Higher taxes or cut frivolous spending

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
With the debt the left is forcing on us something has to give. We are either going to HAVE TO raise taxes or cut spending. The answer seems obvious to me but few seem courageous enough to try.

1. Cut foreign aid by 80% or more.
2. Stop funding shrimp on a treadmill type shit.
3. Increase oil production and export it.
4. Put salary caps on politicians.
5. Ban fundraising/money in politics. Require PBS to host and air ALL political debates since we fund them (cut out corporate media money pits)
6. Make ALL government contracts publicly bid. No more giving contracts to your buddies who charge you 80 bucks for a toilet seat.
7. Create a section on irs forms for contributions to go DIRECTLY to our national debt and make that program publicly accessible by anyone via the internet (full transparency)
8. Lock down our southern border and institute strick guidelines for work visas.
9. Cut the budget of ALL federal agencies by at least 5%.
10. Add a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.
11. Require ALL spending bills to be accessible for 7 days & to be publicly read on the floor BEFORE any vote is taken.
12. AFTER all that raise taxes incrementally as needed.

These are just thoughts off the top of my head. Point being that anyone, including our elected officials, can solve this problem if they actually wanted to.
With the debt the left is forcing on us something has to give. We are either going to HAVE TO raise taxes or cut spending. The answer seems obvious to me but few seem courageous enough to try.

1. Cut foreign aid by 80% or more.
2. Stop funding shrimp on a treadmill type shit.
3. Increase oil production and export it.
4. Put salary caps on politicians.
5. Ban fundraising/money in politics. Require PBS to host and air ALL political debates since we fund them (cut out corporate media money pits)
6. Make ALL government contracts publicly bid. No more giving contracts to your buddies who charge you 80 bucks for a toilet seat.
7. Create a section on irs forms for contributions to go DIRECTLY to our national debt and make that program publicly accessible by anyone via the internet (full transparency)
8. Lock down our southern border and institute strick guidelines for work visas.
9. Cut the budget of ALL federal agencies by at least 5%.
10. Add a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.
11. Require ALL spending bills to be accessible for 7 days & to be publicly read on the floor BEFORE any vote is taken.
12. AFTER all that raise taxes incrementally as needed.

These are just thoughts off the top of my head. Point being that anyone, including our elected officials, can solve this problem if they actually wanted to.
What's different now from when Trump cut taxes and did not cut spending?
With the debt the left is forcing on us something has to give. We are either going to HAVE TO raise taxes or cut spending. The answer seems obvious to me but few seem courageous enough to try.

1. Cut foreign aid by 80% or more.
2. Stop funding shrimp on a treadmill type shit.
3. Increase oil production and export it.
4. Put salary caps on politicians.
5. Ban fundraising/money in politics. Require PBS to host and air ALL political debates since we fund them (cut out corporate media money pits)
6. Make ALL government contracts publicly bid. No more giving contracts to your buddies who charge you 80 bucks for a toilet seat.
7. Create a section on irs forms for contributions to go DIRECTLY to our national debt and make that program publicly accessible by anyone via the internet (full transparency)
8. Lock down our southern border and institute strick guidelines for work visas.
9. Cut the budget of ALL federal agencies by at least 5%.
10. Add a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.
11. Require ALL spending bills to be accessible for 7 days & to be publicly read on the floor BEFORE any vote is taken.
12. AFTER all that raise taxes incrementally as needed.

These are just thoughts off the top of my head. Point being that anyone, including our elected officials, can solve this problem if they actually wanted to.

The only thing I don't agree with is number 10 because that will have unintended consequences and we the people will lose.
With the debt the left is forcing on us something has to give. We are either going to HAVE TO raise taxes or cut spending. The answer seems obvious to me but few seem courageous enough to try.

