Hilary, the most anti gun candidate in recent history, got beat, gun control is a loser...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
So...one big lesson for the politicians out there....gun control is a big loser...where obama hid his anti gun agenda......hilary was out in the open.....attacking Heller, mentioning the Australian gun control ban favorably....and then the documents from the clinton library and how they wanted to attack the gun industry......

And she lost....so for all you up and coming politicians....leave guns alone....or lose the election...

Guns Win Big on Election Day

Hillary Clinton’s defeat comes after she staked out the most aggressive gun control positions for a major party candidate in modern memory.

“She has been more forceful on guns/gun lobby than any other person who ever seriously ran for president,” one of Clinton’s advisers wrote in an email posted by WikiLeaks in October. “Certain members of the dem caucus [sic] were freaking out about [her gun positions.]”

Audio first published in October 2015 by the Washington Free Beacon showed Clinton telling donors privately that she believed the Supreme Court was “wrong on the Second Amendment.” When asked about her opposition to the court’s landmark District of Columbia v. Heller decision at the final presidential debate, Clinton claimed she was concerned about protecting toddlers from unsecured guns but did not reverse her position.

Just two weeks after audio of Clinton’s comments on the Supreme Court was published, she endorsed an Australian-style mandatory gun buyback scheme at a public rally.

“Australia is a good example,” she said in comments first reported by the Washington Free Beacon. “I think it would be worth considering doing it on the national level, if that could be arranged.”

Clinton also backed an assault weapons ban, universal background checks, and removing liability protections for gun companies throughout her campaign.
Gun control as a winning issue died under Bill Clinton.
Of course, our myopic 2AGuy doesn't realize that's not the reason she lost.
If we had any legislators with balls, we'd have SOME gun control. Nothing scary. The majority of the people support it.
Gun control as a winning issue died under Bill Clinton.
Of course, our myopic 2AGuy doesn't realize that's not the reason she lost.
If we had any legislators with balls, we'd have SOME gun control. Nothing scary. The majority of the people support it.

No, they don't. They support enforcement of current law.

Reportedly, Trump will approve concealed carry reciprocity nationwide, as in driver's licenses.
Gun control as a winning issue died under Bill Clinton.
Of course, our myopic 2AGuy doesn't realize that's not the reason she lost.
If we had any legislators with balls, we'd have SOME gun control. Nothing scary. The majority of the people support it.

Do you think before you post....we have 20,000 or more gun control laws at the local, state and federal level........and it still isn't enough for the anti gunners and none of it has stopped the 9,616 gun murders in 2015 a good 90% of which are committed by people already covered by gun laws that state they cannot buy, own or carry guns.......

We have more gun control than we will ever enforce.....in fact...if we just freaking enforced actual gun laws with actual sentences.....then we would have less gun crime and gun murder......

She supported gun control...she lost.....gun control is not a winning issue ......but they will still push it.
Gun control as a winning issue died under Bill Clinton.

Yes....they passed the Assault Weapon ban......and it changed nothing.....all it did was make it harder for normal, law abiding gun owners to get the most popular types of rifles.......
So...one big lesson for the politicians out there....gun control is a big loser...where obama hid his anti gun agenda......hilary was out in the open.....
Yet she is winning and will win the popular vote...
With possibly as many as 7 million ballots, including absentee and provisional ballots, yet to be counted Clinton’s lead in the raw vote tally is likely to grow. Cohn estimates that when all the votes are tabulated, Clinton will win the popular vote by 1.7 percentage points.

Read more at 2016 Presidential Polls: Trump Vs. Clinton Polls Were Right — Polling More Accurate Than 2012 Election
Gun control as a winning issue died under Bill Clinton.
Of course, our myopic 2AGuy doesn't realize that's not the reason she lost.
If we had any legislators with balls, we'd have SOME gun control. Nothing scary. The majority of the people support it.

And again....we had 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s....and in 1997 there were 4 million people carrying guns for self defense...normal, law abiding people....in 2016 we now have 357-400 million guns in private hands and close to 15 million people carrying guns for self defense....

And in that time we had a 49% drop in gun murders...and the non fatal and fatal gun accident rate both dropped as well....

So what exactly would more gun control do...exspecially the silly laws that are currently proposed? Please...explain in detail rather than just throwing out statements that have no meaning....
So...one big lesson for the politicians out there....gun control is a big loser...where obama hid his anti gun agenda......hilary was out in the open.....
Yet she is winning and will win the popular vote...
With possibly as many as 7 million ballots, including absentee and provisional ballots, yet to be counted Clinton’s lead in the raw vote tally is likely to grow. Cohn estimates that when all the votes are tabulated, Clinton will win the popular vote by 1.7 percentage points.

