Hilarious: White House accuses Bergdahl's fellow soldiers of "Swiftboating"!!!

Wow. Just watch the left dodge and try to erect a MASSIVE straw man.

I don't give a rats ass about Kerry - he is not the subject of this thread. This term in this specific case is an attempt to besmirch and discredit the myriad of soldiers that were working along side Bergdahl who have come out against the governments original assertions. Define swift boating however you want - this is the manner is which it is being used in this case.
Wow. Just watch the left dodge and try to erect a MASSIVE straw man.

I don't give a rats ass about Kerry - he is not the subject of this thread. This term in this specific case is an attempt to besmirch and discredit the myriad of soldiers that were working along side Bergdahl who have come out against the governments original assertions. Define swift boating however you want - this is the manner is which it is being used in this case.

The guy spent five years wondering if he would live to see the next day

I am willing to let all the facts come out before I throw him under the bus
Obama and his goons are such amateurs....they believe this fiasco was going to cover up the VA scandal and Obama would slip off to Europe (how convenient) this week while the Taliban swap would make Americans faint at the sight of Obama.

What they've done is open up a can of worms by trading a traitor for 5 dangerous terrorists in an illegal act, so their response is to trash anyone that opposes their insanity.
obama expected euphoria. He set up a whole rose garden ceremony with the creepy father offering the taliban a little love.

Bob Bergdahl really hates this country. He raised his son on a steady diet of how bad America is. Especially the action in Afghanistan.
Obama and his goons are such amateurs....they believe this fiasco was going to cover up the VA scandal and Obama would slip off to Europe (how convenient) this week while the Taliban swap would make Americans faint at the sight of Obama.

What they've done is open up a can of worms by trading a traitor for 5 dangerous terrorists in an illegal act, so their response is to trash anyone that opposes their insanity.

obama is going to get what's left of his ass handed to him in Europe.
"Swiftboating", in case you've forgotten, is the practice used when a soldier tells a lie or comes up with dubious claims. People who don't like such duplicity, then consult all the soldiers who were around him during the incident(s) in question, and ask them publicly what they saw and what happened, thoroughly debunking the lies and dubious claims.

The term came from John Kerry's campaign for President a long time ago. He made several highly dubious claims about his own service in Vietnam, when he was a member of a team of patrol boats called the "Swift Boats". So a large number of his own shipmates, and others who were on nearby boats with Kerry, formed a group called "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth", and to a man told a very different story, discrediting Kerry's version of events.

Democrats, naturally, have been ranting ever since that a hundred or more U.S. Navy sailors were all liars, while Kerry was alone in telling the truth.

Now, as more and more of Bowe Bergdahl's fellow soldiers come forward to tell the truth about Bergdahl's questionable "hero" status, the same Democrats are starting the same ranting. :cuckoo: Some things never change.


Report: White House Accuses Soldiers Who Served with Bergdahl of 'Swift Boating' | The Weekly Standard

Report: White House Accuses Soldiers Who Served with Bergdahl of 'Swift Boating'

9:24 AM, Jun 4, 2014• By MARK HEMINGWAY

Appearing on the Today Show this morning, Chuck Todd reports that, in response to allegations of possible desertion by Bowe Bergdahl, White House sources are accusing the soldiers that served with him of "swift boating." Prior to the allegations made by those who served with Bergdahl, National Security Advisor Susan Rice had said Bergdahl served with "Honor and distinction." From the transcript of the Today Show:

Every [White House] aide I've talked to said they expected there to be controversy involving the decision to release five members of the taliban from gitmo, and the fact that this would then escalate that debate, which has been simmering for a good five years, which is what to do with those detainees, how do you release them, where do you release them. They did not expect this backlash on bergdahl himself. I've had a few aides describe it to me as we didn't know that they were going to swift boat Bergdahl. And that's a reference to that political fight back in 2004 over john kerry's military service, so there's some fighting words there.

Laws of Mercy!!!

Like the anger of 300 to 1 (who received payment for his 'outrage' at everyone else) who served with Kerry was mad when he chummied up with Janie Fonda, who chummed up with the enemy and made life hell for American soldiers on the front lines due to Americans siding with the enemy? Well, Obama's lucky. His bluff hasn't been called much by his worried fellow Democrats except for Diane Feinstein, who views the Constitution and courtesy as vital elements in governing America. Hagel has had a recent neck elongation with his head firmly placed in the sand about AWOL sargeants. Others are having an Al (I didn't know I was in a Chinese Temple) Gore moment...

I'm surprised anyone would mention Swiftboating to remind the American people of who the Secretary of State really is, and his similar circumstance to someone who went AWOL, which wasn't exactly his modus operandi for getting out of a war situation.

Oh, never mind.

