High tolerance from pain? RA?

My mother was a mess and shouldn't have had kids. But, she did one good thing for which I am grateful, and that is having a high tolerance for pain. She passed that gene on to my sister and myself.

Anyway..I was wondering....who here has been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis but take nothing for it except an nsaid now and then?

I know it is going to just get worse, but every damn med available for RA is nothing but poison since there is no cure. So in essence, you are killing off your good immune cells so they don't attack your joints but those cells also can't attack invading diseases either. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. So I told myself I would rather be damned if I don't...so I haven't.

Thank God for ace bandages, wrist and ankle braces, and no deformity. Yet. But the pain sometimes is really bad. Can't take advil either cuz it fucks up my guts. If it ain't one thing, it's another as this life clock ticks.

But I digress. Who has RA and just deals with it the best they can without those damn meds they hand out like candy?

Seems to me people got along with RA a long time before analgesics beyond aspirin were invented. Do whatever they did.
o fuck that shit...really...i mean hell my doctor calls it my thc theory...its not legal here but doctors dont go ape over it...he is more concerned i will start back on ciggies
I hear ya there. When I was diagnosed with BC, the woman that does all the work for ya to prepare for whatever you decide to do...lumpectomy vs mastectomy, radiation therapists, chemo docs, etc....she was ragging me every dam day about my smoking. I was a mess. Crying every day, pouring over google to understand BC and all it entails, and phone calls from that bitch asking if I quit yet. Finally I said HEY LADY, ONE THING AT A TIME and I burst into tears. I even contemplated suicide, such a mess I was in. Finally, after the mastectomy, I tried to quit. Again. And failed. Again. I think I have tried to quit 20 times in my life. Once, I quit for 6 months. Was sick the entire 6 months cuz I was on the patch and the patch gives you nicotine all damn day. When I smoke, I have half a cig about every 3 hours or so. I smoke less than a pack a day. So getting it nonstop thru that patch made me sicker than a dog. I decided when I do try again, it will be cold turkey. And I have done that about 19 times. And failed.

Anyway..I am dealing with the pain. And the RA doc is a dick and there are no others I can do to. So I have to choose...again..what is best for me. So far, I think doing what I have been doing is exactly that. Deal with it as it hits me. When it progresses to where I am completely helpless...I already googled the fastest and most painless way to off myself. So I have a back up plan and another backup plan for the backup plan.
Vet gave tramadol for Karma when she was diagnosed with pancreatitus. She slept so good!

Heat works for my fingers and wrists. Can't get in the tub to soak my left shoulder though. Or sit in it for my knees. For some reason, Bagbalm being massaged in the knees helps but the problem is its hard to massage with two bad wrists and finger not wanting to bend.

I also keep in my head about what people did for RA back in wagon wheel days. They dealt with it best they could. Thankfully, Ma gave me the High Tolerance Pain gene so...I guess that is what I'm gonna keep doing. Dealing with it. Until I can't any more.

I started this thread because Doc Asshole wanted me on Simponi. I read up on it and said "Hell no". So he won't see me any more now, cuz "patient refuses help". Um. No. Patient wanted to discuss with him ALL options and ALL available meds. He kept pushing Simponi on me. Bet he is getting kickbacks from that company.
I have heard about that but no..never tried it. Yet.
I'm going back to bed. Been sick all day but I finally feel a bit better to get out of the damn bed for a few, and didn't want anyone to think I am ignoring them.

Night night.
I am here for just a moment. It's been a very rough 24 hours and I am just sucked of all energy, but I think I found something that will help anyone with RA, auto immune probs, and want to fix the problem without toxic drugs. It CAN be done. What I discovered is amazing, but I cannot do it tonight. Going back to bed.

Stay tuned!
Very interested in knowing what it is. I have done Vitamin C IV's and had my metal fillings replaced, changed my diet and working on the high anxiety problem I feel contributed to the problem to start with
Ok, this might be sorta longish, but I need to tell it so those afflicted can do their own research but I also have links. And, I am going to see if this is what REALLY causes RA and auto immune diseases, along with a pile of other crap that toxic drugs are not needed if we do this ourselves the natural way. And yes, I am going to be my own guinea pig.

