"Hide the Decline"...


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
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Here is the actual temperature graph that INCLUDES the data that utilized the Mann "trick" to "hide the decline" as noted in the now infamous whistleblower climate emails.

This thing is really starting to catch on now folks - I was disheartened by the media foot dragging, but the momentum is now initiating a decided shift in favor of truth, and against this global warming scame.

And now for the chart - rather incredible...


And here is the original Mann chart, with the utilized "trick", which was then regurgitated over and over again by the other climate "studies" articles (peer reviewed of course) government agencies, the media, etc...


Anyone attempting to argue there was not widespread collusion among the global warmers to control the data and mislead the public, is practicing the same dishonesty as did Mann and his global warming ilk.

Legal charges are forthcoming...

McIntyre: The deleted data from the “Hide the Decline” trick « Watts Up With That?
Wall Street Journal editorial board slams the global warmers, while warning the hard-driven ideology of the current Democrat leadership might continue walking toward the abyss...


...This scandal has real implications. Mr. Inhofe notes that international and U.S. efforts to regulate carbon were already on the ropes. The growing fear of Democrats and environmentalists is that the CRU uproar will prove a tipping point, and mark a permanent end to those ambitions.

...Polls show a public already losing belief in the theory of man-made global warming, and skeptics are now on the offense. The Competitive Enterprise Institute's Myron Ebell argues this scandal gives added cover to Blue Dogs and other Democrats who were already reluctant to buck the public's will and vote for climate legislation. And with Republicans set to pick up seats, Mr. Ebell adds, "By 2011 there will hopefully be even fewer members who support this. We may be close to having it permanently stymied." Continued U.S. failure to act makes an international agreement to replace Kyoto (which expires in 2012) a harder sell.

...Still, if this Democratic Washington has demonstrated anything, it's that ideology often trumps common sense. Egged on by the left, dug in to their position, Democrats might plow ahead. They'd be better off acknowledging that the only "consensus" right now is that the world needs to start over on climate "science."

Full article here:

RealClearPolitics - Will Climate Scandal Be a Tipping Point?
Wall Street Journal editorial board slams the global warmers, while warning the hard-driven ideology of the current Democrat leadership might continue walking toward the abyss...


...This scandal has real implications. Mr. Inhofe notes that international and U.S. efforts to regulate carbon were already on the ropes. The growing fear of Democrats and environmentalists is that the CRU uproar will prove a tipping point, and mark a permanent end to those ambitions.

...Polls show a public already losing belief in the theory of man-made global warming, and skeptics are now on the offense. The Competitive Enterprise Institute's Myron Ebell argues this scandal gives added cover to Blue Dogs and other Democrats who were already reluctant to buck the public's will and vote for climate legislation. And with Republicans set to pick up seats, Mr. Ebell adds, "By 2011 there will hopefully be even fewer members who support this. We may be close to having it permanently stymied." Continued U.S. failure to act makes an international agreement to replace Kyoto (which expires in 2012) a harder sell.

...Still, if this Democratic Washington has demonstrated anything, it's that ideology often trumps common sense. Egged on by the left, dug in to their position, Democrats might plow ahead. They'd be better off acknowledging that the only "consensus" right now is that the world needs to start over on climate "science."

Full article here:

RealClearPolitics - Will Climate Scandal Be a Tipping Point?
And notice this from the article?

"University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit (CRU) that have found their way to the Internet have blown the lid off the "science" of manmade global warming. CRU is a nerve center for many of those researchers who have authored the United Nations' global warming reports and fueled the political movement to regulate carbon."

I wonder what the U.N. has to say of this?
Nevermind that WE are carbon beings to boot? This entire planet is based upon CARBON? :eusa_whistle:

Yup -been pointing that out for years.

And a couple "natural" belch's from the earth produces more CO2 than all of humankind.

This was an utter sham from the beginning.

We can impact the environment - humans are far too insignificant to impact climate...
Wall Street Journal editorial board slams the global warmers, while warning the hard-driven ideology of the current Democrat leadership might continue walking toward the abyss...


...This scandal has real implications. Mr. Inhofe notes that international and U.S. efforts to regulate carbon were already on the ropes. The growing fear of Democrats and environmentalists is that the CRU uproar will prove a tipping point, and mark a permanent end to those ambitions.

...Polls show a public already losing belief in the theory of man-made global warming, and skeptics are now on the offense. The Competitive Enterprise Institute's Myron Ebell argues this scandal gives added cover to Blue Dogs and other Democrats who were already reluctant to buck the public's will and vote for climate legislation. And with Republicans set to pick up seats, Mr. Ebell adds, "By 2011 there will hopefully be even fewer members who support this. We may be close to having it permanently stymied." Continued U.S. failure to act makes an international agreement to replace Kyoto (which expires in 2012) a harder sell.

...Still, if this Democratic Washington has demonstrated anything, it's that ideology often trumps common sense. Egged on by the left, dug in to their position, Democrats might plow ahead. They'd be better off acknowledging that the only "consensus" right now is that the world needs to start over on climate "science."

Full article here:

RealClearPolitics - Will Climate Scandal Be a Tipping Point?
And notice this from the article?

"University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit (CRU) that have found their way to the Internet have blown the lid off the "science" of manmade global warming. CRU is a nerve center for many of those researchers who have authored the United Nations' global warming reports and fueled the political movement to regulate carbon."