1. Cut foreign aid by 80% or more.
2. Stop funding shrimp on a treadmill type shit.
3. Increase oil production and export it.
4. Put salary caps on politicians.
5. Ban fundraising/money in politics. Require PBS to host and air ALL political debates since we fund them (cut out corporate media money pits)
6. Make ALL government contracts publicly bid. No more giving contracts to your buddies who charge you 80 bucks for a toilet seat.
7. Create a section on irs forms for contributions to go DIRECTLY to our national debt and make that program publicly accessible by anyone via the internet (full transparency)
8. Lock down our southern border and institute strick guidelines for work visas.
9. Cut the budget of ALL federal agencies by at least 5%.
10. Add a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.
11. Require ALL spending bills to be accessible for 7 days & to be publicly read on the floor BEFORE any vote is taken.
12. AFTER all that raise taxes incrementally as needed.

These are just thoughts off the top of my head. Point being that anyone, including our elected officials, can solve this problem if they actually wanted to.
Attack China and destroy it's manufacturing base along with Russia and become the world's manufacture base again.
With the debt the left is forcing on us something has to give. We are either going to HAVE TO raise taxes or cut spending. The answer seems obvious to me but few seem courageous enough to try.

1. Cut foreign aid by 80% or more.
2. Stop funding shrimp on a treadmill type shit.
3. Increase oil production and export it.
4. Put salary caps on politicians.
5. Ban fundraising/money in politics. Require PBS to host and air ALL political debates since we fund them (cut out corporate media money pits)
6. Make ALL government contracts publicly bid. No more giving contracts to your buddies who charge you 80 bucks for a toilet seat.
7. Create a section on irs forms for contributions to go DIRECTLY to our national debt and make that program publicly accessible by anyone via the internet (full transparency)
8. Lock down our southern border and institute strick guidelines for work visas.
9. Cut the budget of ALL federal agencies by at least 5%.
10. Add a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.
11. Require ALL spending bills to be accessible for 7 days & to be publicly read on the floor BEFORE any vote is taken.
12. AFTER all that raise taxes incrementally as needed.

These are just thoughts off the top of my head. Point being that anyone, including our elected officials, can solve this problem if they actually wanted to.
No on higher taxes

The more revenue you give the government the more they will spend.
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With the debt the left is forcing on us something has to give. We are either going to HAVE TO raise taxes or cut spending. The answer seems obvious to me but few seem courageous enough to try.

1. Cut foreign aid by 80% or more.
2. Stop funding shrimp on a treadmill type shit.
3. Increase oil production and export it.
4. Put salary caps on politicians.
5. Ban fundraising/money in politics. Require PBS to host and air ALL political debates since we fund them (cut out corporate media money pits)
6. Make ALL government contracts publicly bid. No more giving contracts to your buddies who charge you 80 bucks for a toilet seat.
7. Create a section on irs forms for contributions to go DIRECTLY to our national debt and make that program publicly accessible by anyone via the internet (full transparency)
8. Lock down our southern border and institute strick guidelines for work visas.
9. Cut the budget of ALL federal agencies by at least 5%.
10. Add a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.
11. Require ALL spending bills to be accessible for 7 days & to be publicly read on the floor BEFORE any vote is taken.
12. AFTER all that raise taxes incrementally as needed.

These are just thoughts off the top of my head. Point being that anyone, including our elected officials, can solve this problem if they actually wanted to.

With Democrats at the helm, the only thing that will give is our pocketbooks.
With the debt the left is forcing on us something has to give. We are either going to HAVE TO raise taxes or cut spending. The answer seems obvious to me but few seem courageous enough to try.

