HERE Are The 3 Deep State RINO's RESPONSIBLE For Odumbocare Repeal Failure...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
It's not the GOP as a WHOLE's fault. It came down to THREE SHIT STAINS that are ALL NEVER TRUMPERS, especially ONE, that being John McLame. McLame has hated president Trump since the days of his campaign when they exchanged barbs about McLames service, and I'm sure McLame is butt hurt that he's a loser for president and Trump got elected. So what does McLame do? Well what else... GET EVEN. What does he care now? He's dying of cancer, so get your lick in while you still can and STICK IT to Trump, and vote NO, to the utter shock of the other republicans. But he wasn't alone, there's two more, and here they are, here's your three wonderful Trump hating, deep state RINO's responsible for killing repeal and replace...
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The good old US Senate: The only job you can perform even though you have a brain tumor.
It's not the GOP AS WHOLE's fault. It came down to THREE SHIT STAINS that are ALL NEVER TRUMPERS, especially ONE, that being John McLame. McLame has hated president Trump since the days of his campaign when they exchanged barbs about McLames service, and I'm sure McLame is butt hurt that he's a loser for president and Trump got elected. So what does McLame do? Well what else... GET EVEN. What does he care now? He's dying of cancer, so get your lick in while you still can and STICK IT to Trump, and vote NO, to the utter shock of the other republicans. But he wasn't alone, there's two more, and here they are, here's your three wonderful Trump hating, deep state RINO's responsible for killing repeal and replace...
It's not the GOP AS WHOLE's fault. It came down to THREE SHIT STAINS that are ALL NEVER TRUMPERS, especially ONE, that being John McLame. McLame has hated president Trump since the days of his campaign when they exchanged barbs about McLames service, and I'm sure McLame is butt hurt that he's a loser for president and Trump got elected. So what does McLame do? Well what else... GET EVEN. What does he care now? He's dying of cancer, so get your lick in while you still can and STICK IT to Trump, and vote NO, to the utter shock of the other republicans. But he wasn't alone, there's two more, and here they are, here's your three wonderful Trump hating, deep state RINO's responsible for killing repeal and replace...
So you wanted 20 million people to lose their health insurance and huge tax breaks for the rich. Please tell the entire forum why.
It's not the GOP AS WHOLE's fault. It came down to THREE SHIT STAINS that are ALL NEVER TRUMPERS, especially ONE, that being John McLame. McLame has hated president Trump since the days of his campaign when they exchanged barbs about McLames service, and I'm sure McLame is butt hurt that he's a loser for president and Trump got elected. So what does McLame do? Well what else... GET EVEN. What does he care now? He's dying of cancer, so get your lick in while you still can and STICK IT to Trump, and vote NO, to the utter shock of the other republicans. But he wasn't alone, there's two more, and here they are, here's your three wonderful Trump hating, deep state RINO's responsible for killing repeal and replace...
McCain and the other few voted their consciences. The rest don't have any.
Why do you put Party before country?
You have two questions now waiting for you to answer..
One of the 3 should have been gone a long time ago but simply believes Washington and the America people can not live without him. He is wrong.

One of the 3 was rejected by her own party, ran as an independent, and took advantage of the split votes and her false promise of repealing the ACA to get her self-serving ass re-elected.

All 3 should be voted out of office next time they are up for re-election.
It's not the GOP AS WHOLE's fault. It came down to THREE SHIT STAINS that are ALL NEVER TRUMPERS, especially ONE, that being John McLame. McLame has hated president Trump since the days of his campaign when they exchanged barbs about McLames service, and I'm sure McLame is butt hurt that he's a loser for president and Trump got elected. So what does McLame do? Well what else... GET EVEN. What does he care now? He's dying of cancer, so get your lick in while you still can and STICK IT to Trump, and vote NO, to the utter shock of the other republicans. But he wasn't alone, there's two more, and here they are, here's your three wonderful Trump hating, deep state RINO's responsible for killing repeal and replace...
So you wanted 20 million people to lose their health insurance and huge tax breaks for the rich. Please tell the entire forum why.

And increase premiums 20%, big money for Pharma and insurance companies.

I hate that Cruz is pushing for junk insurance because the poor will fall for it. That's the source of the right's lie about Obama saying 'if you like your insurance, the or can keep it'.

They need to fix what's wrong with ACA and let Trump pretend he is responsible.

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Indefensible that the president threatened to harm Americans if they didn't obey his orders. What did he threaten to do to other states? He's dangerous. How can anyone defend him?

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It's not the GOP AS WHOLE's fault. It came down to THREE SHIT STAINS that are ALL NEVER TRUMPERS, especially ONE, that being John McLame. McLame has hated president Trump since the days of his campaign when they exchanged barbs about McLames service, and I'm sure McLame is butt hurt that he's a loser for president and Trump got elected. So what does McLame do? Well what else... GET EVEN. What does he care now? He's dying of cancer, so get your lick in while you still can and STICK IT to Trump, and vote NO, to the utter shock of the other republicans. But he wasn't alone, there's two more, and here they are, here's your three wonderful Trump hating, deep state RINO's responsible for killing repeal and replace...