W. E. L. C. O. M. E. . .H. O. M. E., ... A. S. S. W. I. P. E. !!!​
obama expected euphoria. He set up a whole rose garden ceremony with the creepy father offering the taliban a little love.

Bob Bergdahl really hates this country. He raised his son on a steady diet of how bad America is. Especially the action in Afghanistan.
No one but his acolytes trust him. The World leaders LAUGH at his sorry ass.
time will heal the wounds of speculation one way or the other

I hope so. This goes from good news to a "scandal" within 1 day.

That happens a lot when the truth has a chance to come out.

And these people are afraid of the truth, and attempt to mask it...only for it to become another on a long list of scandals.

BLAME, MINIMIZE, DENY, OBFUSCATE...is catching up quickly to them...
"Swiftboating", in case you've forgotten, is the practice used when a soldier tells a lie or comes up with dubious claims. People who don't like such duplicity, then consult all the soldiers who were around him during the incident(s) in question, and ask them publicly what they saw and what happened, thoroughly debunking the lies and dubious claims.

The term came from John Kerry's campaign for President a long time ago. He made several highly dubious claims about his own service in Vietnam, when he was a member of a team of patrol boats called the "Swift Boats". So a large number of his own shipmates, and others who were on nearby boats with Kerry, formed a group called "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth", and to a man told a very different story, discrediting Kerry's version of events.

Democrats, naturally, have been ranting ever since that a hundred or more U.S. Navy sailors were all liars, while Kerry was alone in telling the truth.

Now, as more and more of Bowe Bergdahl's fellow soldiers come forward to tell the truth about Bergdahl's questionable "hero" status, the same Democrats are starting the same ranting. :cuckoo: Some things never change.


Report: White House Accuses Soldiers Who Served with Bergdahl of 'Swift Boating' | The Weekly Standard

Report: White House Accuses Soldiers Who Served with Bergdahl of 'Swift Boating'

9:24 AM, Jun 4, 2014• By MARK HEMINGWAY

Appearing on the Today Show this morning, Chuck Todd reports that, in response to allegations of possible desertion by Bowe Bergdahl, White House sources are accusing the soldiers that served with him of "swift boating." Prior to the allegations made by those who served with Bergdahl, National Security Advisor Susan Rice had said Bergdahl served with "Honor and distinction." From the transcript of the Today Show:

Every [White House] aide I've talked to said they expected there to be controversy involving the decision to release five members of the taliban from gitmo, and the fact that this would then escalate that debate, which has been simmering for a good five years, which is what to do with those detainees, how do you release them, where do you release them. They did not expect this backlash on bergdahl himself. I've had a few aides describe it to me as we didn't know that they were going to swift boat Bergdahl. And that's a reference to that political fight back in 2004 over john kerry's military service, so there's some fighting words there.

Laws of Mercy!!!

Like the anger of 300 to 1 (who received payment for his 'outrage' at everyone else) who served with Kerry was mad when he chummied up with Janie Fonda, who chummed up with the enemy and made life hell for American soldiers on the front lines due to Americans siding with the enemy? Well, Obama's lucky. His bluff hasn't been called much by his worried fellow Democrats except for Diane Feinstein, who views the Constitution and courtesy as vital elements in governing America. Hagel has had a recent neck elongation with his head firmly placed in the sand about AWOL sargeants. Others are having an Al (I didn't know I was in a Chinese Temple) Gore moment...

I'm surprised anyone would mention Swiftboating to remind the American people of who the Secretary of State really is, and his similar circumstance to someone who went AWOL, which wasn't exactly his modus operandi for getting out of a war situation.

Oh, never mind.

W. E. L. C. O. M. E. . .H. O. M. E., ... A. S. S. W. I. P. E. !!!​
They are reaching, aren't they? These people are dredging up whalecrap from the bottom of the Marianas Trench...they are afraid...their world of lies is unraveling like a cheap suit.
"Swiftboating", in case you've forgotten, is the practice used when a soldier tells a lie or comes up with dubious claims. People who don't like such duplicity, then consult all the soldiers who were around him during the incident(s) in question, and ask them publicly what they saw and what happened, thoroughly debunking the lies and dubious claims.

The term came from John Kerry's campaign for President a long time ago. He made several highly dubious claims about his own service in Vietnam, when he was a member of a team of patrol boats called the "Swift Boats". So a large number of his own shipmates, and others who were on nearby boats with Kerry, formed a group called "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth", and to a man told a very different story, discrediting Kerry's version of events.

Democrats, naturally, have been ranting ever since that a hundred or more U.S. Navy sailors were all liars, while Kerry was alone in telling the truth.

Now, as more and more of Bowe Bergdahl's fellow soldiers come forward to tell the truth about Bergdahl's questionable "hero" status, the same Democrats are starting the same ranting. :cuckoo: Some things never change.


