Hey Republicans

It's been over 40 years and the Libertarian Party has never taken the power to convince We the People of their ideals. As I noted above, your party is based upon a foundation of Objectivism.

I don't have a party. I said I support the LP's platform because it's more conservative than the GOP's. But that doesn't mean I support the LP. I used to. Like a decade ago.
But now, no party owns me. No politician owns me. Political loyalty should've been a thing of the passed after Nixon.
But here it is in 2022, still going strong.
Again, the courts were closed to those who challenged the methods and illegal manipulation of the openly corrupt 2020 election.

Clearly you oppose justice for all. Law is too precious to be wasted on enemies of the Reich, yes?
No. I just think your grievances were aired, even if on the courthouse step but sometimes, not even charged or claimed in front of judges when asked directly. Did you guys have shitty lawyers? Maybe, but you guys picked them. You had the same amount of time and access as others down through history. Now, long since time to move on, especially after that outright attempt to overthrow the election on Jan 6. That is the way most people look at it.
Which ones took bribes? Why has this evidence not come out in lawsuits and trial in other courts in the same state, the charges made, if they have been made?
the 60 who refused to listen to the evidence after the 2020 election. did you miss that?

Libertarian ideals have dominated the Republican party for the last two decades. The LP USA is garbage, but the ideals are now mainstream. The real war is between fascism from the democrat/progressive Reich and the ideals of liberty, libertarianism. People like Quid Pro are just tools for Soros and Xi to push fascism. Trump is just a tool for the regular, decent people to promote the ideals of liberty.

Our politics are a war of fascism vs. liberty. The democrat Reich vs. the American remnant.
libertarian are demofks.
the 60 who refused to listen to the evidence after the 2020 election. did you miss that?
Must have. Hi, jc. Glad you're doing well. You're one of the guys I took off ignore, to add Russian trolls to ignore, instead. We may not agree, but at least you are American and not a Putin Puffer.
Must have. Hi, jc. Glad you're doing well. You're one of the guys I took off ignore, to add Russian trolls to ignore, instead. We may not agree, but at least you are American and not a Putin Puffer.
I'm honored. I am pure patriot. The fact that 60 separate judges wouldn't allow any evidence into a courtroom to litigate is treasonous.
I'm honored. I am pure patriot. The fact that 60 separate judges wouldn't allow any evidence into a courtroom to litigate is treasonous.
Go dude! Knock yourself out. I doubt we're gonna get this one relitigated. It's been almost a year and a half. If you tell me, the Dems were just too smart for you guys, even though you were the party in power, I can't disagree with absolute certainty, but I am certain the possibility to overthrow the 2020 is long gone.
You people have to stop using the word "conservative" when labeling people like Trump or even yourselves. There's a huge difference between republicans and conservatives. You know what those difference are. "Conservative" is off limits to you people. You can't have it.
The only time yall even act conservative is when a democrat is the potus or the dems have the majority.
When there's a republican in the white house, all yall do is grow the size of government and spend spend spend. Totally opposite of what conservatives stand for.
Fact: Trumps first two years in office, with a GOP majority in the House and Senate, yall funded not only planned parenthood. But also gender studies in Pakistan.

Here's a help. These two people are conservative. And were both pushed out of the GOP for actually trying to do things in a conservative way.
Example: Justin Amash was kicked off the congressional budget committee for trying to cut spending, by the GOP committee chairman, John Boehner.

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The Trump gopers do not see conservatism as something means they cannot do or have something. But the AOC progressives do not believe that they have to pay for social spending.

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