And they can't keep it from being discovered, the truth behind it. With all of this time to execute something simple as getting in a van and driving on an American highway in a middle American state -- and deciding to stop at a roadside establishment and spontaneously sit down and have a conversation with everyday-type people -- years and years to plan that singular event, and they can't even pull that off.

I found this article by Rush. He really nails it:

Mrs. Clinton Just Can t Pull It Off

RUSH: I do not want to make the mistake of assuming something is happening prematurely. Nevertheless, ladies and gentlemen, I have to note that I am a bit surprised at the frequency, and even the number, of really negative or less-than-flattering suck-up stories about Hillary Clinton from the Drive-By Media.

Now, what we know, what we have learned -- I take it back. You and I have known this since the nineties. She's a phony. There are no coincidences with the Clintons. Nothing just spontaneously happens. Everything is orchestrated; everything is planned; everything is staged. That is, everything that's intended for public consumption. Her spontaneous road trip in the van is phony. Her unscripted sit-downs with, quote, unquote, everyday Americans, are phony. They are Democrat operatives who are being driven to the events. They are Hillary donors in some cases. They are Obama donors in other cases.

They have worked on Obama or other Democrat candidate campaigns. But they are not everyday people. They didn't just happen to be wherever Hillary just happened to decide to stop. And then just happened to stroll in. While just happening to wear dark glasses. Just happening and hoping not to be recognized -- with 15 cameras in tow. Her claim to care about everyday Americans is phony, as evidenced by, well, her life. The way the Clintons have been reported to treat White House staff, uniformed military people at the White House, stories from the nineties are legion about that.

Her social media numbers are phony. Over half of her Twitter, whatever they are, tweets, are fake. The people are fake, they don't exist. She is paying $38 per Facebook like. Now, the UK media is all over this, particularly the UK Daily Mail. They're all over it, but now we're starting to see on American television, if not yet in print -- that's the next domino to fall -- but some traditional Hillary-type supporters in television, Drive-By Media, are starting to raise questions now about her competence.

See, this is the thing. She has known for however many years that this week was coming. Am I right? She's known for how many years that this particular plan was going to be executed. With all of this time to plan it, they still can't execute it. And they can't keep it from being discovered, the truth behind it. With all of this time to execute something simple as getting in a van and driving on an American highway in a middle American state -- and deciding to stop at a roadside establishment and spontaneously sit down and have a conversation with everyday-type people -- years and years to plan that singular event, and they can't even pull that off.

Yes, it's common knowledge. I think that anyone that has followed politics long enough knows what has taken place over the years. Your point is?
I found this article by Rush. He really nails it:

Mrs. Clinton Just Can t Pull It Off

RUSH: I do not want to make the mistake of assuming something is happening prematurely. Nevertheless, ladies and gentlemen, I have to note that I am a bit surprised at the frequency, and even the number, of really negative or less-than-flattering suck-up stories about Hillary Clinton from the Drive-By Media.

Now, what we know, what we have learned -- I take it back. You and I have known this since the nineties. She's a phony. There are no coincidences with the Clintons. Nothing just spontaneously happens. Everything is orchestrated; everything is planned; everything is staged. That is, everything that's intended for public consumption. Her spontaneous road trip in the van is phony. Her unscripted sit-downs with, quote, unquote, everyday Americans, are phony. They are Democrat operatives who are being driven to the events. They are Hillary donors in some cases. They are Obama donors in other cases.

They have worked on Obama or other Democrat candidate campaigns. But they are not everyday people. They didn't just happen to be wherever Hillary just happened to decide to stop. And then just happened to stroll in. While just happening to wear dark glasses. Just happening and hoping not to be recognized -- with 15 cameras in tow. Her claim to care about everyday Americans is phony, as evidenced by, well, her life. The way the Clintons have been reported to treat White House staff, uniformed military people at the White House, stories from the nineties are legion about that.

Her social media numbers are phony. Over half of her Twitter, whatever they are, tweets, are fake. The people are fake, they don't exist. She is paying $38 per Facebook like. Now, the UK media is all over this, particularly the UK Daily Mail. They're all over it, but now we're starting to see on American television, if not yet in print -- that's the next domino to fall -- but some traditional Hillary-type supporters in television, Drive-By Media, are starting to raise questions now about her competence.

See, this is the thing. She has known for however many years that this week was coming. Am I right? She's known for how many years that this particular plan was going to be executed. With all of this time to plan it, they still can't execute it. And they can't keep it from being discovered, the truth behind it. With all of this time to execute something simple as getting in a van and driving on an American highway in a middle American state -- and deciding to stop at a roadside establishment and spontaneously sit down and have a conversation with everyday-type people -- years and years to plan that singular event, and they can't even pull that off.

