Her apology is sewage.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2020
If a person with European heritage says anything the wokesters want to claim is wrong, they are forced out of their jobs and their families are put into financial ruin. Yet one of the most woke and racist women in America today spews out racist and anti semitic filth and she wants to say "I'm sorry" and then act like nothing happened.

Goldberg is one of the most disgusting people in media today. Her smug self-importance is unparalleled. I'll stop here because the only other fitting language that can be used to describe her is petty vulgar and I don't want to put myself in a bad mood.
If a person with European heritage says anything the wokesters want to claim is wrong, they are forced out of their jobs and their families are put into financial ruin.

White people don't get fired. They get transferred

Yet one of the most woke and racist women in America today spews out racist and anti semitic filth and she wants to say "I'm sorry" and then act like nothing happened.

What ability does Whoopi Goldberg have to do any Jewish person any harm ?

When was the last time a Jewish person had to worry about whether a blk employer was going to discriminate against them ? Or whether a blk loan officer was going to turn them down for a mortgage? Or whether a Black landlord was going to screw them out of a rent deposit ?

If anything, black folks in general, have a much greater likelihood of being the victims of discrimination at jewish people's hands (the hands of a Jewish employer, banker or landlord than they’ll ever have at ours)
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She said nothing wrong.

To the Nazi's, jews were a different "race." The Germans were the "Aryan race," destined to rule the world. To the rest of the world, everyone in that arena was "white."

Caryn (aka "Whoopi") simply applied the conventional meaning of "race" to that whole scenario.

Would that she had the balls to restate her case, and leave it at that. Why did she have to lay down before the idiots?

The woke crowd should crucify her on the stage moral outrage to prove their commitment to the cause


If a person with European heritage says anything the wokesters want to claim is wrong, they are forced out of their jobs and their families are put into financial ruin.

White people don't get fired. They get transferred

Yet one of the most woke and racist women in America today spews out racist and anti semitic filth and she wants to say "I'm sorry" and then act like nothing happened.

What ability does Whoopi Goldberg have to do any Jewish person any harm ?

When was the last time a Jewish person had to worry about whether a blk employer was going to discriminate against them ? Or whether a blk loan officer was going to turn them down for a mortgage? Or whether a Black landlord was going to screw them out of a rent deposit ?

If anything, black folks in general, have a much greater likelihood of being the victims of discrimination at jewish people's hands (the hands of a Jewish employer, banker or landlord than they’ll ever have at ours)
When was the last time 98% of any white people had anything to do with that? You keep complaining about things that no one alive had anything to do with. When you look at the crimes being committed against Asians and Hispanics, they are being committed mostly by people who a lot like the picture you use next your name. It's not white people killing thousands of black people every year, and it mostly not white people who attack Jewish and Asian persons around this country... You are a racist, and you want to be a racist.

I wish people would fix the chronic absenteeism, dropout rates and violence in mostly black schools, so the good kids who want to learn and get good jobs to escape the violence of their black neighborhoods could do so. When people decide to have true honest discussions, then we can have true honest discussions. But blaming all of your problems on things no one alive today did, is pure bullshit. And you know it.
When was the last time 98% of any white people had anything to do with that?

To do with what ?

You keep complaining about things that no one alive had anything to do with.

Says the person who writes a post complaining about a black woman. Ok. Got it.

When you look at the crimes being committed against Asians and Hispanics, they are being committed mostly by people who a lot like the picture you use next your name.

I think you need to read that back because that made no sense.

It's not white people killing thousands of black people every year, and it mostly not white people who attack Jewish and Asian persons around this country...

This white man's name is (Brendt Christensen)


You probably don't know who he is but he did this


In 2017 this white man raped her, beat her, cut off her head and mutilated her body.

Fast forward to 2019. Arhur Martonvich kills three Asian man in New York subway by beating them to death with a hammer.


He try to sell some B.S about doing it to defend Asian women from Asian men. Yeah right.

