

Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
HEGEMONY, [həˈjemənē, ˈhejəˌmōnē], NOUN, leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others.

The Democrats control the vast majority of what Americans see, hear and read.
As they say "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely", and that is what we are absolutely witnessing.
The Press is attempting to sweep the mass voter fraud under the rug, just like they did with Obama and Hillary's crimes.
They know that they can get away with anything now.
Joe Biden might be right, we are going to have a "dark winter"
Somewhere deep down you know the right wing media is all about manipulation of public opinion serving a political agenda. You just happen to like the agenda. The only conceivable reason the right would put up with their media lying to their faces is that they know that they are lies in service to their political goals. Just because you know that right wing media is partisan propaganda it does not mean that everything else is. Sometimes reality just has a liberal bias.
The US Petro Dollar is the attempt as World Wide Hegemony- and BOTH sides of the Duopoly subscribe to it-
It is THE reason for the never ending wars in the ME- it is THE reason for world wide colonization, i.e., Military Installations-
There is plenty of corruption in both criminal gangs. It’s isn’t a partisan affair. The establishment R party never wanted Don and have likely colluded with the Ds, to make sure he lost.

And besides...”The US isn't a democracy. It's an oil company backed by the most technologically advanced military in history.”- Lee Camp
There is plenty of corruption in both criminal gangs. It’s isn’t a partisan affair. The establishment R party never wanted Don and have likely colluded with the Ds, to make sure he lost.

And besides...”The US isn't a democracy. It's an oil company backed by the most technologically advanced military in history.”- Lee Camp
Here is what the Dems will do with their hegemony.
They will reinforce their power and make this a one Party country.
They will pack the Supreme Court.
They will add DC and Puerto Rico as states and this will give them permanent control of the Senate and our government.
No, both Parties are not the same.
The Dems will destroy democracy* (constitutional representative democracy)

Puerto Rico votes in favor of statehood. But what does it mean for the island? - ABC News (go.com)
There is plenty of corruption in both criminal gangs. It’s isn’t a partisan affair. The establishment R party never wanted Don and have likely colluded with the Ds, to make sure he lost.

And besides...”The US isn't a democracy. It's an oil company backed by the most technologically advanced military in history.”- Lee Camp
Here is what the Dems will do with their hegemony.
They will reinforce their power and make this a one Party country.
They will pack the Supreme Court.
They will add DC and Puerto Rico as states and this will give them permanent control of the Senate and our government.
No, both Parties are not the same.
The Dems will destroy democracy* (constitutional representative democracy)

Puerto Rico votes in favor of statehood. But what does it mean for the island? - ABC News (go.com)
No. Not even remotely likely. They will however continue to enrich the rich at the expense of the rest of us, while promoting imperialism around the world to enrich their big MIC donors.

Don’t get sidetracked by propaganda.

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