Hillary Clinton: The Democratic party's ticking time bomb

Even if what you write is true, there still won't be a Republican in the White House. The Republican Party lost that chance when they went all pro life on women, when they went all anti-gay on marriage, when they went all deport them now on immigration, when they told students toughen up and pay your $200,000 tuition bill, or when they told people they can't have healthcare no matter what and never discussed an alternative that could work. You needed those demographics and you ignored them at your own peril.

You're mistaken about how many illegal aliens will be voting in this election.

I didn't say illegal aliens would vote, I meant you drove away minorities with an unreasonable, actually non-existent stand on immigration.

Opposing amnesty is "unreasonable?" How is enforcing the laws on the books "unreasonable?"

Scratch your head and ask why when you read the headlines on Wednesday morning after the election. If you want votes you need to reach out and let the voters who have issues know that you have their back and you will legislate on their behalf. Republicans haven't done that and now they pay the piper.

You mean to get elected we need to hand out free shit and sell our children into debt slavery? We need to flood this country with immigrants from third world countries and drive out wages down to the poverty level?

Is that what it really takes to get elected?
Even if what you write is true, there still won't be a Republican in the White House. The Republican Party lost that chance when they went all pro life on women, when they went all anti-gay on marriage, when they went all deport them now on immigration, when they told students toughen up and pay your $200,000 tuition bill, or when they told people they can't have healthcare no matter what and never discussed an alternative that could work. You needed those demographics and you ignored them at your own peril.

You're mistaken about how many illegal aliens will be voting in this election.

I didn't say illegal aliens would vote, I meant you drove away minorities with an unreasonable, actually non-existent stand on immigration.

Opposing amnesty is "unreasonable?" How is enforcing the laws on the books "unreasonable?"

Scratch your head and ask why when you read the headlines on Wednesday morning after the election. If you want votes you need to reach out and let the voters who have issues know that you have their back and you will legislate on their behalf. Republicans haven't done that and now they pay the piper.

You mean to get elected we need to hand out free shit and sell our children into debt slavery? We need to flood this country with immigrants from third world countries and drive out wages down to the poverty level?

Is that what it really takes to get elected?

Who said anything about freebies and debt slavery. When you figure it out maybe you'll have a president in office again.
For someone who was supposed to win this election in a cakewalk,Hillary seems to be stumbling and bumbling
her way to her coronation.

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