Hey Corporate America You Ready for Democrats Increasing Your Taxes Big-time!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
There has been some talk of late that the way Democrats are going to pay for their big spending is to create a national sales tax. The rationale is that increasing taxes on wealthy Americans won’t generate enough revenue to plug the gigantic deficits the Democrats are creating. This is definitely a possibility. But the option that makes more sense and has a more compelling rationale behind it is that the Democrats will increase taxes on businesses including the corporate income tax to achieve this goal. The reason being is obviously the Democrats are going to have to act on this matter the trillion, three-quarters of a trillion dollar yearly budget deficits projected are not sustainable neither economically, the increase in interest rates and the sucking of capital away from private industry, nor politically – Americans will not accept the generational theft that is going on. Democrats are smart they know a national sales tax will have a backlash from voters they will be mad that every time they purchase a needed item for their home or a car they are getting bitten by a national sales tax and Democrats will want to avoid this voter anger at great cost. They will recognize increasing corporate taxes will be much more palatable; when the government increases corporate taxes who do they get mad corporate executives and wealthy owners of corporations both groups Democrats have and will be making mad already with recently enacted increase in Medicare taxes on these groups and the certainly coming down the pike capital gains tax increase which Democrats see as low hanging fruit.

Corporate America should look closely at the character of the Democrats and they will see the likelihood of this scenario. Look how they behaved against critics of their health care reform law, critics were described as people who side with big insurance companies and defenders of their big profits. They ignore the fact that these critics have “right on point” fears that this law’s subsidy program to help low and middle class families buy health insurance is going to blow a giant hole in the federal budget when one considers that health insurance costs are gong up much higher than projected because of the laws insurance mandates and all the current small and middle size business workers that will run to join this program because it offers a much better deal than their employment health insurance arrangement offers. Democrats could make a compelling selling job for increasing the corporate income tax from thirty-five percent to thirty-nine and a half percent. They could say the top individual income tax bracket is 39.5 % why not do the same for corporations? Corporate profits are so large and they make this profits largely off the backs of ordinary Americans why not recoup some of this profits for the American people. Corporate America executives with their millions of dollars a year compensation packages make too much money and increasing corporate taxes will create pressure to lower these excessive salaries, etc..

To a critical mass of ordinary, common sense and wise Americans the Democrat Leadership in Washington has been tested as “financial stewards” for the American people and have been found to have failed, it is crystal clear they have failed and it is time for them to go. These Democrats track record speaks loud and clear on the matter, a $787 billion economic stimulus bill that is loaded with social spending and does not achieve the top priority of a stimulus bill satisfy the business community who control employment, a 2009 budget that increases Federal spending 9% and a 2010 budget that increases spending 10% and passing a health care law that throws “high concerns about costs” in the trash can. If Corporate America is smart they will help the American people give liberal Democrats what they deserve in this year’s Congressional elections a “kick out the door”.
There has been some talk of late that the way Democrats are going to pay for their big spending is to create a national sales tax. The rationale is that increasing taxes on wealthy Americans won’t generate enough revenue to plug the gigantic deficits the Democrats are creating. This is definitely a possibility. But the option that makes more sense and has a more compelling rationale behind it is that the Democrats will increase taxes on businesses including the corporate income tax to achieve this goal. The reason being is obviously the Democrats are going to have to act on this matter the trillion, three-quarters of a trillion dollar yearly budget deficits projected are not sustainable neither economically, the increase in interest rates and the sucking of capital away from private industry, nor politically – Americans will not accept the generational theft that is going on. Democrats are smart they know a national sales tax will have a backlash from voters they will be mad that every time they purchase a needed item for their home or a car they are getting bitten by a national sales tax and Democrats will want to avoid this voter anger at great cost. They will recognize increasing corporate taxes will be much more palatable; when the government increases corporate taxes who do they get mad corporate executives and wealthy owners of corporations both groups Democrats have and will be making mad already with recently enacted increase in Medicare taxes on these groups and the certainly coming down the pike capital gains tax increase which Democrats see as low hanging fruit.