Yes, it's common knowledge. I think that anyone that has followed politics long enough knows what has taken place over the years. Your point is?

Other politicians aren't nearly as afflicted with the disease as Hillary.
I found this article by Rush. He really nails it:

Mrs. Clinton Just Can t Pull It Off

RUSH: I do not want to make the mistake of assuming something is happening prematurely. Nevertheless, ladies and gentlemen, I have to note that I am a bit surprised at the frequency, and even the number, of really negative or less-than-flattering suck-up stories about Hillary Clinton from the Drive-By Media.

Now, what we know, what we have learned -- I take it back. You and I have known this since the nineties. She's a phony. There are no coincidences with the Clintons. Nothing just spontaneously happens. Everything is orchestrated; everything is planned; everything is staged. That is, everything that's intended for public consumption. Her spontaneous road trip in the van is phony. Her unscripted sit-downs with, quote, unquote, everyday Americans, are phony. They are Democrat operatives who are being driven to the events. They are Hillary donors in some cases. They are Obama donors in other cases.

They have worked on Obama or other Democrat candidate campaigns. But they are not everyday people. They didn't just happen to be wherever Hillary just happened to decide to stop. And then just happened to stroll in. While just happening to wear dark glasses. Just happening and hoping not to be recognized -- with 15 cameras in tow. Her claim to care about everyday Americans is phony, as evidenced by, well, her life. The way the Clintons have been reported to treat White House staff, uniformed military people at the White House, stories from the nineties are legion about that.

Her social media numbers are phony. Over half of her Twitter, whatever they are, tweets, are fake. The people are fake, they don't exist. She is paying $38 per Facebook like. Now, the UK media is all over this, particularly the UK Daily Mail. They're all over it, but now we're starting to see on American television, if not yet in print -- that's the next domino to fall -- but some traditional Hillary-type supporters in television, Drive-By Media, are starting to raise questions now about her competence.

See, this is the thing. She has known for however many years that this week was coming. Am I right? She's known for how many years that this particular plan was going to be executed. With all of this time to plan it, they still can't execute it. And they can't keep it from being discovered, the truth behind it. With all of this time to execute something simple as getting in a van and driving on an American highway in a middle American state -- and deciding to stop at a roadside establishment and spontaneously sit down and have a conversation with everyday-type people -- years and years to plan that singular event, and they can't even pull that off.

Yes, it's common knowledge. I think that anyone that has followed politics long enough knows what has taken place over the years. Your point is?

Other politicians aren't nearly as afflicted with the disease as Hillary.
It may be because everyone hasn't had their dirty laundry exposed yet. If someone has been in politics long enough, they have dirty laundry. Politics is corruption, favoritism, and everyone plays the game, no exceptions. They all take money and favors from the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. They have all done something that they would never want brought to the public light. Hillary has had more exposure than many, therefore a lot more has been looked into and exposed.

Given enough time, anyone that is spot lighted, is eventually probed from the time they were born until the time they die. And, remember, politics is a dirty game. The least little slip-up will be magnified to the nth degree.
Anyone who doesn't think Hillary is a phony, is also a liar.

Dims are all phonies. They get caught spiking their audiences with plants all the times. "Democrat" is a euphemism meaning "liar," "fake," "hosebag."
Are those who threw hillary under the bus, during the first obama run for the Presidency, seriously going to act as if she is the one?

What difference does it make? I am sure they will say
Anyone who doesn't think Hillary is a phony, is also a liar.

Dims are all phonies. They get caught spiking their audiences with plants all the times. "Democrat" is a euphemism meaning "liar," "fake," "hosebag."


Your posts are always so intellectually stimulating.
Not predictable or biased at all.
You are always so intellectually vacuous. VERY predictable, very biased.
What's sad is deep down her supporters know this...and they don't care

And who do you want? the Gop's seem to be so ignorant.

Oh the irony, have you seen Cruz resume? Of course not you are a liberal drone.
Seems they like Rubio : (and money rules)

Billionaire Casino Magnate Sheldon Aldelson's Israeli Paper Is Obsessed With Marco Rubio

—By Sam Brodey

| Wed Apr. 15, 2015 6:02 PM EDT

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who announced his campaign on Monday, already has one billionaire backer—Norman Braman, a Miami car dealer. But Rubio also seems to have impressed Adelson himself.

Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies, also known as Crossroads GPS, is a right-wing political group created in June 2010 by GOP political operatives and "advised" by Karl Rove and former Republican National Committee chairman Ed Gillespie to support Republican political candidates. It is often described as a "dark money" group because it is organized as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit and does not disclose its donors, despite spending millions to influence political campaigns

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