Herman Cain Calls for Creation of Third Party

The extremists and the libertarians cannot change the GOP. You nearly wrecked it with your hate. You are going to see the official GOP reach out to Hispanics and blacks and women on issues in ways with which those constituencies will respond affirmatively. The GOP leadership and mainstream realizes to go into the future that these constituencies, far more than yours, are the way to victory in the future. No more hate.

You will never hear the Left call for a third party. They eagerly embrace the calls of conservative-mined types to create one. I voted for Ross Perot, and got Clinton because of it. F that. Change the Republican party from within, which has been happening albeit slowly since '08.
Theodore Roosevelt headed a liberal third party, the Progressive party. I would accept the Republican party of Lincoln as also being a liberal third party. Third parties are not successful in the US because of the electoral system. Change the electoral college and we could have third parties but there is little chance of that. We have a two party system and generally if the third party has any backing it turns out badly for one of the major two parties. Nope, it's two parties.
You can still change it. Trust me you can change it.
I think Caine should start a third party. Let him split the Republican vote between Conservatives and moderates and ensure Democratic rule.

I'd actually like to see a real Democrat again in my lifetime.

I love Democrats. Can't find one anymore.
The extremists and the libertarians cannot change the GOP. You nearly wrecked it with your hate. You are going to see the official GOP reach out to Hispanics and blacks and women on issues in ways with which those constituencies will respond affirmatively. The GOP leadership and mainstream realizes to go into the future that these constituencies, far more than yours, are the way to victory in the future. No more hate.

Theodore Roosevelt headed a liberal third party, the Progressive party. I would accept the Republican party of Lincoln as also being a liberal third party. Third parties are not successful in the US because of the electoral system. Change the electoral college and we could have third parties but there is little chance of that. We have a two party system and generally if the third party has any backing it turns out badly for one of the major two parties. Nope, it's two parties.
You can still change it. Trust me you can change it.

The vote was 50 / 50.

Give me a break. Now you love the electoral college don't you?
You will never hear the Left call for a third party.

They eagerly embrace the calls of conservative-mined types to create one.

I voted for Ross Perot, and got Clinton because of it.

F that.

Change the Republican party from within, which has been happening albeit slowly since '08.

It won't worked.. The GOP is entrenched and quite frankly, they've tarnished the name.. let them have it.. Who gives a shit, honestly? It's time for Libertarians and Conservatives to unite IMO. They're basically one in the same.. No group of people agree on EVERYTHING.. not even in your own family.. we come together and agree to disagree on things..compromise, each giving and we take back our NATION!

:disbelief: Libertarians and Conservatives are basically the same?!?

Libertarians: Free to choose who they fuck, when they reproduce, and what they smoke.

Conservatives: Government control over marriage and contraception - no limit on funds to incarcerate people for smoking weed.


I just don't see it :dunno:

:smoke: But then, I'm just a big ol' Liberal Libertarian.
I think Caine should start a third party. Let him split the Republican vote between Conservatives and moderates and ensure Democratic rule.

I'd actually like to see a real Democrat again in my lifetime.

I love Democrats. Can't find one anymore.

long gone..

I guess so Steph. I started off as a young starry eyed kid up up here. JFK every trip home there we go Arlington with my Baba sobbing at the gravesite. That's always what my parents wanted to do. My mom allsways stole the holiday inn towel so her mom could cry into it. But she always left 5 dollars so no one would be in trouble.

We could look at each other with no hatred.

I believed in JFK's dream. My parents took me to walk MLK's path. My father took me to the pool and we screamed together "I have a dream". I have a picture of me as a young kid at the statue of Lincoln at his feet.

My dad and me actually climbed the needle. I thought my dad was going to stroke out. Hell's bells I thought I was going to stroke out. Oh other stories for fun later. :eusa_angel:

America was always the dream. America was the dream. There was no hatred then.

I don't get what's happened. It's vicious now. I don't get it.
You will never hear the Left call for a third party.

They eagerly embrace the calls of conservative-mined types to create one.

I voted for Ross Perot, and got Clinton because of it.

F that.

Change the Republican party from within, which has been happening albeit slowly since '08.

It won't worked.. The GOP is entrenched and quite frankly, they've tarnished the name.. let them have it.. Who gives a shit, honestly? It's time for Libertarians and Conservatives to unite IMO. They're basically one in the same.. No group of people agree on EVERYTHING.. not even in your own family.. we come together and agree to disagree on things..compromise, each giving and we take back our NATION!

:disbelief: Libertarians and Conservatives are basically the same?!?

Libertarians: Free to choose who they fuck, when they reproduce, and what they smoke.

Conservatives: Government control over marriage and contraception - no limit on funds to incarcerate people for smoking weed.


I just don't see it :dunno:

:smoke: But then, I'm just a big ol' Liberal Libertarian.

Well then you just don't know Conservatives like I know Conservatives.


I think we finally got it right up here.
I have always loved the EC. If we had ditched the hate and reached out to women and minorities, we would have won easily. No more hate.

Speaker of the House Boehner said Republicans have to learn how to work with people who do not look like or talk like them. Wise words.

The extremists and the libertarians cannot change the GOP. You nearly wrecked it with your hate. You are going to see the official GOP reach out to Hispanics and blacks and women on issues in ways with which those constituencies will respond affirmatively. The GOP leadership and mainstream realizes to go into the future that these constituencies, far more than yours, are the way to victory in the future. No more hate.

