Here Is The Report On Russia and 2016 Election

OMG! Thank you Uncle Vlad for defeating St Hillary the Inevitable!
Putin says THANKS.
Uncle Vlad saved the American Republic! He's our generations Lafayette and for that we are grateful
Well at least Vlad tried to help.

That Vlad had any real impact is doubtful.

Director James Comey certainly had more influence on the election than Vlad did. Even Hillary concedes this opinion.
Meh, it's the butthurt left shooting the messenger. The fact is that Hillary and the DNC are corrupt assholes who should not be in positions of power. Whoever leaked the emails should be thanked.
What were the top 5 things that came out f the emails that made you come to your opinion?

I don't remember a lot of them, the only one I remember is that the DNC conspired against Sanders. Are you going to argue that the emails pointed to nothing? If that is what you are going to say then how did they throw the election?

Answered MANY times already. Stop pretending try that you haven't heard the answer.

No one has answered that question because I never asked it before. Dumbass.
Libtards are worried about someone finding out that their scum candidate was more crooked than anyone, they are just pissed the truth got out.
Speaking of crooked! Trump could never release his taxes because this would have exposed he was crooked as well!!!!
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Meh, it's the butthurt left shooting the messenger. The fact is that Hillary and the DNC are corrupt assholes who should not be in positions of power. Whoever leaked the emails should be thanked.

Thank the Russians for their exposure of Hillary's corruption and work to make sure they can't do it again.
You mean Hillary's conspiracies. Corruption is based on scandals. For there to be a scandal, there has to be guilt, charges and a guilty verdict.

Like proven racism.
Like having an illegal foundation and using it to pay bribes and lawsuits.
Like Donald Trump.

You mean Hillary's conspiracies.

No, I mean Hillary's corruption.

For there to be a scandal, there has to be guilt, charges and a guilty verdict.

Scandal: an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage. DERP!

An accusation is NOT an action or an event. The accusation would have to be true for it to be a scandal.

The REAL scandal is the amount of money Republicans spent over 30 years going after the Clintons and finding nothing.

Exactly. The exposure of Hillary's and the DNC's corruption was too much for the voters.
So voters decided to vote for a Con Man Fascist to the WH???
Lewdog , have you ever read Finnian Cunningham? He writes for RT and Sputnik among others. If not you should give it a go, it won't hurt you, I promise. Anyway, it is his voice and those like him who represents a threat to the USG establishment and their objectives around the globe. Here is an article of his that is related to what we are arguing. Read it, if you dare, and see why the USG wants to muffle his voice. Hint, it's not because he doesn't make a persuasive argument.

West Already Weaponizing Fake News
I think nobody really cares.

There is little that can be done to stop Russia, China, N.Korea, or anybody else from flooding the Internet with spam.

Trump and Putin will get along better than Hillary would have.

And Hillary has already proven in Libya that she is incompetent.

We don't yet know if Trump will be incompetent too.
Trump and Putin.....white privilege-supremacy at its finest.
Meh, it's the butthurt left shooting the messenger. The fact is that Hillary and the DNC are corrupt assholes who should not be in positions of power. Whoever leaked the emails should be thanked.
What were the top 5 things that came out f the emails that made you come to your opinion?

I don't remember a lot of them, the only one I remember is that the DNC conspired against Sanders. Are you going to argue that the emails pointed to nothing? If that is what you are going to say then how did they throw the election?
So this caused you to vote for a Con Man and Fascism!!!!!

I didn't. I voted for Trump. Try to get it straight.
Meh, it's the butthurt left shooting the messenger. The fact is that Hillary and the DNC are corrupt assholes who should not be in positions of power. Whoever leaked the emails should be thanked.
She`s corrupt? It was Trump who just wrote a $25 million check to the 4,000 people he robbed at Trump U.

Yes, she's corrupt. The most corrupt person in politics today. But you already know that.
What were the top 5 things that came out f the emails that made you come to your opinion?

I don't remember a lot of them, the only one I remember is that the DNC conspired against Sanders. Are you going to argue that the emails pointed to nothing? If that is what you are going to say then how did they throw the election?

Answered MANY times already. Stop pretending try that you haven't heard the answer.

No one has answered that question because I never asked it before. Dumbass.
Libtards are worried about someone finding out that their scum candidate was more crooked than anyone, they are just pissed the truth got out.
Speaking of crooked! Trump could never release his taxes because this would have exposed he was crooked as well!!!!
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An already debunked lie.
I think nobody really cares.

There is little that can be done to stop Russia, China, N.Korea, or anybody else from flooding the Internet with spam.

Trump and Putin will get along better than Hillary would have.

And Hillary has already proven in Libya that she is incompetent.

We don't yet know if Trump will be incompetent too.
If you are in the 1 percent......Trump won't be incompetent.
I think nobody really cares.

There is little that can be done to stop Russia, China, N.Korea, or anybody else from flooding the Internet with spam.

Trump and Putin will get along better than Hillary would have.

And Hillary has already proven in Libya that she is incompetent.

We don't yet know if Trump will be incompetent too.
9 Benghazi hearings have shown that there was no wrongdoing. How many more do you need and how long are you going to drag those 4 bodies around for political purposes? Meanwhile the bodies of the 4,500 soldiers who died looking for Gomer`s wmds are hidden under the rug where the GOP wants them. Search the 935 Iraq War false statements
I think nobody really cares.

There is little that can be done to stop Russia, China, N.Korea, or anybody else from flooding the Internet with spam.

Trump and Putin will get along better than Hillary would have.

And Hillary has already proven in Libya that she is incompetent.

