Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine, Navarro vs Fauci

Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

The President acted on advice from the CDC. They were calling the shots, not the President.

Orange Man Bad. They can’t take it. By definition everything he does is bad because he is Trump.

Remember the whole lie about stealing the election from HIllary? People just moved on to the next thing because OMB!

He responded to the virus with a racist travel ban!

He didn’t do it soon enough! Just morons. Many disingenuous as well.
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Oh, and isn't it odd that there were zero deaths from the flu in the USA during the month of March? First time that has happened in over 150 years of keeping records.

That's what I understand happened in Italy. On average, X amount of citizens die every month from heart attacks, X amount die from diabetes, X amount died from kidney failure. What doctors there questioned was how those statistics dropped so dramatically since Covid?

The truth is if you died of a heart attack in Italy, and had Covid in your system, they marked it as a Covid death. I understand they changed their criteria since, but we have not.
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

Yeah they do...

Poll: Majority of Americans now disapprove of federal coronavirus efforts, Trump’s handling of crisis

Politico is Fake News

Yes, we know. Anything that does not praise your dear leader, your lord and master, is "fake news". Except it's not. It's actual news on the actual mishandling by this faking it administration.

He didn't mishandle anything. Blame your precious bureaucracies for anything you didn't like. He was following their cue.
Yes, he has has pretty much mishandled everything. His only saving grace has been the "deep state bureaucracies". He would be doing much better politically if he would shut up and let the experts do the talking. His rambling, often off topic, diatribes are not helping.
This post shows your bias and illogic. His daily press conferences are must see TV for knowledge as he has Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci there as well. You have lost all credibility here.

Ive watched a few. I haven’t learned anything. Trump’s participation in them is completely superfluous. He speaks with very little confidence.
Not a surprise. I have learned a lot. Particularly with the new treatments and PPP.

I wouldn’t listen to anything Trump says about treatments. His statements do not reflect the evidence available. When I hear him speak, his rhetoric is all over the map. It has very little internal consistency.
Pretty consistent for me and he 99% of the time defers to Birx and Fauci.
You know how you see a commercial for an over the counter product where they say their product is shown to treat a specific issue and then at the end of the commercial they say “this product is not intended to treat any medical condition”. That’s what I think of when I hear Trump talk.

What those commercials actually say is they are not recommending their product in place of a doctor. Neither is the President. He is not saying you must take it, not saying to buy it off the street, not saying it's a substitute for your doctors advice. All he is saying is that it has shown promising results, and perhaps YOUR doctor should consider it for your treatment in the unfortunate situation you contract this virus.

Trump is dramatically overstating the evidence in support of hydroxychloroquine which he isn’t really qualified to evaluate anyway. In other cases he’s making up evidence whole cloth (zinc).

Those commercials are having it both ways. Saying this probably works but we don’t know if it works. Trump is doing the same thing. People believe Trump when they say it works, there’s evidence, good evidence or promising results.

It’s doublespeak. He’s been doing it for a long time.

You are so wrong on this it isn't even funny. Trump is getting this information from medical professionals. He didn't just happen to mention zinc willy nilly. Zinc plays a role in preventing the replication of several known viruses. That is a well known fact. The combination of it with hydoxychoroquine is very much inline with common medical thought with regards to fighting this. The media is not telling you this because they want you to remained uninformed and couch ridden for obvious reasons.

No. He’s not getting his information solely from medical advisors. He’s getting it from Fox News personalities and other friendly media outlets.

His medical advisors have been consistently contradicting him on the strength of the evidence.

Zinc does not have a role in treating any viral infection. People have been making that claim for decades without any evidence to support it.
He said "I heard Zinc may help, check with your doctor". His press conferences have saved countless lives. Don't dismiss them and I have provided proof.

He’s just throwing it out there. “They say” this, “they say” that. “They say” lots of things. No one knows who “they” is but “they” say it.
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

Yeah they do...

Poll: Majority of Americans now disapprove of federal coronavirus efforts, Trump’s handling of crisis

Politico is Fake News

Yes, we know. Anything that does not praise your dear leader, your lord and master, is "fake news". Except it's not. It's actual news on the actual mishandling by this faking it administration.

He didn't mishandle anything. Blame your precious bureaucracies for anything you didn't like. He was following their cue.
Yes, he has has pretty much mishandled everything. His only saving grace has been the "deep state bureaucracies". He would be doing much better politically if he would shut up and let the experts do the talking. His rambling, often off topic, diatribes are not helping.
This post shows your bias and illogic. His daily press conferences are must see TV for knowledge as he has Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci there as well. You have lost all credibility here.

