Heaven Is a Place Called Elizabeth Warren

Sooooo....nothing on her hypocrisy, huh?

What hypocrisy? Seriously.

She agreed with the movement when it went after financial institutions because she agreed with it. When it turned it's sites on education..she didn't agree with it.

Does one have to be in lockstep agreement with everything a movement is doing?

Again..I point you back to her criticism of Clinton. She does agree with some of the things that he was doing. Just not all of it.

That's valid. That's not hypocrisy.

She's one of my targets on the up and coming. Sallow, you know me. I only pick targets that I can win on.

She's gonna hit the dirt big time in January. That's all I am buying time for. Hehehe. Wait till you see what I have on her.

And you have witnessed me fighting tooth and nail against asswipes who despite their idiocy I have fought for their right to be asswipes.

But her. Trust me douche bag from hell, don't back her. I'll do January and it will be sad.

When you decide to release what you have PLEASE email me at my blog! I will help spread it far and wide!
When Scott Brown was an unknown not given a prayer I picked up the charge. I will help in any way I can.
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In the only poll I can find Brown was ahead by 3% over Warren among people who had heard of her. 37% hadn't heard of her yet. I wonder what they thought about her first appearance of note? That being the assinine statement that nobody has made it on their own. Warren will fall flat on her face. I will help put her there.

RealClearPolitics - Poll: Brown Edges Warren in Massachusetts
Someone wrote a parody of that (like it wasn't absurd enough on its own), that women who were hot didnt get hot on their own, but used roads to get to the gym etc. So hot women owe the rest of us sex.
That's the, "he had it coming" argument.

Sorry, that's just not a good reason when we could have sent people to capture him.

No it isn't.

It's the "He was making war on America" argument. As in treason. And "sending in people to capture" him involves a great deal of risk.

Had Ibrahim Adam perpetrated another 9/11..we'd be having an entirely different conversation.

An American does not get executed w/o a trial.

It's never ever happened before and never should have happened.

Obama is a murderer.

Read it and weep.

Billy the Kid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In any case the Republican chattering class was hurling the same charges at Clinton over Bin Laden..along with the Wagging the dog buffoonery right up until 9/11. Then they started lobbing charges that he didn't do enough to kill him.

This "American" was operating outside US soil in a known terrorist haven. He was meeting with people that carried out actual attacks on the country. And he was great propaganda for Al Qaeda. Thanks to President Obama, none of the attacks he plotted were successful and he bit it before he got make a successful one.
Paul/Warren 2012. Cause fuck the establishment, its time to end the partisanship and work together for the good of the common man.

not if the common man wants you to tote his water

Agreed. I dont think common people should be toting the water for the rich either, which is what is currently going on.

"common people'? Sounds like somebody believes in class distinctions. We the people don't.
The leader of the Dem party murdered a US citizen and I have yet to come across a single one of you that cared that he broke the law and Constitution to do so.

Care to site a source about "evil" reps?


A truthful moment please, not some made up fake accusation.

Ibrahim Adam was a terrorist and planning more attacks. He was wanted by the US. He was "murdered" in the same fashion a criminal is murdered when he resists arrest.

That's the, "he had it coming" argument.

Sorry, that's just not a good reason when we could have sent people to capture him.

Give me one good reason to risk the lives of patriots to capture that dirtbag terrorist. Pop his ass and be done with him . Surgical strikes are better than drawn out trials of Martyr material. Quick, painless, and less publicity for the "martyr".

By the way. I'm a conservative Republican and I can't stand Obama. He made the right call here. Just like the one he made on Osama. Time to let this one go.

By REBECCA TRAISTER, November 18, 2011

On the campaign trail in Massachusetts last month with the Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, I bore witness to acts of extreme giddiness: a 20-year-old student jumping up and down, exclaiming, “Oh, my God, I am obsessed with her”; a third-year law student of Warren’s comparing her to a superhero (“Wonder Woman wishes she could be Professor Warren”); a man stopping Warren on the street and introducing himself as the guy who recently passed her a mash note on a plane (“I was hitting on you,” he said).

Warren has been something of a left-wing idol for a couple of years now. While heading Congressional oversight of TARP, she more than anyone asked tough questions about what, exactly, was done with all that bank bailout money. And on her subsequent mission to create the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau How much more debt will this add to the already doubled amount?— which was designed to enforce long-ignored rules meant to protect consumers entering into everything from credit-card agreements to mortgages — Warren became a regular guest of Bill Maher’s and Jon Stewart’s, and both went weak for the straight-talking professor. Stewart told her he wanted to make out.

But this fall, at exactly the time our economic forecasts started souring again and Barack Obama appeared to be at his most ineffectual, Warren’s entrance into the race for Ted Kennedy’s old seat turned her from a cult-hero crusader into something far bigger. A clip of Warren at a fund-raiser in Andover, Mass., talking about how “there’s nobody in this country who got rich on his own,” Is she saying that the government help everyone get rich?reminded liberals that there was someone out there who could still articulate a muscular progovernment worldview. so you guys really do want government run tyranny and get all weak kneed and creepy about someone that will gleefully take what is rightfully yours is she decides someone else should have it.“If more Democrats were able to make the case for the underlying social contract There should be no such thing beyond the Constitution.as effectively, our discourse would be vastly less mind-numbing,” wrote Steve Benen in a Washington Monthly article that summed up what many liberals across the country were feeling.


Much More: The New York Times: Heaven Is a Place Called Elizabeth Warren

Yall never cease to disappoint.

We have vast, economy crushing debt.
A government so large, we can't pay it's bills.
UE above 9%
An economy stuck in park.

and you want more of the same that got us there and will make it worse.

Uhhhhhhhhhhh......we DODGED that bullet....

(.....And, you Teabaggers are STILL whining-about-that.)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxDgRr_Ynvc]Right America Feeling Wronged pt1 - YouTube[/ame]

You Teabaggers need to reserve your opinions for issues you know-something-about....like soap-operas & NASCAR.

Sooooo....nothing on her hypocrisy, huh?

What hypocrisy? Seriously.

She agreed with the movement when it went after financial institutions because she agreed with it. When it turned it's sites on education..she didn't agree with it.

Does one have to be in lockstep agreement with everything a movement is doing?

Again..I point you back to her criticism of Clinton. She does agree with some of the things that he was doing. Just not all of it.

That's valid. That's not hypocrisy.

She's one of my targets on the up and coming. Sallow, you know me. I only pick targets that I can win on.

She's gonna hit the dirt big time in January. That's all I am buying time for. Hehehe. Wait till you see what I have on her.

And you have witnessed me fighting tooth and nail against asswipes who despite their idiocy I have fought for their right to be asswipes.

But her. Trust me douche bag from hell, don't back her. I'll do January and it will be sad.

OK it's January 30th. Give!
Sooooo....nothing on her hypocrisy, huh?

What hypocrisy? Seriously.

She agreed with the movement when it went after financial institutions because she agreed with it. When it turned it's sites on education..she didn't agree with it.

Does one have to be in lockstep agreement with everything a movement is doing?

Again..I point you back to her criticism of Clinton. She does agree with some of the things that he was doing. Just not all of it.

That's valid. That's not hypocrisy.

She's one of my targets on the up and coming. Sallow, you know me. I only pick targets that I can win on.

She's gonna hit the dirt big time in January. That's all I am buying time for. Hehehe. Wait till you see what I have on her.

And you have witnessed me fighting tooth and nail against asswipes who despite their idiocy I have fought for their right to be asswipes.

But her. Trust me douche bag from hell, don't back her. I'll do January and it will be sad.

Was it the native american crap that you were holding back on or do you have something better than this?

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