Henry Kissinger: “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts”


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Europe is fucked, and we will be next. Muslims will NOT assimilate, they will only demand that their way is the only acceptable way.
Multiculturalism is NOT our strength. Unity is, and you will never get unity the way we are heading now.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger recently warned that the demonstrations occurring worldwide in favor of Hamas, a terrorist organization, show that European nations made a “grave mistake” and should be concerned about future hostage-taking raids against its people if the idea of supporting terrorism isn’t shut down.

Kissinger said that Europe is pressured by groups of people “of totally different culture and religion,” as reported by Breitbart News. The former secretary of state argued that Europe made a “grave mistake” in allowing too many foreigners into the country in the past several years.

I have never had a problem with diversity, as long as they wanted to be a part of America.

IMO, there is a difference between "multiculturalism," and "diversity."

Leftists, have always known, damn well what they are doing, when they push, "multiculturalism." It has always been an attempt to subvert and destroy the nation. . . this is what this has always been about with this bullshit.

In fact, this is why they rolled out that stoopid term, "cultural appropriation." They have have long known, that the bedrock of American culture, what makes us stronger than any other nation on Earth, is a drive toward cultural syncretism. And they have wanted to shame us, and stop us from doing the core of who we are as a nation, to balkanize us, and set us at each-others' throats.


It has been a project to destroy the very roots of who we are as a people, our very essence and culture.. . . the "melting pot."

‘Cultural Appropriation’ Is Critical to Human Progress​

". . . Cultural appropriation is not a modern concept; it has existed as long as culture itself. From a historical perspective, the term that is typically used to describe the adoption of certain practices from one culture to the next is syncretism. Without syncretism, human progress would be next to impossible.

Often referred to throughout history as a “melting pot,” America is a perfect example of the importance of syncretism. Immigrants from diverse backgrounds can all come together under a common American nationality. Pizza, hot dogs, and soft drinks are often considered characteristically American, but they were originally Italian, German, and Swedish, respectively. Is this cultural appropriation? Even Democracy, the very basis of American society, was first seen in ancient Greece. Is it time to “cancel” America?

Obviously not. But what makes drinking a carbonated beverage so different from wearing a Chinese-inspired prom dress? Cultural appropriation is just the modern term for a concept that has aided in the development of human society for centuries. Those who perpetuate “cancel” culture ignore this. And that has dangerous implications for the future.. . . "
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Ex-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger: Germany Has Made a 'Grave Mistake' with Immigration​

"Four years ago, while I was visiting my relatives in Munich, Germany, I was floored by the make-up of the inhabitants occupying the city. The majority didn’t seem German.

They seemed Muslim. The women were wearing hijabs, burquas, chadors. They moved in units with the Muslim men swarming around them and their children. None spoke German. They spoke a language that sounded Arabic."
It was a deliberate effort by collectivist elite globalists to ruin western civilization as it is and create a people much more easy to manipulate.

Their results were piss poor is what Henry is alluding too. Not that he gives a shit about the suffering of those at the hands of unvetted migrants.
Anyone with any common sense knows that the Biden administration (and dems in general) are nothing but traitors. The leaders should all be arrested, a drumhead court held, then taken out and shot.....Just dump their bodies in the Potomac....Crabs gotta eat.

The dem party needs to be outlawed and declared a domestic terror .org.....They are that bad for us.
Europe is fucked, and we will be next. Muslims will NOT assimilate, they will only demand that their way is the only acceptable way.
Multiculturalism is NOT our strength. Unity is, and you will never get unity the way we are heading now.

There is a reason why like Switzerland has the lowest gun crime in all of Europe and little violence. They are NOT diverse.

To be a citizen there you have to wait a long time, pay a lot of money, fluently speak their language, and understand their customs and culture.

A society of similarities functions best in western countries. When everyone speaks the same language, has the same set of Morals, values, and standards, when they all share a common religion, and when they look similar everyone gets a long better. They all understand each other, they all have the same customs and culture, even if you travel 1000 miles you still meet others like yourself.

Similarity means people are more relaxed around each other, have a basic commonality, understand each other and in general are more comfortable.
I have never had a problem with diversity, as long as they wanted to be a part of America.

IMO, there is a difference between "multiculturalism," and "diversity."

Leftists, have always known, damn well what they are doing, when they push, "multiculturalism." It has always been an attempt to subvert and destroy the nation. . . this is what this has always been about with this bullshit.

In fact, this is why they rolled out that stoopid term, "cultural appropriation." They have have long known, that the bedrock of American culture, what makes us stronger than any other nation on Earth, is a drive toward cultural syncretism. And they have wanted to shame us, and stop us from doing the core of who we are as a nation, to balkanize us, and set us at each-others' throats.

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It has been a project to destroy the very roots of who we are as a people, our very essence and culture.. . . the "melting pot."

‘Cultural Appropriation’ Is Critical to Human Progress​

". . . Cultural appropriation is not a modern concept; it has existed as long as culture itself. From a historical perspective, the term that is typically used to describe the adoption of certain practices from one culture to the next is syncretism. Without syncretism, human progress would be next to impossible.

Often referred to throughout history as a “melting pot,” America is a perfect example of the importance of syncretism. Immigrants from diverse backgrounds can all come together under a common American nationality. Pizza, hot dogs, and soft drinks are often considered characteristically American, but they were originally Italian, German, and Swedish, respectively. Is this cultural appropriation? Even Democracy, the very basis of American society, was first seen in ancient Greece. Is it time to “cancel” America?

Obviously not. But what makes drinking a carbonated beverage so different from wearing a Chinese-inspired prom dress? Cultural appropriation is just the modern term for a concept that has aided in the development of human society for centuries. Those who perpetuate “cancel” culture ignore this. And that has dangerous implications for the future.. . . "
Diversity is just a bullshit democrat propaganda term. It’s code for segregation.
And the people who refer to it most often are insulated white democrats who live in exclusively white democrat worlds.
Europe is fucked, and we will be next. Muslims will NOT assimilate, they will only demand that their way is the only acceptable way.
Multiculturalism is NOT our strength. Unity is, and you will never get unity the way we are heading now.

I don't often seek the opinions of mass murdering war criminals when considering issues of basic human rights, but when I do, ol' Henry is near the top of my list. :)

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