Hey leftists, please give me ONE reason to trust the government to do ANYTHING...

I'm saying its unconstitutional as well, thats why it doesn't work. None of that is in the enumerated powers or the amendments, so again I ask, please convince me to trust the federal government. Thanks.


The Post Office sure is mentioned in the Constitution.
public goods are used equally by all parties. The Post Office is one of those things. But in this modern age of UPS, FedEx and DHL, it is proving that it can be done faster and better by private companies and for a profit while saving the customers money.

Therefore, the public good could potentially be satisfied by the private sector as long as the government is used to only maintain standards of security and quality and universal service. The mechanics of it all could be outsourced over a period of time for currently it could not handle the volume.

Ending the Post Office would kill more businesses and cost more jobs than you could possibly imagine. But that's not my point.

The OP, like many "Constitutional Scholars" on this message board, posting copypasta from a piece of Conservo-spam and neglected to actually fact-check it to the point where he claimed that the Post Office was unconstitutional.
1st post
Not trusting government does not equal hating the government.

I do not trust government or politicians as far as I can spit nor should anyone else.

The Post Office sure is mentioned in the Constitution.
public goods are used equally by all parties. The Post Office is one of those things. But in this modern age of UPS, FedEx and DHL, it is proving that it can be done faster and better by private companies and for a profit while saving the customers money.

Therefore, the public good could potentially be satisfied by the private sector as long as the government is used to only maintain standards of security and quality and universal service. The mechanics of it all could be outsourced over a period of time for currently it could not handle the volume.

Ending the Post Office would kill more businesses and cost more jobs than you could possibly imagine. But that's not my point.

The OP, like many "Constitutional Scholars" on this message board, posting copypasta from a piece of Conservo-spam and neglected to actually fact-check it to the point where he claimed that the Post Office was unconstitutional.
crazy me. I read the darn thing and remember it is constitutional. Very poorly functioning, better done in the private sector, but still constitutional.

Unlike Social Security. Or fed hot lunch programs.
Do you believe Obama is a tyrant too dave?
He's gotten more power than he should have.
Having a problem being proud of your country aren't you?
Not at all. You keep confusing Obama and America. That's a common leftist mistake.
Heh, that tends to happen when you think that the constitution is not a restraint for you, because you're doing 'good things for the community' and the ends justify the means.
True. Their biggest problem is their short-sightedness. The ends they hope for never materialize. But their intentions are pure, and that's all that matters.
5th post
He's gotten more power than he should have.

Not at all. You keep confusing Obama and America. That's a common leftist mistake.
Heh, that tends to happen when you think that the constitution is not a restraint for you, because you're doing 'good things for the community' and the ends justify the means.
True. Their biggest problem is their short-sightedness. The ends they hope for never materialize. But their intentions are pure, and that's all that matters.
I said it before, but it needs repeating:

My intentions is to eat a salad... so I should get credit when I eat the big mac for eating healthy and my cholesterol should thank me. Right?
Unfortunately, the period from revolution up till the Civil War were predicated on wiping out the Native American and taking their lands. I don't think we are going to be able to replicate that again.
Hey leftists, please give me ONE reason to trust the government to do ANYTHING...

Right wingers keep spreading "fear of government". We've seen how that turns out and it isn't pretty.
10th post
Hey leftists, please give me ONE reason to trust the government to do ANYTHING...

Right wingers keep spreading "fear of government". We've seen how that turns out and it isn't pretty.

Hate to break it to you, but the USA was formed out of not trusting government (King George). The revolution for freedom in this part of the world would not have occured unless King George, a tyrannical monarch, had not sparked the flame of freedom in the hearts of Americans. If King George wasn't such a jackass, England would probably own the majority of this hemisphere. Read a fucking book, dumbass.

Freedom and liberty are formed out of distrust for government, for government is the only entity that can take it away, and thus, the cycle continues.
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