Here is my question to Senate Repubs

Members of the POT (party of Trump) and their right wing media cohorts are free to express their opinion that the impeachment inquiry is a sham. But those allegations don't change the constitutional authority given to the House committees to lawfully conduct it. So riddle me this.
We know for an absolute certainty Trump has obstructed the inquiry by refusing to release requested documents and by ordering that subpoenaed witnesses not testify. Therefore, we know one of the articles of impeachment will include a charge of obstruction.
Senate Repubs can disingenuously claim the extortion of Ukraine does not, in their minds, rise to the level of an impeachable offense. But how will they get around the fact Trump has obstructed the inquiry?

As an aside, it should be noted the Trump admin may open itself up to the commission of another impeachable offense. The hypocritical Trump lackey known as Lindsey Graham has requested from the State Dept. documents pertaining to Joe Biden's activities with respect to the US government's demands the corrupt prosecutor Shokin be removed from office because he refused to prosecute cases of corruption in Ukraine. If the admin acquiesces to this request while blocking the release of documents sought by the House Intel Committee in the course of its impeachment inquiry it runs the risk of being charged with selectively releasing documents for investigations it favors. Representing yet another abuse of power.

You can't charge a President with obstruction when he exercises his Executive Privilege outlined in the Constitution. The commies in the House do not run the entire government, and get what they want by demands.

Trump isn't exercising Executive Privilege, he's claiming privileges he doesn't have and aren't in the Constituion, to prevent any sort of oversight or investigation. That's why he's lost every one of these court cases to date.
If that's your definition of extortion, then please riddle me this: Is Joe Biden guilty of extortion, yes or no?

Of course not.
Bribery and extortion require corrupt intent.

No, it doesn't matter what the situation was. The act is either extortion or it's not.
OK, have it your way. It was extortion.

Very well, so what will Schiff Face do about Biden then? After all, he currently is the front runner. It would be criminal to allow him to run for President while impeaching a sitting President that did the same thing as Biden did.
I'd agree with you..............but as you know Biden didn't do anything close to what Trump did, so............

What do you mean? The accusation is extortion, isn't it? Now if what Biden did and Trump did are the same thing, as you admitted to, then how is it the Democrats are impeaching Trump for it, and at the same time, having a Democrat run for President who did the same thing?
Members of the POT (party of Trump) and their right wing media cohorts are free to express their opinion that the impeachment inquiry is a sham. But those allegations don't change the constitutional authority given to the House committees to lawfully conduct it. So riddle me this.
We know for an absolute certainty Trump has obstructed the inquiry by refusing to release requested documents and by ordering that subpoenaed witnesses not testify. Therefore, we know one of the articles of impeachment will include a charge of obstruction.
Senate Repubs can disingenuously claim the extortion of Ukraine does not, in their minds, rise to the level of an impeachable offense. But how will they get around the fact Trump has obstructed the inquiry?

As an aside, it should be noted the Trump admin may open itself up to the commission of another impeachable offense. The hypocritical Trump lackey known as Lindsey Graham has requested from the State Dept. documents pertaining to Joe Biden's activities with respect to the US government's demands the corrupt prosecutor Shokin be removed from office because he refused to prosecute cases of corruption in Ukraine. If the admin acquiesces to this request while blocking the release of documents sought by the House Intel Committee in the course of its impeachment inquiry it runs the risk of being charged with selectively releasing documents for investigations it favors. Representing yet another abuse of power.

You can't charge a President with obstruction when he exercises his Executive Privilege outlined in the Constitution. The commies in the House do not run the entire government, and get what they want by demands.

Trump isn't exercising Executive Privilege, he's claiming privileges he doesn't have and aren't in the Constituion, to prevent any sort of oversight or investigation. That's why he's lost every one of these court cases to date.

Trump is not stopping anybody from investigating. Investigate all you want, but that doesn't mean the White House has to contribute to your investigation.
It should also be noted that when Mike Pompeo was heading up one of the Benghazi Inquiries, he demanded tens of thousands of documents from the State Department, and then castigated Hillary Clinton's State Department for not producing the documents fast enough, and threatened to charge the Obama Administration with Obstruction of Congress, because they took too long.