Last year a white man John Wiseman called the police and told them that his Asian wife was on the floor unresponsive. He left out the part about shooting her three times, two of them in the back


Jeffery Morris (Who has previous convictions) burns Susie Zhao alive


Scott Smith last years shoot and kills his wife Kanaquan Smith. He filed for divorce a few weeks before he killed her. He claimed self defence and guess what ? They bought it. Prosecutors dropped all charges against him saying there wasn't enough evidence.


I don't forget the killers of Vincent Chin in the 80's who was killed by two white men who got no jail time

I don't forget Lyuen Phan Ngyuen who beaten to death by 7 white men in the 90's who shouted "white power" to her

I don't forget Micheal Cho in 2007 was unarmed when shot and killed by a white policeman who of course was not punished

I don't forget Thang Nyguen shot to death in 2016 by two white men who of course never spent one night in Shawshank.

But we are the problem ?

Black people have done a lot for Asians. Let's look at history.

When the white supremacists were over there in 1800's killing the people in the Phillipines, almost committing genocide. A black man named David f.a.gan and other blk men defected because he didn't wanna see the filippinos get slaughtered. So he and a few other blk men started a guerilla war against the USA army


He went over there training the Asians so they wouldn't be sitting ducks for the white supremacists.

Remember Asians are in the USA in large part because of blk ppl fighting for the 1965 immigration act. It was the black panthers speaking out against the Vietnam war. White America for the most wasn't.


Muhammad Ali gave up his best boxing years for Asians.

He was out the sport for 3 years because he didn't want to got to Vietnam and harm Asian people


We are the economic base for Asians. We prop them up but that's not returned because Asians have a policy of not spending a dime with black businesses. And we better not go to their countries coz the anti blk racism is so deep there. It was black people who watched them Kung Fu movies of the 70's and made Bruce Lee an icon.

So you better shut the fk up about how black people are mistreating the Asian community

Let's talk facts

For months we have had the white media trying to manufacture a phoney outrage about how blk ppl attacking Asians.

As Malcolm X said


They focused on the same 3 or 4 incidents and they put this on a non stop loop over and over again.

And guess what ?

That was going so well .....until this


The white media's goal is to try to invalidate blk people's claim of racism. That's what this about.

So the white media has to step forward with this counter narrative. One that makes black people the bad guys and they can't be subtle about it.

And to be honest many Asians are speaking out against these lies

Tell me the black people who nuked Japan in WW2 killing half a million Asians ? O sorry my bad. That was a white man named President Trueman and then the USA when bk into Asia (Vietnam) and sure the USA got their a.s.s.e.s kicked but they still spilt a helluva lot more Asian blood.

Even to this VERY DAY Japan is still NOT a sovereign nation, it's a COLONY of the U.S. That’s why Japan is one of the only (or the only) “super power” that doesn’t have any nuclear weapons and it won’t be allowed to have any).

Germany ALSO lost the war but it has nuclear weapons and no one worries about them having them in spite of Hitler’s campaign to dominate the planet. Why? Because Germany is a “white nation.”

Japan cannot force the U.S. to remove its military bases even though it has begged and pleaded many times over the years to ASK (not tell) the U.S. to remove them and the U.S. has the power but refuses to do it.

Japan can’t build anything — even a convenience store — in the U.S. without permission from US government so how can they build, even expand a military presence in Japan without their permission? Because Japan is not just a U.S. colony it is a non-white nation under the system of white supremacy.

But blk ppl are so mean to Asians ? Yeah all those black African child molestors flying over to Asia (Singapore and Thailand) to have easy pickings...... O sorry that's white dudes from the west.

So write this

"You are a racist, and you want to be a racist"

Then you write this.

