Herschel Walker is about to get lynched by the DNC

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Kamala and Obama are self made too. Herschel is out of his element here and just because trump supports him and he takes anti black positions as a black man, doesn't make him a good candidate.

Kamala is not self made. Kamala got ahead by spreading her legs, not merit. Indeed, her attempt to run for prez exposed her as one of the greatest affirmative action flops of all time.

HomO accomplished nothing on her own. She benefitted from affirmative action as far as she could stick it up michael's butt, even to the point of being a "foreign student." She did so well in the classroom.... she keeps her transcript hidden in the CLOSET. Then she was a taxpayer funded community hate hoax organizer; how crap rises straight to the top of the dem party.

Herschel is an all time great football player, who worked hard to achieve on his own. That is why you hate him. You want all blacks to not achieve, to whine and bitch, scream racism, and demand taxpayer funded handouts. Herschel is a man of honor and dignity. Herschel represents the best of America, unlike the pathetic homO in the closet and her partner in the Jussie Smollett hate hoax....
Kamala is not self made. Kamala got ahead by spreading her legs, not merit. Indeed, her attempt to run for prez exposed her as one of the greatest affirmative action flops of all time.

HomO accomplished nothing on her own. She benefitted from affirmative action as far as she could stick it up michael's butt, even to the point of being a "foreign student." She did so well in the classroom.... she keeps her transcript hidden in the CLOSET. Then she was a taxpayer funded community hate hoax organizer; how crap rises straight to the top of the dem party.

Herschel is an all time great football player, who worked hard to achieve on his own. That is why you hate him. You want all blacks to not achieve, to whine and bitch, scream racism, and demand taxpayer funded handouts. Herschel is a man of honor and dignity. Herschel represents the best of America, unlike the pathetic homO in the closet and her partner in the Jussie Smollett hate hoax....
Whites have got affirmative action since the beginning of this country. That's how delusional your racism has made you.

Kamala is self made. This racist and sexist claim you're making is pathetic. She was voted into the office of Cali AG and US Senate. Let's not talk about self made people after those like you supoorted an inheritance baby.

Spare me your racist assumptions white boy. Walker is a joke and you only support him because his position supports your anti black views. You raggedy bitches have been dissing the NFL since Kaepernick, and Kaepernick was the same self made all time football player as Walker. Kaepernick went to a Super Bowl and an NFC championship game. Walker didn't. But Walker worked hard while you diss Kaepernick.

Because whites like you aren't about sucessful blacks who want to achieve. You support sellouts and Uncle Toms who support your racist agenda.
So fatso bodecea can show proof the USFL would have lasted forever. Do it fat fuck who has never done one remotely athletic thing in your life. Show a spring football league still in operation. Now.
Awwwww, poor baby misses me so much..... :pinkygirly: What does the USFL have to do with Hershel Walker about to be lynched.....besides in your low IQ delusional mind?
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Kamala is not self made. Kamala got ahead by spreading her legs, not merit. Indeed, her attempt to run for prez exposed her as one of the greatest affirmative action flops of all time.

HomO accomplished nothing on her own. She benefitted from affirmative action as far as she could stick it up michael's butt, even to the point of being a "foreign student." She did so well in the classroom.... she keeps her transcript hidden in the CLOSET. Then she was a taxpayer funded community hate hoax organizer; how crap rises straight to the top of the dem party.

Herschel is an all time great football player, who worked hard to achieve on his own. That is why you hate him. You want all blacks to not achieve, to whine and bitch, scream racism, and demand taxpayer funded handouts. Herschel is a man of honor and dignity. Herschel represents the best of America, unlike the pathetic homO in the closet and her partner in the Jussie Smollett hate hoax....
This is typical white male racist misogyny.
Hershel Walker doesn’t belong in the senate. He has no qualifications.
And what qualifications heed he have?

In fact, he meets all three:

The Constitution sets three qualifications for service in the U.S. Senate: age (at least thirty years of age); U.S. citizenship (at least nine years); and residency in the state a senator represents at time of election.

Walker is 59 years old, is an American citizen by birth and plans to move to Georgia from Texas if he decides to run, to satisfy the residency requirement, just as Hillary Clinton did when she moved to New York in 1999.

Those are the only three qualifications.

Not only was he a star in the NFL, but he played in the USFL, is a retired MMA fighter (he's a 5th degree black belt in Taekwondo) and has danced with the Fort Worth Ballet. He founded Renaissance Man Food Services, Renaissance Drapery Manufacturing and H. Walker Enterprises, LLC, a company which works with Fortune 500 companies on promotional items. Hell, he's even a US Olympian in bobsledding of all things.