Ive watched a few. I haven’t learned anything. Trump’s participation in them is completely superfluous. He speaks with very little confidence.
Not a surprise. I have learned a lot. Particularly with the new treatments and PPP.

I wouldn’t listen to anything Trump says about treatments. His statements do not reflect the evidence available. When I hear him speak, his rhetoric is all over the map. It has very little internal consistency.
Pretty consistent for me and he 99% of the time defers to Birx and Fauci.
You know how you see a commercial for an over the counter product where they say their product is shown to treat a specific issue and then at the end of the commercial they say “this product is not intended to treat any medical condition”. That’s what I think of when I hear Trump talk.

What those commercials actually say is they are not recommending their product in place of a doctor. Neither is the President. He is not saying you must take it, not saying to buy it off the street, not saying it's a substitute for your doctors advice. All he is saying is that it has shown promising results, and perhaps YOUR doctor should consider it for your treatment in the unfortunate situation you contract this virus.

Trump is dramatically overstating the evidence in support of hydroxychloroquine which he isn’t really qualified to evaluate anyway. In other cases he’s making up evidence whole cloth (zinc).

Those commercials are having it both ways. Saying this probably works but we don’t know if it works. Trump is doing the same thing. People believe Trump when they say it works, there’s evidence, good evidence or promising results.

It’s doublespeak. He’s been doing it for a long time.

You are so wrong on this it isn't even funny. Trump is getting this information from medical professionals. He didn't just happen to mention zinc willy nilly. Zinc plays a role in preventing the replication of several known viruses. That is a well known fact. The combination of it with hydoxychoroquine is very much inline with common medical thought with regards to fighting this. The media is not telling you this because they want you to remained uninformed and couch ridden for obvious reasons.

No. He’s not getting his information solely from medical advisors. He’s getting it from Fox News personalities and other friendly media outlets.

His medical advisors have been consistently contradicting him on the strength of the evidence.

Zinc does not have a role in treating any viral infection. People have been making that claim for decades without any evidence to support it.
He said "I heard Zinc may help, check with your doctor". His press conferences have saved countless lives. Don't dismiss them and I have provided proof.

And he is right, it very well may help. There is an ample amount of evidence that zinc plays a role in virus replication in general.

“it may very well help” could be said about nearly anything.

Eating a pound of jelly beans in your pajamas may help prevent Coronavirus. Would it help if I said “they say” eating a pound of jelly beans may help?

Its just garbage. Meaningless garbage.
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

The President acted on advice from the CDC. They were calling the shots, not the President.

I'm sorry. Last I looked most government agencies don't act unilaterally and call shots without direction or approval from their leaders. While the CDC is going to take its share of lumps over the response to the virus outbreak, Trump is President. It happened on his watch. And it's not like he didn't know it might happen. And maybe his response would have been better if he was more well read, intellectually curious, or smart. Maybe not. I find it curious that none of his supporters will hold him accountable..for anything.
A timeline of how years of missteps and budget cuts undermined the Trump administration's preparedness for COVID-19
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

The President acted on advice from the CDC. They were calling the shots, not the President.

Orange Man Bad. They can’t take it. By definition everything he does is bad because he is Trump.

Remember the whole lie about stealing the election from a HIllary? People just moved on to the next thing because OMB!

He responded to the virus with a racist travel ban!

He didn’t do it soon enough! Just morons. Many disingenuous as well.

It's your typical leftist game of trying to put Republicans in a damned if you do and damned if you don't position.

They were crying that Trump didn't listen to his people; Trump does what Trump wants, and ignores everybody else; Trump thinks he's king and only he calls all the shots.

What the President did was exactly what they were complaining that he doesn't do. He was listening to the recommendation of the CDC, the FDA, and the medical personnel on is staff. Guess what? Now they are complaining he didn't disregard their input and act on his own.
Oh, and isn't it odd that there were zero deaths from the flu in the USA during the month of March? First time that has happened in over 150 years of keeping records.

That's what I understand happened in Italy. On average, X amount of citizens die every month from heart attacks, X amount die from diabetes, X amount died from kidney failure. What doctors there questioned was how those statistics dropped so dramatically since Covid?

The truth is if you died of a heart attack in Italy, and had Covid in your system, they marked it as a Covid death. I understand they changed their criteria since, but we have not.

I am aware of this as well.

If you were on the couch watching Netflix and you died, is Netflix the cause?
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

The President acted on advice from the CDC. They were calling the shots, not the President.

Orange Man Bad. They can’t take it. By definition everything he does is bad because he is Trump.

Remember the whole lie about stealing the election from a HIllary? People just moved on to the next thing because OMB!

He responded to the virus with a racist travel ban!