Pompeo's State Department has refused to turn over a single document and has tried to block staff from testifying.
No doubt the hypocrisy of Repubs is just stunning. There are no shortage of examples from Pompeo, Graham, Gowdy, Jordan, etc.
There's going to be a ruling on the McGahn case on Monday. I don't see how the court can rule he will not be compelled to testify unless the decision is left to Trump appointees. Once the ruling is made it gives the obstruction charge even more substantive legal backing. It is not disputable that Trump has obstructed a fully authorized impeachment inquiry...........just as Nixon did. It only takes one count of the articles of impeachment to pass to remove the prez. I don't see how the Repubs can vote against the charge of obstruction without twisting themselves in knots.
You guys are idiots.
Members of the POT (party of Trump) and their right wing media cohorts are free to express their opinion that the impeachment inquiry is a sham. But those allegations don't change the constitutional authority given to the House committees to lawfully conduct it. So riddle me this.
We know for an absolute certainty Trump has obstructed the inquiry by refusing to release requested documents and by ordering that subpoenaed witnesses not testify. Therefore, we know one of the articles of impeachment will include a charge of obstruction.
Senate Repubs can disingenuously claim the extortion of Ukraine does not, in their minds, rise to the level of an impeachable offense. But how will they get around the fact Trump has obstructed the inquiry?

As an aside, it should be noted the Trump admin may open itself up to the commission of another impeachable offense. The hypocritical Trump lackey known as Lindsey Graham has requested from the State Dept. documents pertaining to Joe Biden's activities with respect to the US government's demands the corrupt prosecutor Shokin be removed from office because he refused to prosecute cases of corruption in Ukraine. If the admin acquiesces to this request while blocking the release of documents sought by the House Intel Committee in the course of its impeachment inquiry it runs the risk of being charged with selectively releasing documents for investigations it favors. Representing yet another abuse of power.
4 years of continuous coup attempts

Zero crime

Zero evidence of a crime

No whistle blower

No witness

Lots of hearsay

Lots of opinion

Lots of butt-hurt

Lots of sedition

Lots of Democrat crimes exposed

3 Dems recommended for indictment

Admitted Dem classified info leaking

Dem videotaped crime confessions

Dem 'parodies' presented as evidence

Dems taking money from Russian-born arms dealers & Burisma

Censuring the top law enforcer in the US for refusing to break the law

Paying foreign spies for Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda

Colluding with corrupt former Ukraine officials to acquire dirt on Trump & his team

The Democrats, as one of their own in the House insists, have betrayed this country for party / personal power, have committed perjury, conspiracy, sedition, Obstruction, aided and abetted enemies if this country, facilitated interference from foreign agents / nations, covered up / ignored their own crimes, and have sought to treasonously overthrow this govt & affect the political coup and unwarranted removal of the President of the United States from office.

They have proven the Democratic Party to be a criminal Organization and themselves to be enemies of the state.

Rather than Senate Repubs, allow me to ask Trump supporters a question. Is not impeaching Trump for obstruction of justice worth giving future presidents the absolute power to ignore any congressional investigation they choose to ignore? This, by using the precedent that will be set of the president getting to decide what information he/she will disclose to Congress and what he/she will withhold?
They will of course simply reverse course as they always do
Members of the POT (party of Trump) and their right wing media cohorts are free to express their opinion that the impeachment inquiry is a sham. But those allegations don't change the constitutional authority given to the House committees to lawfully conduct it. So riddle me this.
We know for an absolute certainty Trump has obstructed the inquiry by refusing to release requested documents and by ordering that subpoenaed witnesses not testify. Therefore, we know one of the articles of impeachment will include a charge of obstruction.
Senate Repubs can disingenuously claim the extortion of Ukraine does not, in their minds, rise to the level of an impeachable offense. But how will they get around the fact Trump has obstructed the inquiry?

As an aside, it should be noted the Trump admin may open itself up to the commission of another impeachable offense. The hypocritical Trump lackey known as Lindsey Graham has requested from the State Dept. documents pertaining to Joe Biden's activities with respect to the US government's demands the corrupt prosecutor Shokin be removed from office because he refused to prosecute cases of corruption in Ukraine. If the admin acquiesces to this request while blocking the release of documents sought by the House Intel Committee in the course of its impeachment inquiry it runs the risk of being charged with selectively releasing documents for investigations it favors. Representing yet another abuse of power.

You can't charge a President with obstruction when he exercises his Executive Privilege outlined in the Constitution. The commies in the House do not run the entire government, and get what they want by demands.

Trump isn't exercising Executive Privilege, he's claiming privileges he doesn't have and aren't in the Constituion, to prevent any sort of oversight or investigation. That's why he's lost every one of these court cases to date.

