Healthy eating for kids

No, but I have heard of office managers ordering pizzas for them when the mothers stay in the office beyond 8pm.
and they are forced to eat it right?
Either that or they work hungry for hours in the evening.
Nothing wrong with being a little hungry
Since they know they'll be working late they could plan on bringing a little extra food from home

OH MY GAWD what a concept

I totally agree, but they say that hunger + stress reduces their work efficiency, and I think stress creates false hunger too. Plus they should suspect that they would work late, but they don't because their boss just tells them at the end of the day. Now what shall they do?

is it really so hard to keep some nuts in your desk drawer or to bring an extra piece of fruit in your lunch in case you have to work late?

Now this is a good point but it never occurs to anybody. Absolutely nobody. Why is that? What pushes a psychological pressure on the girls to never make such preparations? I am not a woman but this didn't occur to me either.

I would like to speculate, that the school should have classes with graded papers to teach people such skills. Or maybe these people come from the belief that it is nobody's business but theirs so they reject their own schools. So how about this. The more the obese kids in school, the less the budget the school gets, so eventually the rejected school must close. Then we recommend home schooling for them.
and they are forced to eat it right?
Either that or they work hungry for hours in the evening.
Nothing wrong with being a little hungry
Since they know they'll be working late they could plan on bringing a little extra food from home

OH MY GAWD what a concept

I totally agree, but they say that hunger + stress reduces their work efficiency, and I think stress creates false hunger too. Plus they should suspect that they would work late, but they don't because their boss just tells them at the end of the day. Now what shall they do?

is it really so hard to keep some nuts in your desk drawer or to bring an extra piece of fruit in your lunch in case you have to work late?

Now this is a good point but it never occurs to anybody. Absolutely nobody. Why is that? What pushes a psychological pressure on the girls to never make such preparations? I am not a woman but this didn't occur to me either.

I would like to speculate, that the school should have classes with graded papers to teach people such skills. Or maybe these people come from the belief that it is nobody's business but theirs so they reject their own schools. So how about this. The more the obese kids in school, the less the budget the school gets, so eventually the rejected school must close. Then we recommend home schooling for them.

what skill?

A little thought is not a skill. If a person is made to work late on a regular basis and doesn't want to eat the shit food that is brought in then it's the simplest of simple behaviors to bring a little extra food to work,

Anyone who can't figure that out without being forced to take a class is too stupid to get a job in the first place
Not really, there are different types of people who are obese. Some it's because they eat badly, others because they have problems.

You say it's none of your business, but is it not your business to help people if they want help?

An educated populace impacts everyone in society. Everyone benefits from this in some way or other. Wages increase, potential levels of life increase. A poor person in rural Africa is living in a mud hut, surrounded by dust, eking out a subsistence level life. A poor person in the US gets an education and can potentially get out, they'll not be living in a mud hut and they'll possibly be able to get some sort of job that will give them a decent wage. That's the difference education can make, even at the bottom levels of society.
In Germany or other countries, less people are fat. Are the people so different? Is that what makes this such a difference? America people are more likely to "choose" to be fat? No, I don't think so. This isn't the issue here.

The issue is more that A) the diet of the country is different. The US is more and more about McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, fizzy drinks and the like. The parents have them, the kids grow up with them. They don't make the choice to eat and drink these things, these are what they eat and what they always have eaten.

In China people eat either rice or noodles, if they're from a rice place they grow up eating rice and they love rice. If they're from a noodles place they grow up eating noodles and love noodles. In Sichuan the people love spicy food, they grow up with this and they'll need spicy food their whole life. What kids eat is what they like, it's what they're comfortable with, and it's what they'll want to eat as adults. The brain adapts as a kid, and is molded by the time they're adults. If kids are growing up on a McDonald's diet, chances are this is what they'll eat as an adult.

It's not really choice, it's what you feel comfortable with. Yes, you can choose how much you eat. However I know people who never feel full. There are different levels of this problem.

Telling a person they'll be fat if they eat this food, well, does it stick in their head. They eat "just one" McDonalds, doesn't do anything. Or once a week, I'm not getting fat. Then suddenly they wake up and they're fat, and they're depressed. Too late, they're already addicted to the food. It makes them feel less depressed.

I used to eat sugar when I needed an energy spurt. Then I was finding I needed sugar every day to deal with my lack of energy. I didn't know it was the sugar that was making me feel low. Until you understand how this stuff works, you can't deal with it.

But hey, you can just come up with a simple answer "It's not my business", and that's your excuse for doing nothing, let people wallow in their own problems, let's not try and make life better for everyone, fuck everyone else, I'm an island, piss off and leave me alone.

Great attitude... not.
If people want help they can get it.
There are literally millions of resources for people who want to eat better lose weight and get fit.

And why the fuck should I do anything when to you "doing" means forcing people to do what YOU want them to do.

If they wanted to do it they would.

They DON"T want to do it so they don't and no amount of government money will make them do what they DON"T want to do.

Because you seem to think that choice is the most important thing, and yet don't want people to have the ability to make choices that make more sense.

You're perfectly fine with adults treating their kids in a manner which isn't good for their health and then blaming those kids when they become adults for not getting the help, or not making good choices, but you seem to ignore the fact that there is a cycle of problems that keeps going around and getting worse with every passing generation.
People already know how to choose healthier food

why do you think you have to show them?

The fattest unhealthiest 5th generation lard ass knows that a salad is better for him than an ice cream sundae yet he chooses to eat the ice cream.

He's fat because he wants to be fat

And sooner or later ever kid becomes responsible for his own behavior. You once again are removing that responsibility by saying it's not the fat adult's fault that he's fat.

Sorry but it is.

But then none of what you say makes any sense. If it were as simple as you repeatedly try and make out, then surely the figures for different countries and different regions would be pretty similar. They're not.

But hey, you keep ignoring everything, and tell yourself that people are better off obese and "free" rather than healthier and whatever word you'd use to describe someone in this position. Your attitude is the sort of attitude that makes empires fall.