"I wish people would fix the chronic absenteeism, dropout rates and violence in mostly black schools, so the good kids who want to learn and get good jobs to escape the violence of their black neighborhoods could do so"

I mean, if you can’t see the irony embedded in these remarks –after all, to accuse me of racism and then to cut loose with a racist generalization is the epitome of self-contradiction –then you’re probably not prepared to enter a dialogue about much of anything.
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Blacks are sometimes anti-semitic because they consider Jews as white, and sometimes or a few groups as fake and themselfes as real hebrews, that the real hebrews were black and that ashkenazi are fake and evil. They also believe in conspirational theories about jews, like the neo-nazis, so they connect their anti-white hate with their anti-semitism. Of course the holocaust was about race. For blacks everyone is white, who is not black. Even Asians, Latinos etc. The diversity chief of Biden was in Brasil and she said the people were not black, and she saw no blacks. But in Brasil the people are like 70% European on average and rest Amerindian and Black, of course they are not black in the african american sense, the Brasilians call those people Pardos but not black. Sometimes they say "asians are the other white meat" etc.
When was the last time 98% of any white people had anything to do with that?

To do with what ?

You keep complaining about things that no one alive had anything to do with.

Says the person who writes a post complaining about a black woman. Ok. Got it.

When you look at the crimes being committed against Asians and Hispanics, they are being committed mostly by people who a lot like the picture you use next your name.

I think you need to read that back because that made no sense.

It's not white people killing thousands of black people every year, and it mostly not white people who attack Jewish and Asian persons around this country...

This white man's name is (Brendt Christensen)


You probably don't know who he is but he did this


In 2017 this white man raped her, beat her, cut off her head and mutilated her body.

Fast forward to 2019. Arhur Martonvich kills three Asian man in New York subway by beating them to death with a hammer.


He try to sell some B.S about doing it to defend Asian women from Asian men. Yeah right.

Last year a white man John Wiseman called the police and told them that his Asian wife was on the floor unresponsive. He left out the part about shooting her three times, two of them in the back


Jeffery Morris (Who has previous convictions) burns Susie Zhao alive


Scott Smith last years shoot and kills his wife Kanaquan Smith. He filed for divorce a few weeks before he killed her. He claimed self defence and guess what ? They bought it. Prosecutors dropped all charges against him saying there wasn't enough evidence.


I don't forget the killers of Vincent Chin in the 80's who was killed by two white men who got no jail time

I don't forget Lyuen Phan Ngyuen who beaten to death by 7 white men in the 90's who shouted "white power" to her

I don't forget Micheal Cho in 2007 was unarmed when shot and killed by a white policeman who of course was not punished

I don't forget Thang Nyguen shot to death in 2016 by two white men who of course never spent one night in Shawshank.

But we are the problem ?

Black people have done a lot for Asians. Let's look at history.

When the white supremacists were over there in 1800's killing the people in the Phillipines, almost committing genocide. A black man named David f.a.gan and other blk men defected because he didn't wanna see the filippinos get slaughtered. So he and a few other blk men started a guerilla war against the USA army


He went over there training the Asians so they wouldn't be sitting ducks for the white supremacists.

Remember Asians are in the USA in large part because of blk ppl fighting for the 1965 immigration act. It was the black panthers speaking out against the Vietnam war. White America for the most wasn't.


Muhammad Ali gave up his best boxing years for Asians.

He was out the sport for 3 years because he didn't want to got to Vietnam and harm Asian people


We are the economic base for Asians. We prop them up but that's not returned because Asians have a policy of not spending a dime with black businesses. And we better not go to their countries coz the anti blk racism is so deep there. It was black people who watched them Kung Fu movies of the 70's and made Bruce Lee an icon.

So you better shut the fk up about how black people are mistreating the Asian community

Let's talk facts

For months we have had the white media trying to manufacture a phoney outrage about how blk ppl attacking Asians.

As Malcolm X said


They focused on the same 3 or 4 incidents and they put this on a non stop loop over and over again.

And guess what ?

That was going so well .....until this


The white media's goal is to try to invalidate blk people's claim of racism. That's what this about.

So the white media has to step forward with this counter narrative. One that makes black people the bad guys and they can't be subtle about it.

And to be honest many Asians are speaking out against these lies

Tell me the black people who nuked Japan in WW2 killing half a million Asians ? O sorry my bad. That was a white man named President Trueman and then the USA when bk into Asia (Vietnam) and sure the USA got their a.s.s.e.s kicked but they still spilt a helluva lot more Asian blood.