We don't yet know if Trump will be incompetent too.
9 Benghazi hearings have shown that there was no wrongdoing. How many more do you need and how long are you going to drag those 4 bodies around for political purposes? Meanwhile the bodies of the 4,500 soldiers who died looking for Gomer`s wmds are hidden under the rug where the GOP wants them. Search the 935 Iraq War false statements
Bush and many in his Cabinet should be imprisoned for War Crimes.....beyond any shadow of the doubt. This why GW Bush....Cheney do not dare to travel overseas for fear of getting arrested and standing trial at the Hague!!!! Meanwhile, sits home paints like he's in elementary school.
I don't remember a lot of them, the only one I remember is that the DNC conspired against Sanders. Are you going to argue that the emails pointed to nothing? If that is what you are going to say then how did they throw the election?

Answered MANY times already. Stop pretending try that you haven't heard the answer.

No one has answered that question because I never asked it before. Dumbass.
Libtards are worried about someone finding out that their scum candidate was more crooked than anyone, they are just pissed the truth got out.
Speaking of crooked! Trump could never release his taxes because this would have exposed he was crooked as well!!!!
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An already debunked lie.
No its just beginning!!!! Russia probably already has Trumps and will use them to black mail the useful idiot....known as Trump the Treasonous Con Man.

You're Boy isn't worth what he says he is!!!!!
I don't remember a lot of them, the only one I remember is that the DNC conspired against Sanders. Are you going to argue that the emails pointed to nothing? If that is what you are going to say then how did they throw the election?

Answered MANY times already. Stop pretending try that you haven't heard the answer.

No one has answered that question because I never asked it before. Dumbass.
Libtards are worried about someone finding out that their scum candidate was more crooked than anyone, they are just pissed the truth got out.
Speaking of crooked! Trump could never release his taxes because this would have exposed he was crooked as well!!!!
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An already debunked lie.
If Trump taxes have been debunked......please provide a link to prove your lie!!!!!!
I don't remember a lot of them, the only one I remember is that the DNC conspired against Sanders. Are you going to argue that the emails pointed to nothing? If that is what you are going to say then how did they throw the election?

Answered MANY times already. Stop pretending try that you haven't heard the answer.

No one has answered that question because I never asked it before. Dumbass.
Libtards are worried about someone finding out that their scum candidate was more crooked than anyone, they are just pissed the truth got out.
Speaking of crooked! Trump could never release his taxes because this would have exposed he was crooked as well!!!!
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An already debunked lie.
How does it feel, being brainwashed? Do you believe the parroting you do, or does it just slip out of your mouth with no thought or reason?

OMG! Thank you Uncle Vlad for defeating St Hillary the Inevitable!
Putin says THANKS.
Uncle Vlad saved the American Republic! He's our generations Lafayette and for that we are grateful
Well at least Vlad tried to help.

That Vlad had any real impact is doubtful.

Director James Comey certainly had more influence on the election than Vlad did. Even Hillary concedes this opinion.

Hillarys conceit and arrogance helped far more than any help Uncle Vlad offered. She criminally mishandled classified information, she called us deplorable, called blacks super predators, called Hispanics needy, and called Bernie Sanders supporters basement dwellers. Even though she was an unindicted criminal, she still might have won had she not been so contemptuous of the American heartland.

Thank you Hillary for being arrogant, thank you Barack for damaging the Democrat franchise.

Please move further Leftward and openly embrace your Inner Mao

OMG! Thank you Uncle Vlad for defeating St Hillary the Inevitable!
Putin says THANKS.
Uncle Vlad saved the American Republic! He's our generations Lafayette and for that we are grateful
Well at least Vlad tried to help.

That Vlad had any real impact is doubtful.

Director James Comey certainly had more influence on the election than Vlad did. Even Hillary concedes this opinion.

Hillarys conceit and arrogance helped far more than any help Uncle Vlad offered. She criminally mishandled classified information, she called us deplorable, called blacks super predators, called Hispanics needy, and called Bernie Sanders supporters basement dwellers. Even though she was an unindicted criminal, she still might have won had she not been so contemptuous of the American heartland.

Thank you Hillary for being arrogant, thank you Barack for damaging the Democrat franchise.

Please move further Leftward and openly embrace your Inner Mao
Yea.....yea! The lessor of two evils theory. So this is conservative Amerika voted for a Putin Puppet - Con Man!!!! Red State conservatives will pay in spades for voting for Dumps!!!!

OMG! Thank you Uncle Vlad for defeating St Hillary the Inevitable!
Putin says THANKS.
Uncle Vlad saved the American Republic! He's our generations Lafayette and for that we are grateful
Well at least Vlad tried to help.

That Vlad had any real impact is doubtful.

Director James Comey certainly had more influence on the election than Vlad did. Even Hillary concedes this opinion.

Hillarys conceit and arrogance helped far more than any help Uncle Vlad offered. She criminally mishandled classified information, she called us deplorable, called blacks super predators, called Hispanics needy, and called Bernie Sanders supporters basement dwellers. Even though she was an unindicted criminal, she still might have won had she not been so contemptuous of the American heartland.

Thank you Hillary for being arrogant, thank you Barack for damaging the Democrat franchise.

Please move further Leftward and openly embrace your Inner Mao
Which one of these things that you say about Hillary could possibly be as bad as Trump spitting on our POWs? She was being too kind to say only half of you were deplorable.
Wonder why the DNC were so afraid of turning their server over to the FBI? Is there or was there something on the server that would cause an FBI investigation of voter fraud or treason?
So has the FBI turned over Hillary's servers and Emails to the GOP Congress and the illiterate conservative red states to find out the criminality of Hillary's crimes???

I have no idea. I do know the DNC did not want to allow the FBI access to their server so the FBI just went along with the other agencies concerning Russia hacking. The DNC did not want the FBI to examine their server for some very strange reason.

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