I never said anyone was better off being obese but I can't tell someone else how to live his life. You seem to have no problem with forcing and manipulating people via any means possible to get them to do what you think is best for them.

And there is nothing overly difficult about losing weight and eating better you yourself agree than people know that a bowl of fruit and veggies is better for them than a bowl of ice cream and cake.

But people in this country have an aversion to any type of discomfort so they won't make it through the adjustment period of a diet or they won't stand for being the least bit hungry for a day.

It all comes down to choice and ANYONE can make a choice to eat better, lose weight and get fit ANY Time they want to

The problem here is that people are manipulated anyway. They're manipulated as children, they're manipulated as adults. The companies producing sugary foods spend a hell of a lot of money manipulating people.

Coca-Cola Co.: ad spend 2016 | Statistic

"This graph shows the amount that Coca-Cola Co. spent on advertising worldwide from 2014 to 2016. In 2016, Coca-Cola spent about four billion U.S. dollars on advertising. The company's global revenue amounted to about 41.86 billion U.S. dollars in that year."

Yeah, they spend 10% of revenue on advertising. That's a LOT of money. And what is it doing? It's going to manipulate people. People are buying this drink that has absolutely no value for a human at all. In a 12 oz can of Coke there's 39g of sugar.

Scientific experts: Sugar intake 'should be halved' - BBC News

"According to health experts, 5% of daily energy intake is the equivalent of 19g or five sugar cubes for children aged four to six, 24g or six sugar cubes for children aged seven to 10, and 30g or seven sugar cubes for those aged 11 and over, based on average diets."

So, a can of coke has twice the daily sugar for children aged 4-6, it has more than that for 7-10 and it has about the daily recommended intake for anyone over this age on an average diet.

Just on drink.

Coca-Cola Company Statistics - Statistic Brain

Number of coke bottles sold each day 1.8 billion

Wait, WHAT THE FUCK? 1.8 billion bottles of coke are sold a day, there are 7 billion people in the world. So, on average in three and a half days every person drinks a bottle of coke. The chances are that those who drink coke, are, on average drinking at least a bottle a day. In other words, if one in three people drink coke (the obesity rating in the US is 1/3rd, then they're getting their daily recommended value just from that coke. Chances are there are just some people drinking way too much.

Now. the consumption of Coca Cola is highest in Mexico, number 2 on the list of obesity, then Chile, then the US with 403 products consumed per capita per year. So, on average every American is drinking one coke product a day and a little more. Well, we know that averages mean some are drinking far more. Oh, and this doesn't include Pepsi.

So why does this company sell so much of this product that isn't good? Because it's spending a lot of money telling people things.

Lobbying Spending Database - Coca-Cola Co, 2017 | OpenSecrets

Here you can see they spent up to $10 million a year lobbying.

But it gets more interesting:

Taxpayers subsidize about $4 billion worth of soda products

Taxpayers subsidize about $4 billion worth of soda products"

Yeah. Not only does the govt not want to make healthier food cheaper, it actually goes out of its way to make unhealthy food cheaper.

I don’t have a problem with food stamps when they are used to purchase health foods, but I do have a problem when people use them to buy junk food. The way I see it, if you want a 2-liter Pepsi, then you should pay for it out of your own pocket, not mine.

When I posed this question to a leading government official with the federal Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program, he told me that it would be too hard to monitor the so-called "good foods" and the "bad foods.""

Yep, it's too hard. Too difficult to bother doing anything that would harm the bad food companies.

In January of 2012, Coca-Cola lobbied against a bill in Florida that would have added soda, among other items, to the list of SNAP’s prohibited items. Coca-Cola fought a similar effort by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to ban the use of food stamps on “sugar-sweetened beverages.”

Coke wants food stamp users to buy sodas."

Sure, why not? Coca-Cola is looking out for its interested, the govt is for sale to the highest bidder, sugar based product companies like Coca-Cola, Pepsi etc.

Top 10: US food and beverage manufacturers of 2015

Top 10 food and beverage companies in the US in 2015

1) Pepsi - sugar, sugar, more sugar, fuck loads of sugar, and sugar coming out of your ass.
2) Tyson food inc. Meat based, but I'd bet it's full of chemicals and the like.
3) Nestle, lots of sugar,
4) JBS - meat
5) Coca Cola.

So two of the top five are basically drinks companies that pump sugar into people's bodies. They get subsidies from the govt, they then fight any attempts by govts to prevent people using food stamps etc buying them, the govt plays dumb about being able to do anything about it, chuuuuhhhh ching $$$$$$ they see the money coming in.

The govt isn't representing the people. You want the govt to be neutral. Well it's not, it's PROMOTING unhealthy eating.
People have known how to lose weight and this was published 150 years ago
Letter On Corpulence by William Banting -

People have also known how to fly to the moon since the 1960s..... and yet only 12 have made it there. Hmm...

so eating better costs billions of dollars and requires super specialized equipment teams of engineers, scientists, computer geeks and pilots?


No. But then I didn't say that.

The point is that just because something is known, doesn't mean it happens.

People know that you have to look when you cross the road, doesn't stop people getting killed. Also it doesn't mean that you don't teach kids how to cross the road for fear that they'll not be free and not making their own choices if you teach them how to do so.

Apples to orangutans comparison.

Crossing the road depends on variable you cannot control (the behavior of drivers)
Eating depends only on YOUR choices of what you put in your mouth.

You seem to believe that there is some unseen power making people eat what they eat.

You're dealing with a lot more than just simple "depending on YOUR choices". You're dealing with psychology, mental problems, poverty and the like. But hey, you can ignore all of that, right?
Either that or they work hungry for hours in the evening.
Nothing wrong with being a little hungry
Since they know they'll be working late they could plan on bringing a little extra food from home

OH MY GAWD what a concept

I totally agree, but they say that hunger + stress reduces their work efficiency, and I think stress creates false hunger too. Plus they should suspect that they would work late, but they don't because their boss just tells them at the end of the day. Now what shall they do?

is it really so hard to keep some nuts in your desk drawer or to bring an extra piece of fruit in your lunch in case you have to work late?

