Hillary and Her 'Fake' Hate of Wall Street


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
What excess on Wall St is she referring? Just what our economy needs, another anti business POTUS that kills GDP and degrades the middle class.

She will attack the 1% and follow Obama's game plan. Then switch like Obama and continue to keep the poor down in the ghetto's while lining her and her 1% friends pockets

I want to see the speech text


Clinton dodges on releasing paid speech transcripts

02/04/16 09:55 PM EST

Asked whether she would be willing to release the transcripts from her paid speeches to Goldman Sachs and other organizations, Hillary Clinton dodged.

“I will look into it. I don’t know the status, but I will certainly look into it," said Clinton, whose paid speeches, particularly those to the financial institution for which she has received $675,000 for three speeches, Goldman Sachs. Earlier in the debate, Clinton mentioned that she had spoken not only to financial institutions, but also to doctors and organizations like the American Camping Association

Read more: Clinton dodges on releasing paid speech transcripts
Trump has pretty much said the same thing about outsourcing and the corporate fucking of the worker. Wall street and corporate America has fucked America in the ass these past 35 years and yet the republicans keep on being blind to it.

Also, as the market merges and buys out all the small businesses because we don't enforce our anti-trust laws anymore = less competition. Want to talk about anti-business environment that hurts the middle class?
In all fairness to that fucking lying kuuuunt, everything about her is fake. If there is a hell......

The sound of her fucking voice gives me diabetes.
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Trump has pretty much said the same thing about outsourcing and the corporate fucking of the worker. Wall street and corporate America has fucked America in the ass these past 35 years and yet the republicans keep on being blind to it.

You are such a fucking moron. Blind hypocritical hack.
Democrats only bring up banks as a way to act like they're in Washington to help the little people.

Who cares that they take the big banks money at the drop of a hat and then sign bills designed to help bankers consolidate and become bigger as well as institute charges that rip off the depositors. Compounded interest to front load loans, higher interest rates for short-term loans.

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