Hey, Sealy!! FOX was right! aka Dodd 'fesses up...finally

I see sealybobo made it back to work today.. Hi sealybobo.,, you were wrong,, dead wrong..:tongue:
I see sealybobo made it back to work today.. Hi sealybobo.,, you were wrong,, dead wrong..:tongue:

I was. Dodd needs to go and so does Geithner.

But one thing I am right about, is that the rich are at the core of this problem.

What are we talking about here? We are talking about the politicians working for the mega rich, not the masses. The GOP do this without apology.

So you showed me that one Democrat has been corrupted. I found out on the Ron Reagan show that 15 blue dog democrats have also been corrupted.

That's not good for America. But the thing is, the problem with these blue dog democrats is that they will start acting like Republicans.

So are you happy? Now there will be no change. Congrats, you were right.

You can't say that the GOP would be any better, because last year Bush & Paulson tried to slip this by us too. Dirty Secret Of The Bailout: Thirty-Two Words That None Dare Utter

There are to be no limits on executive compensation for the firms that get relief, and no equity share for the government in exchange for this massive infusion of capital.

So the only thing you showed me is that some democrats can be bought and paid for to do the exact same things the GOP does, and thats work for the rich.

Who is it that both Democrats and Republicans get caught bending over for? These rich people.

So yes I was wrong, but that doesn't mean the Republicans would be any different. Only difference is you wouldn't even know it was going on if the Republicans were doing it. Only place that dished on the GOP last year doing this exact same thing was Huffington Post
But one thing I am right about, is that the rich are at the core of this problem.
Wrong. You are wrong.

WHAT rich? Geithner? Obama? Dodd? They are ALL rich sumbitches. Who are you trying to fool, yourself?

The reason you are so stupid and ignorant is, you blindly -- like a child -- trust sources like Huffington and media matters. You merely parrot what you read there. Probably because you have no mind of your own, like all wooden puppets.
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Much ado about NOTHING here .

It was all a misunderstanding.

Gietner now says it was his fault and not Dodds.

It all centered arround how to remove the bonuses legally.

Now they have a solution.

waaa waaaa waaaa all you want, this is a non issue.
I see sealybobo made it back to work today.. Hi sealybobo.,, you were wrong,, dead wrong..:tongue:

I was. Dodd needs to go and so does Geithner.

But one thing I am right about, is that the rich are at the core of this problem.

What are we talking about here? We are talking about the politicians working for the mega rich, not the masses. The GOP do this without apology.

So you showed me that one Democrat has been corrupted. I found out on the Ron Reagan show that 15 blue dog democrats have also been corrupted.

That's not good for America. But the thing is, the problem with these blue dog democrats is that they will start acting like Republicans.

So are you happy? Now there will be no change. Congrats, you were right.

You can't say that the GOP would be any better, because last year Bush & Paulson tried to slip this by us too. Dirty Secret Of The Bailout: Thirty-Two Words That None Dare Utter

There are to be no limits on executive compensation for the firms that get relief, and no equity share for the government in exchange for this massive infusion of capital.

So the only thing you showed me is that some democrats can be bought and paid for to do the exact same things the GOP does, and thats work for the rich.

Who is it that both Democrats and Republicans get caught bending over for? These rich people.

So yes I was wrong, but that doesn't mean the Republicans would be any different. Only difference is you wouldn't even know it was going on if the Republicans were doing it. Only place that dished on the GOP last year doing this exact same thing was Huffington Post

No! bobob! not one democrat, the whole entire body of democrats voted this in,, remember? not one, not a single Republican voted for this bill,in the house and only 3 in the Senate. remember the criticisim they took ,the flak? the party of No!? This was the bill nancy zipped together behind closed doors, forced a vote without even giving people time to read it, shippped it to the Senate then Geithner pressured Dodd into inserting the Dodd ammendment, and they rammed the whole thing through. Then when their misdeeds came to light they hauled a CEO before them who wasn't even at AIG when the failure went down and treated him like a dog. He works for a buck and his family and he have been threatened with their lives. And now they have passed a law that is going to be proven unconstitutional. It's all a dog and pony show. No I'm not happy. What's to be happy about?. It's a miserable situation, and it's going to get worse.
Much ado about NOTHING here .