Now this is a good point but it never occurs to anybody. Absolutely nobody. Why is that? What pushes a psychological pressure on the girls to never make such preparations? I am not a woman but this didn't occur to me either.

I would like to speculate, that the school should have classes with graded papers to teach people such skills. Or maybe these people come from the belief that it is nobody's business but theirs so they reject their own schools. So how about this. The more the obese kids in school, the less the budget the school gets, so eventually the rejected school must close. Then we recommend home schooling for them.

what skill?

A little thought is not a skill. If a person is made to work late on a regular basis and doesn't want to eat the shit food that is brought in then it's the simplest of simple behaviors to bring a little extra food to work,

Anyone who can't figure that out without being forced to take a class is too stupid to get a job in the first place
Stupid? How patriotic is it to call the compatriots of your country summarily stupid? Also, most big corporations want you to be stupid when they hire you, because that way they can control what you think.

Edit: it's okay if they are stupid, I think, but I want them shapely not fat. What can we tell them?
Last edited:
If people want help they can get it.
There are literally millions of resources for people who want to eat better lose weight and get fit.

And why the fuck should I do anything when to you "doing" means forcing people to do what YOU want them to do.

If they wanted to do it they would.

They DON"T want to do it so they don't and no amount of government money will make them do what they DON"T want to do.

Because you seem to think that choice is the most important thing, and yet don't want people to have the ability to make choices that make more sense.

You're perfectly fine with adults treating their kids in a manner which isn't good for their health and then blaming those kids when they become adults for not getting the help, or not making good choices, but you seem to ignore the fact that there is a cycle of problems that keeps going around and getting worse with every passing generation.
People already know how to choose healthier food

why do you think you have to show them?

The fattest unhealthiest 5th generation lard ass knows that a salad is better for him than an ice cream sundae yet he chooses to eat the ice cream.

He's fat because he wants to be fat

And sooner or later ever kid becomes responsible for his own behavior. You once again are removing that responsibility by saying it's not the fat adult's fault that he's fat.

Sorry but it is.

But then none of what you say makes any sense. If it were as simple as you repeatedly try and make out, then surely the figures for different countries and different regions would be pretty similar. They're not.

But hey, you keep ignoring everything, and tell yourself that people are better off obese and "free" rather than healthier and whatever word you'd use to describe someone in this position. Your attitude is the sort of attitude that makes empires fall.

I never said anyone was better off being obese but I can't tell someone else how to live his life. You seem to have no problem with forcing and manipulating people via any means possible to get them to do what you think is best for them.

And there is nothing overly difficult about losing weight and eating better you yourself agree than people know that a bowl of fruit and veggies is better for them than a bowl of ice cream and cake.

But people in this country have an aversion to any type of discomfort so they won't make it through the adjustment period of a diet or they won't stand for being the least bit hungry for a day.

It all comes down to choice and ANYONE can make a choice to eat better, lose weight and get fit ANY Time they want to

The problem here is that people are manipulated anyway. They're manipulated as children, they're manipulated as adults. The companies producing sugary foods spend a hell of a lot of money manipulating people.

Coca-Cola Co.: ad spend 2016 | Statistic

"This graph shows the amount that Coca-Cola Co. spent on advertising worldwide from 2014 to 2016. In 2016, Coca-Cola spent about four billion U.S. dollars on advertising. The company's global revenue amounted to about 41.86 billion U.S. dollars in that year."

Yeah, they spend 10% of revenue on advertising. That's a LOT of money. And what is it doing? It's going to manipulate people. People are buying this drink that has absolutely no value for a human at all. In a 12 oz can of Coke there's 39g of sugar.

Scientific experts: Sugar intake 'should be halved' - BBC News

"According to health experts, 5% of daily energy intake is the equivalent of 19g or five sugar cubes for children aged four to six, 24g or six sugar cubes for children aged seven to 10, and 30g or seven sugar cubes for those aged 11 and over, based on average diets."

So, a can of coke has twice the daily sugar for children aged 4-6, it has more than that for 7-10 and it has about the daily recommended intake for anyone over this age on an average diet.

Just on drink.

Coca-Cola Company Statistics - Statistic Brain

Number of coke bottles sold each day 1.8 billion

Wait, WHAT THE FUCK? 1.8 billion bottles of coke are sold a day, there are 7 billion people in the world. So, on average in three and a half days every person drinks a bottle of coke. The chances are that those who drink coke, are, on average drinking at least a bottle a day. In other words, if one in three people drink coke (the obesity rating in the US is 1/3rd, then they're getting their daily recommended value just from that coke. Chances are there are just some people drinking way too much.

Now. the consumption of Coca Cola is highest in Mexico, number 2 on the list of obesity, then Chile, then the US with 403 products consumed per capita per year. So, on average every American is drinking one coke product a day and a little more. Well, we know that averages mean some are drinking far more. Oh, and this doesn't include Pepsi.

So why does this company sell so much of this product that isn't good? Because it's spending a lot of money telling people things.

Lobbying Spending Database - Coca-Cola Co, 2017 | OpenSecrets

Here you can see they spent up to $10 million a year lobbying.

But it gets more interesting:

Taxpayers subsidize about $4 billion worth of soda products

Taxpayers subsidize about $4 billion worth of soda products"

Yeah. Not only does the govt not want to make healthier food cheaper, it actually goes out of its way to make unhealthy food cheaper.

I don’t have a problem with food stamps when they are used to purchase health foods, but I do have a problem when people use them to buy junk food. The way I see it, if you want a 2-liter Pepsi, then you should pay for it out of your own pocket, not mine.

When I posed this question to a leading government official with the federal Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program, he told me that it would be too hard to monitor the so-called "good foods" and the "bad foods.""

Yep, it's too hard. Too difficult to bother doing anything that would harm the bad food companies.