1. Cut foreign aid by 80% or more.
2. Stop funding shrimp on a treadmill type shit.
3. Increase oil production and export it.
4. Put salary caps on politicians.
5. Ban fundraising/money in politics. Require PBS to host and air ALL political debates since we fund them (cut out corporate media money pits)
6. Make ALL government contracts publicly bid. No more giving contracts to your buddies who charge you 80 bucks for a toilet seat.
7. Create a section on irs forms for contributions to go DIRECTLY to our national debt and make that program publicly accessible by anyone via the internet (full transparency)
8. Lock down our southern border and institute strick guidelines for work visas.
9. Cut the budget of ALL federal agencies by at least 5%.
10. Add a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.
11. Require ALL spending bills to be accessible for 7 days & to be publicly read on the floor BEFORE any vote is taken.
12. AFTER all that raise taxes incrementally as needed.

These are just thoughts off the top of my head. Point being that anyone, including our elected officials, can solve this problem if they actually wanted to.
What's different now from when Trump cut taxes and did not cut spending?
They believed they were getting a benefit from Trump in which they really didn't because at the same time they raised SS taxes(deductions and raised retirement rules) , and the tax reduction in income taxes ends in 2023
Dream on little dreamer, dream on- ain't gonna happen, none of it- one side of the Distict of Criminals criminal inhabitants (spelled infestation) will raise taxes, one side will lower taxes and BOTH sides will continue the Borrow to Spend-
You ain't never gonna get Wal Street to pull out of low wage industry production in the world, never..Unless you, the American, are willing to work for less than the lowest paid people in the world. Welcome to capitalism...
With the debt the left is forcing on us something has to give. We are either going to HAVE TO raise taxes or cut spending. The answer seems obvious to me but few seem courageous enough to try.

1. Cut foreign aid by 80% or more.
2. Stop funding shrimp on a treadmill type shit.
3. Increase oil production and export it.
4. Put salary caps on politicians.
5. Ban fundraising/money in politics. Require PBS to host and air ALL political debates since we fund them (cut out corporate media money pits)
6. Make ALL government contracts publicly bid. No more giving contracts to your buddies who charge you 80 bucks for a toilet seat.
7. Create a section on irs forms for contributions to go DIRECTLY to our national debt and make that program publicly accessible by anyone via the internet (full transparency)
8. Lock down our southern border and institute strick guidelines for work visas.
9. Cut the budget of ALL federal agencies by at least 5%.
10. Add a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.
11. Require ALL spending bills to be accessible for 7 days & to be publicly read on the floor BEFORE any vote is taken.
12. AFTER all that raise taxes incrementally as needed.

These are just thoughts off the top of my head. Point being that anyone, including our elected officials, can solve this problem if they actually wanted to.
Face it. Neither party cares. The general public doesn’t care, nor will they accept the cure. There is no combination of taxation and spending cuts that has any hope of being considered, much less pass. Hang on and be ready for the worst.
You ain't never gonna get Wal Street to pull out of low wage industry production in the world, never..Unless you, the American, are willing to work for less than the lowest paid people in the world. Welcome to capitalism...
"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
1. Cut foreign aid by 80% or more.

Okay. The US has a 48 billion foreign aid budget. That's 1.2% of the budget. So cut that by 80%, you get a 40 Billion savings...

These are just thoughts off the top of my head. Point being that anyone, including our elected officials, can solve this problem if they actually wanted to.

Okay, except that these won't put any real dent in the budget.

Here's a list of the top expenditures- Show me on the chart what we can cut.

If the GOP is serious about being fiscally responsible and reducing the cost of government, their strategy should be pretty clear: Cut spending BEFORE cutting taxes.

So, run for election based on cutting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, several departments and any other programs that they'd like to cut. All those commie things. IF they get elected, make those cuts first. THEN go ahead and cut income taxes accordingly.

All they do now is cut taxes and increase spending. That makes their claim to being "fiscally responsible" a sad joke.

Let see how many Americans really want those programs cut.
You ain't never gonna get Wal Street to pull out of low wage industry production in the world, never..Unless you, the American, are willing to work for less than the lowest paid people in the world. Welcome to capitalism...
"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
Reverse mercantilism but, here we sit with people who claimed to have passed college and high school telling us the reason is Biden (like a three year old pronunciation).

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