Hello from the highlands.

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So you're like a nitrous oxide type of highlander.


Well, there can be only one.


You don't have to be high to be of a higher state of mind. Take what was once said by Albert Einstein. "The solution to a problem can't be found by the same level of consciousness that created that problem."
You don't have to be high to be of a higher state of mind. Take what was once said by Albert Einstein. "The solution to a problem can't be found by the same level of consciousness that created that problem."
Very true!

You should hang around more.
No. I am just up there. And it was a long climb. Even then, in some ways it is as Newton said. "If I have seen farther than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants."
Some contend that the only way to think clearly and concentrate or to receive any kind of meaningful enlightenment is to get as far away from the world as possible. The higher the mountain the farther away from the world, so to speak.
Some contend that the only way to think clearly and concentrate or to receive any kind of meaningful enlightenment is to get as far away from the world as possible. The higher the mountain the farther away from the world, so to speak.

No, you don't need to get away from people. All you need to do is find things out for yourself. Then you begin to recognize all the BS. Then, when you put the BS out into the open light, it is the others who will move away from you.
No, you don't need to get away from people.
No, I said to get away from the world, so to speak.

Anyway. Here's some snacks.

But Trump was delusional at best. He claimed the election was stolen from him.
No. These people and organizations all claimed they stole the election from him.

Time Shadow Election Commission.png

His organization filed around 30 lawsuits over it. They were all thrown out of court for lack of evidence.
That is not true. Trump did NOT lose all of the lawsuits and NONE of them were thrown out for lack of evidence.

You can't make such a claim without being able to prove it.
You seem to depend on it.

Trump was just another Reagan.
Thank you. Reagan was perhaps the most successful politician in a half century.

Thanks. But Trump was delusional at best. He claimed the election was stolen from him. His organization filed around 30 lawsuits over it. They were all thrown out of court for lack of evidence. You can't make such a claim without being able to prove it. Trump was just another Reagan.
Uhh the courts did not even look at the evidence Einstein which is not one bit surprising in the least the fact we have the most corrupt court system in the world,to put him in the same breath as asswipe Reagan is just plain retarded.at first I thought trump was the same ole same ole part of the corrupt two party system to serve the elite instead of the people as every president sense Johnson has been but I could not have been more wrong,the major differerence in trump and Reagan is trump is the first president in my lifetime who actually did what he said he would do proving he was not part of the corrupt two party system.

i take back everything I said about wanting your email address,you are indeed what I thought might be the case ,a Demonrat obviously.this is my last post on this thread.

there are many other Demonrats here,they’ll love you.
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So Danny,what kind of Scotch are you partial towards.
Upper Highlands or Lower Highlands.
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