Even to this VERY DAY Japan is still NOT a sovereign nation, it's a COLONY of the U.S. That’s why Japan is one of the only (or the only) “super power” that doesn’t have any nuclear weapons and it won’t be allowed to have any).

Germany ALSO lost the war but it has nuclear weapons and no one worries about them having them in spite of Hitler’s campaign to dominate the planet. Why? Because Germany is a “white nation.”

Japan cannot force the U.S. to remove its military bases even though it has begged and pleaded many times over the years to ASK (not tell) the U.S. to remove them and the U.S. has the power but refuses to do it.

Japan can’t build anything — even a convenience store — in the U.S. without permission from US government so how can they build, even expand a military presence in Japan without their permission? Because Japan is not just a U.S. colony it is a non-white nation under the system of white supremacy.

But blk ppl are so mean to Asians ? Yeah all those black African child molestors flying over to Asia (Singapore and Thailand) to have easy pickings...... O sorry that's white dudes from the west.

So write this

"You are a racist, and you want to be a racist"

Then you write this.

"I wish people would fix the chronic absenteeism, dropout rates and violence in mostly black schools, so the good kids who want to learn and get good jobs to escape the violence of their black neighborhoods could do so"

I mean, if you can’t see the irony embedded in these remarks –after all, to accuse me of racism and then to cut loose with a racist generalization is the epitome of self-contradiction –then you’re probably not prepared to enter a dialogue about much of anything.

I see you avoided everything I said.
Blacks are sometimes anti-semitic because they consider Jews as white, and sometimes or a few groups as fake and themselfes as real hebrews, that the real hebrews were black and that ashkenazi are fake and evil. They also believe in conspirational theories about jews, like the neo-nazis, so they connect their anti-white hate with their anti-semitism. Of course the holocaust was about race. For blacks everyone is white, who is not black. Even Asians, Latinos etc. The diversity chief of Biden was in Brasil and she said the people were not black, and she saw no blacks. But in Brasil the people are like 70% European on average and rest Amerindian and Black, of course they are not black in the african american sense, the Brasilians call those people Pardos but not black. Sometimes they say "asians are the other white meat" etc.
The Jewish people are Caucasian for the most part. They make up approx two percent of the population and even though the majority live in the Notth a greater percentage live down South since after WW11. Yet Farrakhan and others say the Jews were responsible for slavery, That is their mentality
The Jewish people are Caucasian for the most part. They make up approx two percent of the population and even though the majority live in the Notth a greater percentage live down South since after WW11. Yet Farrakhan and others say the Jews were responsible for slavery, That is their mentality

Yes I agree. The Jews are Caucasian and what they call White people. Blacks dont like White people and they combine weird conspirational theories like neo-nazis have too about Jews with their anti-white hate.
When was the last time 98% of any white people had anything to do with that? You keep complaining about things that no one alive had anything to do with. When you look at the crimes being committed against Asians and Hispanics, they are being committed mostly by people who a lot like the picture you use next your name. It's not white people killing thousands of black people every year, and it mostly not white people who attack Jewish and Asian persons around this country... You are a racist, and you want to be a racist.

I wish people would fix the chronic absenteeism, dropout rates and violence in mostly black schools, so the good kids who want to learn and get good jobs to escape the violence of their black neighborhoods could do so. When people decide to have true honest discussions, then we can have true honest discussions. But blaming all of your problems on things no one alive today did, is pure bullshit. And you know it.
Stop lying to yourself. Essen isn't talking about shit that happens in the past he's talking about what whites do now.


Today's Lesson:

Whites, We Know That Racism is Done Differently Now.

Stop lying about racism. This forum shows its in full effect.

It is whites attacking blacks, jews, hispanics, asians and native Americans .

And it is white who commit the most violence.

Laissez Faire Racism involves

persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans,

a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing,


resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions.”