He's educated (has his Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice from the University of Georgia) and a successful businessman. He's a strong advocate for our Veterans. Most importantly, he's not a politician. At 60, he would represent a stark contrast to a typical freshman Senator.

I'd love to see him run and win...
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Bendog told the truth. You defend the confederacy. You might need to think about that before you call someone racist.
There hasn't been a Confederacy for over 150 years, you ignorant cocksucker.
And what qualifications heed he have?

In fact, he meets all three:

The Constitution sets three qualifications for service in the U.S. Senate: age (at least thirty years of age); U.S. citizenship (at least nine years); and residency in the state a senator represents at time of election.

Walker is 59 years old, is an American citizen by birth and plans to move to Georgia from Texas if he decides to run, to satisfy the residency requirement, just as Hillary Clinton did when she moved to New York in 1999.

Those are the only three qualifications.

Not only was he a star in the NFL, but he played in the USFL, is a retired MMA fighter (he's a 5th degree black belt in Taekwondo) and has danced with the Fort Worth Ballet. He founded Renaissance Man Food Services, Renaissance Drapery Manufacturing and H. Walker Enterprises, LLC, a company which works with Fortune 500 companies on promotional items. Hell, he's even a US Olympian in bobsledding of all things.

He's educated (has his Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice from the University of Georgia) and a successful businessman. He's a strong advocate for our Veterans. Most importantly, he's not a politician. At 60, he would represent a stark contrast to a typical freshman Senator.

I'd love to see him run and win...
Herschel won't beat Warnock. Again, we're talking about Walker trying to beat the pastor of MLK's church. Warnock has greater standing in the black community than does Walker and that's why he will lose.

Spare me the talk about qualifications you never considered for any other black candidate. Herschel is going to go into black churches in rural Georgia talking that step n fechit shit and he will get beat.

Warnock was not a politician either. People have had enough of amatuers and Walker is a joke. I used to like Herschel, but when some blacks make a little money they become:


Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. "Where Do We Go From Here , Chaos or Community," pages 36-37
There hasn't been a Confederacy for over 150 years, you ignorant cocksucker.
Tell that to your white confederate flag waving friends scrub, because I know that.
Whites have got affirmative action since the beginning of this country. That's how delusional your racism has made you.

Kamala is self made. This racist and sexist claim you're making is pathetic. She was voted into the office of Cali AG and US Senate. Let's not talk about self made people after those like you supoorted an inheritance baby.

Spare me your racist assumptions white boy. Walker is a joke and you only support him because his position supports your anti black views. You raggedy bitches have been dissing the NFL since Kaepernick, and Kaepernick was the same self made all time football player as Walker. Kaepernick went to a Super Bowl and an NFC championship game. Walker didn't. But Walker worked hard while you diss Kaepernick.

Because whites like you aren't about sucessful blacks who want to achieve. You support sellouts and Uncle Toms who support your racist agenda.

What are "anti black views," who defines them, and why isn't your hate of walker anti black?

Kaepernick is a bad teammate and a coward. He put the team logo on his sick political views. He is too cowardly to actually go on tv and debate his issues. His issue, cops being anti black, is PARROTED, as he admits he himself has never been mistreated by police.

HomO and Harris are worthless merit less hate hoaxing black bigots who "achieved" solely on the basis of preferential treatment. Crap floats to the top of the dem party, Harris and homO being exhibit a and b.
Herschel won't beat Warnock. Again, we're talking about Walker trying to beat the pastor of MLK's church. Warnock has greater standing in the black community than does Walker and that's why he will lose.

He may lose, but he may not. That's why we hold elections...

Spare me the talk about qualifications you never considered for any other black candidate.

Someone mentioned what qualifications he had. I responded. The qualifications are actually quite simple: Be a US citizen, be a resident of the state you're running in, and be at least 30 years old. All Walker has to do is move to Georgia and he's qualified to be a Senator from Georgia.

As to his other experiences, why shouldn't they come into play? Why shouldn't they be considered? Well, as far as you're concerned, they paint a picture of a successful black man with a net worth approaching $20 million, and that blows your tired old "I'm a downtrodden negro" schtick out of the water.

There's not a single truly successful black person you admire. Not one. You admire negroes who can play basketball, but have no respect for a black man who provides jobs. Your sense of value is as fucked up as it can get...

Herschel is going to go into black churches in rural Georgia talking that step n fechit shit and he will get beat.

Again, maybe he will and maybe he won't. That's why we hold elections...

Warnock was not a politician either. People have had enough of amatuers and Walker is a joke.

