Hillary Clinton's Crimes

I'm impressed that you, an anonymous poster on a message board claims to have better legal judgment than the head of the FBI.

It is not that what I point out as fact that is 'impressive' as much as that it is SAD - no, CRIMINAL - that the Director of the FBI openly testified before Congress and openly declared Hillary Clinton broke the law and then used un-precedented, legally UN-acceptable justification for refusing to have Hillary indicted when EVERY lawyer in the United States KNOWS that the legal precedence has been set that ignorance to the law is not a legally acceptable defense for breaking the law.

It is sad that YOU do not know that.

It is sad that the US Federal Government / Obama administration put on full display this charade in front of the nation and failed to enforce the laws in this country.

Furthermore, it is sad that Americans were either too partisan, too ignorant, or too indifferent to know Hillary broke laws and did not rise up and demand that Hillary be prosecuted, if for no other reason than to prove NO ONE is above the law in this nation.
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Were those issues covered in any of the numerous republican lead investigations? Why didn't they find wrong doing?
These were found. The Director of the FBI testified under oath before Congress and stated Hillary Clinton broke laws. The Obama administration refused to prosecu8te Hillary Clinton.

Really? Who exactly made that call? Was that person directly ordered by Obama to not prosecute?
Troll, the issue has been addressed. You want so desperately to blame Trump for Hillary not being prosecuted, but it is beyond obvious that all of this unfolded under Obama. You fail - you lose! Once again snowflakes attempt to blame Trump without basis. Go away.

The point of this thread is pointing out Hillary broke the law and providing the statues / laws (some) she broke.

There is no way to deny she broke the law. The evidence is black and white. Hillary is an un-convicted criminal, un-convicted because she was protected.
I'm impressed that you, an anonymous poster on a message board claims to have better legal judgment than the head of the FBI.

It is not that what I point out as fact is 'impressive' as much as that it is SAD - no, CRIMINAL - that the Director of the FBI openly testified before Congress and openly declared Hillary Clinton broke the law and then used un-precedented, legally UN-acceptable justification for refusing to have Hillary indicted when EVERY lawyer in the United states KNOWS that the legal precedence has been set that ignorance to the law is not a legally acceptable defense for breaking the law.

It is sad that YOU do not know that.

It is sad that the US Federal Government / Obama administration put on full display this charade in front of the nation and failed to enforce the laws in this country.

Furthermore, it is sad that Americans were either too partisan, too ignorant, or too indifferent to know Hillary broke laws and did not rise up and demand that Hillary be prosecuted, if for no other reason (ignoring our Rule of Law) than to prove NO ONE is above the law in this nation.

I guess it's possible you could be right, but it's more likely that you're just whining because what you wanted didn't happen. Lots of nut jobs start out just like you, and end up with a tinfoil hat and sign on the street corner. You might want to check with Dale Smith for details on that. You are certainly having a hard time accepting reality.
Were those issues covered in any of the numerous republican lead investigations? Why didn't they find wrong doing?
These were found. The Director of the FBI testified under oath before Congress and stated Hillary Clinton broke laws. The Obama administration refused to prosecu8te Hillary Clinton.

Really? Who exactly made that call? Was that person directly ordered by Obama to not prosecute?
Troll, the issue has been addressed. You want so desperately to blame Trump for Hillary not being prosecuted, but it is beyond obvious that all of this unfolded under Obama. You fail - you lose! Once again snowflakes attempt to blame Trump without basis. Go away.

The point of this thread is pointing out Hillary broke the law and providing the statues / laws (some) she broke.

There is no way to deny she broke the law. The evidence is black and white. Hillary is an un-convicted criminal, un-convicted because she was protected.

If that's the point of this thread, then you failed.
I guess it's possible you could be right, but it's more likely that you're just whining because what you wanted didn't happen.

You are partially right.

I did not want the Democrats to run a career-long corrupt criminal - the worst candidate in US history, so bad they had to rig elections and debates to help her take the nomination being freely offered to her.

I did not want the worst 2 candidates that could possibly offered as nominees for President.

I did not want, during the election, for Democrats to engage in violence, rioting, arson, looting, terrorism...for the Democratic party Candidate's campaign to be funding violence against Americans who supported the other candidate.

I did not want the President of the United States to illegally share info, unmask Americans, and facilitate Felony Espionage in an attempt to undermine the in-coming President.