You have done this in your post and in every other post when you talk about race.

Furthermore :

The FBI Uniform Crime Report violent crime offender data for 2020 to make my point. According to the 2020 Uniform Crime Report there were 7,173,072 crime offenders in the United States. 3,642,932 whites, 2,122,038 blacks. Clearly the numbers show that 1.5 million more whites were offenders than blacks. Whites were 51 percent of the criminal offenders in 2020. Blacks were 30 percent. In any circumstance 51 percent is a majority.

But you'll come forth with an excuse- the 13 percent excuse.

Let’s return to the 2020 Uniform Crime Report Crime data I just presented. Again, in 2020, there were 7,173,072, crime offenders in the United States. That 7.1 million is 100 percent of the offenders in America. In 2020 according to the census, the U.S. population was 331,449,281. That number is 100 percent of the U.S. population. Out of 331,449,281 citizens, 7,173,072, people or 2.16 percent of the American population were criminal offenders. The 3,642,932 white offenders were 1.09 percent of the American population. The 2,122,038 black offenders were 0.006 percent of the American population. This is where the 13 percent excuse fails. Simple math shows the misuse of percentages. The 13 percent excuse uses the percentage of blacks committing a crime against the percentage of the black population instead of it being used to reflect the percentage of blacks that are committing a specific violation. The numbers here show that 13 percent of the American population are not committing 50 percent of the crime. Furthermore, they show that 1 percent of the population are 51 percent of the criminal offenders and they are not black.

You want to bring up that tired white racist bullshit about blacks killing each other like whites dont. Your white ass is 5 times morelikely to be kiklled by another white than anyone black. Every yeat hate crime attacks show that blacks are the most victims and whites the most offenders. And when you run your mouth off about sucg=h things, let me brak your white ass off something for you to understand:

In 2020 blacks led in arrests in 2 categories in the Uniform Crime reports, murder and robbery. I am not going to pretend this is a good thing, but let’s look at the arrest categories whites led in:

Rape, Aggravated assault, Burglary, Larceny-theft, Motor vehicle theft, Arson, Violent crime, Property crime, Other assaults, Forgery and counterfeiting, Fraud, Embezzlement, buying, receiving, and possessing stolen property, Vandalism, carrying, possessing, Weapons, Prostitution and commercialized vice, Sex offenses besides rape and prostitution, Drug abuse violations, Gambling, Offenses against the family and children, Driving under the influence, Liquor laws, Drunkenness, Disorderly conduct, Vagrancy, All other offenses (except traffic), Suspicion, Curfew and loitering law violations.

It is time some in the white community started looking at themselves.

I ain't done with you yet.

Research shows that poor people regardless of race commit the most violent crime. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, from 2008 through 2012, “persons in poor households at or below the federal poverty level had more than double the rate of violent victimization as persons in high-income households. This pattern of poor people having the highest rates of violence was consistent for both whites and blacks.”

For the period 2008-12:
  • Persons in poor households at or below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) (39.8 per 1,000) had more than double the rate of violent victimization as persons in high-income households (16.9 per 1,000).
  • Persons in poor households had a higher rate of violence involving a firearm (3.5 per 1,000) compared to persons above the FPL (0.8-2.5 per 1,000).
  • The overall pattern of poor persons having the highest rates of violent victimization was consistent for both whites and blacks. However, the rate of violent victimization for Hispanics did not vary across poverty levels.
  • Poor Hispanics (25.3 per 1,000) had lower rates of violence compared to poor whites (46.4 per 1,000) and poor blacks (43.4 per 1,000).
  • Poor persons living in urban areas (43.9 per 1,000) had violent victimization rates similar to poor persons living in rural areas (38.8 per 1,000).
  • Poor urban blacks (51.3 per 1,000) had rates of violence similar to poor urban whites (56.4 per 1,000).
Notice the numbers per capita when all else is the same. Across the board poor whites had higher per capita rates of violence than did poor blacks.