Trump is not stopping anybody from investigating. Investigate all you want, but that doesn't mean the White House has to contribute to your investigation.
Actually, they do. When they don't, as they are doing now, they are committing the crime of obstructing a congressional investigation. You know, one of the articles of impeachment Nixon faced.
Would Trumpette's have been comfortable with Nixon refusing to allow witnesses to testify, refusing to turn over documents (or tapes), calling the inquiry he faced a witch hunt, and claiming he could neither be investigated or charged with a crime cuz he was the prez?
Rather than Senate Repubs, allow me to ask Trump supporters a question. Is not impeaching Trump for obstruction of justice worth giving future presidents the absolute power to ignore any congressional investigation they choose to ignore? This, by using the precedent that will be set of the president getting to decide what information he/she will disclose to Congress and what he/she will withhold?
They will of course simply reverse course as they always do
Members of the POT (party of Trump) and their right wing media cohorts are free to express their opinion that the impeachment inquiry is a sham. But those allegations don't change the constitutional authority given to the House committees to lawfully conduct it. So riddle me this.
We know for an absolute certainty Trump has obstructed the inquiry by refusing to release requested documents and by ordering that subpoenaed witnesses not testify. Therefore, we know one of the articles of impeachment will include a charge of obstruction.
Senate Repubs can disingenuously claim the extortion of Ukraine does not, in their minds, rise to the level of an impeachable offense. But how will they get around the fact Trump has obstructed the inquiry?

As an aside, it should be noted the Trump admin may open itself up to the commission of another impeachable offense. The hypocritical Trump lackey known as Lindsey Graham has requested from the State Dept. documents pertaining to Joe Biden's activities with respect to the US government's demands the corrupt prosecutor Shokin be removed from office because he refused to prosecute cases of corruption in Ukraine. If the admin acquiesces to this request while blocking the release of documents sought by the House Intel Committee in the course of its impeachment inquiry it runs the risk of being charged with selectively releasing documents for investigations it favors. Representing yet another abuse of power.

You can't charge a President with obstruction when he exercises his Executive Privilege outlined in the Constitution. The commies in the House do not run the entire government, and get what they want by demands.

Trump isn't exercising Executive Privilege, he's claiming privileges he doesn't have and aren't in the Constituion, to prevent any sort of oversight or investigation. That's why he's lost every one of these court cases to date.

Trump is not stopping anybody from investigating. Investigate all you want, but that doesn't mean the White House has to contribute to your investigation.
Actually, they do. When they don't, as they are doing now, they are committing the crime of obstructing a congressional investigation. You know, one of the articles of impeachment Nixon faced.

Then that's what our courts are for. Executive Privilege is something that belongs exclusively to the President. Yes, it's a witch hunt because they have nothing criminal on Trump, and are trying to create a crime that isn't there.
Rather than Senate Repubs, allow me to ask Trump supporters a question. Is not impeaching Trump for obstruction of justice worth giving future presidents the absolute power to ignore any congressional investigation they choose to ignore? This, by using the precedent that will be set of the president getting to decide what information he/she will disclose to Congress and what he/she will withhold?
They will of course simply reverse course as they always do
Members of the POT (party of Trump) and their right wing media cohorts are free to express their opinion that the impeachment inquiry is a sham. But those allegations don't change the constitutional authority given to the House committees to lawfully conduct it. So riddle me this.
We know for an absolute certainty Trump has obstructed the inquiry by refusing to release requested documents and by ordering that subpoenaed witnesses not testify. Therefore, we know one of the articles of impeachment will include a charge of obstruction.
Senate Repubs can disingenuously claim the extortion of Ukraine does not, in their minds, rise to the level of an impeachable offense. But how will they get around the fact Trump has obstructed the inquiry?

As an aside, it should be noted the Trump admin may open itself up to the commission of another impeachable offense. The hypocritical Trump lackey known as Lindsey Graham has requested from the State Dept. documents pertaining to Joe Biden's activities with respect to the US government's demands the corrupt prosecutor Shokin be removed from office because he refused to prosecute cases of corruption in Ukraine. If the admin acquiesces to this request while blocking the release of documents sought by the House Intel Committee in the course of its impeachment inquiry it runs the risk of being charged with selectively releasing documents for investigations it favors. Representing yet another abuse of power.

You can't charge a President with obstruction when he exercises his Executive Privilege outlined in the Constitution. The commies in the House do not run the entire government, and get what they want by demands.

Trump isn't exercising Executive Privilege, he's claiming privileges he doesn't have and aren't in the Constituion, to prevent any sort of oversight or investigation. That's why he's lost every one of these court cases to date.

Trump is not stopping anybody from investigating. Investigate all you want, but that doesn't mean the White House has to contribute to your investigation.
Actually, they do. When they don't, as they are doing now, they are committing the crime of obstructing a congressional investigation. You know, one of the articles of impeachment Nixon faced.

