Hey Rosenstein....PROVE IT.

Of course not
But they were the only ones interfering with our elections
Why were Trumps key people meeting with the Russians while this was going on?

All Crooked Donnie needs to do is offer a credible explanation. Their concerns over Russian adoptions does not cut it

"the russians"...what russians? The babe who tricked Don Jr into a meeting when her goal was indeed about adoptions..she didn't last 5 minutes before they tossed her out. And if you consider buying Facebook ads in districts where Trump was way ahead or behind, they weren't very good at it, eh? Oh, and how about Barry's meddling in the Israeli and Egyptian elections or was that okay?
You bring up bullshit while trump his son and son in law should all be in jail Traitors,,,, Slime

Awwwww....the poor widdle leftist lost and now he has a sore pooper.
Putin and greedy assholes won by Wrecking our sovereignty. Certainly not you stupid...

You know what I love the most about Trump?
You have to wake up every morning to the fact that Trump is your President.
a fn nightmare
Barry declared Russians, and others, try to hack us / influence our elections and governing all the time. (He'll, he would know - he interfered in the elections and governments of Egypt, Libya, Syria, Israel ... and the United States.)

The Democrats / Mueller / Eisenstein just spent 2 years and $20+ million tax payer dollars to prove Barry was right ... and that President Trump had nothing to do with it.

The Democrats / Barry know this was going on in 2014...and they did nothing about it.

Tom is right, though - there are no coincidences in life, & Timining is everything.

The Witch Hunt is collapsing. The co-conspirators are under investigation - some are currently t steps ahead of indictment as they continue to Obstruct Justice by refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas.

Mueller has already 'indicted' Russians...and refuses to let their trial happen ... because they have promised to drag classified and all of Mueller's dirty little secrets out into the light.

So Rosenstein, one of the criminals Obstructing Justice, indicts Russians of his own. Unlike Mueller, he does it 'right'.

Eisenstein basically, as reported, just indicted "THE RUSSIAN MILITARY'. He just indicted guys who will NEVER see the United States, let alone the inside if an FBI interrogation room or US courtroom.

Eisenstein can manufacture / produce all the evidence he wants, make all the accusations he wants, press all the charges he wants, and make all the indictments he wants - no one will ever be able to prove anything, the Russians will deny it, & they sure as he'll won't hand them over.

Eisenstein and Mueller get to claim 'victory' having found the Russians who interfered, even without 'getting Trump'. They will never be punished. They still get a couple of 'trophy' / 'Scooter Libby' indictments.

And they stirr up sh!t right before the Trump-Putin meeting.

The snowflakes will gloss right over the important lessons learned:

1. Barry said many countries try to hack and interfere all the time. They do & the Russians did.

2. Hillary made it easy for them / hackers by compromising national security through illegally using a personal, in-authorized, un-encrypted' un-secured server, e-mail, and devise to which she gave illegal access to persons who had no security clearances.

3. Barry knew about the Russian interference since 2014...and did nothing about it.

4. All the interference crap the Liberals / snowflakes claim to be passed about?

Barak Obama did the same thing in Egypt (to an ally), in Israel (to an ally), in Libya (to help Am Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans), and in Syria (to help ISIS)!

All the RUSSIAN interference crap in the 2016 Presidential election the Liberals / snowflakes claim to be passed about -

- Obama and his administration Obstructed Justice, aided and abetted a Felon, perpetrated their own 'Watergate', committed Conspiracy to effect the outcome of an election, violated the Constitution / law by spying on American citizens illegally...AGAIN, attempted to hack into numerous state election systems / processes...and failed....

- The DNC & Hillary Clinton rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, broke election laws, and violated campaign finance laws to successfully alter the 2016 Presidential election!

(**Successfully Alter: Hillary Clinton should not have been the DNC Nominee - Bernie Sanders should have been! Evidence shows not only should she have been indicted for her THOUSANDS of criminal counts in her server scandal but she should have been indicted and jail multiple times over for both election law violations and for breaking campaign finance laws!)

The fact that Liberals / snowflakes have refused to acknowledge and call for them to be held accountable is an example of the dangerous, criminal partisanship going on inside the Left / DNC right now.
Yeah tom you woulda laughed your butt off if I showed you the day befores results

Of course...all you angry communists make over $5M a year, drive a Range Rover, and live in an A-frame in Aspen...you'd also have a chesty starlet on your arm but I have a feeling you aren't attracted to women.
No just about 750K drive a leased Lexus and live on LI with a condo on the ocean in Ft Lauderdale Been married for 40 years to the same lady something repubs don't know anything about,and have 2 great kids with no college debt
"the russians"...what russians? The babe who tricked Don Jr into a meeting when her goal was indeed about adoptions..she didn't last 5 minutes before they tossed her out. And if you consider buying Facebook ads in districts where Trump was way ahead or behind, they weren't very good at it, eh? Oh, and how about Barry's meddling in the Israeli and Egyptian elections or was that okay?
You bring up bullshit while trump his son and son in law should all be in jail Traitors,,,, Slime

Awwwww....the poor widdle leftist lost and now he has a sore pooper.
Putin and greedy assholes won by Wrecking our sovereignty. Certainly not you stupid...