He didn’t do it soon enough! Just morons. Many disingenuous as well.

It's your typical leftist game of trying to put Republicans in a damned if you do and damned if you don't position.

They were crying that Trump didn't listen to his people; Trump does what Trump wants, and ignores everybody else; Trump thinks he's king and only he calls all the shots.

What the President did was exactly what they were complaining that he doesn't do. He was listening to the recommendation of the CDC, the FDA, and the medical personnel on is staff. Guess what? Now they are complaining he didn't disregard their input and act on his own.

He’s not going to leave office. That’s a recent bullshit assertion by the left. The election will be suspended.
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

The President acted on advice from the CDC. They were calling the shots, not the President.

Orange Man Bad. They can’t take it. By definition everything he does is bad because he is Trump.

Remember the whole lie about stealing the election from a HIllary? People just moved on to the next thing because OMB!

He responded to the virus with a racist travel ban!

He didn’t do it soon enough! Just morons. Many disingenuous as well.

It's your typical leftist game of trying to put Republicans in a damned if you do and damned if you don't position.

They were crying that Trump didn't listen to his people; Trump does what Trump wants, and ignores everybody else; Trump thinks he's king and only he calls all the shots.

What the President did was exactly what they were complaining that he doesn't do. He was listening to the recommendation of the CDC, the FDA, and the medical personnel on is staff. Guess what? Now they are complaining he didn't disregard their input and act on his own.
It’s going to be some time before we really understand what Trump did with the information he got, including Congressional hearings.

Sorry, but I don’t think you can justify saying that he did everything they told him to do.
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

The President acted on advice from the CDC. They were calling the shots, not the President.

I'm sorry. Last I looked most government agencies don't act unilaterally and call shots without direction or approval from their leaders. While the CDC is going to take its share of lumps over the response to the virus outbreak, Trump is President. It happened on his watch. And it's not like he didn't know it might happen. And maybe his response would have been better if he was more well read, intellectually curious, or smart. Maybe not. I find it curious that none of his supporters will hold him accountable..for anything.
A timeline of how years of missteps and budget cuts undermined the Trump administration's preparedness for COVID-19

How do you hold him accountable for something that hasn't happened in a hundred years? Nobody was prepared for it. That's why it's a problem in nearly every country on earth. Our government gets terrorist threats every day that promise worse than 911. Do we close down the country with every threat?
Right, let's trust the political guy and not the one with vast experience dealing with infectious diseases during a pandemic.

Comrade; 12,000 Americans have died from the Wuhan virus.

23,000,000 Americans have been forced from their livelihoods, faced with loss of homes, no way to care for their children, or even where their next meal is coming from.

The cure is FAR, FAR worse than the disease.

Oh, and isn't it odd that there were zero deaths from the flu in the USA during the month of March? First time that has happened in over 150 years of keeping records.

Disagree. First off it's over 17k that have died. Only 17k thanks to the staying at home orders issued by the more responsible states. You can especially thank California for taking early action to keep the numbers down considering they were one of the early hot spot states they have actually managed better than other less populated states that still haven't seen the full brunt of this.

Since COVID19 hit our shores it's now the number 1 cause of death for Americans.
Right, let's trust the political guy and not the one with vast experience dealing with infectious diseases during a pandemic.

Comrade; 12,000 Americans have died from the Wuhan virus.

23,000,000 Americans have been forced from their livelihoods, faced with loss of homes, no way to care for their children, or even where their next meal is coming from.

The cure is FAR, FAR worse than the disease.

Oh, and isn't it odd that there were zero deaths from the flu in the USA during the month of March? First time that has happened in over 150 years of keeping records.

Disagree. First off it's over 17k that have died. Only 17k thanks to the staying at home.

Staying at home? By who's directive?
Right, let's trust the political guy and not the one with vast experience dealing with infectious diseases during a pandemic.

Comrade; 12,000 Americans have died from the Wuhan virus.

23,000,000 Americans have been forced from their livelihoods, faced with loss of homes, no way to care for their children, or even where their next meal is coming from.

The cure is FAR, FAR worse than the disease.

Oh, and isn't it odd that there were zero deaths from the flu in the USA during the month of March? First time that has happened in over 150 years of keeping records.

Disagree. First off it's over 17k that have died. Only 17k thanks to the staying at home.

Staying at home? By who's directive?

The governors of those states. California and Washington in particular. They acted. Trump didn't. You can thank governors, mayors, and local business leaders for the reasons the numbers aren't higher.
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

The President acted on advice from the CDC. They were calling the shots, not the President.

Orange Man Bad. They can’t take it. By definition everything he does is bad because he is Trump.

Remember the whole lie about stealing the election from a HIllary? People just moved on to the next thing because OMB!

