Herman Cains plan? 9-9-9 For those that hate it

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
First lets start off by admiting the obvious.......... Cain actually has a plan. For better or for worse he has a plan. What do the others have?

Obama has a nifty slogan, Hate the.... er I mean tax the rich.
Romney has a plan, or as many could say a maze of confusion.
Perry to my knowledge still thinks he is in first place and doesnt need a plan beyond drilling for oil.
Bachmann hate Obamacare (great plan) but very shallow
Huntsman is a lib pretending to be a Republican.
Paul has crazy followers that think he is Obiwan Kenobi
Newt has lots of ideas that will never be heard.
Santorum just wants everyone to join the angry bus.

Now back to Cains plan....

First of all I believe it is a pretty solid plan and even if you dont believe it is, it could easily be tweaked to work. Of course we would need a Senate that actually does their job and not just table ideas they disagree with rather than debating them and offering counter solutions.

1. A limit or trigger point, if you will, could be instituted on income levels to protect the poorest among us.

2. Food could be exempt from the sales tax portion.

3. Money made in the black market would eventually produce taxes when it was eventually spent on non black market goods. Thus taxing money that otherwise slips below the radar.

4. The actual tax amount could and would be debated to what is deemed a fair amount.

5. Perscription medication could be exempt.

6. Corperations that currently dodge taxes would pay just like the rest of us.

7. The class envy war would be nullified because other than the poor everyone would pay based on their ability not their status.

People once insisted the Earth was flat and their were others that believed the sun orbited the Earth. When someone opposed those ideas they were laughed at. Who gets the last laugh now?

Our tax system is fucked beyond complicated. Why not work with ideas when they are presented? Simply raising taxes solves nothing other than to raise anymosity to new levels.

I dont have any idea if his plan is worked to the point that it is as good as it can be and neither do any of you. He has stated that in the next couple of weeks he will be releasing more information on the breadth of his plan. Point is lets try to make the system better rather than just look for the next partisan talking point.
Really. What's there to hate? If it gets dummies to go on record in support of it......it is worth the few minutes it takes to understand that it is folly. Too bad the dummies will NEVER come back here and admit that they were wrong to buy into it. The heels are dug in already.

BTW.....President Obama has a plan......he's been working the plan for a few years now.
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People once insisted the Earth was flat and their were others that believed the sun orbited the Earth.

Probably the same folks who believed that Herman Cain's tax plans were revenue neutral.

While it may or may not be, it is a starting point. Its not like Congress ever does anything revenue neutral. Has Obama been revenue neutral?
I've already said what I don't like about Cain's plan on other threads, but

"First lets start off by admiting the obvious.......... Cain actually has a plan."

I think there's actually a very strong case to be made that Cain does not have a plan:

- Cain says he has a plan, but that's not evidence in and of itself. Nixon said he had a plan to end the war in Vietnam.

- Cain has suggested that his 9-9-9 plan is not only a complete overhaul of the tax system, but an intermediate step towards a larger overhaul. Completely overhauling the federal tax system not once but twice is an extraordinarily inefficient action plan.

- Most distressingly, Cain's description of his plan keeps changing. There have been conflicting reports about the fate of deductions, excise taxes, and charitable giving under Cain's plan.

So I would say that Cain probably does not have a plan yet. Even if he does, I can't imagine that it is in a form that could be implemented (even if Cain were given total control over the federal government).
I don't 'hate it,' I just think it's a joke.

Elaborate? School me....................

What's to elaborate? It's another thoughtless bumper-sticker slogan.

Hardly. You and your ilk are however whats wrong with our system. No discussion, no rebuttle just hate and talking points.

You got no response because your incapable of explaining why it cant work. You got the bumper sticker, nothing more.

Im willing to listen to legitimate arguments and you offer insults

I've already said what I don't like about Cain's plan on other threads, but

"First lets start off by admiting the obvious.......... Cain actually has a plan."

I think there's actually a very strong case to be made that Cain does not have a plan:

- Cain says he has a plan, but that's not evidence in and of itself. Nixon said he had a plan to end the war in Vietnam.

- Cain has suggested that his 9-9-9 plan is not only a complete overhaul of the tax system, but an intermediate step towards a larger overhaul. Completely overhauling the federal tax system not once but twice is an extraordinarily inefficient action plan.

- Most distressingly, Cain's description of his plan keeps changing. There have been conflicting reports about the fate of deductions, excise taxes, and charitable giving under Cain's plan.

So I would say that Cain probably does not have a plan yet. Even if he does, I can't imagine that it is in a form that could be implemented (even if Cain were given total control over the federal government).

Thanks for a though out response. However NOTHING ever passes in its origional format. And I have not heard anything conflicting from anyone other than the media and the pundits.
Herman Cains plan? 9-9-9 For those that hate it

It ain't a matter of hate. It is just that marketing slogans does not leadership make.

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