Hillary Clinton Sold Hypersonic Missile Technology to Vladimir Putin.

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Hillary Transferred Technology for Putin's New Unstoppable Missile

Russian President Vladimir Putin reported this week that he has developed an unstoppable intercontinental nuclear missile that travels 20 times the speed of sound, it can’t be detected, has an unlimited range, and no nation can shoot it down. Putin demonstrated the missile capability that no one denies by showing a video of one hitting Florida.

Special thanks Hillary Clinton, the Podestas and the Obama administration on behalf of Russia.

Mrs. Clinton, while feathering her nest and launching the failed Russian reset, managed to transfer military technology being used in the missile system.

Interesting read, if true that is the very definition of overt espionage and corruption committed by US officials.

Hillary Transferred Technology for Putin's New Unstoppable Missile

Russian President Vladimir Putin reported this week that he has developed an unstoppable intercontinental nuclear missile that travels 20 times the speed of sound, it can’t be detected, has an unlimited range, and no nation can shoot it down. Putin demonstrated the missile capability that no one denies by showing a video of one hitting Florida.

Special thanks Hillary Clinton, the Podestas and the Obama administration on behalf of Russia.

Mrs. Clinton, while feathering her nest and launching the failed Russian reset, managed to transfer military technology being used in the missile system.


Putin is at it again hey.
The Government Accountability Institute (GAI) is a conservative nonprofit investigative research organization located in Tallahassee, Florida.[3][4] GAI was founded in 2012[5] by Peter Schweizer and Stephen Bannon with funding from Robert Mercer and family.[6] Schweizer serves as the group's president.[7] The group is known for its involvement with the publication of the investigative books Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich and Bush Bucks: How Public Service and Corporations Helped Make Jeb Rich.[1]

A rag to frame Clinton. What a joke. Schweizer. Bannon with funding from Mercer. Face it you guys, the IG reports says you lost.:eusa_dance::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:
The Government Accountability Institute (GAI) is a conservative nonprofit investigative research organization located in Tallahassee, Florida.[3][4] GAI was founded in 2012[5] by Peter Schweizer and Stephen Bannon with funding from Robert Mercer and family.[6] Schweizer serves as the group's president.[7] The group is known for its involvement with the publication of the investigative books Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich and Bush Bucks: How Public Service and Corporations Helped Make Jeb Rich.[1]

A rag to frame Clinton. What a joke. Schweizer. Face it you guys, the IG reports says you lost.
Lost? Wow, you treat politics like that.......please stop voting......
Hillary Transferred Technology for Putin's New Unstoppable Missile

Russian President Vladimir Putin reported this week that he has developed an unstoppable intercontinental nuclear missile that travels 20 times the speed of sound, it can’t be detected, has an unlimited range, and no nation can shoot it down. Putin demonstrated the missile capability that no one denies by showing a video of one hitting Florida.

Special thanks Hillary Clinton, the Podestas and the Obama administration on behalf of Russia.

Mrs. Clinton, while feathering her nest and launching the failed Russian reset, managed to transfer military technology being used in the missile system.

Hopefully this is the smoking gun that will finally put Hillary in jail for life if not the death penalty for treason -- and I would think colluding with Russia is definitely treason.
so how did Clinton get her hands on this technology to begin with?

oh yeah, its bullshit.

Fuktards never run out of bullshit.
Oh, this is what one National Security Analyst said about it a few months ago:

"He was trying to get the President distracted from anything that Trump may be doing to hold Russia accountable for the ongoing attack on the United States," she said. "The President's inaction makes Vladimir Putin think, 'Why wouldn't I say all this? Why wouldn't I show that I can violate treaties and laws and talk about strategic attacks all around the world?' Vladimir Putin has no reason to feel constrained in any way."

I wonder how they feel now knowing that Hillary and Obama gave them the technology to make those weapons
Oh, this is what one National Security Analyst said about it a few months ago:

"He was trying to get the President distracted from anything that Trump may be doing to hold Russia accountable for the ongoing attack on the United States," she said. "The President's inaction makes Vladimir Putin think, 'Why wouldn't I say all this? Why wouldn't I show that I can violate treaties and laws and talk about strategic attacks all around the world?' Vladimir Putin has no reason to feel constrained in any way."

I wonder how they feel now knowing that Hillary and Obama gave them the technology to make those weapons

in your imagination - wonder no more
Hillary Transferred Technology for Putin's New Unstoppable Missile

Russian President Vladimir Putin reported this week that he has developed an unstoppable intercontinental nuclear missile that travels 20 times the speed of sound, it can’t be detected, has an unlimited range, and no nation can shoot it down. Putin demonstrated the missile capability that no one denies by showing a video of one hitting Florida.

Special thanks Hillary Clinton, the Podestas and the Obama administration on behalf of Russia.

Mrs. Clinton, while feathering her nest and launching the failed Russian reset, managed to transfer military technology being used in the missile system.

Why don't you quote the source?
These people think she carried uranium in her suitcase.
And don't believe we landed on the moon.
And why has she never been charged with anything, with all our old white fart legal experts here?
Amazing that Clinton got away with selling Uranium and Hypersonic Missile Technology to Russia, sold weapons to Al Queada in Libya, and Used a Benghazi Embassy Outpost as a Illegal Weapons Depot and isn't in Jail. Oh, and did I mention her destruction of evidence, obstruction of justice, lying under oath, and destruction of laptops, phones, tablets, and blackberrys, and her purchasing Russian Propaganda from Putin and disseminating it through our intelligence agencies through her friends in order to launch a Coup?

so how did Clinton get her hands on this technology to begin with?

oh yeah, its bullshit.

Fuktards never run out of bullshit.

During the Cold War there were embargoes on even BENIGN technology going overseas that could be re-shipped and repurposed for military/surveillance applications. I remember we had to epoxy the extra board slots in computers containing weather radar processing or Earth resource processing so that these powerful systems could not be repurposed. All that caution is largely GONE now. Mainly because we don't have a vertical supply chain for technology in this country anymore.

So for Battle Bot partisan zealots out there --- You don't NEED IT TO BE classified military designs. It could be generalized computing or GENERIC processing algorithms for Neural net, AI, tracking and detection or any NUMBER of SEEMINGLY benign things that our State Dept helped this "Russian Silicon Valley with... ALL those things are key TOOLS for developing advanced weapons systems.

There's no SOLID connection in the OP link. And I doubt the authors understand this as I do. So it's just amazingly POOR JUDGEMENT and protection of our strategic interests of the worst kind. But NO -- no actual "missile technology" per se would be part of that ill-conceived deal...
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the clinton uranium conspiracy bs has been debunked so many times its ridiculous to even mention it.

I feel sorry for stupid RW's.

Hillary Transferred Technology for Putin's New Unstoppable Missile

Russian President Vladimir Putin reported this week that he has developed an unstoppable intercontinental nuclear missile that travels 20 times the speed of sound, it can’t be detected, has an unlimited range, and no nation can shoot it down. Putin demonstrated the missile capability that no one denies by showing a video of one hitting Florida.

Special thanks Hillary Clinton, the Podestas and the Obama administration on behalf of Russia.

Mrs. Clinton, while feathering her nest and launching the failed Russian reset, managed to transfer military technology being used in the missile system.

She probably told the Russians she had an unsecured server
Bill Clinton also gave Rocket Guidance Technology to China which they gave to North Korea, who then gave it to Iran.

People like The Clintons and Obamas are no friend to America. Everything is for sale with them.

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