Hillary Clinton laughs about the night of the Benghazi attack

Ya I posted a pic of her cackling. She cracked a few jokes which I attribute to her getting punchy after 11 hours. But it was inappropriate.

Towards the 11th hour they were all in love with each otter.
Considering her entire adult life using the resources of state and federal government to threaten and intimidate women who were molested by her pervert husband it's no surprise that she would laugh off the brutal murders of people who worked for her. She is a true sociopath.
The OP is a lie.
No it's not.

CSPAN & Youtube ^ | 10/22/15 | me
Like and share the link. Get people pissed & get them involved. Hillary Clinton Laughs about Benghazi Murders Hillary Clinton laughs about the night of the Benghazi attack when asked if she was alone by Rep. Martha Rody on the night of the Benghazi. As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton allowed security to fail at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, blamed the attack on the video, & has failed to punish any state department official for the disaster. The U.S. Military was not allowed to rescue those in the Benghazi Consulate despite the attack lasting hours. There were likely weapons...


No one called for Reagan to resign, be impeached, or anything of the sort when 254 US Marines died in Beirut.

Benghazi is bullshit.
Reagan didn't commit espionage or sell state secrets via unsecured servers.

Neither'd anyone else or they'd be up on those charges. Making a claim doesn't make the claim reality. And espionage being abit of a serious thing would have the person accused charged with it. Not just getting dissed on Fox News.
CSPAN & Youtube ^ | 10/22/15 | me
Like and share the link. Get people pissed & get them involved. Hillary Clinton Laughs about Benghazi Murders Hillary Clinton laughs about the night of the Benghazi attack when asked if she was alone by Rep. Martha Rody on the night of the Benghazi. As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton allowed security to fail at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, blamed the attack on the video, & has failed to punish any state department official for the disaster. The U.S. Military was not allowed to rescue those in the Benghazi Consulate despite the attack lasting hours. There were likely weapons...


No one called for Reagan to resign, be impeached, or anything of the sort when 254 US Marines died in Beirut.

Benghazi is bullshit.

254 armed combat troops sent on a peacekeeping mission cannot be compared to unarmed civilians at a consuate that had no Marine guard to protect them.
CSPAN & Youtube ^ | 10/22/15 | me
Like and share the link. Get people pissed & get them involved. Hillary Clinton Laughs about Benghazi Murders Hillary Clinton laughs about the night of the Benghazi attack when asked if she was alone by Rep. Martha Rody on the night of the Benghazi. As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton allowed security to fail at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, blamed the attack on the video, & has failed to punish any state department official for the disaster. The U.S. Military was not allowed to rescue those in the Benghazi Consulate despite the attack lasting hours. There were likely weapons...


No one called for Reagan to resign, be impeached, or anything of the sort when 254 US Marines died in Beirut.

Benghazi is bullshit.

254 armed combat troops sent on a peacekeeping mission cannot be compared to unarmed civilians at a consuate that had no Marine guard to protect them.
stevens wasn't at the consulate. Which is something the gop inquiry chose to not inquire into.
I think she was laughing at the incompetent badgering from the Rep's.
You can tell by threads like this one that they know the hearing yesterday blew up in their faces. They are busy trying to cobble the shredded pieces together somehow, someway.
Lol. Yeah, that's it.

The FBI picked up a lot of evidence for the indictment yesterday. Thank goodness for the Benghazi committee, or nobody would have known about hills multiple violations of the espionage act. If course that makes her a hero to you.
It's no longer the Benghazi Select Committee. It is the Badgeri Hillary Committee.

It is a search for the truth and expecting Hillary to tell the truth was expecting far too much. She told her relatives that the attack on Benghazi was Al queda terrorists attack and the dead Americans families and the American public it was caused by a video and they were going to get the maker of the video. So far, the only one arrested for the attack was the American that made the video.

Hillary is a lying piece of dog squeeze should be badgered as well as despised.
No worries, her and her serial rapist husband truly believe they're headed back to the White House. She knows nothing's gonna come of this. They're Elite Royals. They're untouchable. But hopefully, America will say no. I guess we'll see.

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