High School Girl Set Upon by Mob for Supporting President

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
High School Girl Set Upon by Mob for Supporting President

Liberalism cannot stand on its own merits, but it doesn’t have to. Those who drink the Kool-Aid bully others into going along. Kids know how it works by the time they get out of high school — even in Nebraska.

Jordan White, a junior at Bellevue East High School, posted a photo supporting Trump on Instagram. This set off a smear campaign:
“I received things like, ‘I should kill myself.’ ‘That I should be jumped.’ ‘Take a video of her getting jumped at school.’ ‘She should be curb-stomped.’ ‘Every Trump supporter should be curb-stomped,'” Jordan White said.
Curb-stomping is a horrific form of violence that can result in death.
She posted the photo after attending the Four More Tour Monday night in Omaha. …
Someone even [went] as far as impersonating her, stealing her photos and insinuating she was involved with white supremacy groups.
Maybe they could get John Roberts to investigate Jordan’s links to white supremacy.
A photoshop was apparently used to support the claim that she is a “racist” for supporting Trump.

cause the left never does that to anyone for no reason at all ....right......pfffffffft
The bullying has gotten so bad Jordan White requested to do her schoolwork in the dean’s office. She said she’s also not attending cheer practice for work because of the backlash.
Her father Doug White explains the phenomenon:
“They’re part of a mob, and once the mob gets started it’s like a pack of animals going after a piece of bloody meat.”
Nobody likes getting canceled. So people go along, even with a depraved, pernicious ideology that is built upon lies.
On a tip from Bluto.

Golly Geee I wonder who fills these kids heads full of garbage ? Hummmmmm I wonder

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It would have been just fine if they would have called her a communist, or said she hates America, or that she likes to kill babies and sell their body parts. Trump supporters make those claims are made every day, and nobody sees anything wrong with it.
It would have been just fine if they would have called her a communist, or said she hates America, or that she likes to kill babies and sell their body parts. Trump supporters make those claims are made every day, and nobody sees anything wrong with it.

Because those things are true.

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