Last but not least:

You wanted to run your white mouth off about blacks killing each other. Over 8,600 blacks were killed in 2020 @ 90 percent were killed by another black. You want to preach to somebody about that. It's my turn to preach now.

According to the American Heart Association, hypertension related deaths in the black community increased from 171,259 to 270,839 annually from 2000-2018.36 These numbers are 20 and 31 times the number of blacks who were murdered in ways that “bother” people like Arora. Most of these people died from hypertension caused by the stress of living with white racism. Racism was outlawed on paper in 1965. That makes racism a crime. A crime that continues to be perpetrated against blacks and all people of color in the United States. According to the claim, 90 percent of those 8,600 murders of blacks were done by blacks. If you use those numbers, at least 7,740 blacks were killed by other blacks in 2020. You apparently believe this is a number that must immediately be addressed by blacks. More than 270,000 blacks died due to hypertension in 2020 judging by the trends shown by the American Heart Association. If we are generous and conclude that just 10 percent of these deaths are directly attributed to racist actions by whites, over 27,000 such deaths in 2020 were caused by white racism. That means 3.5 times more black people died from stress induced by white racism than blacks murdering each other on the streets of America. That’s white on black crime and it’s a real problem that must be dealt with by the white community.

In 2020, Whites were 51 percent of the offenders for all crimes committed in America. 54 percent of the crimes against persons was committed by a white offender. Whites committed most of the property crime (42%) and crimes against society (65%). Seven out of every 10 arrests for crimes in America is on someone white. Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started at the very beginning of this country. Whites have elected numerous criminals to make laws in this country. Whites organized crime and made it a corporate business. Whites control the manufacturing, shipment, and distribution of drugs in this country. Whites made the two of most destructive drugs legal creating millions of addicted citizens, I am talking about alcohol and nicotine. Whites have embezzled and scammed people out of life savings to the tune of trillions in the years America has been a country. Whites control the manufacturing, shipping, sales, and distribution of deadly weapons in this country.

Maybe it’s time whites like you shut up.
Yes I agree. The Jews are Caucasian and what they call White people. Blacks dont like White people and they combine weird conspirational theories like neo-nazis have too about Jews with their anti-white hate.
You're wrong Mortimer and I am not going to debate your racist ass about it. White Jews practice racism against blacks. So don't comment on shit you know nothing about.
Blacks are sometimes anti-semitic because they consider Jews as white, and sometimes or a few groups as fake and themselfes as real hebrews, that the real hebrews were black and that ashkenazi are fake and evil. They also believe in conspirational theories about jews, like the neo-nazis, so they connect their anti-white hate with their anti-semitism. Of course the holocaust was about race. For blacks everyone is white, who is not black. Even Asians, Latinos etc. The diversity chief of Biden was in Brasil and she said the people were not black, and she saw no blacks. But in Brasil the people are like 70% European on average and rest Amerindian and Black, of course they are not black in the african american sense, the Brasilians call those people Pardos but not black. Sometimes they say "asians are the other white meat" etc.
Try not explaining to people how blacks think. Jews owned slaves and jews practiced Jim Crow.

Try not explaining to people how blacks think. Jews owned slaves and jews practiced Jim Crow.

We all support people by our own background many times more than we should. There seems to forces from the outside who cause friction making the problems boil over. We are continuously talking about slavery to the Americas for decades. We all deserve the whole truth. The good and the bad and who were the arbiters who controlled and were enriched by this. The unfortunate thing is that a few make the majority guilty in everything we do.
Try not explaining to people how blacks think. Jews owned slaves and jews practiced Jim Crow.

Jews make up approximately 2 percent of the population. They have always been mainly in the North. The amt there is now can be because of Florida and California. If they owned the slave trade what did over 98 percent of the Christians do and why did it take a Civil War?
Jews make up approximately 2 percent of the population. They have always been mainly in the North. The amt there is now can be because of Florida and California. If they owned the slave trade what did over 98 percent of the Christians do and why did it take a Civil War?
Slavery existed in the north. Jews owned slaves and Christianity is based in Judaism.

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