In January of 2012, Coca-Cola lobbied against a bill in Florida that would have added soda, among other items, to the list of SNAP’s prohibited items. Coca-Cola fought a similar effort by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to ban the use of food stamps on “sugar-sweetened beverages.”

Coke wants food stamp users to buy sodas."

Sure, why not? Coca-Cola is looking out for its interested, the govt is for sale to the highest bidder, sugar based product companies like Coca-Cola, Pepsi etc.

Top 10: US food and beverage manufacturers of 2015

Top 10 food and beverage companies in the US in 2015

1) Pepsi - sugar, sugar, more sugar, fuck loads of sugar, and sugar coming out of your ass.
2) Tyson food inc. Meat based, but I'd bet it's full of chemicals and the like.
3) Nestle, lots of sugar,
4) JBS - meat
5) Coca Cola.

So two of the top five are basically drinks companies that pump sugar into people's bodies. They get subsidies from the govt, they then fight any attempts by govts to prevent people using food stamps etc buying them, the govt plays dumb about being able to do anything about it, chuuuuhhhh ching $$$$$$ they see the money coming in.

The govt isn't representing the people. You want the govt to be neutral. Well it's not, it's PROMOTING unhealthy eating.

You know it doesn't matter how many commercials are on TV EVERYTHING a person puts in his mouth is a choice.
People already know what good food choices are even you do not dispute that.

And even if as kids people eat like crap there is a point in their life where they can change what they eat.

And it is NEVER EVER cheaper to eat prepared boxed or fast food than it is to make your own.

No one is forcing people to eat shit food
People have known how to lose weight and this was published 150 years ago
Letter On Corpulence by William Banting -

People have also known how to fly to the moon since the 1960s..... and yet only 12 have made it there. Hmm...

so eating better costs billions of dollars and requires super specialized equipment teams of engineers, scientists, computer geeks and pilots?


No. But then I didn't say that.

The point is that just because something is known, doesn't mean it happens.

People know that you have to look when you cross the road, doesn't stop people getting killed. Also it doesn't mean that you don't teach kids how to cross the road for fear that they'll not be free and not making their own choices if you teach them how to do so.

Apples to orangutans comparison.

Crossing the road depends on variable you cannot control (the behavior of drivers)
Eating depends only on YOUR choices of what you put in your mouth.

You seem to believe that there is some unseen power making people eat what they eat.

You're dealing with a lot more than just simple "depending on YOUR choices". You're dealing with psychology, mental problems, poverty and the like. But hey, you can ignore all of that, right?

Don't give me that shit.

Anyone can change their habits if they want to.
and poor people all over the planet manage to eat and not be obese. It is never more expensive to eat real food than it is to buy prepared boxed crap.
Nothing wrong with being a little hungry
Since they know they'll be working late they could plan on bringing a little extra food from home

OH MY GAWD what a concept

I totally agree, but they say that hunger + stress reduces their work efficiency, and I think stress creates false hunger too. Plus they should suspect that they would work late, but they don't because their boss just tells them at the end of the day. Now what shall they do?

is it really so hard to keep some nuts in your desk drawer or to bring an extra piece of fruit in your lunch in case you have to work late?

Now this is a good point but it never occurs to anybody. Absolutely nobody. Why is that? What pushes a psychological pressure on the girls to never make such preparations? I am not a woman but this didn't occur to me either.

I would like to speculate, that the school should have classes with graded papers to teach people such skills. Or maybe these people come from the belief that it is nobody's business but theirs so they reject their own schools. So how about this. The more the obese kids in school, the less the budget the school gets, so eventually the rejected school must close. Then we recommend home schooling for them.

what skill?

A little thought is not a skill. If a person is made to work late on a regular basis and doesn't want to eat the shit food that is brought in then it's the simplest of simple behaviors to bring a little extra food to work,

Anyone who can't figure that out without being forced to take a class is too stupid to get a job in the first place
Stupid? How patriotic is it to call the compatriots of your country summarily stupid? Also, most big corporations want you to be stupid when they hire you, because that way they can control what you think.

Edit: it's okay if they are stupid, I think, but I want them shapely not fat. What can we tell them?

You make it sound so fucking difficult for a person to think ahead about what he's going to eat

If you can't figure out that if you might be asked to work late and you don't want to eat the shit food provided by the boss that you should bring your own then yes you are a fucking idiot
Because you seem to think that choice is the most important thing, and yet don't want people to have the ability to make choices that make more sense.

You're perfectly fine with adults treating their kids in a manner which isn't good for their health and then blaming those kids when they become adults for not getting the help, or not making good choices, but you seem to ignore the fact that there is a cycle of problems that keeps going around and getting worse with every passing generation.
People already know how to choose healthier food

why do you think you have to show them?

The fattest unhealthiest 5th generation lard ass knows that a salad is better for him than an ice cream sundae yet he chooses to eat the ice cream.

He's fat because he wants to be fat

And sooner or later ever kid becomes responsible for his own behavior. You once again are removing that responsibility by saying it's not the fat adult's fault that he's fat.

Sorry but it is.

But then none of what you say makes any sense. If it were as simple as you repeatedly try and make out, then surely the figures for different countries and different regions would be pretty similar. They're not.

But hey, you keep ignoring everything, and tell yourself that people are better off obese and "free" rather than healthier and whatever word you'd use to describe someone in this position. Your attitude is the sort of attitude that makes empires fall.

I never said anyone was better off being obese but I can't tell someone else how to live his life. You seem to have no problem with forcing and manipulating people via any means possible to get them to do what you think is best for them.

And there is nothing overly difficult about losing weight and eating better you yourself agree than people know that a bowl of fruit and veggies is better for them than a bowl of ice cream and cake.

But people in this country have an aversion to any type of discomfort so they won't make it through the adjustment period of a diet or they won't stand for being the least bit hungry for a day.

It all comes down to choice and ANYONE can make a choice to eat better, lose weight and get fit ANY Time they want to

The problem here is that people are manipulated anyway. They're manipulated as children, they're manipulated as adults. The companies producing sugary foods spend a hell of a lot of money manipulating people.

