Here’s What Happens When a Billionaire Climate Alarmist’s Yacht Meets Up with a Protected Coral Reef

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012

Here's What Happens When a Billionaire Climate Alarmist's Yacht Meets Up with a Protected Coral Reef

Billionaire Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to various causes through the years, including climate change, ocean health, and wildlife protection.

Now, he’s making headlines over an ironic embarrassment.

As reported by Reuters, his $165 million yacht destroyed 80% of protected coral reef during a visit to the Cayman Islands earlier this month:

An anchor chain from the vessel damaged nearly 14,000 square feet 80 percent, of reef near two scuba diving sites in the West Bay, the islands’ environment department said, according to the Cayman News Service.

Allen’s Seattle-based Vulcan Inc organization, which manages his fortune, said on Wednesday that the M/V Tatoosh was moored on Jan. 14 in a “position explicitly directed” by the local port authority and that his team was cooperating with the investigation.

The damage to the coral comes just five months after he announced support for research to stabilize and restore coral reefs

Should sink his yacht with him on it and make it a natural reef, he's an Environmental Jihadist, right AGWCult?
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Allen’s Seattle-based Vulcan Inc organization, which manages his fortune, said on Wednesday that the M/V Tatoosh was moored on Jan. 14 in a “position explicitly directed” by the local port authority and that his team was cooperating with the investigation.

Looks like the harbormaster is the one that screwed up here.
He is just like Gore Jack his gas bill for his pool alone. Would pay for a year of power for me. The global warming myth is a joke.
Allen’s Seattle-based Vulcan Inc organization, which manages his fortune, said on Wednesday that the M/V Tatoosh was moored on Jan. 14 in a “position explicitly directed” by the local port authority and that his team was cooperating with the investigation.

Looks like the harbormaster is the one that screwed up here.

Yea I am sure you are more careful with your $168 million Queen Mary.
Project they hope could restore damaged ecosystems around the world...

Coral transplant raises hopes for Barrier Reef
Mon, Nov 27, 2017 - Coral bred in one part of the Great Barrier Reef was successfully transplanted into another area, Australian scientists said yesterday, in a project they hope could restore damaged ecosystems around the world.
In a trial at the reef’s Heron Island off Australia’s east coast, the researchers late last year collected large amount of coral spawn and eggs, grew them into larvae and then transplanted them into areas of damaged reef. When they returned eight months later, they found juvenile coral that had survived and grown, aided by underwater mesh tanks. “The success of this new research not only applies to the Great Barrier Reef, but has potential global significance,” lead researcher Peter Harrison of Southern Cross University said. “It shows we can start to restore and repair damaged coral populations where the natural supply of coral larvae has been compromised.”

Harrison said his mass larval-restoration approach contrasts with the “coral gardening” method of breaking up healthy coral and sticking healthy branches on reefs in the hope they will regrow, or growing coral in nurseries before transplantation. He was optimistic his approach, which was successfully trialed earlier in the Philippines in an area of reef highly degraded by blast fishing, could help reefs recover on a larger scale. “The results are very promising and our work shows that adding higher densities of coral larvae leads to higher numbers of successful coral recruits,” he said.

The Great Barrier Reef, the largest living structure on Earth, is reeling from an unprecedented second-straight year of coral bleaching, because of warming sea temperatures linked to climate change. David Wachenfeld, chief scientist of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority that manages the area, said there was a need for such efforts amid the accelerating effects of climate change. “The success of these first trials is encouraging — the next challenge is to build this into broader scale technology that is going to make a difference to the reef as a whole,” Wachenfeld said.

Coral transplant raises hopes for Barrier Reef - Taipei Times

Here's What Happens When a Billionaire Climate Alarmist's Yacht Meets Up with a Protected Coral Reef

Billionaire Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to various causes through the years, including climate change, ocean health, and wildlife protection.

Now, he’s making headlines over an ironic embarrassment.

As reported by Reuters, his $165 million yacht destroyed 80% of protected coral reef during a visit to the Cayman Islands earlier this month:

An anchor chain from the vessel damaged nearly 14,000 square feet 80 percent, of reef near two scuba diving sites in the West Bay, the islands’ environment department said, according to the Cayman News Service.

Allen’s Seattle-based Vulcan Inc organization, which manages his fortune, said on Wednesday that the M/V Tatoosh was moored on Jan. 14 in a “position explicitly directed” by the local port authority and that his team was cooperating with the investigation.

The damage to the coral comes just five months after he announced support for research to stabilize and restore coral reefs

It happened almost two years ago.

Here's What Happens When a Billionaire Climate Alarmist's Yacht Meets Up with a Protected Coral Reef

Billionaire Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to various causes through the years, including climate change, ocean health, and wildlife protection.

Now, he’s making headlines over an ironic embarrassment.

As reported by Reuters, his $165 million yacht destroyed 80% of protected coral reef during a visit to the Cayman Islands earlier this month:

An anchor chain from the vessel damaged nearly 14,000 square feet 80 percent, of reef near two scuba diving sites in the West Bay, the islands’ environment department said, according to the Cayman News Service.

Allen’s Seattle-based Vulcan Inc organization, which manages his fortune, said on Wednesday that the M/V Tatoosh was moored on Jan. 14 in a “position explicitly directed” by the local port authority and that his team was cooperating with the investigation.

The damage to the coral comes just five months after he announced support for research to stabilize and restore coral reefs

Vulcan Capital, Allen's investment arm said the yacht was moored in a “position explicitly directed” by the port authority and that his team was cooperating with the investigation:

“When its crew was alerted by a diver that her anchor chain may have impacted coral in the area, the crew promptly, and on their own accord, relocated their position to ensure the reef was protected.”

The owner of the NBA Portland Trailblazers and NFL Seattle Seahawks could face a maximum fine of $600,000, not including civil fines.

Here's What Happens When a Billionaire Climate Alarmist's Yacht Meets Up with a Protected Coral Reef

Sounds to me as if the port authority is at fault here.

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