Is Hillary Clinton the real Putin Puppet?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Hillary’s accusations that Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian tool and Jill Stein is a “Russian asset” is so bizarre, so wild, that it leads me to wonder: (a)is she is mentally ill, or (b) is she a Russian asset; Putin's puppet?

Keep in mind that Hillary Clinton has been a major public figure for decades. ...

Speculation on this subject is now no longer out of bounds since her accusation is being amplified in the "respectable" media. Millions of Democrats believe her. Making accusations that politicians are Russian assets, or “puppets,” now mainstream. They are widely believed by the press and other Democrats ever since the charge was leveled against Donald Trump.

Until just the other day it never occurred to me that Hillary is Putin’s puppet. But out of the blue, she accused two women in her own party of doing Putin's bidding, and a light went on. Suddenly Hillary was no longer simply a corrupt, venal politician who hated normal Americans, calling them deplorables, racist and bigots. Hillary's more than a chardonnay sucking loser. It’s suddenly clear that if Vladimir Putin wanted an American President as his puppet, that puppet would be Hillary Clinton.

Hillary is perfect for the role because she has demonstrated countless times that she can be bought. The Clinton Foundation was the bank for Clinton, Inc. She took graft and corruption to an entirely new level, making it tax-deductible. She accepted money from anyone who was willing to give with the implicit understanding that she would return the favor. The sale of 20% of America’s uranium reserves to Russia led to a $140-million-dollar gift to her foundation. Andy McCarthy provides the details here.

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