Then that's what our courts are for. Executive Privilege is something that belongs exclusively to the President. Yes, it's a witch hunt because they have nothing criminal on Trump, and are trying to create a crime that isn't there.
As I've said, clearly presidents have the right to invoke EP for two reasons: for national security needs, and for protecting the privacy of White House deliberations when it is in the public interest to do so.
So it has its limits, as Nixon found out when the SC ruled it was not in the public interest to allow him to withhold the tapes from the congressional investigation. So unless you think the SC is going to reverse that precedent (not out of the realm of possibility given the extremist make-up of the conservatives on the bench) Trump's contention of blanket privilege will be rejected. Because, on what basis will the conservatives rule that a prez can withhold any document or testimony he/she chooses when an abuse of power is being alleged (and when the evidence proves it beyond any shadow of a doubt)?
Rather than Senate Repubs, allow me to ask Trump supporters a question. Is not impeaching Trump for obstruction of justice worth giving future presidents the absolute power to ignore any congressional investigation they choose to ignore? This, by using the precedent that will be set of the president getting to decide what information he/she will disclose to Congress and what he/she will withhold?
They will of course simply reverse course as they always do
You can't charge a President with obstruction when he exercises his Executive Privilege outlined in the Constitution. The commies in the House do not run the entire government, and get what they want by demands.

Trump isn't exercising Executive Privilege, he's claiming privileges he doesn't have and aren't in the Constituion, to prevent any sort of oversight or investigation. That's why he's lost every one of these court cases to date.

Trump is not stopping anybody from investigating. Investigate all you want, but that doesn't mean the White House has to contribute to your investigation.
Actually, they do. When they don't, as they are doing now, they are committing the crime of obstructing a congressional investigation. You know, one of the articles of impeachment Nixon faced.

Then that's what our courts are for. Executive Privilege is something that belongs exclusively to the President. Yes, it's a witch hunt because they have nothing criminal on Trump, and are trying to create a crime that isn't there.
As I've said, clearly presidents have the right to invoke EP for two reasons: for national security needs, and for protecting the privacy of White House deliberations when it is in the public interest to do so.
So it has its limits, as Nixon found out when the SC ruled it was not in the public interest to allow him to withhold the tapes from the congressional investigation. So unless you think the SC is going to reverse that precedent (not out of the realm of possibility given the extremist make-up of the conservatives on the bench) Trump's contention of blanket privilege will be rejected. Because, on what basis will the conservatives rule that a prez can withhold any document or testimony he/she chooses when an abuse of power is being alleged (and when the evidence proves it beyond any shadow of a doubt)?

Nixon was different because he committed an actual crime, and all they needed was physical evidence to prove their claim. What evidence are the commies supposedly looking for? Did they state it? No. They are just expanding their witch hunt. They have no idea what they're looking for, but figure when they find it, they'll know.

It's really apples and oranges, and this new court makeup will likely see it that way. You can't expect the White House to help them in that matter. It's silly. It's like a mugger asking you to find a stick in the ally for him to beat you with.
Nixon was different because he committed an actual crime,
So did Trump.

What crime?

The commies said Trump had a quid pro quo. Trump never said that. Trump merely held up US aid, like many Presidents have done before him, until he felt comfortable releasing it. The Democrats are claiming they know how to read minds, yet failed to prove it. Their claim is that since Trump never said that, they knew what he was thinking.

Now what court would be stupid enough to overrule Trump's claim of executive privilege based on mind reading skills? It's ridiculous already, and I certainly hope if we ever get a Democrat President again with a Republican led House, he too gets impeached based on the Republicans being able to read minds.
The commies said Trump had a quid pro quo. Trump never said that. Trump merely held up US aid, like many Presidents have done before him, until he felt comfortable releasing it.
He released it because he got caught.

Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal
Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal

Ah, so once again, you want to see a President get impeached over mind reading? Is that the way you want this Democrat House to go down in history......mind reading?
Reporting suggests obstruction of a congressional investigation will be one of two articles of impeachment. The evidence of obstruction is unequivocal. How will Senate Repubs get around it?
Reporting suggests obstruction of a congressional investigation will be one of two articles of impeachment. The evidence of obstruction is unequivocal. How will Senate Repubs get around it?

There is nothing to get around. No real crime committed. We lead the Senate, and our representatives are expected to vote against the corrupt Democrats in the House.

Then when the next Commie President gets in under a House with Republican leadership, we are going to do the same. We are going to look for the stupidest reason to impeach him.

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