Corporate America should look closely at the character of the Democrats and they will see the likelihood of this scenario. Look how they behaved against critics of their health care reform law, critics were described as people who side with big insurance companies and defenders of their big profits. They ignore the fact that these critics have “right on point” fears that this law’s subsidy program to help low and middle class families buy health insurance is going to blow a giant hole in the federal budget when one considers that health insurance costs are gong up much higher than projected because of the laws insurance mandates and all the current small and middle size business workers that will run to join this program because it offers a much better deal than their employment health insurance arrangement offers. Democrats could make a compelling selling job for increasing the corporate income tax from thirty-five percent to thirty-nine and a half percent. They could say the top individual income tax bracket is 39.5 % why not do the same for corporations? Corporate profits are so large and they make this profits largely off the backs of ordinary Americans why not recoup some of this profits for the American people. Corporate America executives with their millions of dollars a year compensation packages make too much money and increasing corporate taxes will create pressure to lower these excessive salaries, etc..

To a critical mass of ordinary, common sense and wise Americans the Democrat Leadership in Washington has been tested as “financial stewards” for the American people and have been found to have failed, it is crystal clear they have failed and it is time for them to go. These Democrats track record speaks loud and clear on the matter, a $787 billion economic stimulus bill that is loaded with social spending and does not achieve the top priority of a stimulus bill satisfy the business community who control employment, a 2009 budget that increases Federal spending 9% and a 2010 budget that increases spending 10% and passing a health care law that throws “high concerns about costs” in the trash can. If Corporate America is smart they will help the American people give liberal Democrats what they deserve in this year’s Congressional elections a “kick out the door”.

Its not only going to be corporate America. Its going to be all taxpayers.
No, more like "hey, average Joe, you ready to see the price of EVERYTHING go WAAAAYYYY up" to cover the massive tax increases that will be built into prices?

Corporations pay no taxes, it gets passed on in the prices of goods. Econ 101 Bucko.
Guess what?!?!?! ObamaCare is going to hire MicroSoft to set up the system for computer and telephone based health care support!
Guess what?!?!?! ObamaCare is going to hire MicroSoft to set up the system for computer and telephone based health care support!

Seriously... I am a CPA/Software Analyst who supports mid-level MS financial software.... MS is the DMV of software companies.
Hey Corporate America, remember what the GOP did to the GLOBAL ECONOMY?

Remember even you guys were worried about your jobs and your companies and your stocks and home values because of GOP rule?

Republicans way of thinking is like this. They think they should get 70 percent of the vote because unemployment is at 30%. Its true. They argue that the Republican party represents both the working class and the rich. Insane.
Guess what?!?!?! ObamaCare is going to hire MicroSoft to set up the system for computer and telephone based health care support!

Seriously... I am a CPA/Software Analyst who supports mid-level MS financial software.... MS is the DMV of software companies.

I have a friend who once was so frustrated with M$FT support that he kept trying email addresses for Bill Gates until he actually reached him. Bill responded, but not with any useful information. Figures.

*happy Mac user since 1987*

Guess what?!?!?! ObamaCare is going to hire MicroSoft to set up the system for computer and telephone based health care support!

You prefer Haliburton?

Think about how bad Bush's jobs numbers would be if it weren't for private contractors in Iraq and Afganistan. Maybe 1 million jobs if you add up Katrina and both wars. Quite a score for Haloburton, huh?

Not to mention the Dept of Homeland Security. I believe it was the biggest increase in government. Funny how the GOP and Bush run on smaller government and yet they actually grew the size of the government and doubled the debt???

Makes you think they only tell us what we want to hear but the reality is the GOP politicians will spend just as much if not more than the Dems every time. And if they won't raise taxes, then they'll double the debt.

But they won't keep us safer and they won't have good relations with the rest of the world. Count on a war if the GOP run the government.

