Here Comes The Snowflake Nation

Is America Becoming A Nation Of Pussies?

  • No. This PC stuff is all for the good of society becoming more civil.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes. Political correctness and fear of litigation has emasculated the nation.

    Votes: 10 100.0%

  • Total voters


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
OK, I don't fly. I flew once for business back before 9/11 and I'd never fly again. This time we have a flight with one "unruly" passenger aboard. What did he do? OH THE HORROR:
  1. He locked himself in the bathroom for 10 minutes.
  2. While in there he said he was on the dreaded Cocaine. :eek: (Cocaine makes you feel good)
  3. After he came out, he lit up what "appeared" to be a marijuana cigarette. (Aren't they legalizing that stuff everywhere?)
Our snowflake airlines and nation couldn't deal with that. They had to divert the flight to Denver, evacuate half the plane, then as they took him out he punched one of the passengers! Marge! Hide the children!

MAN, are we a sorry bunch of twats or what? Are we ripe for a take down? Apparently the flight crew don't have keys to open a bathroom door, cannot control one skittish person, need to divert flights for just about any reason and land now, inconveniencing all the passengers and adding hours to their travel time making many late, and haven't even the cajones to keep him under control. Anyone ever hear of beating the crap out of the guy for striking a passenger? Oh yeah. Can't do that. Just as we cannot discipline our kids at home or at school either anymore. Yep. We really ask for this crap. Ripe for the taking.

Whatever happened to just slapping the joint out of his hand and strapping him to a seat at the front of the plane separate from the passengers until they get to their destination?

American Airlines flight diverted to Denver after unruly passenger reportedly smokes weed on board
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The old way worked.

Was on one flight where an individual brought his own bottle on board and get totally wasted, ranting and roving the aisle insulting people.

Co-pilot came back to cattle-car country car country and enlisted me and another "person of size" to do a little belly-bumper maneuver on the dumb SOB and then move to a bulkhead seat with him between us. Flight continued on to the scheduled destination. There the person who had hired him to work at the remote location came on board and told him the job was no longer his and, by the way, the flight attendant has your pre-paid ticket back to where you came from. And, Oh, also a half dozen cable ties which will insure you're comfortable in your all-alone seat. Don't even ask to get up and pee.

Of course that was about 15-20 years ago and common sense had not yet become both illegal an unfashionable.
OK, I don't fly. I flew once for business back before 9/11 and I'd never fly again. This time we have a flight with one "unruly" passenger aboard. What did he do? OH THE HORROR:
  1. He locked himself in the bathroom for 10 minutes.
  2. While in there he said he was on the dreaded Cocaine. :eek: (Cocaine makes you feel good)
  3. After he came out, he lit up what "appeared" to be a marijuana cigarette. (Aren't they legalizing that stuff everywhere?)
Our snowflake airlines and nation couldn't deal with that. They had to divert the flight to Denver, evacuate half the plane, then as they took him out he punched one of the passengers! Marge! Hide the children!

MAN, are we a sorry bunch of twats or what? Are we ripe for a take down? Apparently the flight crew don't have keys to open a bathroom door, cannot control one skittish person, need to divert flights for just about any reason and land now, inconveniencing all the passengers and adding hours to their travel time making many late, and haven't even the cajones to keep him under control. Anyone ever hear of beating the crap out of the guy for striking a passenger? Oh yeah. Can't do that. Just as we cannot discipline our kids at home or at school either anymore. Yep. We really ask for this crap. Ripe for the taking.

Whatever happened to just slapping the joint out of his hand and strapping him to a seat at the front of the plane separate from the passengers until they get to their destination?

American Airlines flight diverted to Denver after unruly passenger reportedly smokes weed on board
I thought there were air marshals on planes to handle these things.
I haven't flown commercial since 1991.

I have no desire to be palpated by large hairy men.
There are "air marshals" on some flights but only a small fraction. Plus, when it's not "terrorist" issue they sit down and shut up so they don't blow their cover. It takes a lot to get one to "out" him/her/it (yes, they are mandated to hire all of the hundreds of genders) self.
Actually all Airlines have procedures that they must follow and with someone like that it is best to land the plane and let the Marshall deal with the individual...
Fuck that...

This mother fucker is on the floor until we land safely at my destination.

I'll be in jail. But we will land as scheduled.

A roll of duct tape in your carry-on could prove convenient.
Actually all Airlines have procedures that they must follow and with someone like that it is best to land the plane and let the Marshall deal with the individual...
Fuck that...

This mother fucker is on the floor until we land safely at my destination.

I'll be in jail. But we will land as scheduled.

A roll of duct tape in your carry-on could prove convenient.
I'd prefer to give him just enough oxygen to make it to the Hospital upon arrival.
Actually all Airlines have procedures that they must follow and with someone like that it is best to land the plane and let the Marshall deal with the individual...

