hiden biden is a train wreck that has happened


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
the msm wants us to believe that biden is adequately ...'clothed' ...but as in 'the emperor has no clothes'....everyone is now seeing biden's incompetence as in he is not mentally fit for the job.

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Not just Biden. The entire DFL is a trainwreck... Dy0jjS5UcAARZ3A.jpg
Problem is, they wish to force all of us into the boxcars.
the msm wants us to believe that biden is adequately ...'clothed' ...but as in 'the emperor has no clothes'....everyone is now seeing biden's incompetence as in he is not mentally fit for the job.

The left doesn't care care. Just like they were handed a shit sandwich in 2016, they'll vote lockstep and lemming-like for the one who isn't Donald J. Trump.

A flaming sack of dog shit could have gotten the Democratic nomination and they'd still line up at the polls and vote for it, or try to mail in ten ballots.

And they have the unmitigated gall to call us Trump-supporters "cultists."
the msm wants us to believe that biden is adequately ...'clothed' ...but as in 'the emperor has no clothes'....everyone is now seeing biden's incompetence as in he is not mentally fit for the job.

Heh..heh...heh. Why is your second linked source on "hiatus"? And why is your first a Trump campaign website link?
Biden is going to embarrass Trump just by talking policy alone.

A phony? You've just described Trump to a "T"....for the last 40 years of his life. :)
the msm wants us to believe that biden is adequately ...'clothed' ...but as in 'the emperor has no clothes'....everyone is now seeing biden's incompetence as in he is not mentally fit for the job.

Heh..heh...heh. Why is your second linked source on "hiatus"? And why is your first a Trump campaign website link?
Biden is going to embarrass Trump just by talking policy alone.

A phony? You've just described Trump to a "T"....for the last 40 years of his life. :)

Sorry, but your girl still isn't President. Nor will she ever be.
the msm wants us to believe that biden is adequately ...'clothed' ...but as in 'the emperor has no clothes'....everyone is now seeing biden's incompetence as in he is not mentally fit for the job.

You're living in a tRuth vacuum.
the msm wants us to believe that biden is adequately ...'clothed' ...but as in 'the emperor has no clothes'....everyone is now seeing biden's incompetence as in he is not mentally fit for the job.

Heh..heh...heh. Why is your second linked source on "hiatus"? And why is your first a Trump campaign website link?
Biden is going to embarrass Trump just by talking policy alone.

A phony? You've just described Trump to a "T"....for the last 40 years of his life. :)

Sorry, but your girl still isn't President. Nor will she ever be.

And? We left her in the rearview mirror four years ago. And she ain't running this year. Why you still stuck in the past?
Scared? You should be.
the msm wants us to believe that biden is adequately ...'clothed' ...but as in 'the emperor has no clothes'....everyone is now seeing biden's incompetence as in he is not mentally fit for the job.

The left doesn't care care. Just like they were handed a shit sandwich in 2016, they'll vote lockstep and lemming-like for the one who isn't Donald J. Trump.

A flaming sack of dog shit could have gotten the Democratic nomination and they'd still line up at the polls and vote for it, or try to mail in ten ballots.

And they have the unmitigated gall to call us Trump-supporters "cultists."
god..can you imagine if Biden was a Proctologist? I wonder how many of his 2000 patients would be in extreme pain all the time
the msm wants us to believe that biden is adequately ...'clothed' ...but as in 'the emperor has no clothes'....everyone is now seeing biden's incompetence as in he is not mentally fit for the job.

Heh..heh...heh. Why is your second linked source on "hiatus"? And why is your first a Trump campaign website link?
Biden is going to embarrass Trump just by talking policy alone.

A phony? You've just described Trump to a "T"....for the last 40 years of his life. :)

Sorry, but your girl still isn't President. Nor will she ever be.

And? We left her in the rearview mirror four years ago. And she ain't running this year. Why you still stuck in the past?
Scared? You should be.

Scared that a brain-damaged bumbling washed-up Washington insider is going to beat Trump? Not hardly, but you can go on believing that if you want. That's how I like my Democrats: Delusional, uninformed, and ignorant.

The painful truth is this: You haven't left Hillary in the rearview mirror, as you so tried to wax poetically. Hillary Clinton was supposed to be the third term of Barack Obama, that's why they chose her to carry the torch. Her administration would have been nothing more than a continuation of the failed Obama's "Make America Apologize Again" policies.

And yet in your stupidity, you idiots go right back to your vomit like a dog returns to his, with Joe Biden. The same Joe Biden who is promising you the third term of Obama that you didn't get when Hillary lost.

Gawd, you people are soooo stupid. Learn some new tricks already, mmmkay? You're becoming so repetitious and redundant.

Biden is irrelevant. If elected, the powerhouse will be the Marxist puppeteers chosen VP.
The dumbest people in the world are the ones who answer polls. So, out of the dumbest people in the world with nothing to do, most of them are picking Biden

Says all of the media outlets that want Trump to lose?

How do we know? How do we know if they’re being accurate?

This is going be such a contested election, no matter what, my friends
the msm wants us to believe that biden is adequately ...'clothed' ...but as in 'the emperor has no clothes'....everyone is now seeing biden's incompetence as in he is not mentally fit for the job.

Heh..heh...heh. Why is your second linked source on "hiatus"? And why is your first a Trump campaign website link?
Biden is going to embarrass Trump just by talking policy alone.

A phony? You've just described Trump to a "T"....for the last 40 years of his life. :)

Sorry, but your girl still isn't President. Nor will she ever be.

And? We left her in the rearview mirror four years ago. And she ain't running this year. Why you still stuck in the past?
Scared? You should be.

Scared that a brain-damaged bumbling washed-up Washington insider is going to beat Trump? Not hardly, but you can go on believing that if you want. That's how I like my Democrats: Delusional, uninformed, and ignorant.

The painful truth is this: You haven't left Hillary in the rearview mirror, as you so tried to wax poetically. Hillary Clinton was supposed to be the third term of Barack Obama, that's why they chose her to carry the torch. Her administration would have been nothing more than a continuation of the failed Obama's "Make America Apologize Again" policies.

And yet in your stupidity, you idiots go right back to your vomit like a dog returns to his, with Joe Biden. The same Joe Biden who is promising you the third term of Obama that you didn't get when Hillary lost.

Gawd, you people are soooo stupid. Learn some new tricks already, mmmkay? You're becoming so repetitious and redundant.


You alt-righters are the only ones that can't leave 2016 behind them. Obama will be remembered as a good President. Trump will not.
Biden is his own man..Mkay? :)

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