Put that on a bumpersticker. :lol:
There has been some talk of late that the way Democrats are going to pay for their big spending is to create a national sales tax. The rationale is that increasing taxes on wealthy Americans won’t generate enough revenue to plug the gigantic deficits the Democrats are creating. This is definitely a possibility. But the option that makes more sense and has a more compelling rationale behind it is that the Democrats will increase taxes on businesses including the corporate income tax to achieve this goal. The reason being is obviously the Democrats are going to have to act on this matter the trillion, three-quarters of a trillion dollar yearly budget deficits projected are not sustainable neither economically, the increase in interest rates and the sucking of capital away from private industry, nor politically – Americans will not accept the generational theft that is going on. Democrats are smart they know a national sales tax will have a backlash from voters they will be mad that every time they purchase a needed item for their home or a car they are getting bitten by a national sales tax and Democrats will want to avoid this voter anger at great cost. They will recognize increasing corporate taxes will be much more palatable; when the government increases corporate taxes who do they get mad corporate executives and wealthy owners of corporations both groups Democrats have and will be making mad already with recently enacted increase in Medicare taxes on these groups and the certainly coming down the pike capital gains tax increase which Democrats see as low hanging fruit.

Corporate America should look closely at the character of the Democrats and they will see the likelihood of this scenario. Look how they behaved against critics of their health care reform law, critics were described as people who side with big insurance companies and defenders of their big profits. They ignore the fact that these critics have “right on point” fears that this law’s subsidy program to help low and middle class families buy health insurance is going to blow a giant hole in the federal budget when one considers that health insurance costs are gong up much higher than projected because of the laws insurance mandates and all the current small and middle size business workers that will run to join this program because it offers a much better deal than their employment health insurance arrangement offers. Democrats could make a compelling selling job for increasing the corporate income tax from thirty-five percent to thirty-nine and a half percent. They could say the top individual income tax bracket is 39.5 % why not do the same for corporations? Corporate profits are so large and they make this profits largely off the backs of ordinary Americans why not recoup some of this profits for the American people. Corporate America executives with their millions of dollars a year compensation packages make too much money and increasing corporate taxes will create pressure to lower these excessive salaries, etc..

To a critical mass of ordinary, common sense and wise Americans the Democrat Leadership in Washington has been tested as “financial stewards” for the American people and have been found to have failed, it is crystal clear they have failed and it is time for them to go. These Democrats track record speaks loud and clear on the matter, a $787 billion economic stimulus bill that is loaded with social spending and does not achieve the top priority of a stimulus bill satisfy the business community who control employment, a 2009 budget that increases Federal spending 9% and a 2010 budget that increases spending 10% and passing a health care law that throws “high concerns about costs” in the trash can. If Corporate America is smart they will help the American people give liberal Democrats what they deserve in this year’s Congressional elections a “kick out the door”.

Hi Chicken Little!!

The sky is falling! A piece of it hit me on the head.
every inch the economy grows they will cry and scream.

Its party over country.

Look how they cheered when our military was wasted and beat to shit for Haliburtons bottom line.
Guess what?!?!?! ObamaCare is going to hire MicroSoft to set up the system for computer and telephone based health care support!

Wow, so I guess the Democrats are no longer trying to bust Microsoft as a Monopoly as was claimed by the right? :lol:

this is change! :D

And good morning Boe!

The Feds are too busy worrying about Evul Insurance companies to focus on M$FT right now (and GOOG has supplanted them as the new Evul Tech Empire. :) )
Guess what?!?!?! ObamaCare is going to hire MicroSoft to set up the system for computer and telephone based health care support!

Wow, so I guess the Democrats are no longer trying to bust Microsoft as a Monopoly as was claimed by the right? :lol:

this is change! :D

And good morning Boe!

Who claimed the Democrats were trying to bust Microsoft as a monopoly? Please post a link.
The Euros were trying to do just that. But they aren't Democrats. Yet.
every inch the economy grows they will cry and scream.

Its party over country.

Look how they cheered when our military was wasted and beat to shit for Haliburtons bottom line.

You are correct.

However, we must not forget how our elected officials also hoped and prayed for failure in Iraq (or so it appeared to me) back in 2004-2008.

We need to replace them all. Keep the parties, just get rid of the children. All of them.

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