Coca-Cola Co.: ad spend 2016 | Statistic

"This graph shows the amount that Coca-Cola Co. spent on advertising worldwide from 2014 to 2016. In 2016, Coca-Cola spent about four billion U.S. dollars on advertising. The company's global revenue amounted to about 41.86 billion U.S. dollars in that year."

Yeah, they spend 10% of revenue on advertising. That's a LOT of money. And what is it doing? It's going to manipulate people. People are buying this drink that has absolutely no value for a human at all. In a 12 oz can of Coke there's 39g of sugar.

Scientific experts: Sugar intake 'should be halved' - BBC News

"According to health experts, 5% of daily energy intake is the equivalent of 19g or five sugar cubes for children aged four to six, 24g or six sugar cubes for children aged seven to 10, and 30g or seven sugar cubes for those aged 11 and over, based on average diets."

So, a can of coke has twice the daily sugar for children aged 4-6, it has more than that for 7-10 and it has about the daily recommended intake for anyone over this age on an average diet.

Just on drink.

Coca-Cola Company Statistics - Statistic Brain

Number of coke bottles sold each day 1.8 billion

Wait, WHAT THE FUCK? 1.8 billion bottles of coke are sold a day, there are 7 billion people in the world. So, on average in three and a half days every person drinks a bottle of coke. The chances are that those who drink coke, are, on average drinking at least a bottle a day. In other words, if one in three people drink coke (the obesity rating in the US is 1/3rd, then they're getting their daily recommended value just from that coke. Chances are there are just some people drinking way too much.

Now. the consumption of Coca Cola is highest in Mexico, number 2 on the list of obesity, then Chile, then the US with 403 products consumed per capita per year. So, on average every American is drinking one coke product a day and a little more. Well, we know that averages mean some are drinking far more. Oh, and this doesn't include Pepsi.

So why does this company sell so much of this product that isn't good? Because it's spending a lot of money telling people things.

Lobbying Spending Database - Coca-Cola Co, 2017 | OpenSecrets

Here you can see they spent up to $10 million a year lobbying.

But it gets more interesting:

Taxpayers subsidize about $4 billion worth of soda products

Taxpayers subsidize about $4 billion worth of soda products"

Yeah. Not only does the govt not want to make healthier food cheaper, it actually goes out of its way to make unhealthy food cheaper.

I don’t have a problem with food stamps when they are used to purchase health foods, but I do have a problem when people use them to buy junk food. The way I see it, if you want a 2-liter Pepsi, then you should pay for it out of your own pocket, not mine.

When I posed this question to a leading government official with the federal Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program, he told me that it would be too hard to monitor the so-called "good foods" and the "bad foods.""

Yep, it's too hard. Too difficult to bother doing anything that would harm the bad food companies.

In January of 2012, Coca-Cola lobbied against a bill in Florida that would have added soda, among other items, to the list of SNAP’s prohibited items. Coca-Cola fought a similar effort by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to ban the use of food stamps on “sugar-sweetened beverages.”

Coke wants food stamp users to buy sodas."

Sure, why not? Coca-Cola is looking out for its interested, the govt is for sale to the highest bidder, sugar based product companies like Coca-Cola, Pepsi etc.

Top 10: US food and beverage manufacturers of 2015

Top 10 food and beverage companies in the US in 2015

1) Pepsi - sugar, sugar, more sugar, fuck loads of sugar, and sugar coming out of your ass.
2) Tyson food inc. Meat based, but I'd bet it's full of chemicals and the like.
3) Nestle, lots of sugar,
4) JBS - meat
5) Coca Cola.

So two of the top five are basically drinks companies that pump sugar into people's bodies. They get subsidies from the govt, they then fight any attempts by govts to prevent people using food stamps etc buying them, the govt plays dumb about being able to do anything about it, chuuuuhhhh ching $$$$$$ they see the money coming in.

The govt isn't representing the people. You want the govt to be neutral. Well it's not, it's PROMOTING unhealthy eating.

You know it doesn't matter how many commercials are on TV EVERYTHING a person puts in his mouth is a choice.
People already know what good food choices are even you do not dispute that.

And even if as kids people eat like crap there is a point in their life where they can change what they eat.

And it is NEVER EVER cheaper to eat prepared boxed or fast food than it is to make your own.

No one is forcing people to eat shit food

And it doesn't matter how many times you say the same thing, it doesn't make it true.

Psychology exists. You're acting like human psychology doesn't exist, that understand the issues doesn't need to happen simply because... well... because it's easier for you to ignore things?

When the govt is told not to allow people to buy crap with food stamps, they say it's too difficult to implement. Just as you're saying it's all about choice.

But the choice seems to be between subsidized CRAP and expensive healthy food which the govt is dissuading you from eating.

And no matter how many times you say that no one is forcing you to do something, it doesn't change the FACT that when the govt promotes sugar, more people eat sugar, and when the govt promotes healthy eating, MORE PEOPLE eat healthier.
I totally agree, but they say that hunger + stress reduces their work efficiency, and I think stress creates false hunger too. Plus they should suspect that they would work late, but they don't because their boss just tells them at the end of the day. Now what shall they do?

is it really so hard to keep some nuts in your desk drawer or to bring an extra piece of fruit in your lunch in case you have to work late?

Now this is a good point but it never occurs to anybody. Absolutely nobody. Why is that? What pushes a psychological pressure on the girls to never make such preparations? I am not a woman but this didn't occur to me either.

I would like to speculate, that the school should have classes with graded papers to teach people such skills. Or maybe these people come from the belief that it is nobody's business but theirs so they reject their own schools. So how about this. The more the obese kids in school, the less the budget the school gets, so eventually the rejected school must close. Then we recommend home schooling for them.

what skill?