I did not want, after the election, for Democrats to engage in terrorism by threatening the lives of Electoral Voters in an attempt to effect the outcome of the election (WHICH IS A HELLUVA LOT WORSE THAN RUSSIAN HACKERS TRYING TO HACK SOME TRONS).

I did not want partisan Americans calling for military coups and for the assassination of the newly elected President.

I wanted the Democrats to accept their own advice: 'Elections have consequences' and 'If you want change, WIN some election'...not engage in terrorism, subversion, sedition, treason, and breaking laws!

I did not want Hillary to break the laws that she most certainly did break, as Comey pointed out - SHE did that.

WHY can't liberals actually be TRULY honest and own up to what Hillary and the Democrats did.
Snowflakes continue to declare, ignorantly, that Hillary Clinton never broke the law by using an UN-Authorized, UN-Encrypted, UN-secured private server and e-mail.

Aside from the fact that she violated the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Records Act, here are a few laws Hillary broke:

18 U.S. Code § 798 - Disclosure of classified information

"Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, or publishes, or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States any classified information—

(2) concerning the design, construction, use, maintenance, or repair of any device, apparatus, or appliance used or prepared or planned for use by the United States or any foreign government for cryptographic or communication intelligence purposes;"

Hillary illegally gave access to classified information to persons who had no security clearance:
- Her It Tech
- The IT Tech company who maintained the server and stored her classified computer in their BATHROOM
- Her lawyers
- Her MAID

Dept of State: Volume 12 Foreign Affairs Manual 544. TL:DS-46; 06-08-1995

Sensitive But Unclassified Handling Procedures: Transmission, Mailing, Safeguarding/Storage, and Destruction Regardless of method, transmission of SBU information should be effected through means that limit the potential for unauthorized public disclosure.

Department of State: Volume 5 Foreign Affairs Manual 751.2. TL:IM-39; 06-13-2003

Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) e-mail may be transmitted on the unclassified INTRANET. SBU information marked NOFORN or with other restricted distribution must be transmitted on the classified INTRANET. SBU e-mail may not be transmitted over the INTERNET.

The Intranet is a classified system on a closed / secure network. Hillary's server / e-mail was NOT on the Intranet. They were not secure or encrypted. Hillary most definitely, ILLEGALLY, transmitted SBU material (hell, she transmitted Classified) over the INTERnet.

Transportation Security Administration: 49 CFR 1520 – Protection of Sensitive Security Information AND 49 CFR 1520 – Protection of Sensitive Security Information

Defines Sensitive Security Information (SSI) and states Persons subject to the requirements of part 1520 are considered “covered persons” who have a duty to protect information by adhering to restrictions on the disclosure of SSI. To this end, a covered person must take reasonable steps to safeguard SSI, may disclose or provide access to SSI only to other covered persons with a need to know, must mark SSI in a specified manner, dispose of SSI in a specified manner, and report unauthorized disclosures.

Hillary illegally gave access to classified information to individuals who had no security clearances and failed to report those violations.

46 CFR 503.59 - Safeguarding classified information

All classified information shall be afforded a level of protection against unauthorized disclosure commensurate with its level of classification.

(b) Whenever classified material is removed from a storage facility, such material shall not be left unattended and shall be protected by attaching an appropriate classified document cover sheet to each classified document.

(c) Classified information being transmitted from one Commission office to another shall be protected with a classified document cover sheet and hand delivered by an appropriately cleared person to another appropriately cleared person.

Classified information shall be made available to a recipient only when the authorized holder of the classified information has determined that:

(1) The prospective recipient has a valid security clearance at least commensurate with the level of classification of the information; and

(3) Not to publish or otherwise reveal to unauthorized persons any classified information

These are just a very few of the crimes Hillary committed / laws / regs Hillary broke.

As mentioned, add on:

Violating the FOIA and Federal Records Act

Obstruction of Justice (Bleachbit her server, deleted evidence after her server / e-mails were subpoenaed.)

46 CFR 503.59 - Safeguarding classified information.

what laws cover protecting, securing, transporting, providing illegal access to classified information - Bing

But Comey said she didn't mean to do that so move on.

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I guess it's possible you could be right, but it's more likely that you're just whining because what you wanted didn't happen.

You are partially right.

I did not want the Democrats to run a career-long corrupt criminal - the worst candidate in US history, so bad they had to rig elections and debates to help her take the nomination being freely offered to her.