It was all a misunderstanding.

Gietner now says it was his fault and not Dodds.

It all centered arround how to remove the bonuses legally.

Now they have a solution.

waaa waaaa waaaa all you want, this is a non issue.

to an obama rumpswab like you, i'm sure that's true.

and i'd certainly take turbotax tim's word for it.

Much ado about NOTHING here .

It was all a misunderstanding.

Gietner now says it was his fault and not Dodds.

It all centered arround how to remove the bonuses legally.

Now they have a solution.

waaa waaaa waaaa all you want, this is a non issue.

well, if it's a non issue in yer mind then you have nothing much to discuss do you? HUh?
Much ado about NOTHING here .

It was all a misunderstanding.

Gietner now says it was his fault and not Dodds.

It all centered arround how to remove the bonuses legally.

Now they have a solution.

waaa waaaa waaaa all you want, this is a non issue.
You keep repeating that, like somehow repeating that is going to make it so. It doesn't.

The outright LYING is what the folks aren't taking well. It wasn't a "misunderstanding" it was two politicians outright LYING to cover their asses. Blatantly lying. And this time they're not getting a pass from the media, or the folks.

Just from dumbasses like you.

You need to change your handle. Truth does NOT matter, to you.
But one thing I am right about, is that the rich are at the core of this problem.
Wrong. You are wrong.

WHAT rich? Geithner? Obama? Dodd? They are ALL rich sumbitches. Who are you trying to fool, yourself?

Its the fault of the people involved in the contracts that guarnteed the bonuses.

That would be the CEOs who wrote the contracts and the CEOs who recoeved the contracts.

Yeah Rich people.

There are good decent rich people but they will always be outplayed by this kind of scum who will DO ANYTHING to get more money if we dont regulate them and in so doing make it harder for the decent ones (who care about their country just like I do ) to stay competitive.
Its the fault of the people involved in the contracts that guarnteed the bonuses.

That would be the CEOs who wrote the contracts and the CEOs who recoeved the contracts.

Yeah Rich people.
You either have zero concept of what happened here, or you're just an outright liar in your rush to be an apologist.
But one thing I am right about, is that the rich are at the core of this problem.
Wrong. You are wrong.

WHAT rich? Geithner? Obama? Dodd? They are ALL rich sumbitches. Who are you trying to fool, yourself?

What am I wrong about? The bankers that own the Federal Reserve/AIG/Lehman/and every other bank are the ones pulling the strings here buddy.

I'm trying to agree with you that Dodd is no different than the GOP who clearly were in the bankers pockets the last 8 years.

Bush/Paulson/Dodd/Geithner are all being controlled by the bankers.

Why would Geithner or Paulson or Dodd or Bush want to give the AIG exec's their bonus'?

I think someone higher up is telling them to give the exec's their bonus'.

Do you really believe they were afraid they would be sued if they didn't honor the contracts. I don't.

I don't think you buy that either.

So why do you think Dodd pulled out the rule that said no bonus'?

Who told him to do that? Geithner? On his own?

Why did Bush/Paulson try to slip this by us last year? It is a fact they did.

Dirty Secret Of The Bailout: Thirty-Two Words That None Dare Utter

So how are the Republicans any better on this than the Dems?

Only us Democrats don't approve of this shit going on. Republicans defended this kind of stuff the last 8 years. To Republicans, this isn't even a problem. You all think these ceo's deserve the money.

I can just imagine your side defending this if you were in charge. YOu'd be saying, "they had contracts, and you can't break contracts".

In fact, your side is even bitching about that. Fuck those contracts! The government owns AIG now. Without us bailing them out, they don't even have jobs.

Notice how I don't defend Dodd & Geithner like you defended Bush/Paulson last year?
Its the fault of the people involved in the contracts that guarnteed the bonuses.

That would be the CEOs who wrote the contracts and the CEOs who recoeved the contracts.

Yeah Rich people.
You either have zero concept of what happened here, or you're just an outright liar in your rush to be an apologist.

She just talks to hear herself talk! It's pathological with her! :lol:
Much ado about NOTHING here .

It was all a misunderstanding.

Gietner now says it was his fault and not Dodds.

It all centered arround how to remove the bonuses legally.