A little thought is not a skill. If a person is made to work late on a regular basis and doesn't want to eat the shit food that is brought in then it's the simplest of simple behaviors to bring a little extra food to work,

Anyone who can't figure that out without being forced to take a class is too stupid to get a job in the first place
Stupid? How patriotic is it to call the compatriots of your country summarily stupid? Also, most big corporations want you to be stupid when they hire you, because that way they can control what you think.

Edit: it's okay if they are stupid, I think, but I want them shapely not fat. What can we tell them?

You make it sound so fucking difficult for a person to think ahead about what he's going to eat

If you can't figure out that if you might be asked to work late and you don't want to eat the shit food provided by the boss that you should bring your own then yes you are a fucking idiot

And there are plenty of fucking idiots out there. That's the reality of life. So, what do you do about it? Just say "I don't care" or try and make life better for society?

Because in the US it's usually the former, hence why murder rates are too high, crime is too high, people feel unsafe, people are fat, the prison population is overflowing, education is underwhelming, healthcare is fucking expensive.....
People have also known how to fly to the moon since the 1960s..... and yet only 12 have made it there. Hmm...

so eating better costs billions of dollars and requires super specialized equipment teams of engineers, scientists, computer geeks and pilots?


No. But then I didn't say that.

The point is that just because something is known, doesn't mean it happens.

People know that you have to look when you cross the road, doesn't stop people getting killed. Also it doesn't mean that you don't teach kids how to cross the road for fear that they'll not be free and not making their own choices if you teach them how to do so.

Apples to orangutans comparison.

Crossing the road depends on variable you cannot control (the behavior of drivers)
Eating depends only on YOUR choices of what you put in your mouth.

You seem to believe that there is some unseen power making people eat what they eat.

You're dealing with a lot more than just simple "depending on YOUR choices". You're dealing with psychology, mental problems, poverty and the like. But hey, you can ignore all of that, right?

Don't give me that shit.

Anyone can change their habits if they want to.
and poor people all over the planet manage to eat and not be obese. It is never more expensive to eat real food than it is to buy prepared boxed crap.

Yes, anyone can change their habits if they want to. So why don't they want to? Why does a person who is fat and hates being fat not change their habits? Why?

There must be a reason why, and every time you ignore the reasons why. So please, tell me why.
People already know how to choose healthier food

why do you think you have to show them?

The fattest unhealthiest 5th generation lard ass knows that a salad is better for him than an ice cream sundae yet he chooses to eat the ice cream.

He's fat because he wants to be fat

And sooner or later ever kid becomes responsible for his own behavior. You once again are removing that responsibility by saying it's not the fat adult's fault that he's fat.

Sorry but it is.

But then none of what you say makes any sense. If it were as simple as you repeatedly try and make out, then surely the figures for different countries and different regions would be pretty similar. They're not.

But hey, you keep ignoring everything, and tell yourself that people are better off obese and "free" rather than healthier and whatever word you'd use to describe someone in this position. Your attitude is the sort of attitude that makes empires fall.

I never said anyone was better off being obese but I can't tell someone else how to live his life. You seem to have no problem with forcing and manipulating people via any means possible to get them to do what you think is best for them.

And there is nothing overly difficult about losing weight and eating better you yourself agree than people know that a bowl of fruit and veggies is better for them than a bowl of ice cream and cake.

But people in this country have an aversion to any type of discomfort so they won't make it through the adjustment period of a diet or they won't stand for being the least bit hungry for a day.

It all comes down to choice and ANYONE can make a choice to eat better, lose weight and get fit ANY Time they want to

The problem here is that people are manipulated anyway. They're manipulated as children, they're manipulated as adults. The companies producing sugary foods spend a hell of a lot of money manipulating people.

Coca-Cola Co.: ad spend 2016 | Statistic

"This graph shows the amount that Coca-Cola Co. spent on advertising worldwide from 2014 to 2016. In 2016, Coca-Cola spent about four billion U.S. dollars on advertising. The company's global revenue amounted to about 41.86 billion U.S. dollars in that year."

Yeah, they spend 10% of revenue on advertising. That's a LOT of money. And what is it doing? It's going to manipulate people. People are buying this drink that has absolutely no value for a human at all. In a 12 oz can of Coke there's 39g of sugar.

Scientific experts: Sugar intake 'should be halved' - BBC News

"According to health experts, 5% of daily energy intake is the equivalent of 19g or five sugar cubes for children aged four to six, 24g or six sugar cubes for children aged seven to 10, and 30g or seven sugar cubes for those aged 11 and over, based on average diets."

So, a can of coke has twice the daily sugar for children aged 4-6, it has more than that for 7-10 and it has about the daily recommended intake for anyone over this age on an average diet.

Just on drink.

Coca-Cola Company Statistics - Statistic Brain

Number of coke bottles sold each day 1.8 billion

Wait, WHAT THE FUCK? 1.8 billion bottles of coke are sold a day, there are 7 billion people in the world. So, on average in three and a half days every person drinks a bottle of coke. The chances are that those who drink coke, are, on average drinking at least a bottle a day. In other words, if one in three people drink coke (the obesity rating in the US is 1/3rd, then they're getting their daily recommended value just from that coke. Chances are there are just some people drinking way too much.

Now. the consumption of Coca Cola is highest in Mexico, number 2 on the list of obesity, then Chile, then the US with 403 products consumed per capita per year. So, on average every American is drinking one coke product a day and a little more. Well, we know that averages mean some are drinking far more. Oh, and this doesn't include Pepsi.

So why does this company sell so much of this product that isn't good? Because it's spending a lot of money telling people things.

Lobbying Spending Database - Coca-Cola Co, 2017 | OpenSecrets

Here you can see they spent up to $10 million a year lobbying.

But it gets more interesting:

Taxpayers subsidize about $4 billion worth of soda products

Taxpayers subsidize about $4 billion worth of soda products"

Yeah. Not only does the govt not want to make healthier food cheaper, it actually goes out of its way to make unhealthy food cheaper.

I don’t have a problem with food stamps when they are used to purchase health foods, but I do have a problem when people use them to buy junk food. The way I see it, if you want a 2-liter Pepsi, then you should pay for it out of your own pocket, not mine.