Warnock's resume is quite lean. He graduated Morehouse College (probably because he couldn't cut the mustard to get into a real college) with a BA in psychology; nothing special. He's got advanced degrees from Union Theological Seminary, so that's nice. Walker doesn't have those.

You know what else Walker doesn't have? He doesn't have an arrest record for obstructing a police investigation into suspected child abuse at a summer camp, in this case a camp run by Warnock's church. Walker also has no affiliation with any church or organization which once played host to Fidel Castro. Warnock, however, certainly does.

I used to like Herschel, but when some blacks make a little money they become:


Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. "Where Do We Go From Here , Chaos or Community," pages 36-37

You've never liked him. He saw a way to success and he took it, and that incenses ignorant coloreds like you. You hate that Walker understand the concept of personal responsibility, because that's something you and your ilk don't even have a passing relationship with.

I have a condo near King's Bay. I may just change that to my permanant resident just so I can vote for Walker, and be part of the change for good which needs to happen in Georgia...
Kamala is self made. This racist and sexist claim you're making is pathetic. She was voted into the office of Cali AG and US Senate. Let's not talk about self made people after those like you supoorted an inheritance baby.

"Self made"... be serious, boy. She sucked Willie Brown's dick to get ahead...

Spare me your racist assumptions white boy. Walker is a joke and you only support him because his position supports your anti black views.

I support Walker because he didn't blame the color of his skin for his problems. He worked hard to become a success. That's something you'll never do...

You raggedy bitches have been dissing the NFL since Kaepernick, and Kaepernick was the same self made all time football player as Walker. Kaepernick went to a Super Bowl and an NFC championship game. Walker didn't. But Walker worked hard while you diss Kaepernick.

Comparing the two is stupid. All Kaepernick has ever done is play football, and then not play football.. That's it. That doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of Walker's accomplishments...

Because whites like you aren't about sucessful blacks who want to achieve. You support sellouts and Uncle Toms who support your racist agenda.

You consider any black person who becomes successful an "Uncle Tom" or a "sellout". That's because these people are inarguable proof that only the lazy and stupid; you know, people like you, allow skin color to be a detriment...

Now that Herschel Walker, a black conservative, is thinking about a Senate run it looks like the Left is all set to lynch him, furiously digging up any ugly items from his past they can ranging from possible mental illness to threatening his ex-wife, etc.

I think we need a term for going after Republicans like this, like they did Trump, like the media will do to anyone who dares challenge their beloved DNC. But conservative blacks are especially hated, much like Larry Elder running for the governor of California.

Meanwhile, Hunter Biden can sell "paintings" for hundreds of thousands of dollars to despots all around the world and the media does not blink an eye and Cuomo can cover up deaths he is responsible for while molesting women, etc., and the media remains virtually silent.
Liberals support wife beaters, its documented
Maybe he wasn’t. I don’t think he has been.

So even the qualification you ridicule someone else for is absent.

And you also forget that Obama studied law. Taught law. Was a state senator. Then became a US senator.
funny. i didn't mention names.

you still spout emo-shit 24x7 void of any factual basis.

have a day.
He may lose, but he may not. That's why we hold elections...

Someone mentioned what qualifications he had. I responded. The qualifications are actually quite simple: Be a US citizen, be a resident of the state you're running in, and be at least 30 years old. All Walker has to do is move to Georgia and he's qualified to be a Senator from Georgia.

As to his other experiences, why shouldn't they come into play? Why shouldn't they be considered? Well, as far as you're concerned, they paint a picture of a successful black man with a net worth approaching $20 million, and that blows your tired old "I'm a downtrodden negro" schtick out of the water.

There's not a single truly successful black person you admire. Not one. You admire negroes who can play basketball, but have no respect for a black man who provides jobs. Your sense of value is as fucked up as it can get...

Again, maybe he will and maybe he won't. That's why we hold elections...

Warnock's resume is quite lean. He graduated Morehouse College (probably because he couldn't cut the mustard to get into a real college) with a BA in psychology; nothing special. He's got advanced degrees from Union Theological Seminary, so that's nice. Walker doesn't have those.

You know what else Walker doesn't have? He doesn't have an arrest record for obstructing a police investigation into suspected child abuse at a summer camp, in this case a camp run by Warnock's church. Walker also has no affiliation with any church or organization which once played host to Fidel Castro. Warnock, however, certainly does.

You've never liked him. He saw a way to success and he took it, and that incenses ignorant coloreds like you. You hate that Walker understand the concept of personal responsibility, because that's something you and your ilk don't even have a passing relationship with.

I have a condo near King's Bay. I may just change that to my permanant resident just so I can vote for Walker, and be part of the change for good which needs to happen in Georgia...

Morehouse is a good school. Didn't you know that?
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