Report: White House Accuses Soldiers Who Served with Bergdahl of 'Swift Boating' | The Weekly Standard

Report: White House Accuses Soldiers Who Served with Bergdahl of 'Swift Boating'

9:24 AM, Jun 4, 2014• By MARK HEMINGWAY

Appearing on the Today Show this morning, Chuck Todd reports that, in response to allegations of possible desertion by Bowe Bergdahl, White House sources are accusing the soldiers that served with him of "swift boating." Prior to the allegations made by those who served with Bergdahl, National Security Advisor Susan Rice had said Bergdahl served with "Honor and distinction." From the transcript of the Today Show:

Every [White House] aide I've talked to said they expected there to be controversy involving the decision to release five members of the taliban from gitmo, and the fact that this would then escalate that debate, which has been simmering for a good five years, which is what to do with those detainees, how do you release them, where do you release them. They did not expect this backlash on bergdahl himself. I've had a few aides describe it to me as we didn't know that they were going to swift boat Bergdahl. And that's a reference to that political fight back in 2004 over john kerry's military service, so there's some fighting words there.

Laws of Mercy!!!

Like the anger of 300 to 1 (who received payment for his 'outrage' at everyone else) who served with Kerry was mad when he chummied up with Janie Fonda, who chummed up with the enemy and made life hell for American soldiers on the front lines due to Americans siding with the enemy? Well, Obama's lucky. His bluff hasn't been called much by his worried fellow Democrats except for Diane Feinstein, who views the Constitution and courtesy as vital elements in governing America. Hagel has had a recent neck elongation with his head firmly placed in the sand about AWOL sargeants. Others are having an Al (I didn't know I was in a Chinese Temple) Gore moment...

I'm surprised anyone would mention Swiftboating to remind the American people of who the Secretary of State really is, and his similar circumstance to someone who went AWOL, which wasn't exactly his modus operandi for getting out of a war situation.

Oh, never mind.

W. E. L. C. O. M. E. . .H. O. M. E., ... A. S. S. W. I. P. E. !!!​
They are reaching, aren't they? These people are dredging up whalecrap from the bottom of the Marianas Trench...they are afraid...their world of lies is unraveling like a cheap suit.
Swiftboating will remind the sleeping giant he should have woken up when Obama badmouthed Americans abroad.

Laws of Mercy!!!

Like the anger of 300 to 1 (who received payment for his 'outrage' at everyone else) who served with Kerry was mad when he chummied up with Janie Fonda, who chummed up with the enemy and made life hell for American soldiers on the front lines due to Americans siding with the enemy? Well, Obama's lucky. His bluff hasn't been called much by his worried fellow Democrats except for Diane Feinstein, who views the Constitution and courtesy as vital elements in governing America. Hagel has had a recent neck elongation with his head firmly placed in the sand about AWOL sargeants. Others are having an Al (I didn't know I was in a Chinese Temple) Gore moment...

I'm surprised anyone would mention Swiftboating to remind the American people of who the Secretary of State really is, and his similar circumstance to someone who went AWOL, which wasn't exactly his modus operandi for getting out of a war situation.

Oh, never mind.

W. E. L. C. O. M. E. . .H. O. M. E., ... A. S. S. W. I. P. E. !!!​
They are reaching, aren't they? These people are dredging up whalecrap from the bottom of the Marianas Trench...they are afraid...their world of lies is unraveling like a cheap suit.
Swiftboating will remind the sleeping giant he should have woken up when Obama badmouthed Americans abroad.

Ah yeah...the American "Apology Tour" 2009.
I have never seen an American POW attacked the way Bergdahl has been

His biggest crime is that Obama secured his release
Wow. Just watch the left dodge and try to erect a MASSIVE straw man.

I don't give a rats ass about Kerry - he is not the subject of this thread. This term in this specific case is an attempt to besmirch and discredit the myriad of soldiers that were working along side Bergdahl who have come out against the governments original assertions. Define swift boating however you want - this is the manner is which it is being used in this case.

The guy spent five years wondering if he would live to see the next day

I am willing to let all the facts come out before I throw him under the bus

The more facts that come out, the worst it looks. But, by all means, pretend you suddenly care about facts.
wow. Just watch the left dodge and try to erect a massive straw man.

I don't give a rats ass about kerry - he is not the subject of this thread. This term in this specific case is an attempt to besmirch and discredit the myriad of soldiers that were working along side bergdahl who have come out against the governments original assertions. Define swift boating however you want - this is the manner is which it is being used in this case.

the guy spent five years wondering if he would live to see the next day

i am willing to let all the facts come out before i throw him under the bus

the more facts that come out, the worst it looks. But, by all means, pretend you suddenly care about facts.

must...defend...obama...at all costs...

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