You know what I love the most about Trump?
You have to wake up every morning to the fact that Trump is your President.
a fn nightmare

Spooky dreams......
Yeah tom you woulda laughed your butt off if I showed you the day befores results

Of course...all you angry communists make over $5M a year, drive a Range Rover, and live in an A-frame in Aspen...you'd also have a chesty starlet on your arm but I have a feeling you aren't attracted to women.
No just about 750K drive a leased Lexus and live on LI with a condo on the ocean in Ft Lauderdale Been married for 40 years to the same lady something repubs don't know anything about,and have 2 great kids with no college debt

Thats some serious speculation.
The wife and I have been married for 29 years come the 21st.
Yeah tom you woulda laughed your butt off if I showed you the day befores results

Of course...all you angry communists make over $5M a year, drive a Range Rover, and live in an A-frame in Aspen...you'd also have a chesty starlet on your arm but I have a feeling you aren't attracted to women.
No just about 750K drive a leased Lexus and live on LI with a condo on the ocean in Ft Lauderdale Been married for 40 years to the same lady something repubs don't know anything about,and have 2 great kids with no college debt

Thats some serious speculation.
The wife and I have been married for 29 years come the 21st.
Congrats wish you many more
Yeah tom you woulda laughed your butt off if I showed you the day befores results

Of course...all you angry communists make over $5M a year, drive a Range Rover, and live in an A-frame in Aspen...you'd also have a chesty starlet on your arm but I have a feeling you aren't attracted to women.
No just about 750K drive a leased Lexus and live on LI with a condo on the ocean in Ft Lauderdale Been married for 40 years to the same lady something repubs don't know anything about,and have 2 great kids with no college debt

Thats some serious speculation.
The wife and I have been married for 29 years come the 21st.
Congrats wish you many more

We have no choice...
We have at least ten more years with the two new Boxer puppies.
The fight for them alone would make divorce fiscally untenable.
Yeah tom you woulda laughed your butt off if I showed you the day befores results

Of course...all you angry communists make over $5M a year, drive a Range Rover, and live in an A-frame in Aspen...you'd also have a chesty starlet on your arm but I have a feeling you aren't attracted to women.
No just about 750K drive a leased Lexus and live on LI with a condo on the ocean in Ft Lauderdale Been married for 40 years to the same lady something repubs don't know anything about,and have 2 great kids with no college debt

Thats some serious speculation.
The wife and I have been married for 29 years come the 21st.
Congrats wish you many more

We have no choice...
We have at least ten more years with the two new Boxer puppies.
The fight for them alone would make divorce fiscally untenable.
Love boxers love dogs Brother in law loves great danes
Of course...all you angry communists make over $5M a year, drive a Range Rover, and live in an A-frame in Aspen...you'd also have a chesty starlet on your arm but I have a feeling you aren't attracted to women.
No just about 750K drive a leased Lexus and live on LI with a condo on the ocean in Ft Lauderdale Been married for 40 years to the same lady something repubs don't know anything about,and have 2 great kids with no college debt

Thats some serious speculation.
The wife and I have been married for 29 years come the 21st.
Congrats wish you many more

We have no choice...
We have at least ten more years with the two new Boxer puppies.
The fight for them alone would make divorce fiscally untenable.
Love boxers love dogs Brother in law loves great danes

I have four of them sitting on my mantle in the form of ashes.
Had two that went to the doggy retirement farm when I was a kid according to my parents.
No just about 750K drive a leased Lexus and live on LI with a condo on the ocean in Ft Lauderdale Been married for 40 years to the same lady something repubs don't know anything about,and have 2 great kids with no college debt

Thats some serious speculation.
The wife and I have been married for 29 years come the 21st.
Congrats wish you many more

We have no choice...
We have at least ten more years with the two new Boxer puppies.
The fight for them alone would make divorce fiscally untenable.
Love boxers love dogs Brother in law loves great danes

I have four of them sitting on my mantle in the form of ashes.
Had two that went to the doggy retirement farm when I was a kid according to my parents.
Great Danes don't live long Cost a ton for medical care Brother in law is working on #3
Thats some serious speculation.
The wife and I have been married for 29 years come the 21st.
Congrats wish you many more

