Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

But the key thing there is "government', which you have spent your whole life sucking at the teet of.
I provided a service to the government for 20 years, in return for which they agreed to pay me a pension.

You couldn't, or wouldn't, and that's no one's fault but yours, boy.
Well, more intelligence than you have, but not that you'll listen to your betters.
Holy shit, you really do believe that, don't you?

:auiqs.jpg:What a retard.
But as long as you show up on USMB with a "Kick Me' sign, I will kick you.
You will attempt. You will fail. Dumbass.
A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.
That fake stat has been debunked. You've seen the debunking.

Therefore, you're just flat-out lying. Must be a day ending in Y.
Our problem is we don't have the policies that reduce crime by reducing it's key causes - poverty, racism, gun proliferation, mental illness and untreated addiction.
You need to get out on the streets of Chicago and take the guns away from gangbangers.

Oh, wait -- you don't care if criminals have guns. They vote Democrat. You want people who would resist leftist tyranny disarmed.

Your problem is the only weapon you have is your butthurt tears. No one's going to give you their weapons because you're throwing a tantrum, boy.
Instead you cower in your shelter, clinging to your gun and your bible...
...says the guy who's ceded his responsibility for his own safety to the cops.

It sounds like his understanding of politics is almost as confused as yours.

Sorry, man, this guy was a racist gun nut. He's one of yours. You own him.

Enjoy it, man. You keep saying we need our guns to defend our way of life, whatever that is.

Well, he was out doing what you just fantasize about.
Wrong as usual you stupid fuck. He’s a Green New Deal sympathizer, racist, and by the way, he ranted against Fox too moron. He’s ALL yours. Own it.
Hey, the only difference between him and all the rest of you racists is he did something...
The only difference between him and you is that he did something you talk about wanting to do to conservatives here all the time no job Joe. And about your race card....

That's utterly ridiculous, and sheer projection on your part.
No, I see it frequently. Here's a quote from just last week:

“Did you always hold these views?

When I was 12 I was deep into communist ideology, talk to anyone from my old highschool and ask about me and you will hear that. From age 15 to 18 however, I consistently moved farther to the right. On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category, and I would prefer to be called a populist.

[bolding my edit]

This is a pretty common position among Trump supporters.
nat soc. garbage rw propaganda duh. Biggest liars ever until GOP of today...I have a masters in history mainly about Hitler and the French.
The liar in this conversation is yourself.

What did the letters N A Z I stand for? It's a very easy question to answer so try something different and give it an honest effort.
You listen to crap and are clueless. We have a problem with obvious GOP/Trump anti-american lies. The steal fbi and vax gw lies are a disaster So does the rest of the world...except Russia...trump pals...
Still dodging, weaving, and fabricating. Gee what a shock!

I must award you for consistency though.
hilarious in a thread about buffalo, super dupe...By the time they start shooting they are mainly crazy RWers argh....gun culture is rw...libs my butt lol....
He was certifiably nuts and everyone around him knew that to be the case.

A sane person doesn't fantasize about "Killing as many people possible and then myself" in Highschool.
No, I see it frequently. Here's a quote from just last week:

[bolding my edit]

This is a pretty common position among Trump supporters.
Trump supporters were pushing mask and vaccine mandates?
Trump supporters champion speech suppression?
Trump supporters are in favor of the Feds writing their own personal immigration policy…one that works against We The People?
Are you sure you know what authoritarianism is?
No, I see it frequently. Here's a quote from just last week:

[bolding my edit]

This is a pretty common position among Trump supporters.
The shooter even identified himself as an authoritarian left
"On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category, and I would prefer to be called a populist"

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