Hillary Clinton MUST Apologize to Trump!

Trump is a crude vulgar liar of despicable nature. Anyone promoting him as a credible contestant to be the President of the greatest country in the world is the same. The man is an ugly American who shames and embarrasses the country. His cult like followers does the same.
>> "I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down," the Republican presidential candidate said at a Nov. 21 rally in Birmingham, Ala. "And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."

The next day, ABC This Week host George Stephanopoulos asked Trump if he misspoke, noting that "the police say that didn't happen."

Trump -- who has said he was in his Manhattan apartment the morning of the attack -- doubled down.

"It was on television. I saw it," Trump said. "It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good." << (here)

"Television" of course, transmits video.
That's a transcript. You want the real video of him talking about the mythological video?

The article concludes by rating Rump's claim "pants on fire". What's that word that usually precedes that phrase?
Television is not necessarily "a video". Not hardly. Television is merely a visual transmission. Videos are things that can be replayed over and over. So you don't have one. I didn't think so. If you can come up with one, we'll be here to check it out. :biggrin:
Fine --- you don't believe the transcript, here it is in ..... what's that word.... VIDEO. That's it.
Starts at 6:40.
And yet --- nobody can come up with that video, with all the documentation of 9/11 coverage.​
Brian Williams is snickering.
I listened to it. NOT ONE WORD from Trump about there being a video of Muslims cheering. Your pants are on fire. You owe USMB an apology. APOLOGIZE.
How do you think he saw it?

Perhaps he thinks television transmits images via telepathy. Or the Vulcan mind meld.
Noncorroboration does not = refutation. I can think of thousands of things that I did in my life in which there was no one to corroborate. That doesn't mean they didn't happen. Plus, lots of people have called talk radio shows from New Jersey and said that they also saw what Trump says he saw.

And the FBI Arabic translators 9-11 celebration party is much more significant.

Not Only Did American Muslims Cheer 9-11, But They Did It In the FBI | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I'm sure you and many folks can. How many of those things involved the acts of "thousands and thousands" of other people whereby you are the only person who saw those "thousands and thousands" of other people what you saw them do? The point isn't that nobody was cheering, it's that to the extent there was cheering about it, it was a limited event in Jersey City.

I don't believe anyone has asserted that nobody cheered the fall of the World Trade center buildings. The point is that there were not "thousands and thousands" of folks doing so. The point is about the extent of the elation expressed, not that none was expressed. "Dozens of people" does not come close to "thousands and thousands," which must necessarily be at least 2,000.

I'd make it 4,000 actually.
Trump never claimed there was a video of thousands of muslims cheering. Why do pogos arguments always come down to hair splitting and technicalities?

He says he saw it "on television".

Now how does television transmit images? You think there are little people in the box dressing in costumes acting it out?
He says he saw it "on television".

Now how does television transmit images? You think there are little people in the box dressing in costumes acting it out?
You are making a fool out of yourself. On page 1 of this thread you said >>> "When's Rump going to apologize to the population of North Jersey for that video that doesn't exist?"

So you stated that Trump was saying there was a "video" of Muslims in Jersey city cheering 9-11. Since you seem to have some trouble with vocabulary, allow me to help. In 2015 American English, the word "video" means a visual RECORDING of something. That could be a VHS tape, a DVD disc, a DVR stored item, or something stored on flash drive or in a computer memory. All have one thing in common. They are RECORDED and can be PLAYED BACK.

So what you said on page 1 of this thread is that Trump had alleged the existence of a video (recording that can be played back). I challenged you to show evidence that Trump ever said he had such a thing. You have not produced it, you will not produce it, you cannot produce it, there is no such evidence, because Trump never said that.

You LIED, and you owe USMB an apology, as well as to Trump, and the Republican Party. I find you guilty as charged, and I hereby sentence you to 30 years of watching 3 hours every day, of Hillary Clinton lying and laughing.
He says he saw it "on television".

Now how does television transmit images? You think there are little people in the box dressing in costumes acting it out?
You are making a fool out of yourself. On page 1 of this thread you said >>> "When's Rump going to apologize to the population of North Jersey for that video that doesn't exist?"