We have no choice...
We have at least ten more years with the two new Boxer puppies.
The fight for them alone would make divorce fiscally untenable.
Love boxers love dogs Brother in law loves great danes

I have four of them sitting on my mantle in the form of ashes.
Had two that went to the doggy retirement farm when I was a kid according to my parents.
Great Danes don't live long Cost a ton for medical care Brother in law is working on #3

Yeah...they have a lot of the same med conditions Boxers have.
Stomach turning being the most in common.
Although all of our Boxers have outlived their projected life spans.
Cozmo actually made it to 14 which is almost unheard of.
Some other details from a source I won't divulge at this point....if you think I'm lying, go fuck yourself (nobody else will). Rich left the sports bar he was at at around 1:30am....the shots that killed him were reported at 4:17 am....it was supposedly a ten minute walk home....so where was he for almost 3 hours between leaving the bar and being murdered? Trying to shake off somebody tailing him?
nope! your source is wrong.... ;)

and he was on the phone talking to his girlfriend at 4:05am, calm as day, no running or hiding or shaking off from anyone following him, and no Secret meetings with the FBI either, simply walking home from his night out on the town. Until he was attacked, and right before the robbery he told his girlfriend he'd call her back....he could tell he was about to be facing some bad news....

Also, he was alive and still able to talk when the cops found him.... he died at the hospital or on the way....

Your source is not a good one!
It's a conspiracy!! All our great institutions mean nothing in comparison to bought off High School grad Fox Etc pundits and bought off hypocrite GOP big mouths... You are all brainwashed conspiracy nut jobs.

Right, asking for evidence when all the great 'intelligence' institutions say it's slam dunk means you're a brainwashed conspiracy nut job

You guys really haven't learned anything from history


There is a difference between doing it to protect your nation’s vital interest…and tying to win an election for yourself. I hope that concept is not lost on you; sadly…it likely is.

Ah right, the NSA needs to read everyone's mail because it's vital to keep you safe from evil so they're the good guys.

You have probably never read it but a guy named Orwell wrote a book about that last century, very prescient allthough he was off by a few years....

Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia and all pigs are equal but some are more equal than others (that's from one of his other books but also very nice)

It's a conspiracy!! All our great institutions mean nothing in comparison to bought off High School grad Fox Etc pundits and bought off hypocrite GOP big mouths... You are all brainwashed conspiracy nut jobs.

Right, asking for evidence when all the great 'intelligence' institutions say it's slam dunk means you're a brainwashed conspiracy nut job

You guys really haven't learned anything from history


You have no evidence. Every representative and and senator who has looked at the evidence says it is incontrovertible. It is classified, duh. We have this thing called representative government.
Last edited:
There is a difference between doing it to protect your nation’s vital interest…and tying to win an election for yourself. I hope that concept is not lost on you; sadly…it likely is.

Ah right, the NSA needs to read everyone's mail because it's vital to keep you safe from evil so they're the good guys.

You have probably never read it but a guy named Orwell wrote a book about that last century, very prescient allthough he was off by a few years....

Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia and all pigs are equal but some are more equal than others (that's from one of his other books but also very nice)

Guess what they need a warrant to actually read them...
You have no evidence..

Right, that's why I'm asking for it
Every 1 who has looked at the evidence says it is incontrovertible. It is classified, duh.

That's exactly my point, the "just believe us, have we ever lied to you before?" propaganda doesn't work anymore (well, not for those with a 3 digit IQ anyway)
We have this thing called representative government.

Sure, your beloved 'free' market corporations/MIC/deep state etc. are very well represented in your government but I don't see how that helps

There is a difference between doing it to protect your nation’s vital interest…and tying to win an election for yourself. I hope that concept is not lost on you; sadly…it likely is.

Ah right, the NSA needs to read everyone's mail because it's vital to keep you safe from evil so they're the good guys.

You have probably never read it but a guy named Orwell wrote a book about that last century, very prescient allthough he was off by a few years....

Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia and all pigs are equal but some are more equal than others (that's from one of his other books but also very nice)


There are excesses; no doubt. Still if it's an either or proposition in your feeble head; I'd much rather have the NSA than not. Your mileage may vary.
There are excesses; no doubt.

Ah, so you still have a slight connection to reality
Still if it's an either or proposition in your feeble head; I'd much rather have the NSA than not.

But only very slight...
Your mileage may vary.

My mileage doesn't vary at all, I've said for years that the only thing that can save you guys is a new revolution (the French version, with the guillotines), time you use all those 2nd amendment guns for something useful....


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