Hillary Clintons Career of Crime and Scandal in One Video


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Great video. Her friends fall and go to jail or commit Arkacide, but she ALWAYS gets away with it.

How can anyone vote for this maniac?

This video also explores the way Clintons use their power to reward their friends and punish their enemies through abuse of power.

People talk a lot about the Clinton Body Count, but what about the Clinton Crony Conviction Count? How may of their friends and close allies have had to go to prison on felony charges?

How many times have they been investigated as compared to Obama?

That speaks volumes more about the nature of these two of Billary Inc than coincidental deaths can.
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Thank you for reminding me of all the previous scandals. Liberal bots will not open that video. They have their head in the sand. For those who are still on the fence, listen to this. You may just jump off that fence.
Jim, this is the best video report on Hillary Clinton that I've ever seen. It looks like it is going viral. 14,948,945 views. Americans are waking up!

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