I did not want the worst 2 candidates that could possibly offered as nominees for President.

I did not want, during the election, for Democrats to engage in violence, rioting, arson, looting, terrorism...for the Democratic party Candidate's campaign to be funding violence against Americans who supported the other candidate.

I did not want the President of the United States to illegally share info, unmask Americans, and facilitate Felony Espionage in an attempt to undermine the in-coming President.

I did not want, after the election, for Democrats to engage in terrorism by threatening the lives of Electoral Voters in an attempt to effect the outcome of the election (WHICH IS A HELLUVA LOT WORSE THAN RUSSIAN HACKERS TRYING TO HACK SOME TRONS).

I did not want partisan Americans calling for military coups and for the assassination of the newly elected President.

I wanted the Democrats to accept their own advice: 'Elections have consequences' and 'If you want change, WIN some election'...not engage in terrorism, subversion, sedition, treason, and breaking laws!

I did not want Hillary to break the laws that she most certainly did break, as Comey pointed out - SHE did that.

WHY can't liberals actually be TRULY honest and own up to what Hillary and the Democrats did.

Why can't you show wrong doing? Your claim that our legal system is controlled by democrats for democrats is stupid.
[Why can't you show wrong doing?

That's it, Troll... I am putting you on IGNORE for a while. Re-read the initial post. It lists SOME of the exact crimes Hillary Clinton committed.

As I walk away from your BS, redeem yourself by answering 1 question:

It is illegal - a CRIME - to give anyone without a security clearance access to classified material. It has been proven Hillary gave access to classified information to her IT tech, the IT company that stored her server in their bathroom, her lawyers, and even her MAID - none of whom had security clearances.

Are you SERIOUSLY claiming Hillary did NOT break the law by giving them access to classified information? REALLY?
Were those issues covered in any of the numerous republican lead investigations? Why didn't they find wrong doing?
These were found. The Director of the FBI testified under oath before Congress and stated Hillary Clinton broke laws. The Obama administration refused to prosecu8te Hillary Clinton.

Really? Who exactly made that call? Was that person directly ordered by Obama to not prosecute?

Remember it was Bill that was on the attorney generals plane secretly a couple days before she was let go, just looks bad doesn't it.

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Remember it was Bill that was on the attorney generals plane secretly a couple days before she was let go, just looks bad doesn't it.

Former FBI Director James Comey just testified under oath that former Obama US AG attempted to undermine / obstruct the Hillary investigation and that the meeting between Lynch and Clinton proved to him that the independence of the DOJ in regards to the Clinton investigation was TAINTED!

Comey says former Obama AG pressured him on Clinton email case
Were those issues covered in any of the numerous republican lead investigations? Why didn't they find wrong doing?
These were found. The Director of the FBI testified under oath before Congress and stated Hillary Clinton broke laws. The Obama administration refused to prosecu8te Hillary Clinton.

Really? Who exactly made that call? Was that person directly ordered by Obama to not prosecute?

Remember it was Bill that was on the attorney generals plane secretly a couple days before she was let go, just looks bad doesn't it.

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Which part of that was secret?
I've never "declared"Secty Clinton did not break the law.

I've said there's no PROOF she broke the law.

Carry on little RWNJ cupcakes. The right has been trying for 30 years to find PROOF that the Clinton's have committed crimes. So far, they've failed but hey, maybe next time ...


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Were those issues covered in any of the numerous republican lead investigations? Why didn't they find wrong doing?
These were found. The Director of the FBI testified under oath before Congress and stated Hillary Clinton broke laws. The Obama administration refused to prosecu8te Hillary Clinton.


When did that happen? EXACTLY who swore to (EXACTLY) what?

Link please.

Edited to add - I've read the above and you still haven't made a case that would stand up in court.


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Really ticks me off that lying hypocrites, Jason Caffetz and utterly repulsive Trey Gowdy, who, as we know, we're relentless in going after Secty Clinton - were among the Repubs who voted to cut security funding for American embassies AND refused requests for funding increases made by both Secty Clinton and President Obama.

Slimy Chaffetz said he planned to start in again after she was elected president. When Repub lies succeeding in getting the utterly crooked and incompetent cheeto "elected", he knew he would have to take on investigating RussiaGate and, the smarmy little chicken shit turned tail and ran.

Now, the two parties are most certainly not the two sides of the same coin.


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