Hillary Clinton Used $800K from Campaign Funds for New Resistance Group


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Is she hiring leftist thugs to show up at rallies of her political opponents? They don't come cheap you know.

"Failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has sent $800,000 from her campaign funds to her new political action group, Federal Election Commission filings show.

Clinton announced her intent to be "part of the resistance" in May with the formation of Onward Together, a political action group that will fund a number of established "resistance" groups that can quickly counter President Trump with direct action and protests.

The group is dedicated to "encouraging people to organize, get involved, and run for office" and advancing "progressive values and work to build a brighter future for generations to come," according to its mission statement."

Hillary Clinton Sent $800K from Campaign Funds to Her New 'Resistance' Group
As she said, she is part of the resistance. Crazy Bernie is agitating as well.

The radical left may be pushing for revolution...a bloody one. They want to reenact 1917....Russian Revolution.
Christ, she's a pig. Wish she would just waddle in her own mud puddle and forget the drama. She's a has been now and nobody wants her.
Of course she did, she is gonna do everything she can to make life miserable.
why hasnt the IRS asked Hillary where she got 10 Million to buy Chelsea an apt?

You could figure it out for yourself. Clinton has published all of her tax returns for the past 30 years, and all of the audited Clinton FoundationTax Returns are on their website.

This would mean that you, a conservative, would actually have to look something up instead of waiting for Trump, or Info Wars to tell you what to think.

I won't hold my breathe.
Is she hiring leftist thugs to show up at rallies of her political opponents? They don't come cheap you know.

"Failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has sent $800,000 from her campaign funds to her new political action group, Federal Election Commission filings show.

Clinton announced her intent to be "part of the resistance" in May with the formation of Onward Together, a political action group that will fund a number of established "resistance" groups that can quickly counter President Trump with direct action and protests.

The group is dedicated to "encouraging people to organize, get involved, and run for office" and advancing "progressive values and work to build a brighter future for generations to come," according to its mission statement."

Hillary Clinton Sent $800K from Campaign Funds to Her New 'Resistance' Group
Boy does politics pay, BIGTIME!

All of these progressives can only dream to have the kind of cash she has.
Boy does politics pay, BIGTIME!

All of these progressives can only dream to have the kind of cash she has.

Progressives don't believe in piles of cash. Piles of cash must be redistributed to those, according to their needs. Right? :biggrin:
Is she hiring leftist thugs to show up at rallies of her political opponents? They don't come cheap you know.

"Failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has sent $800,000 from her campaign funds to her new political action group, Federal Election Commission filings show.

Clinton announced her intent to be "part of the resistance" in May with the formation of Onward Together, a political action group that will fund a number of established "resistance" groups that can quickly counter President Trump with direct action and protests.

The group is dedicated to "encouraging people to organize, get involved, and run for office" and advancing "progressive values and work to build a brighter future for generations to come," according to its mission statement."

Hillary Clinton Sent $800K from Campaign Funds to Her New 'Resistance' Group
Can you please point to where she is calling for violence?

Boy does politics pay, BIGTIME!

All of these progressives can only dream to have the kind of cash she has.

Progressives don't believe in piles of cash. Piles of cash must be redistributed to those, according to their needs. Right? :biggrin:

Bullshit. Progressives believe those with piles of cash should pay more taxes and end the re-distribution to the top 5% begun under Reagan.

Conservatives seem to like donating their tax dollars to subsidize Walmart, McDonalds, and other low wage companies. But they believe Trump so you know they're not bright.
Is she hiring leftist thugs to show up at rallies of her political opponents? They don't come cheap you know.

"Failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has sent $800,000 from her campaign funds to her new political action group, Federal Election Commission filings show.

Clinton announced her intent to be "part of the resistance" in May with the formation of Onward Together, a political action group that will fund a number of established "resistance" groups that can quickly counter President Trump with direct action and protests.

The group is dedicated to "encouraging people to organize, get involved, and run for office" and advancing "progressive values and work to build a brighter future for generations to come," according to its mission statement."

Hillary Clinton Sent $800K from Campaign Funds to Her New 'Resistance' Group
Can you please point to where she is calling for violence?


She also funded multiple murders, but even Columbo wouldn't be able to figure those out.
Yup, must be rough being dead broke.

Hardly. How did she leave her job as Obama's Secretary of State "not only dead broke but in debt" (her words), to a 2015 net worth of $45 million dollars? Mind you, that's a "reportable" net worth, not mentioning the millions the Clintons have squirreled away somewhere from surreptitious sources.

If a concise investigation were to take place into the skullduggery the Clinton Crime Cartel is involved in, and how she is involved in the "resistance" movement to unseat a legally-elected President, my money says she would be somewhere near the top of the chain of command.

Hopefully they're preparing enough cells in Gitmo for her and her co-conspirators.
Is she hiring leftist thugs to show up at rallies of her political opponents? They don't come cheap you know.

"Failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has sent $800,000 from her campaign funds to her new political action group, Federal Election Commission filings show.

Clinton announced her intent to be "part of the resistance" in May with the formation of Onward Together, a political action group that will fund a number of established "resistance" groups that can quickly counter President Trump with direct action and protests.

The group is dedicated to "encouraging people to organize, get involved, and run for office" and advancing "progressive values and work to build a brighter future for generations to come," according to its mission statement."

Hillary Clinton Sent $800K from Campaign Funds to Her New 'Resistance' Group
Is that considered misappropriation of specific raised funds? I mean people donate to a campaign not for anti gov't harrassment of politicians obstructing their duties.
Is there rules of use of such campaign funds? Also:
Most countries call that a coup.
This is what is scary about these hate groups like "resistance", BLM, Antifa, kkk, neo nazi. They're all bad.
Resist smashed windows, destroyed property, burned cars, attacked cops, attacked an old man, riped and burned flags and did so waving an Isis type black flag.
The head organizer of Resist is none other then an Obama activist employee.
His Ego so great that he defends his dissipating legacy by a not so covert coup desguised as activism.

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