Hillary Clinton: “It’s Going to be Very Very Hard” to Beat Trump

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

Hillary Clinton made a pretty big slip up this weekend while at a speech in Portland to promote her new book.

Clinton, who has been eating up headlines with attacks on candidates and speculation she will enter the race, told the crowd:

“We have very admirable candidates vying for the nomination, but at the end of the day there are a lot of forecasters that are saying look, if the economy stays in good shape and he’s not impeached or he’s impeached but not convicted, it’s going to be very very hard because of all of the advantages he will have”

Hillary’s statement could also be viewed as her trying to “warn” the Democrats that the candidates they currently have simply aren’t strong enough to beat President Trump.

Her message echoed the words of Congressman Al Green, who said during a Press Conference earlier this year that impeachment may be the only way to beat Trump. Rep. Green said:

“I’m concerned that if we don’t impeach the president, he will get re-elected. If we don’t impeach him, he will say that he has been vindicated, he will say the Democrats had an overwhelming majority in the House and they didn’t take up impeachment. He will say that we had a constitutional duty to do it if it was there and we didn’t. He will say that he has been vindicated.”

(Excerpt) Read more at penmediainc.com ...
Mrs. Clinton gave a boost to President Trump last week with her declaration that 2 of Trump's 2020 rivals- Dr. Stein and Rep. Gabbard- are Russian spies. Considering the fact that none of the other liberal candidates denounced Mrs. Clinton on this means they think so as well, but don't have the guts to say so.

All favorable for the Trumpster.
Hillary,,,,I have beaten Trump at least once,,and I can beat him again !!!
'Hillary Clinton: “It’s Going to be Very Very Hard” to Beat Trump'

She should know - he kicked her ass....and the Democrats in the mix for the DNC 2020 nomination are not even in HER league.
Hillary lost by about "13 Million Legal Votes"...so how is that Beating Trump?
Hillary lost by about "13 Million Legal Votes"...so how is that Beating Trump?
Well, let's see, snowflake...... You obviously suffer from the same ignorance as did / does Hillary Clinton - having no clue how US Presidents are elected in this country, how it is the Electoral College system that decides who wins the Presidency, not some 'popularity contest'. Based on this ignorance, I also surmise that you have no understanding of how or why this method was brilliantly created by the Founding Fathers, primarily because Democrats no longer allow Americans to be properly educated in schools, which they control so they can affect the dumbing down of America....because SHEEP are easier to herd / rule than intelligent, independent, self-sufficient self-thinkers.
CDS -- Clinton Derangement Syndrome -- is eternal. The Trumpflake crowd will go to their graves screaming about Clinton. But only after they've instructed the next generation on how to be just as hysterical about Clinton.
CDS -- Clinton Derangement Syndrome -- is eternal. The Trumpflake crowd will go to their graves screaming about Clinton. But only after they've instructed the next generation on how to be just as hysterical about Clinton.
Hey, fuzzy fat extinct elephant, members of this board have repeatedly posted the exact rules, regulations, and laws that govern the possession of, handling, and destruction of classified information, the links to those, the legal analysis and reports pointing out how she broke them, and the link to the video of former FBI Comey admitting publicly that Hillary had broken laws...but was 'too stupid to know she was doing it'.

Can you provide just 1 (ONE) link to any legitimate source that states Hillary Clinton was / is above those laws, that they do not apply to her?

That would resolve this issue once and for all.

Hey, fuzzy fat extinct elephant, members of this board have repeatedly posted the exact rules,

And Hillary Clinton broke none of them. That's kind of the point, and that's one reason why you look so deranged. You're just making up idiot crap here, same as you always do.

I also note how you have no problem with the Trump admin using their own servers and unsecured phones. That sort of rank stinking hypocrisy on your part illustrates how you're driven solely by blind partisan hatred here.
Hillary beat both Bernie and Trump

On the contrary, she only beat Bernie. She might have won Miss Congeniality against Trump, but she lost too him, as evidenced by the fact that she's not in the White House and he is.

Most people understand that.
And Hillary Clinton broke none of them.

You really should think ... and find anything to spin in an attempt to substantiate the lies you tell...before you post: Here is just ONE of the MANY she violated"

46 CFR § 503.59 - Safeguarding classified information.

(a) All classified information shall be afforded a level of protection against unauthorized disclosure commensurate with its level of classification.

Hillary was proven to have stored Top Secret/Special Compartmentalized Information on the same server as with unclassified information & sent TS/SCI info out unmarked or marked incorrectly.

