Democrat Cognitive Dissonance List


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
From a friend of mine on FB

Gaslight Nation
Fearing that Donald Trump may lose in November and the presidency may go to whoever Joe Biden chooses as a running mate, I’ve been brushing up on my left-wing reasoning so I can get through the next four years without being thrown off FaceBook. Let me see if I have this right.
Speech is violence. Silence is violence. Violence is mostly peaceful.
Ninety percent of black Americans who are murdered are murdered by murderers who are also black, so we need to defund the police because ... white people.
It is absolutely fatal to attend a Trump rally or protest COVID lockdown, but perfectly safe to go to a riot.
It is perfectly safe to have a massive funeral for a dead Democrat congressman, but absolutely fatal to gather ten relatives to bury your own grandfather.
Trump is a grandma killing monster to want to reopen the economy, but the fallout from the economic shutdown is his fault.
Trump calling for law and order in Democrat cities violates Twitter policies on glorifying violence, but when Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei calls for the extermination of the Jewish people, that’s a political discussion.
Socialism, which always and everywhere exacerbates inequality, is the cure for inequality, while capitalism, which has made the entire world far wealthier than it’s ever been, is unjust.
The term “gaslighting” comes from a 1938 suspense play by Patrick Hamilton called “Angel Street.” The play, which became the movie “Gaslight,” is about abusive husband Jack Manningham, who seeks to hide the fact that he’s manipulative, a murderer and a thief by convincing his wife that she’s insane. He does this by trying to make her think she does not see what she actually sees — the gaslights dimming — or hear what she hears — his footsteps in the apartment above.
Jack Manningham is now, of course, chairman of the Democrat party. OK, that’s a joke. I think. But it is true that America’s leftists are gaslighting us like never before. Every day, every hour, they are using their dominance of America’s information industries to make us believe we don’t see what we see and dont hear what we hear.
We see their cities burning, but they tell us they’re mostly peaceful. We hear them call America racist and disrespect the National Anthem and the flag, but they tell us they’re patriots. They try to cancel free speech, free worship, and the right to bear arms, threaten to abolish the Electoral College and pack the Supreme Court — and then they tell us it’s Trump who’s a danger to the Constitution.
We are, all of us, living on Angel Street.
I don’t know if there’s a Silent Majority out there that still believes in America, but I really hope there’s a Silent Majority that still at least believes in reality.
I guess we’re going to find out.
- Klavan (with some edits by me)


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From a friend of mine on FB

Gaslight Nation
Fearing that Donald Trump may lose in November and the presidency may go to whoever Joe Biden chooses as a running mate, I’ve been brushing up on my left-wing reasoning so I can get through the next four years without being thrown off FaceBook. Let me see if I have this right.
Speech is violence. Silence is violence. Violence is mostly peaceful.
Ninety percent of black Americans who are murdered are murdered by murderers who are also black, so we need to defund the police because ... white people.
It is absolutely fatal to attend a Trump rally or protest COVID lockdown, but perfectly safe to go to a riot.
It is perfectly safe to have a massive funeral for a dead Democrat congressman, but absolutely fatal to gather ten relatives to bury your own grandfather.
Trump is a grandma killing monster to want to reopen the economy, but the fallout from the economic shutdown is his fault.
Trump calling for law and order in Democrat cities violates Twitter policies on glorifying violence, but when Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei calls for the extermination of the Jewish people, that’s a political discussion.
Socialism, which always and everywhere exacerbates inequality, is the cure for inequality, while capitalism, which has made the entire world far wealthier than it’s ever been, is unjust.
The term “gaslighting” comes from a 1938 suspense play by Patrick Hamilton called “Angel Street.” The play, which became the movie “Gaslight,” is about abusive husband Jack Manningham, who seeks to hide the fact that he’s manipulative, a murderer and a thief by convincing his wife that she’s insane. He does this by trying to make her think she does not see what she actually sees — the gaslights dimming — or hear what she hears — his footsteps in the apartment above.
Jack Manningham is now, of course, chairman of the Democrat party. OK, that’s a joke. I think. But it is true that America’s leftists are gaslighting us like never before. Every day, every hour, they are using their dominance of America’s information industries to make us believe we don’t see what we see and dont hear what we hear.
We see their cities burning, but they tell us they’re mostly peaceful. We hear them call America racist and disrespect the National Anthem and the flag, but they tell us they’re patriots. They try to cancel free speech, free worship, and the right to bear arms, threaten to abolish the Electoral College and pack the Supreme Court — and then they tell us it’s Trump who’s a danger to the Constitution.
We are, all of us, living on Angel Street.
I don’t know if there’s a Silent Majority out there that still believes in America, but I really hope there’s a Silent Majority that still at least believes in reality.
I guess we’re going to find out.
- Klavan (with some edits by me)
Fantastic post, Jim. Thank you.

There, covered your usual response, USMB lefties.
Speech is Violence.

Silence is Violence.

Violence is Peace.

Freedom is Reckless.

Tyranny is Safety.

Equality is Ubiquitous Poverty.

I feel like I have read that before somewhere.

There, covered your usual response, USMB lefties.
Speech is Violence.

Silence is Violence.

Violence is Peace.

Freedom is Reckless.

Tyranny is Safety.

Equality is Ubiquitous Poverty.

I feel like I have read that before somewhere.
You read it in the left's business plan: "1984". That's their desired end state.

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