So you stated that Trump was saying there was a "video" of Muslims in Jersey city cheering 9-11. Since you seem to have some trouble with vocabulary, allow me to help. In 2015 American English, the word "video" means a visual RECORDING of something. That could be a VHS tape, a DVD disc, a DVR stored item, or something stored on flash drive or in a computer memory. All have one thing in common. They are RECORDED and can be PLAYED BACK.

So what you said on page 1 of this thread is that Trump had alleged the existence of a video (recording that can be played back). I challenged you to show evidence that Trump ever said he had such a thing. You have not produced it, you will not produce it, you cannot produce it, there is no such evidence, because Trump never said that.

You LIED, and you owe USMB an apology, as well as to Trump, and the Republican Party. I find you guilty as charged, and I hereby sentence you to 30 years of watching 3 hours every day, of Hillary Clinton lying and laughing.
That's all he ever does. He throws something ridiculous out there and when he's challenged to back it up, he starts giving you the "what is the meaning of is" argument.
Trump is a crude vulgar liar of despicable nature. Anyone promoting him as a credible contestant to be the President of the greatest country in the world is the same. The man is an ugly American who shames and embarrasses the country. His cult like followers does the same.
You worry about form, while ignoring content. You are concerned with a word here and a word there, and not concerned with the worst danger the USA has ever faced > nuclear annihilation from the international jihad, which Trump is one of the few who is attuned to that, and proposing things to prevent it, while Hillary et al among her ranks are promoting it by endorsing the ISIS Pipeline (Syrian refugees coming here)

Trump is also one of the few who is attuned to the ongoing invasion of the US by Mexico, China, et al, who are waging imperialist war against the US and pillaging hundreds of Billions$$$ from the US economy (remittances$$ + welfare$$) and state treasuries. You are not connected to reality.
...You are ... not concerned with the worst danger the USA has ever faced > nuclear annihilation from the international jihad, which Trump is one of the few who is attuned to that, and proposing things to prevent it, while Hillary et al among her ranks are promoting it by endorsing the ISIS Pipeline (Syrian refugees coming here)

Trump is also one of the few who is attuned to the ongoing invasion of the US by Mexico, China, et al, who are waging imperialist war against the US and pillaging hundreds of Billions$$$ from the US economy (remittances$$ + welfare$$) and state treasuries. You are not connected to reality.

Politifact isn't Politifact. it is PolitiFALSE. I just wrote an OP just 2 days ago exposing them, for the frauds they are. What a laughingstock using Politifact as a source.

Politifact Is a Joke

I'll read your post. Perhaps I'll agree with you. I don't have time just now to read or post more than a sentence or two, which I presume any argument showing how Politifact is a "joke" must be.
I just posted it, twice -- a transcript and then the actual TV feed the transcript came from (posts 6 and 20, respectively). He claimed to have seen it "on television". Yet for all the hundreds of hours of 9/11 news coverage from that time ---- no one can come up with such a video.

It's just ironic for a guy who wants to whine in the other direction now about the same thing.
Seeing it on television isn't the same as him saying there was a video. You said he said there was a video. You have no proof of that. And there are quadrillions of things for which there is no video. So what ?

You cannot "see something on television" ----- without it being transmitted and received on video.

Without video it's called "radio".

What he's trying to say is that for the first time in modern broadcasting history, something was shown live without it being recorded so it went directly to trumps TV without anyone recording it....

This, of course, is one in a long list of lies by the OP. Did you know he said he was in combat in the middle east in October and was sent there by the DoD. PS: The OP is 69 y/o.
I totally agree that Clinton should apologize to Trump. Trump has done nothing but been completely honest and run his campaign with dignity and class. For example, Trump apologized to
  • John McCain for calling him a loser because he was a POW
  • Carly Fiorina for implying she was ugly
  • Hillary for commenting on her bathroom breaks
  • Hillary, again, for saying she'd been "schlonged"
  • New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski, who has arthrogryposis, for mocking his disability at a rally
  • Ben Carson, for saying that his religion is whacky
  • Iowans, for calling them stupid
  • Millions of Mexican immigrants after he called them rapists, criminals, drug mules, and "some, I assume, are good people."
Yes, Trump deserves an apology because he has been the epitome of statesmanship.