Read more at 2016 Presidential Polls: Trump Vs. Clinton Polls Were Right — Polling More Accurate Than 2012 Election

and that is pointless........he won the Electoral Vote, the only one that counts........as I stated elsewhere, you are saying that it was important that Japan won Pearl Harbor........
So...one big lesson for the politicians out there....gun control is a big loser...where obama hid his anti gun agenda......hilary was out in the open.....
Yet she is winning and will win the popular vote...
With possibly as many as 7 million ballots, including absentee and provisional ballots, yet to be counted Clinton’s lead in the raw vote tally is likely to grow. Cohn estimates that when all the votes are tabulated, Clinton will win the popular vote by 1.7 percentage points.

Read more at 2016 Presidential Polls: Trump Vs. Clinton Polls Were Right — Polling More Accurate Than 2012 Election

It could not be more irrelevant. Trump won an Electoral landslide.
So...one big lesson for the politicians out there....gun control is a big loser...where obama hid his anti gun agenda......hilary was out in the open.....
Yet she is winning and will win the popular vote...
With possibly as many as 7 million ballots, including absentee and provisional ballots, yet to be counted Clinton’s lead in the raw vote tally is likely to grow. Cohn estimates that when all the votes are tabulated, Clinton will win the popular vote by 1.7 percentage points.

Read more at 2016 Presidential Polls: Trump Vs. Clinton Polls Were Right — Polling More Accurate Than 2012 Election

That post is as stupid as you saying your team should be counted the winner in the football game because they completed more passes.....and the other team just had 2 touchdowns.......
Gun control as a winning issue died under Bill Clinton.
Of course, our myopic 2AGuy doesn't realize that's not the reason she lost.
If we had any legislators with balls, we'd have SOME gun control. Nothing scary. The majority of the people support it.

And again....we had 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s....and in 1997 there were 4 million people carrying guns for self defense...normal, law abiding people....in 2016 we now have 357-400 million guns in private hands and close to 15 million people carrying guns for self defense....

And in that time we had a 49% drop in gun murders...and the non fatal and fatal gun accident rate both dropped as well....

So what exactly would more gun control do...exspecially the silly laws that are currently proposed? Please...explain in detail rather than just throwing out statements that have no meaning....
And in that time we had a 49% drop in gun murders...and the non fatal and fatal gun accident rate both dropped as well....
Trauma medicine has dropped the number of deaths; so did the anti-crime legislation in the 90's. There is no need for semiautomatic rifles and other weapons designed for war on the streets. I'd be very happy if that were a law that was strictly enforced. You don't need to give me your pat answer about that, either, since I've heard it before. Certain weapons have no justification in a civil society, "popular" or not. There is something wrong with the society that believes that.
That post is as stupid as you saying your team should be counted the winner in the football game because they completed more passes.....and the other team just had 2 touchdowns.......

I made statements of fact not opinions you consider facts to be stupid at your won peril....it is factual that there is no mandate for Trump ...
Gun control as a winning issue died under Bill Clinton.
Of course, our myopic 2AGuy doesn't realize that's not the reason she lost.
If we had any legislators with balls, we'd have SOME gun control. Nothing scary. The majority of the people support it.

And again....we had 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s....and in 1997 there were 4 million people carrying guns for self defense...normal, law abiding people....in 2016 we now have 357-400 million guns in private hands and close to 15 million people carrying guns for self defense....

And in that time we had a 49% drop in gun murders...and the non fatal and fatal gun accident rate both dropped as well....

So what exactly would more gun control do...exspecially the silly laws that are currently proposed? Please...explain in detail rather than just throwing out statements that have no meaning....
And in that time we had a 49% drop in gun murders...and the non fatal and fatal gun accident rate both dropped as well....
Trauma medicine has dropped the number of deaths; so did the anti-crime legislation in the 90's. There is no need for semiautomatic rifles and other weapons designed for war on the streets. I'd be very happy if that were a law that was strictly enforced. You don't need to give me your pat answer about that, either, since I've heard it before. Certain weapons have no justification in a civil society, "popular" or not. There is something wrong with the society that believes that.

Those weapons were used to kill a total of about 167 people.....in 34 years......

knives are used to murder 1,500 people every single year.....

Those weapons have every reason to be in civilian hands....when only the government has them you get Mexico...where the police and military and their drug cartel masters murder Mexican citizens in the 10s of thousands....

