Hillary...a woman of few words lol

Mar 31, 2009
LOL Speaking of not presidential. What was Bill thinking?


While Hillary Clinton was campaigning in New Hampshire on Monday, Bill Clinton was spotted wearing pink sneakers in Washington, D.C.

.@CarrieNBCNews and I just saw Bill Clinton walking around DC wearing pink sneakers. Not a joke. pic.twitter.com/nInv2xRtBk

— Andrew Rafferty (@AndrewNBCNews) April 20, 2015

Bill Clinton Spotted Wearing Pink Shoes in DC While Hillary Campaigns in NH - Breitbart
Who oh who can they find as her running mate to ad gravitas to the ticket?
Maybe it would be a good idea for her to run with Joe Biden. He plays a pretty good straight man.
Biden might even give her an endorsement...similar to the one he gave to Obama....

I mean you got Hildebeast, the first mainstream American woman who is semi-literate and semi-bright and clean (shaves her cankles) and a nice-looking old hag for her age," ...........and declares 'what difference at this point does make'? "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

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