I just posted it, twice -- a transcript and then the actual TV feed the transcript came from (posts 6 and 20, respectively). He claimed to have seen it "on television". Yet for all the hundreds of hours of 9/11 news coverage from that time ---- no one can come up with such a video.

It's just ironic for a guy who wants to whine in the other direction now about the same thing.
Seeing it on television isn't the same as him saying there was a video. You said he said there was a video. You have no proof of that. And there are quadrillions of things for which there is no video. So what ?

You cannot "see something on television" ----- without it being transmitted and received on video.

Without video it's called "radio".

What he's trying to say is that for the first time in modern broadcasting history, something was shown live without it being recorded so it went directly to trumps TV without anyone recording it....

This, of course, is one in a long list of lies by the OP. Did you know he said he was in combat in the middle east in October and was sent there by the DoD. PS: The OP is 69 y/o.

He's trying to parse what I described as "video" into "a video", as in a recorded medium, apparently willing to appear completely ignorant that the visual component of what television transmits IS "video" -- whether anyone records it and keeps it in the archive, or not.

Obviously on that day everything recordable was being recorded anyway and is still archived as well, so that seals the deal, but you cannot by definition see something on television without "video" involved, period.

All of this is a puerile attempt to flail away my point of comparison in post 2. He can't do it so he resorts to the "play stupid" game.
I totally agree that Clinton should apologize to Trump. Trump has done nothing but been completely honest and run his campaign with dignity and class. For example, Trump apologized to
  • John McCain for calling him a loser because he was a POW
  • Carly Fiorina for implying she was ugly
  • Hillary for commenting on her bathroom breaks
  • Hillary, again, for saying she'd been "schlonged"
  • New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski, who has arthrogryposis, for mocking his disability at a rally
  • Ben Carson, for saying that his religion is whacky
  • Iowans, for calling them stupid
  • Millions of Mexican immigrants after he called them rapists, criminals, drug mules, and "some, I assume, are good people."
Yes, Trump deserves an apology because he has been the epitome of statesmanship.


There was Megyn Kelly too.

It's snot easy to pick one's favourite from the long litany of Rumpian apologetics, but I might have to go with this one:

Megan Kelly should apologize to Trump for implying that his comments about Rosie O'Donnell were directed at ALL women. Liberals like to stick their hands in a hornets nest, then run away crying when they get stung.
Megan Kelly should apologize to Trump for implying that his comments about Rosie O'Donnell were directed at ALL women. Liberals like to stick their hands in a hornets nest, then run away crying when they get stung.

Serge Kovaleski should apologize to Rump for deliberately being born with arthrogryposis and setting him up.
People attack Trump personally and that's ok with liberals but when he attacks back, he's a despicable person.
Hillary Clinton's lying is well known all around the world. Long lists of her lies have been published. Everything from her 1973 Watergate days, when she was kicked off a committee, to her recent lies about not having classified information on her emails (which are undoubtedly now in the hands of Russia, China, Iran, ISIS, etc).

So it's no surprise that she would lie again in connection with her current run for the presidency. It is a bit surprising though that with very high unfavorable ratings and low trustworthiness ratings, she would undertake such a foolish lie (that a video of Trump was given to ISIS), that could easily be refuted.

In order for Hillary to display an ounce of decency, and show even a modicum of trustworthiness, and not have her trust numbers sink even lower, she MUST now apologize to Donald Trump, and to the entire Republican Party, for spreading yet another video lie (while we're still reeling from the Benghazi one). If she doesn't do that, she openly admits her lack of integrity, and the stark contrast between her deceitfulness, and the clear honesty and forthrightfulness of Donald Trump.

Everything from her 1973 Watergate days, when she was kicked off a committee

gosh, it's so hard to keep up with all of the lies put out there by right wingers that you guys swallow up!

Hillary was NOT fired from the Watergate Commission committee she was on....

Goodness gracious, the committee she was on DISSOLVED, because Nixon had finally resigned.

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