Here is the actual temperature graph that INCLUDES the data that utilized the Mann "trick" to "hide the decline" as noted in the now infamous whistleblower climate emails.
This thing is really starting to catch on now folks - I was disheartened by the media foot dragging, but the momentum is now initiating a decided shift in favor of truth, and against this global warming scame.
And now for the chart - rather incredible...
And here is the original Mann chart, with the utilized "trick", which was then regurgitated over and over again by the other climate "studies" articles (peer reviewed of course) government agencies, the media, etc...
Anyone attempting to argue there was not widespread collusion among the global warmers to control the data and mislead the public, is practicing the same dishonesty as did Mann and his global warming ilk.
Legal charges are forthcoming...
McIntyre: The deleted data from the “Hide the Decline” trick « Watts Up With That?
This thing is really starting to catch on now folks - I was disheartened by the media foot dragging, but the momentum is now initiating a decided shift in favor of truth, and against this global warming scame.
And now for the chart - rather incredible...

And here is the original Mann chart, with the utilized "trick", which was then regurgitated over and over again by the other climate "studies" articles (peer reviewed of course) government agencies, the media, etc...

Anyone attempting to argue there was not widespread collusion among the global warmers to control the data and mislead the public, is practicing the same dishonesty as did Mann and his global warming ilk.
Legal charges are forthcoming...
McIntyre: The deleted data from the “Hide the Decline” trick « Watts Up With That?