Let me start by saying for the past week, I have been in major flareup mode. BAD flare up. Which is nothing new. But I have been in remission for months...then this past week...OWIE OW OW. Can't even use my point finger, but thats from a knot in the tendon. Wrist pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, foot pain, hip pain....that is all RA. And I take nothing for it. I just...live with it. BUT..I have noticed something the past few really bad flareups. I get sick during or at the ass end of said flareups. Gut sick. Vomiting, diarrhea, stomach ache that hurts really bad. And the 12 hours I go thru this, (this is important), afterwards...once the bathroom visits are done....there is NO PAIN anywhere in my body. None. Zilch. Nothing. I could even partially use my trigger finger and the knot trying to slide up and down the ligament did fine with no pain although there was a clicking. And I am using it right now to type, with no pain whereas 2 days ago..I had to peck peck peck with my right hand to type.

Now, back to the flareup, the major intestinal/gut hissy: I think my body is so full of toxins..bad bacteria, bad flora in the gut instead of good flora, the pileons on my joints, the fatigue, the this the that...I did some exploring. Hours and hours worth. And it kept going back to Leaky Gut Syndrome. And, it can be healed (you gut). And that is healed, all the crap the gut is leaking into the rest of your body will stop the buildup around joints and organs and whatnot.

I told my doctor a few years ago I wondered if I had leaky gut syndrome and he looked at me like I was coo coo. Well...my surgeon that took my gall bladder thought I was off my rocker too, until I showed him on his computer that thousands and thousands of pages on Google of Chronic Diarrhea if the gall BLADDER is taken out (easier for doc and more money in his pocket) than just removing the stone itself (better for the patient, not as much money as GB surgery. God gave us a gall bladder for a reason, ya know).

Anyway...ANYONE that has RA should check out Leaky Gut Syndrome. Read thoroughly. And go on a Paleo diet. Make Bone Broth. That is what I am going to do the next time I boil chicken for the dogs. That broth is going in MY stomach to heal it. Once healed, I can slowly incorporate more foods but avoid what causes leaky gut which also affects RA, Lupus, and a bunch of other diseases docs want to use their poison on instead of walking a different path and healing us SAFELY.

In short...a couple of times this has happened. Bad flare up where the pain is awful....get sick one night with sulfur burps, stomach aches follows, more stomach ache, diarrhea, collapse from exhaustion...and NO JOINT PAIN.
This happened to me night before last. I was sleeping until like 4pm yesterday just to recoup. No food at all yesterday except green tea and water. I ate today, one egg wrapped in a corn tortilla. That's it. NO JOINT PAIN. Yet. I'm sure it will return, but first I plan to experiment with foods that will do what the toxins in drugs do. There is no cure for RA or Lupus or Fibro....but there IS a way to make it stay in remission longer. I think. I'll find out!

Here are the links I saved:

Could Leaky Gut Be What’s Troubling You?

The Brain Book | Leaky Gut Diet

Perpetual Soup — Nourished Kitchen

Healing Leaky Gut with Food: 6 Things You Should Be Eating

Leaky Gut | Leaky Gut Styndrome | Gluten Free Recipes - The Healthy Apple
Yeah I have known that. All auto-immune disorders come from inflammation in the intestinal tract including autism and alzeimers. Many kids who have taken down the inflammation in the gut see improvement. I went on a diet a few times called the anti-inflammatory diet. I am sure the guidelines of it are online somewhere. If you are not too thin already it can be of some help but you will lose a lot of weight...I did anyway and I wasn't overweight to start. If I get too thin my sciatic nerves get pinched and I have other problems. If the diet works for you then great. Simulating fevers was also recommended and I can explain that if you wish to try it. Also if you have help to do so I can give you a procedure to do that involves castor oil soaked cloth over the abdomen with a hot pad on it for an hour each day. A couple times I almost died, the first time I did the castor oil packs, food diet and got my metal fillings removed. I can explain about that process too and that one saved my life. The gut inflammation is likely due to mercury poisoning from the tooth fillings.
The liver cleanse diet can be beneficial as well but it wasn't for me. My system was too inflamed and it blew all the toxins from my liver into my gut and made me bedridden. I think these things are great for someone who are experiencing the onset of the disease before the joints have been permanently damaged but after 16 years of struggling with it and trying to raise a child, keep a house and be functional I caved and got some help and at first it was just steroids (for 7 years). Recently got on methotrexate and Humira. I did my best to exhaust everything else I knew first
Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto immune disorder akin to psoriasis and whatever else.

My step father had it terribly, suffered with it all his life, largely without the benefit of pain killers. It crippled him, twisted his back to the point he looked like a dwarf with a hunch back and couldn't turn his neck without turning his whole body.

My sister had her knees replaced..I don't believe she's been diagnosed with RA but her arthritis started in very young.

I have psoriatic arthritis, another auto immune disorder and it's a pain in the ass.