I wonder what the U.N. has to say of this?

They say "Where can we purchase our carbon credits, (Almost) President Gore?"

THAT is what they say.....and they want YOU to say so also! :eusa_shhh:
Here is the actual temperature graph that INCLUDES the data that utilized the Mann "trick" to "hide the decline" as noted in the now infamous whistleblower climate emails.

This thing is really starting to catch on now folks - I was disheartened by the media foot dragging, but the momentum is now initiating a decided shift in favor of truth, and against this global warming scame.

And now for the chart - rather incredible...


And here is the original Mann chart, with the utilized "trick", which was then regurgitated over and over again by the other climate "studies" articles (peer reviewed of course) government agencies, the media, etc...


Anyone attempting to argue there was not widespread collusion among the global warmers to control the data and mislead the public, is practicing the same dishonesty as did Mann and his global warming ilk.

Legal charges are forthcoming...

McIntyre: The deleted data from the “Hide the Decline” trick « Watts Up With That?

Can't argue with the images folks - what utter crap this global warming scam has been...
Here is the actual temperature graph that INCLUDES the data that utilized the Mann "trick" to "hide the decline" as noted in the now infamous whistleblower climate emails.

This thing is really starting to catch on now folks - I was disheartened by the media foot dragging, but the momentum is now initiating a decided shift in favor of truth, and against this global warming scame.

And now for the chart - rather incredible...


And here is the original Mann chart, with the utilized "trick", which was then regurgitated over and over again by the other climate "studies" articles (peer reviewed of course) government agencies, the media, etc...


Anyone attempting to argue there was not widespread collusion among the global warmers to control the data and mislead the public, is practicing the same dishonesty as did Mann and his global warming ilk.

Legal charges are forthcoming...

McIntyre: The deleted data from the “Hide the Decline” trick « Watts Up With That?

No, you cannot be charged for your incredible gullibility and stupidy.

For a long time you have been claiming that the warming is natural, man has nothing to do with it. Now you are again claiming that the warming is non-existant.

So how is this non-existant warming melting the ice at both poles? How is it melting the glaciers on all continents?

And you want to use James Watt as a referance? The fellow that thinks that lead, mercury, tobacco, and asbestos are harmless?
Ohh, I am dissapointed in this thread.
From the title I fiugred it was about what Bush did to hide the economic decline.
Nevermind that WE are carbon beings to boot? This entire planet is based upon CARBON? :eusa_whistle:

So where, OH WHERE, can I purchase my carbon credits to make up for this deficiency, dear sir? :eusa_shhh: :doubt:

Why Goldman Sachs of course.
Kirby Mountain: Goldman Sachs and the coming carbon credit bubble
Goldman Sachs and the coming carbon credit bubble

Follow the Benjamins, my friends. There you will find the impetus and motive for this massive fraud being perpetrated on the WORLD.

Follow the Benjamins. Wherever they lead, you will find the guilty.
So where, OH WHERE, can I purchase my carbon credits to make up for this deficiency, dear sir? :eusa_shhh: :doubt:

Why Goldman Sachs of course.
Kirby Mountain: Goldman Sachs and the coming carbon credit bubble
Goldman Sachs and the coming carbon credit bubble

Follow the Benjamins, my friends. There you will find the impetus and motive for this massive fraud being perpetrated on the WORLD.

Follow the Benjamins. Wherever they lead, you will find the guilty.

Yes, indeed. A few billions, spread out over the academic world, world wide. And several trillion in just profits by the energy companies.

Follow the Benjamins, indeed.
Why Goldman Sachs of course.
Kirby Mountain: Goldman Sachs and the coming carbon credit bubble
Goldman Sachs and the coming carbon credit bubble

Follow the Benjamins, my friends. There you will find the impetus and motive for this massive fraud being perpetrated on the WORLD.

Follow the Benjamins. Wherever they lead, you will find the guilty.

Yes, indeed. A few billions, spread out over the academic world, world wide. And several trillion in just profits by the energy companies.

Follow the Benjamins, indeed.

How many trillion you suppose this carbon credit bubble is expected to bring in?
Goldman Sachs was the main force behind last years oil bubble. How much you think they made from a contrived demand? 3rd world food riots can be laid right at their feet.
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Well, I have not much use for the parasites, either. As pointed out before, I would rather just start closing the coal fired plants down, dirtiest first, with a ten year exit for the last one.

And, after a two year grace period, start raising the price of petroleum fuels a dollar a gallon every two years.
Well, I have not much use for the parasites, either. As pointed out before, I would rather just start closing the coal fired plants down, dirtiest first, with a ten year exit for the last one.

And, after a two year grace period, start raising the price of petroleum fuels a dollar a gallon every two years.

The way to change is through legislation that promotes energy independence not through a contrived global warming scheme designed to enrichen scoundrels.

Most Americans could rally behind that where you just get their dander up cooking up manipulative hysterical claims that defy common sense. Most are for alternative energy if it is affordable and isn't being shoved down their throat.
The Arbor Day Foundation
Weird. These non political tree conifer collectors really think the U.S. is getting warmer.

Something seems fishy. The guys who make up these charts are mostly concerned where your Metasequoia Glyptostroboides "Gold Rush" will make it through the winter. They seem to think there is a bit of a change.....
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