I disagree. A Louisville Slugger in the hands of a stout flight attendant could work wonders.
Actually all Airlines have procedures that they must follow and with someone like that it is best to land the plane and let the Marshall deal with the individual...

I disagree. A Louisville Slugger in the hands of a stout flight attendant could work wonders.

If you have Clown most of those Attendants couldn't lift a bag of nuts and you want them to use a baseball bat?

Again as much as we muse at the idea of knocking the fool out the reality is the Airlines have guidelines they must follow when this occurs...

I know it sucks and that is why I drive unless I must fly...
Actually all Airlines have procedures that they must follow and with someone like that it is best to land the plane and let the Marshall deal with the individual...

But isn't that the point? A guy lit up a joint. They think. I guess they never smelled pot. He was a bit unruly. Why don't airlines have procedures for dealing with such minor issues IN FLIGHT? A lot can happen in the time it takes to divert a flight and land.

Now it takes a Marshall to deal with one flaky dude who lit up a cigarette? THAT is the point. Pussies.
OK, I don't fly. I flew once for business back before 9/11 and I'd never fly again. This time we have a flight with one "unruly" passenger aboard. What did he do? OH THE HORROR:
  1. He locked himself in the bathroom for 10 minutes.
  2. While in there he said he was on the dreaded Cocaine. :eek: (Cocaine makes you feel good)
  3. After he came out, he lit up what "appeared" to be a marijuana cigarette. (Aren't they legalizing that stuff everywhere?)
Our snowflake airlines and nation couldn't deal with that. They had to divert the flight to Denver, evacuate half the plane, then as they took him out he punched one of the passengers! Marge! Hide the children!

MAN, are we a sorry bunch of twats or what? Are we ripe for a take down? Apparently the flight crew don't have keys to open a bathroom door, cannot control one skittish person, need to divert flights for just about any reason and land now, inconveniencing all the passengers and adding hours to their travel time making many late, and haven't even the cajones to keep him under control. Anyone ever hear of beating the crap out of the guy for striking a passenger? Oh yeah. Can't do that. Just as we cannot discipline our kids at home or at school either anymore. Yep. We really ask for this crap. Ripe for the taking.

Whatever happened to just slapping the joint out of his hand and strapping him to a seat at the front of the plane separate from the passengers until they get to their destination?

American Airlines flight diverted to Denver after unruly passenger reportedly smokes weed on board

that aint shit: I smoked weed on many flights back in the late 70s & early 80s.

Most of the stewardesses that were 'ordered' to see what I was up to ended up 'partaking' also.

Once phone #s were exchanged it was even better.

I don't fly on public airlines post 9/11; only private jet.

FUCK the government & their bullshit TSA crap .................
Actually all Airlines have procedures that they must follow and with someone like that it is best to land the plane and let the Marshall deal with the individual...
Fuck that...

This mother fucker is on the floor until we land safely at my destination.

I'll be in jail. But we will land as scheduled.

Actually I was thinking more like sticking his head in the toilet or maybe next to the emergency port to be the next thing ejected from the plane at 27,000 feet unless he shut up and behaved. ;)
OK, I don't fly. I flew once for business back before 9/11 and I'd never fly again. This time we have a flight with one "unruly" passenger aboard. What did he do? OH THE HORROR:
  1. He locked himself in the bathroom for 10 minutes.
  2. While in there he said he was on the dreaded Cocaine. :eek: (Cocaine makes you feel good)
  3. After he came out, he lit up what "appeared" to be a marijuana cigarette. (Aren't they legalizing that stuff everywhere?)
Our snowflake airlines and nation couldn't deal with that. They had to divert the flight to Denver, evacuate half the plane, then as they took him out he punched one of the passengers! Marge! Hide the children!

MAN, are we a sorry bunch of twats or what? Are we ripe for a take down? Apparently the flight crew don't have keys to open a bathroom door, cannot control one skittish person, need to divert flights for just about any reason and land now, inconveniencing all the passengers and adding hours to their travel time making many late, and haven't even the cajones to keep him under control. Anyone ever hear of beating the crap out of the guy for striking a passenger? Oh yeah. Can't do that. Just as we cannot discipline our kids at home or at school either anymore. Yep. We really ask for this crap. Ripe for the taking.

Whatever happened to just slapping the joint out of his hand and strapping him to a seat at the front of the plane separate from the passengers until they get to their destination?

American Airlines flight diverted to Denver after unruly passenger reportedly smokes weed on board
I thought there were air marshals on planes to handle these things.

Now you know they don't. The airline doesn't have your back and you're on your own up there. All the airline cares about is following PC procedures, controlling bad press and avoiding litigation and friction with the Fed. You're just dead meat and a ticket to them.
I don't think America is becoming a Nation of Pussies.

No way my darlings! NO freaking way.:eusa_naughty:

Patriots always win over snowflakes! :2up:

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