Henry Waxman (D)- true environmental patriot

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
I'm following him on twitter. He's a stalwart defender of the planet being the ranking member on the Energy & Environment Committee :afro: He's got his regular handle and he's got his environment-specific handle: @WaxmanClimate

He notes that it was:

"84 degrees in Little Rock, AR yesterday. 11 degrees warmer than normal. http://www.nws.noaa.gov/climate/"

suck on that deniers!!! :mad: (AKA- Frank & Oddball :tongue: )
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Too late to stop global warming, say climate scientists | The Bell Jar

Too late to stop global warming, say climate scientists

Any possibility of halting the effects of global warming will likely fail, according to a newly released report.

A newly published report by Johannesburg-based Wits University geoscientist Dr. Jasper Knight and Dr. Stephan Harrison of the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom, finds that government attempts to curtail greenhouse gas emissions over the past decade has largely failed and that policy makers should seek ways of adapting to a warmer planet.

“At present, governments’ attempts to limit greenhouse-gas emissions through carbon cap-and-trade schemes and to promote renewable and sustainable energy sources are probably too late to arrest the inevitable trend of global warming,” the scientists write in a paper published online in the scientific journal, Nature Climate Change.

The paper, entitled The Impacts of climate change on terrestrial Earth surface systems, is published in the Perspective section of Nature Climate Change and its argues that recent studies confirm that Earth is experiencing a warming period. The team says data collected by scientists around the world show that despite efforts to limit the emissions of greenhouse gases, few countries have demonstrated success in limiting emissions.

According to researchers, climate models remain inadequate for predicting future climate changes, which they argue should serve as an impetuousness for examining possible solutions for addressing changes that may occur. The team said changes to the climate are likely to disproportionately impact coastal areas, where policy makers are already considering contingency plans.

“This is particularly the case in coastal environments, where rocky and sandy coastlines will yield very different responses to climate forcing, and where coastal-zone management plans are usually based on past rather than future climatic patterns,” they argue.


Apparently your man didn't get the memo. Is he a cap-n-trade proponent alla Al Gore?
He's that guy who looks like Mr. Potatohead right?

"Global Warming" is really Agenda 21.
a lot of talk from the deniers. Waxman (D) would dismantle you guys/gals in a debate :mad:

If you people were really tough you'd follow his environmental handle on twitter & debunk him but you can't because he speaks the truth
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He would certainly dismantle himself in a debate on ths subject.

"84 degrees in Little Rock, AR yesterday. 11 degrees warmer than normal."

a lot of talk from the deniers. Waxman (D) would dismantle you guys/gals in a debate :mad:

If you people were really tough you'd follow his environmental handle on twitter & debunk him but you can't because he speaks the truth
Not likely. All you have to do is point out to these Authoritarians is that "Global Warming" is a backdoor way of implementing Agenda 21.

Arguing the rise or fall of an average temperature in any area is just a ruse.
You have some extremely sketchy and useless heroes.. Waxman is a mental midget..

Did he tweat you to tell you that ------

Weather Forecast Little Rock, AR | Little Rock Weather | Wunderground

Statement as of 03:56 am CDT on October 28, 2012
... Record low temperature tied at North Little Rock...

a record low temperature of 37 degrees was set at North Little Rock yesterday.
This ties the old record of 37 set in 1976.

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