He responded to the virus with a racist travel ban!

He didn’t do it soon enough! Just morons. Many disingenuous as well.

It's your typical leftist game of trying to put Republicans in a damned if you do and damned if you don't position.

They were crying that Trump didn't listen to his people; Trump does what Trump wants, and ignores everybody else; Trump thinks he's king and only he calls all the shots.

What the President did was exactly what they were complaining that he doesn't do. He was listening to the recommendation of the CDC, the FDA, and the medical personnel on is staff. Guess what? Now they are complaining he didn't disregard their input and act on his own.
It’s going to be some time before we really understand what Trump did with the information he got, including Congressional hearings.

Sorry, but I don’t think you can justify saying that he did everything they told him to do.

Sure I can. Need the timeline? I have it if you like.

Nobody ever imagined our country could be anything like this. It's something very few alive today have ever experienced.
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

The President acted on advice from the CDC. They were calling the shots, not the President.

Orange Man Bad. They can’t take it. By definition everything he does is bad because he is Trump.

Remember the whole lie about stealing the election from a HIllary? People just moved on to the next thing because OMB!

He responded to the virus with a racist travel ban!

He didn’t do it soon enough! Just morons. Many disingenuous as well.

It's your typical leftist game of trying to put Republicans in a damned if you do and damned if you don't position.

They were crying that Trump didn't listen to his people; Trump does what Trump wants, and ignores everybody else; Trump thinks he's king and only he calls all the shots.

What the President did was exactly what they were complaining that he doesn't do. He was listening to the recommendation of the CDC, the FDA, and the medical personnel on is staff. Guess what? Now they are complaining he didn't disregard their input and act on his own.
It’s going to be some time before we really understand what Trump did with the information he got, including Congressional hearings.

Sorry, but I don’t think you can justify saying that he did everything they told him to do.

Definitely impeach him again. It worked so well the first time.

Lay out your plan. Dates and actions. What should he have done?

Should he have gone to Chinatown on Feb 25th and told everyone that calling it Wuhan virus is racist?
Right, let's trust the political guy and not the one with vast experience dealing with infectious diseases during a pandemic.

Comrade; 12,000 Americans have died from the Wuhan virus.

23,000,000 Americans have been forced from their livelihoods, faced with loss of homes, no way to care for their children, or even where their next meal is coming from.

The cure is FAR, FAR worse than the disease.

Oh, and isn't it odd that there were zero deaths from the flu in the USA during the month of March? First time that has happened in over 150 years of keeping records.

Disagree. First off it's over 17k that have died. Only 17k thanks to the staying at home.

Staying at home? By who's directive?

The governors of those states. California and Washington in particular. They acted. Trump didn't. You can thank governors, mayors, and local business leaders for the reasons the numbers aren't higher.

A President cannot make a federal mandate, only states can make mandates for themselves. However Trump's team recommended a shutdown, and some Governors listened. More jumped on board as time went on.
Right, let's trust the political guy and not the one with vast experience dealing with infectious diseases during a pandemic.

Comrade; 12,000 Americans have died from the Wuhan virus.

23,000,000 Americans have been forced from their livelihoods, faced with loss of homes, no way to care for their children, or even where their next meal is coming from.

The cure is FAR, FAR worse than the disease.

Oh, and isn't it odd that there were zero deaths from the flu in the USA during the month of March? First time that has happened in over 150 years of keeping records.

Disagree. First off it's over 17k that have died. Only 17k thanks to the staying at home.

Staying at home? By who's directive?

The governors of those states. California and Washington in particular. They acted. Trump didn't. You can thank governors, mayors, and local business leaders for the reasons the numbers aren't higher.

Agree, the true heros are the states that acted quickly as well as those who've had to manage the worst disaster this country has seen in generations. Especially in the light of such an anemic federal response.
Right, let's trust the political guy and not the one with vast experience dealing with infectious diseases during a pandemic.

Comrade; 12,000 Americans have died from the Wuhan virus.

23,000,000 Americans have been forced from their livelihoods, faced with loss of homes, no way to care for their children, or even where their next meal is coming from.

The cure is FAR, FAR worse than the disease.

Oh, and isn't it odd that there were zero deaths from the flu in the USA during the month of March? First time that has happened in over 150 years of keeping records.

Disagree. First off it's over 17k that have died. Only 17k thanks to the staying at home.

Staying at home? By who's directive?

The governors of those states. California and Washington in particular. They acted. Trump didn't. You can thank governors, mayors, and local business leaders for the reasons the numbers aren't higher.

Federal laws cannot make you stay in your home. We have freedom of assembly.

Look into it.


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