(d) Classified information shall be made available to a recipient only when the authorized holder of the classified information has determined that:
-- The prospective recipient has a valid security clearance at least commensurate with the level of
classification of the information

Hillary Clinton had been 'Read-Out' of the 'TS/SCI' programs from the State Department when she left and did not have legal permission - security clearance / need-to-know . etc... - to have TS/SCI information in her possession

(k) An inventory of all documents classified higher than confidential shall be made at least annually and whenever there is a change in classified document custodians. The Senior Agency Official shall be notified, in writing, of the results of each inventory.

There was no inventory. The FBI said she deleted documents that had not been reported / turned in for archival IAW the FOIA and FRA...for starters..

I would LOVE to go through the entire document with you and savagely point out what an ignorant, Fact-LESS LIE you just spewed, but we all have better things to do. We all get it - You are ignorant, a liar, or both.

46 CFR § 503.59 - Safeguarding classified information.
You really should think

It's hilarious, the way you think Hillary Clinton ran the servers herself. You're not making any sense at all. You don't prosecute users for flaws in a system.

If it had been any human except Clinton, nobody would have cared about such trivial things, almost of which concerned bogus retroactive classification. It wouldn't even have risen to the level of a reprimand.

And witness Trump's ongoing security catastrophe. Not a peep of protest from you.

So, we get it You love making excuses for Republican security violations, and you love faking accusations against Democrats. A lust for pushing fraud on behalf of your RepubliRussian masters drives you every action.

Hillary Clinton made a pretty big slip up this weekend while at a speech in Portland to promote her new book.

Clinton, who has been eating up headlines with attacks on candidates and speculation she will enter the race, told the crowd:

“We have very admirable candidates vying for the nomination, but at the end of the day there are a lot of forecasters that are saying look, if the economy stays in good shape and he’s not impeached or he’s impeached but not convicted, it’s going to be very very hard because of all of the advantages he will have”

Hillary’s statement could also be viewed as her trying to “warn” the Democrats that the candidates they currently have simply aren’t strong enough to beat President Trump.

Her message echoed the words of Congressman Al Green, who said during a Press Conference earlier this year that impeachment may be the only way to beat Trump. Rep. Green said:

“I’m concerned that if we don’t impeach the president, he will get re-elected. If we don’t impeach him, he will say that he has been vindicated, he will say the Democrats had an overwhelming majority in the House and they didn’t take up impeachment. He will say that we had a constitutional duty to do it if it was there and we didn’t. He will say that he has been vindicated.”

(Excerpt) Read more at penmediainc.com ...

It's not going to be easy but

Donald Trump has long heralded Michigan as the crown jewel of his 2016 victory. But

Trump campaign pessimistic about winning Michigan again
The president's troubles in the Rust Belt state are a potential warning sign for his reelection prospects.

After a midterm election that decimated the ranks of Michigan Republicans, Trump's campaign is looking to other battlegrounds he lost last time — such as Minnesota and New Hampshire — that it sees as more promising.

The assessment illustrates how Trump’s support in the Rust Belt statesthat propelled him to the presidency has softened, jeopardizing his prospects for a second term. While they say it’s too early to write off Michigan — Trump aides say the campaign still intends to pump resources into the state — a range of public polling has shown Trump in poor shape here.

Got to love my Michigan. I hope to god we are the state that costs Trump re election. And I want to see you righties start a civil war or start talking about seceding from the union.
Okay so I'm not sold that Hillary is going to run.

With that said I do think if she had intentions of running she would wait until the field cleared down and enter the race at last minute. She knows she not physically healthy enough to run a long campaign.

I do wonder if she trying to remain relevant in hopes that she will be a VP pick should Biden get the nomination.
Okay so I'm not sold that Hillary is going to run.

With that said I do think if she had intentions of running she would wait until the field cleared down and enter the race at last minute. She knows she not physically healthy enough to run a long campaign.

I do wonder if she trying to remain relevant in hopes that she will be a VP pick should Biden get the nomination.

No candidate in their right mind who valued their life would pick her as their VP
Hillary beat both Bernie and Trump

On the contrary, she only beat Bernie. She might have won Miss Congeniality against Trump, but she lost too him, as evidenced by the fact that she's not in the White House and he is.

Most people understand that.

I understand that we're terrified of the democrat Party doing the only sane and logical thing and nominating her at their brokered convention

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