When pain is bad, just take the pain killers. But when they don't work any more, quit taking them and deal for a while. Detox off them and then go back on them again later. I mean, the long and short of it..they become less effective over time and can actually make the pain seem worse than it is.

Ibuprofen also loses effectiveness over time, and it is hard on your kidneys as well as hard on your stomach. Just keep that in mind.

All the morphine, codeine, fake codeines, all that crap....you never know when you'll screw up and take another med at some time and boom your heart stops. You have to be really careful taking any sort of anti depressant with pain killers (just ask Anna Nicole..oh wait! You can't, she croaked! Ok, ask her son. Oh no, you can't! He croaked! Okay wait..who else...Elvis! Nope, again...he croaked.) Be careful with the pain killers if you also take Xanax. Actually, just don't take them ever together. It's Russian roulette.

I think a lot of the autoimmune disorder symptoms can be helped by diet, but there's just so much we don't know and it's so hard to get it figured out. I think if I were to cut out sugar and all refined foods from my diet (that includes chocolate) my psoriasis flare ups would almost stop altogether.

In the end, it's what works for you. If it works for you, don't let somebody talk you out of doing it. Who cares if you are *addicted* to pain killers, if they actually reduce the pain that nothing else can touch?? I mean, do you want to live with pain, or without? If addiction just means you have to have them to function because you're in pain, WHO GIVES A SHIT????
Yeah I have known that. All auto-immune disorders come from inflammation in the intestinal tract including autism and alzeimers. Many kids who have taken down the inflammation in the gut see improvement. I went on a diet a few times called the anti-inflammatory diet. I am sure the guidelines of it are online somewhere. If you are not too thin already it can be of some help but you will lose a lot of weight...I did anyway and I wasn't overweight to start. If I get too thin my sciatic nerves get pinched and I have other problems. If the diet works for you then great. Simulating fevers was also recommended and I can explain that if you wish to try it. Also if you have help to do so I can give you a procedure to do that involves castor oil soaked cloth over the abdomen with a hot pad on it for an hour each day. A couple times I almost died, the first time I did the castor oil packs, food diet and got my metal fillings removed. I can explain about that process too and that one saved my life. The gut inflammation is likely due to mercury poisoning from the tooth fillings.
I know about people thinking you are crazy too but you are not, rest assured. The only way to flush the mercury out and get the gut inflammation down is chelation...or high doses of Vitamin C via IV. MD's know zippo about this stuff. Well trained Naturopaths do and special trained dentists can be contacted to safely remove the fillings
I don't have metal fillings, thankfully. And I am thankful I have not been laughed at about leaky gut. I was a tad worried about that. Stress is another BIG factor, too. So, I plan to keep calm, leave when things get to poisonous here, come back when thing s are peaceful and easy going. No stress.

I have lost 30 lbs.10 more to go and I will be the size I was when I met Mr Gracie. I still have the cut off shorts I was wearing. I couldn't even get them over my calves these past 25+ years. Now, they go all the way up but I still can't zip them. 10 more pounds and I will be the size I was in high school. So yeah..losing more weight means less poundage on my joints!
Personally I think the stress is the big factor for flares. Baths in epsom salt help too because it draws out toxins from your skin as well. I think over the years I have tried most everything but I am always open to new info

Make note of everything you eat, how you felt the day before and what you did. It will help pinpoint patters for flares. Mine was constant and just kept getting worse. I did the diet thing and started out at about 120 and went down to below 95. It took quite awhile to get me from backsliding, I have to say it was quite scary for awhile. At one point I was eating brown rice, vegetables, and beans every day. Cutting out dairy is a help to many along with tomatoes and potatoes, sugar, wheat flour and meat. It was too much for my body I almost croaked from malnutrition that time
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KG..I can't take motrin and anti inflammatories. It wrecks havoc on my large intestines due to the diverticulus.
Never in all my life have I had skin probs, but the past 4 years, I have psoriasis. Under my arms, under my one boob, behind my ears and a few patches on my scalp. I have a medicated RX shampoo for it, but I found that apple cider vinegar helps better. And coconut oil now and then for conditioning. I want that to go away too! So whatever foods I can eat that will help stop all this...I plan to try.

I have vicodins, but I only take half of one every night. I take melatonin to help me sleep, the vicodin just as I head to bed. And yes, I stop both for about a week, then start in again. It helps to clean out the system and you don't get all immune to what they do for ya.
I used to take xanax, but I got such a pileon about that, I quit. The melatonin, soaking hands in really warm water, and the half a vic does wonders.

Wish I had one of those infinity pools. Heated. Ahhhhhh. Hell, even a jacuzzi.

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