Now they have a solution.

waaa waaaa waaaa all you want, this is a non issue.
You keep repeating that, like somehow repeating that is going to make it so. It doesn't.

The outright LYING is what the folks aren't taking well. It wasn't a "misunderstanding" it was two politicians outright LYING to cover their asses. Blatantly lying. And this time they're not getting a pass from the media, or the folks.

Just from dumbasses like you.

You need to change your handle. Truth does NOT matter, to you.

How is it lying when the reconrd all shows that they decision on both Gietners part and Dodds part involved the legality of the contract disintigration?

You see its you who are ignoring the facts YOU dont like.

I showed you Dodds letter about it BEFORE this hit the news and Geitners comments to Dodd which made him remove the language mentioned the legality of the contract nullification also.

You would just perfer to pretend they dont exsist.

They are in the record no matter how much you pretend they are not.

Oh and by the way , go fuck yourself.
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But one thing I am right about, is that the rich are at the core of this problem.
Wrong. You are wrong.

WHAT rich? Geithner? Obama? Dodd? They are ALL rich sumbitches. Who are you trying to fool, yourself?

What am I wrong about? The bankers that own the Federal Reserve/AIG/Lehman/and every other bank are the ones pulling the strings here buddy.

I'm trying to agree with you that Dodd is no different than the GOP who clearly were in the bankers pockets the last 8 years.

Bush/Paulson/Dodd/Geithner are all being controlled by the bankers.

Why would Geithner or Paulson or Dodd or Bush want to give the AIG exec's their bonus'?

I think someone higher up is telling them to give the exec's their bonus'.

Do you really believe they were afraid they would be sued if they didn't honor the contracts. I don't.

I don't think you buy that either.

So why do you think Dodd pulled out the rule that said no bonus'?

Who told him to do that? Geithner? On his own?

Why did Bush/Paulson try to slip this by us last year? It is a fact they did.

Dirty Secret Of The Bailout: Thirty-Two Words That None Dare Utter

So how are the Republicans any better on this than the Dems?

Only us Democrats don't approve of this shit going on. Republicans defended this kind of stuff the last 8 years. To Republicans, this isn't even a problem. You all think these ceo's deserve the money.

I can just imagine your side defending this if you were in charge. YOu'd be saying, "they had contracts, and you can't break contracts".

In fact, your side is even bitching about that. Fuck those contracts! The government owns AIG now. Without us bailing them out, they don't even have jobs.

Notice how I don't defend Dodd & Geithner like you defended Bush/Paulson last year?

you need to take Bush out of the equation. We are talking about obamalama's stimulus bill. The one they rushed through so he could sign by President's day.
Its the fault of the people involved in the contracts that guarnteed the bonuses.

That would be the CEOs who wrote the contracts and the CEOs who recoeved the contracts.

Yeah Rich people.
You either have zero concept of what happened here, or you're just an outright liar in your rush to be an apologist.

She just talks to hear herself talk! It's pathological with her! :lol:

And you ignore the facts and insult.

Tell me how you are going to prove that Dodd and Geitner both are not on record discussing the legality of the bonus nullification?
You either have zero concept of what happened here, or you're just an outright liar in your rush to be an apologist.

She just talks to hear herself talk! It's pathological with her! :lol:

And you ignore the facts and insult.

Tell me how you are going to prove that Dodd and Geitner both are not on record discussing the legality of the bonus nullification?

what the hell are you talking about dipshit?
Oh and BTW the stimulus without any restrictions was done under Bush which created this whole issue.

Bush and team refused to put ANY restrictions on the money which then left it to the Pbama team to try to place them in after the fact.

If Bush and team had made it from the VERY begining a stipulation of take ANY gov money then this would not have been a problem.
But one thing I am right about, is that the rich are at the core of this problem.
Wrong. You are wrong.

WHAT rich? Geithner? Obama? Dodd? They are ALL rich sumbitches. Who are you trying to fool, yourself?

Its the fault of the people involved in the contracts that guarnteed the bonuses.

That would be the CEOs who wrote the contracts and the CEOs who recoeved the contracts.

And the dems on the finance committee, but i'm sure that was just an oversight leaving them out.... :eusa_whistle:

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