You can still change it. Trust me you can change it.

The vote was 50 / 50.

Give me a break. Now you love the electoral college don't you?
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I'd actually like to see a real Democrat again in my lifetime.

I love Democrats. Can't find one anymore.

long gone..

I guess so Steph. I started off as a young starry eyed kid up up here. JFK every trip home there we go Arlington with my Baba sobbing at the gravesite. That's always what my parents wanted to do. My mom allsways stole the holiday inn towel so her mom could cry into it. But she always left 5 dollars so no one would be in trouble.

We could look at each other with no hatred.

I believed in JFK's dream. My parents took me to walk MLK's path. My father took me to the pool and we screamed together "I have a dream". I have a picture of me as a young kid at the statue of Lincoln at his feet.

My dad and me actually climbed the needle. I thought my dad was going to stroke out. Hell's bells I thought I was going to stroke out. Oh other stories for fun later. :eusa_angel:

America was always the dream. America was the dream. There was no hatred then.

I don't get what's happened. It's vicious now. I don't get it.

And you think Conservatives and Libertarians have no ownership in thar hatred?

You know the problem with the American Dream is that somewhere along the line, it went from holding down a good job, raising your kids right and giving them opportunities that you didn't have and retiring at a decent age so that you can do all those things that you wanted to do and your pocketbook can afford.....to some pie in the sky attitude of becoming the next John D. Rockefeller....to be a ruthless, greedy bastard and accumulate as much as humanly possible and destroy everything in their path to achieving that.

On the other hand, I don't think idiotic TV shows like "Jersey Shore" is teaching our young people a damned thing about responsibility and real life...they idolize these idiots puking on each other and having drunken sex.....and they tend to emulate that behavior.

So maybe the combination of the "New American Dream" and the lack of moral integrity and responsibility, plus the focus on selfishness and instant gratification is the root cause for our decline.

If this were the 40's and 50's....even the 60's.....I don't think that our Corporations would throw the workforce under the bus for quick profits....back in the robber-baron days? yeah....but not in the era of my father, who fought in WWII and worked as a steel worker.

I think that Corporations loved their country more....I think that workers were more loyal because they were well compensated for the era, and I think that caused our economy to grow exponentially until the 70's and the OPEC oil embargo.

I don't know what went wrong....I'm tired of it.....I'm tired of generational welfare too....That was NOT FDR's vision....That's why he had the CCC and WPA...so people can WORK for their survival until they find something better.
Rocco, you are clearly wrong. Both president and speaker have signalled they want a serious deal. They will cut one, much to the horror of the far left and the far right, and to the delight of the large majority, the rest of us.
Yup, stephanie advise Boehner today before he announced, "I would advise Republicans to start listening to and talking with people who do not look like or sound like them."

Watch. When the hatred starts again, such as Trump and birth right, the new GOP will say "We don't believe that, and we disassociate ourselves from Trump."

When you and others begin the letters to the editor and the protests about "blacks" and "browns" and "no abortion", the new GOP will publicly announce it does not associate with haters.

They will take your vote but disassociate the party from you. So go ahead and vote, yes, but your influence is over.

LOL, come on tough boy make me and everyone else you feel shoud go:lol:

Jakes crystal ball is working overtime, meds not so much...
I love Herman Cain. He's a brilliant man and he's right on about this. The ESTABLISHMENT GOP types created this entire mess in regard to getting Obama elected in the first place with dumping George W on everyone.. then they come and force Mitt Romney on the Conservative base..

Time to break free from the establishment and focus on FISCAL conservatism.. we can hold on to our values but we don't need to legislate morality.. that doesn't mean I am not an ardent pro-life supporter.. I am and I always be.. most conservatives are.. We need to worry ourselves with the state of our Union.

You thin Herman Cain is brilliant? I cannot wait for the day we do have a third party so us true Republicans who retain sane beliefes will no longer have to share the same bed with Tea PArty members. I dont get it, I would join your movement if it wasnt non stop regurgitating of what Glen Beck said last night on the picture box.. I though you Tea partiers were all about social issues, which by the way is what makes you sound crazy.. If you are a a social conservative I have one question.. you will do anything in your power to make sure to guys or two girls dont marry or adopt or insert whatever 120's notion, but a man who committed adultery on his wife multiple times is "Brilliant"? Am I taking crazy pills or is there something wrong.. and by the way Romney was the only chance we had, you uber conservatives forced him to be something he wasnt, and that was crazy. stop blaming the establishment for putting up the best possible choice because I have a little political insight for you guys. any hard line social conservative would have gotten embarassingly anhialted in the general. Most Americans have moderate fiscal views and we could have won this election, it was all those who and this is a real quote from a friend "Wont vote for someone who is in favor of gays" get with it, or please stop acting like you know things.
Former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain is calling for the creation of a third political party — saying it is clear to him that neither major political party is willing to address the nation’s economic problems.http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarnes/top-stories/herman-cain-calls-for-creation-of-third-party.html
This is true. The problem is: Are Americans willing to address the nations economic problems? I'm not so sure. Economic collapse may have to happen first.

I agree. Pretty damn obvious by now our government doesn't give a damn, and same about the people because they reelected a marxist buffoon for president because he gave them free shit regardless to adding 6 trillion to the debt. I think this country has to learn the hard way. I see our economy collapsing before anything worthwhile is ever done. A new political party won't mean shit. We'd be better off with NONE.
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