RFK Jr. Directly Accuses Fauci of Mass Murder: Said Fauci “Knew” COVID Protocol Remdesivir “Would Kill You”

It's about time somebody pointed at Fauci. His Covid sanctions did more to ruin the economy than anything else. With full cooperation of the crooked Biden administration and the crooked media, Fauci got away with preventing the American people from knowing his relationship with a Chinese lab that was alleged to have released the virus. There is no statute of limitations on manslaughter so maybe it's logical to also focus on former NY governor Cuomo's E.O. that caused the deaths of hundreds of nursing home residents.
It's about time somebody pointed at Fauci. His Covid sanctions did more to ruin the economy than anything else. With full cooperation of the crooked Biden administration and the crooked media, Fauci got away with preventing the American people from knowing his relationship with a Chinese lab that was alleged to have released the virus. There is no statute of limitations on manslaughter so maybe it's logical to also focus on former NY governor Cuomo's E.O. that caused the deaths of hundreds of nursing home residents.

New York Post:

“Cuomo has blood on his hands. He really does. There’s no way to sugarcoat this,”
Rand Paul is right!

What Xi did, when he allowed millions of people he knew to be infected to travel the world, was a defacto act of bio-warfare.

By extension, Fauxi is a war criminal.
The pandemic Fauci paid to develope with our tax dollars? Yeah he needs to be prosecuted and hung.
Fauci knew AZT killed AIDS patients.

He is a monster. Fuck Fauci.

We need an investigation into his handling of the COVID crisis. Why did he demand social media censor people who claimed the vax will not stop you from getting or spreading COVID?


What a discredited and disgraced PIECE OF SHIT.
We need an investigation into his handling of the COVID crisis. Why did he demand social media censor people who claimed the vax will not stop you from getting or spreading COVID?
It'll end up implicating big pharma Col.

which makes those south American cartels look like pikers .....


The demons are now pushing Ozempic for children and a bird flu vaccine.


We are so fucked as a nation.
We're a pill popping nation Col , ripe for corporate raping



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