We have the 2nd amendment to protect our people from just that kind of insanity....and since they aren't used to kill people in any great numbers....you have no case for banning 8 million of these rifles that normal, law abiding people own.....just because you don't like them.

What is wrong with society is letting felons with multiple illegal gun possession charges do less than 2 years in jail...who then get out and murder people...and instead focusing on law abiding people who don't use guns to harm anyone...that is the problem...not guns.
That post is as stupid as you saying your team should be counted the winner in the football game because they completed more passes.....and the other team just had 2 touchdowns.......

I made statements of fact not opinions you consider facts to be stupid at your won peril....it is factual that there is no mandate for Trump ...

Except he won by the actual rules..........you want the football game to go your way because you completed more passes.....the game is won by actually scoring touchdowns...and Trump scored more touchdowns than you did...
Gun control as a winning issue died under Bill Clinton.
Of course, our myopic 2AGuy doesn't realize that's not the reason she lost.
If we had any legislators with balls, we'd have SOME gun control. Nothing scary. The majority of the people support it.

And again....we had 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s....and in 1997 there were 4 million people carrying guns for self defense...normal, law abiding people....in 2016 we now have 357-400 million guns in private hands and close to 15 million people carrying guns for self defense....

And in that time we had a 49% drop in gun murders...and the non fatal and fatal gun accident rate both dropped as well....

So what exactly would more gun control do...exspecially the silly laws that are currently proposed? Please...explain in detail rather than just throwing out statements that have no meaning....
And in that time we had a 49% drop in gun murders...and the non fatal and fatal gun accident rate both dropped as well....
Trauma medicine has dropped the number of deaths; so did the anti-crime legislation in the 90's. There is no need for semiautomatic rifles and other weapons designed for war on the streets. I'd be very happy if that were a law that was strictly enforced. You don't need to give me your pat answer about that, either, since I've heard it before. Certain weapons have no justification in a civil society, "popular" or not. There is something wrong with the society that believes that.

Every firearm ever invented was invented for war....and every firearm we have from shotguns to pistols were used in war...so what you are calling for is a total ban.....don't think we don't realize your true goal...
So...one big lesson for the politicians out there....gun control is a big loser...where obama hid his anti gun agenda......hilary was out in the open.....
Yet she is winning and will win the popular vote...
With possibly as many as 7 million ballots, including absentee and provisional ballots, yet to be counted Clinton’s lead in the raw vote tally is likely to grow. Cohn estimates that when all the votes are tabulated, Clinton will win the popular vote by 1.7 percentage points.

Read more at 2016 Presidential Polls: Trump Vs. Clinton Polls Were Right — Polling More Accurate Than 2012 Election

and that is pointless........he won the Electoral Vote, the only one that counts........as I stated elsewhere, you are saying that it was important that Japan won Pearl Harbor........

the electoral college has got to go.
Gun control as a winning issue died under Bill Clinton.
Of course, our myopic 2AGuy doesn't realize that's not the reason she lost.
If we had any legislators with balls, we'd have SOME gun control. Nothing scary. The majority of the people support it.

And again....we had 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s....and in 1997 there were 4 million people carrying guns for self defense...normal, law abiding people....in 2016 we now have 357-400 million guns in private hands and close to 15 million people carrying guns for self defense....

And in that time we had a 49% drop in gun murders...and the non fatal and fatal gun accident rate both dropped as well....

So what exactly would more gun control do...exspecially the silly laws that are currently proposed? Please...explain in detail rather than just throwing out statements that have no meaning....
And in that time we had a 49% drop in gun murders...and the non fatal and fatal gun accident rate both dropped as well....
Trauma medicine has dropped the number of deaths; so did the anti-crime legislation in the 90's. There is no need for semiautomatic rifles and other weapons designed for war on the streets. I'd be very happy if that were a law that was strictly enforced. You don't need to give me your pat answer about that, either, since I've heard it before. Certain weapons have no justification in a civil society, "popular" or not. There is something wrong with the society that believes that.

Every firearm ever invented was invented for war....and every firearm we have from shotguns to pistols were used in war...so what you are calling for is a total ban.....don't think we don't realize your true goal...
I've never kept that secret, 2AGuy. But I realize that will never happen.
the electoral college has got to go.
At the very least some changes may be in line ...something to balance out how the population centers have become urban and perhaps now those in urban centers are not being represented in a balanced manner

in the 240 year US History there have been three times that the Popular vote did not elect the President...two of those three instances have been in the last 16 years ...that is something to take note of ...just saying ...that is something to ponder ....

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