Hillary Clinton, Saul Alinsky Correspondence Revealed

how about this guy he's a winner
View attachment 32393
Better than hillary.
LOL!!! He's a rose-colored glasses wearing hippie who thinks, if you leave everyone alone, they'll do things that lead to a better society, i.e. the invisible hand of the market. In what world has he been living? What about the invisible hands of monopolies, criminal cartels, "family" businesses, etc.? If history tells us anything, it's that if left to their own devices with little oversight, many of the strong will prey on the weak.
The "Invisible Hand" are Bankers that own and control our political system.

Until Americans wake up and realize this there will be no use voting in National Elections.
But just think: America will finally get over it's sexism and elect a Woman as President! Nothing else matters!

Well, except for Sports. That's even more important!
All you fools on the right have to do is come up with someone better. Duh. Why blame it on anything else?
well, they have their heroes ... they have TED .... they have Mit wit .... and the have Rand FOOL
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the three stooges

Yeah, and we will soon have both houses of Congress, you fool.
living in a dream world I see.... and when the republicans lose both houses then what???? will republicans start threatning to secede the Union again when you don't gwt your way
Why are Republicans so afraid of Alinsky?
Hillary Clinton, just like that asshole she's "married" to, were both campus radicals in the 60s. Saul Alinsky is their "messiah" for a radical take on socialism and converting the "non-believers". Now, hopefully, that wide-ass has grown up and put that shit behind her - but I wouldn't count on it.

Frankly, I would be more concerned about Web Hubble, Vince Foster, Mena Airport, Cattle futures, Throwing dishes at Bill, Kicking the military out of the White House, The WORST SOS in the history of the Secretary of State, and, generally, being a dumbass. Her radical college bullshit days are nothing to what she was into AFTER heading to the White House.

Ms. Hillary "It-takes-a-village" Clinton has been pillaging villages her entire career, one scam at a time.

That sounds horrible......what did she do?

The things you're talking about. I was just being sarcastic. Her last scam was Benghazi. Her next scam, if she can win, is to fleece the nation as president.
And here are her plans. When Bill ran, he ran in support of NAFTA. It was this plan that was "supposed" to increase America's trade and build it's economy. It turned out to be an utter failure. It's destroyed it's industrial based and turned it into an service economy.

Now, she has plans to implement something even more far reaching called the Trans Pacific Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). It dissolves national sovereignty and surrenders it to corporations. It places a supra-international mediating governing board to settle disputes over the power of congress or duly elected officials.

Corporate representatives, non-elected officials, bureaucrats, oh, and Hilliary, hammered out the details. She's a paid globalist through and through.


America's Pacific Century
The future of politics will be decided in Asia, not Afghanistan or Iraq, and the United States will be right at the center of the action.

With Iraq and Afghanistan still in transition and serious economic challenges in our own country, there are those on the American political scene who are calling for us not to reposition, but to come home. They seek a downsizing of our foreign engagement in favor of our pressing domestic priorities. These impulses are understandable, but they are misguided. Those who say that we can no longer afford to engage with the world have it exactly backward -- we cannot afford not to. From opening new markets for American businesses to curbing nuclear proliferation to keeping the sea lanes free for commerce and navigation, our work abroad holds the key to our prosperity and security at home. For more than six decades, the United States has resisted the gravitational pull of these "come home" debates and the implicit zero-sum logic of these arguments. We must do so again.

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