When I posed this question to a leading government official with the federal Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program, he told me that it would be too hard to monitor the so-called "good foods" and the "bad foods.""

Yep, it's too hard. Too difficult to bother doing anything that would harm the bad food companies.

In January of 2012, Coca-Cola lobbied against a bill in Florida that would have added soda, among other items, to the list of SNAP’s prohibited items. Coca-Cola fought a similar effort by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to ban the use of food stamps on “sugar-sweetened beverages.”

Coke wants food stamp users to buy sodas."

Sure, why not? Coca-Cola is looking out for its interested, the govt is for sale to the highest bidder, sugar based product companies like Coca-Cola, Pepsi etc.

Top 10: US food and beverage manufacturers of 2015

Top 10 food and beverage companies in the US in 2015

1) Pepsi - sugar, sugar, more sugar, fuck loads of sugar, and sugar coming out of your ass.
2) Tyson food inc. Meat based, but I'd bet it's full of chemicals and the like.
3) Nestle, lots of sugar,
4) JBS - meat
5) Coca Cola.

So two of the top five are basically drinks companies that pump sugar into people's bodies. They get subsidies from the govt, they then fight any attempts by govts to prevent people using food stamps etc buying them, the govt plays dumb about being able to do anything about it, chuuuuhhhh ching $$$$$$ they see the money coming in.

The govt isn't representing the people. You want the govt to be neutral. Well it's not, it's PROMOTING unhealthy eating.

You know it doesn't matter how many commercials are on TV EVERYTHING a person puts in his mouth is a choice.
People already know what good food choices are even you do not dispute that.

And even if as kids people eat like crap there is a point in their life where they can change what they eat.

And it is NEVER EVER cheaper to eat prepared boxed or fast food than it is to make your own.

No one is forcing people to eat shit food

And it doesn't matter how many times you say the same thing, it doesn't make it true.

Psychology exists. You're acting like human psychology doesn't exist, that understand the issues doesn't need to happen simply because... well... because it's easier for you to ignore things?

When the govt is told not to allow people to buy crap with food stamps, they say it's too difficult to implement. Just as you're saying it's all about choice.

But the choice seems to be between subsidized CRAP and expensive healthy food which the govt is dissuading you from eating.

And no matter how many times you say that no one is forcing you to do something, it doesn't change the FACT that when the govt promotes sugar, more people eat sugar, and when the govt promotes healthy eating, MORE PEOPLE eat healthier.

Psychology is the study of human behavior

but any human can change his behavior at any time. You deny this and say people are incapable of changing the way they eat unless they are acted on by some outside force different from the outside force that makes them eat like shit.

It doesn't matter what the government does or doesn't do it doesn't matter how many food commercials are on TV it doesn't even matter if your parents fed you like crap

Anyone can at any time change their eating habits and they won't change them unless they want to change them.

People who are fat and stay fat do not want to change
so eating better costs billions of dollars and requires super specialized equipment teams of engineers, scientists, computer geeks and pilots?


No. But then I didn't say that.

The point is that just because something is known, doesn't mean it happens.

People know that you have to look when you cross the road, doesn't stop people getting killed. Also it doesn't mean that you don't teach kids how to cross the road for fear that they'll not be free and not making their own choices if you teach them how to do so.

Apples to orangutans comparison.

Crossing the road depends on variable you cannot control (the behavior of drivers)
Eating depends only on YOUR choices of what you put in your mouth.

You seem to believe that there is some unseen power making people eat what they eat.

You're dealing with a lot more than just simple "depending on YOUR choices". You're dealing with psychology, mental problems, poverty and the like. But hey, you can ignore all of that, right?

Don't give me that shit.

Anyone can change their habits if they want to.
and poor people all over the planet manage to eat and not be obese. It is never more expensive to eat real food than it is to buy prepared boxed crap.

Yes, anyone can change their habits if they want to. So why don't they want to? Why does a person who is fat and hates being fat not change their habits? Why?

There must be a reason why, and every time you ignore the reasons why. So please, tell me why.
The why is easy

It's takes more effort than doing nothing and there will be discomfort involved.

The minute people feel the carb flu as they adjust to a better diet or are hungry they want to end the discomfort

People who start exercising stop because their bodies are sore and tired and it's a lot easier to sit on the couch with a bag of chips

If a person really and truly hated being fat he wouldn't be fat
is it really so hard to keep some nuts in your desk drawer or to bring an extra piece of fruit in your lunch in case you have to work late?

Now this is a good point but it never occurs to anybody. Absolutely nobody. Why is that? What pushes a psychological pressure on the girls to never make such preparations? I am not a woman but this didn't occur to me either.

I would like to speculate, that the school should have classes with graded papers to teach people such skills. Or maybe these people come from the belief that it is nobody's business but theirs so they reject their own schools. So how about this. The more the obese kids in school, the less the budget the school gets, so eventually the rejected school must close. Then we recommend home schooling for them.

what skill?

A little thought is not a skill. If a person is made to work late on a regular basis and doesn't want to eat the shit food that is brought in then it's the simplest of simple behaviors to bring a little extra food to work,

Anyone who can't figure that out without being forced to take a class is too stupid to get a job in the first place
Stupid? How patriotic is it to call the compatriots of your country summarily stupid? Also, most big corporations want you to be stupid when they hire you, because that way they can control what you think.

Edit: it's okay if they are stupid, I think, but I want them shapely not fat. What can we tell them?

You make it sound so fucking difficult for a person to think ahead about what he's going to eat

If you can't figure out that if you might be asked to work late and you don't want to eat the shit food provided by the boss that you should bring your own then yes you are a fucking idiot

And there are plenty of fucking idiots out there. That's the reality of life. So, what do you do about it? Just say "I don't care" or try and make life better for society?

Because in the US it's usually the former, hence why murder rates are too high, crime is too high, people feel unsafe, people are fat, the prison population is overflowing, education is underwhelming, healthcare is fucking expensive.....