Cry baby, cry little snowflake. Yes, it's the GOP's fault, it's Trump's fault, and it's a great demonstration of truth: the Republican party is owned and operated by the 1%, and does not represent it's constituents. That is obvious and should be obvious to you now, too.

You can blame McCain all you want but he voted against this bill BEFORE he was diagnosed, too, you stupid POS.
It's not the GOP AS WHOLE's fault. It came down to THREE SHIT STAINS that are ALL NEVER TRUMPERS, especially ONE, that being John McLame. McLame has hated president Trump since the days of his campaign when they exchanged barbs about McLames service, and I'm sure McLame is butt hurt that he's a loser for president and Trump got elected. So what does McLame do? Well what else... GET EVEN. What does he care now? He's dying of cancer, so get your lick in while you still can and STICK IT to Trump, and vote NO, to the utter shock of the other republicans. But he wasn't alone, there's two more, and here they are, here's your three wonderful Trump hating, deep state RINO's responsible for killing repeal and replace...

Considering that the majority of people in McCain's home state are against this bill then you could say he's actually voting their interests and against Republican leadership. Something you dorks claimed to have supported in the past. What happened to drain the swamp?
It's not the GOP AS WHOLE's fault. It came down to THREE SHIT STAINS that are ALL NEVER TRUMPERS, especially ONE, that being John McLame. McLame has hated president Trump since the days of his campaign when they exchanged barbs about McLames service, and I'm sure McLame is butt hurt that he's a loser for president and Trump got elected. So what does McLame do? Well what else... GET EVEN. What does he care now? He's dying of cancer, so get your lick in while you still can and STICK IT to Trump, and vote NO, to the utter shock of the other republicans. But he wasn't alone, there's two more, and here they are, here's your three wonderful Trump hating, deep state RINO's responsible for killing repeal and replace...
So you wanted 20 million people to lose their health insurance and huge tax breaks for the rich. Please tell the entire forum why.

I don't care who does or doesn't choose to have health insurance. Not my business.
How is it tax breaks for the rich?

*squawwk! Deep State! *squawk!* RINO!
It's not the GOP AS WHOLE's fault. It came down to THREE SHIT STAINS that are ALL NEVER TRUMPERS, especially ONE, that being John McLame. McLame has hated president Trump since the days of his campaign when they exchanged barbs about McLames service, and I'm sure McLame is butt hurt that he's a loser for president and Trump got elected. So what does McLame do? Well what else... GET EVEN. What does he care now? He's dying of cancer, so get your lick in while you still can and STICK IT to Trump, and vote NO, to the utter shock of the other republicans. But he wasn't alone, there's two more, and here they are, here's your three wonderful Trump hating, deep state RINO's responsible for killing repeal and replace...
So you wanted 20 million people to lose their health insurance and huge tax breaks for the rich. Please tell the entire forum why.

I don't care who does or doesn't choose to have health insurance. Not my business.
How is it tax breaks for the rich?
Have you read the House and Senate bills?

Didn't think so.
pissant fringe group RW's somehow manage to believe they're the majority when they cant even break 30% ...

listening to Turtlrboy mumble, whine, and lie for 15 minutes after he got his ass handed to him is soooooooooo symbolic.
It's not the GOP AS WHOLE's fault. It came down to THREE SHIT STAINS that are ALL NEVER TRUMPERS, especially ONE, that being John McLame. McLame has hated president Trump since the days of his campaign when they exchanged barbs about McLames service, and I'm sure McLame is butt hurt that he's a loser for president and Trump got elected. So what does McLame do? Well what else... GET EVEN. What does he care now? He's dying of cancer, so get your lick in while you still can and STICK IT to Trump, and vote NO, to the utter shock of the other republicans. But he wasn't alone, there's two more, and here they are, here's your three wonderful Trump hating, deep state RINO's responsible for killing repeal and replace...
For what? I'm not whipping your dripping pussy, moron. Do it yourself.
It's not the GOP AS WHOLE's fault. It came down to THREE SHIT STAINS that are ALL NEVER TRUMPERS, especially ONE, that being John McLame. McLame has hated president Trump since the days of his campaign when they exchanged barbs about McLames service, and I'm sure McLame is butt hurt that he's a loser for president and Trump got elected. So what does McLame do? Well what else... GET EVEN. What does he care now? He's dying of cancer, so get your lick in while you still can and STICK IT to Trump, and vote NO, to the utter shock of the other republicans. But he wasn't alone, there's two more, and here they are, here's your three wonderful Trump hating, deep state RINO's responsible for killing repeal and replace...
So you wanted 20 million people to lose their health insurance and huge tax breaks for the rich. Please tell the entire forum why.
You're in contention for the most MORONIC, IDIOTIC, INANE TOOL on USMB. You talk like you're absolutely fucking RETARDED.

I have no one on ignore, but if I do decide to put someone on the list, YOU will be the first, because you actually have NOTHING to say that's worth reading. You are an IMBECILE.

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