Our murder rate is no higher than it was in 1950.

Why do I have to do anything about the choices other people make of their own free will?
I don't want people meddling in my life so I don't meddle in other peoples' lives.

We have no obligation to "society" We do have an obligation to respect the liberties of others if my neighbor wants to eat cake pie and ice cream all day long it's none of my business
But then none of what you say makes any sense. If it were as simple as you repeatedly try and make out, then surely the figures for different countries and different regions would be pretty similar. They're not.

But hey, you keep ignoring everything, and tell yourself that people are better off obese and "free" rather than healthier and whatever word you'd use to describe someone in this position. Your attitude is the sort of attitude that makes empires fall.

I never said anyone was better off being obese but I can't tell someone else how to live his life. You seem to have no problem with forcing and manipulating people via any means possible to get them to do what you think is best for them.

And there is nothing overly difficult about losing weight and eating better you yourself agree than people know that a bowl of fruit and veggies is better for them than a bowl of ice cream and cake.

But people in this country have an aversion to any type of discomfort so they won't make it through the adjustment period of a diet or they won't stand for being the least bit hungry for a day.

It all comes down to choice and ANYONE can make a choice to eat better, lose weight and get fit ANY Time they want to

The problem here is that people are manipulated anyway. They're manipulated as children, they're manipulated as adults. The companies producing sugary foods spend a hell of a lot of money manipulating people.

Coca-Cola Co.: ad spend 2016 | Statistic

"This graph shows the amount that Coca-Cola Co. spent on advertising worldwide from 2014 to 2016. In 2016, Coca-Cola spent about four billion U.S. dollars on advertising. The company's global revenue amounted to about 41.86 billion U.S. dollars in that year."

Yeah, they spend 10% of revenue on advertising. That's a LOT of money. And what is it doing? It's going to manipulate people. People are buying this drink that has absolutely no value for a human at all. In a 12 oz can of Coke there's 39g of sugar.

Scientific experts: Sugar intake 'should be halved' - BBC News

"According to health experts, 5% of daily energy intake is the equivalent of 19g or five sugar cubes for children aged four to six, 24g or six sugar cubes for children aged seven to 10, and 30g or seven sugar cubes for those aged 11 and over, based on average diets."

So, a can of coke has twice the daily sugar for children aged 4-6, it has more than that for 7-10 and it has about the daily recommended intake for anyone over this age on an average diet.

Just on drink.

Coca-Cola Company Statistics - Statistic Brain

Number of coke bottles sold each day 1.8 billion

Wait, WHAT THE FUCK? 1.8 billion bottles of coke are sold a day, there are 7 billion people in the world. So, on average in three and a half days every person drinks a bottle of coke. The chances are that those who drink coke, are, on average drinking at least a bottle a day. In other words, if one in three people drink coke (the obesity rating in the US is 1/3rd, then they're getting their daily recommended value just from that coke. Chances are there are just some people drinking way too much.

Now. the consumption of Coca Cola is highest in Mexico, number 2 on the list of obesity, then Chile, then the US with 403 products consumed per capita per year. So, on average every American is drinking one coke product a day and a little more. Well, we know that averages mean some are drinking far more. Oh, and this doesn't include Pepsi.

So why does this company sell so much of this product that isn't good? Because it's spending a lot of money telling people things.

Lobbying Spending Database - Coca-Cola Co, 2017 | OpenSecrets

Here you can see they spent up to $10 million a year lobbying.

But it gets more interesting:

Taxpayers subsidize about $4 billion worth of soda products

Taxpayers subsidize about $4 billion worth of soda products"

Yeah. Not only does the govt not want to make healthier food cheaper, it actually goes out of its way to make unhealthy food cheaper.

I don’t have a problem with food stamps when they are used to purchase health foods, but I do have a problem when people use them to buy junk food. The way I see it, if you want a 2-liter Pepsi, then you should pay for it out of your own pocket, not mine.

When I posed this question to a leading government official with the federal Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program, he told me that it would be too hard to monitor the so-called "good foods" and the "bad foods.""

Yep, it's too hard. Too difficult to bother doing anything that would harm the bad food companies.

In January of 2012, Coca-Cola lobbied against a bill in Florida that would have added soda, among other items, to the list of SNAP’s prohibited items. Coca-Cola fought a similar effort by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to ban the use of food stamps on “sugar-sweetened beverages.”

Coke wants food stamp users to buy sodas."

Sure, why not? Coca-Cola is looking out for its interested, the govt is for sale to the highest bidder, sugar based product companies like Coca-Cola, Pepsi etc.

Top 10: US food and beverage manufacturers of 2015

Top 10 food and beverage companies in the US in 2015

1) Pepsi - sugar, sugar, more sugar, fuck loads of sugar, and sugar coming out of your ass.
2) Tyson food inc. Meat based, but I'd bet it's full of chemicals and the like.
3) Nestle, lots of sugar,
4) JBS - meat
5) Coca Cola.

So two of the top five are basically drinks companies that pump sugar into people's bodies. They get subsidies from the govt, they then fight any attempts by govts to prevent people using food stamps etc buying them, the govt plays dumb about being able to do anything about it, chuuuuhhhh ching $$$$$$ they see the money coming in.

The govt isn't representing the people. You want the govt to be neutral. Well it's not, it's PROMOTING unhealthy eating.

You know it doesn't matter how many commercials are on TV EVERYTHING a person puts in his mouth is a choice.
People already know what good food choices are even you do not dispute that.

And even if as kids people eat like crap there is a point in their life where they can change what they eat.

And it is NEVER EVER cheaper to eat prepared boxed or fast food than it is to make your own.

No one is forcing people to eat shit food

And it doesn't matter how many times you say the same thing, it doesn't make it true.

Psychology exists. You're acting like human psychology doesn't exist, that understand the issues doesn't need to happen simply because... well... because it's easier for you to ignore things?

When the govt is told not to allow people to buy crap with food stamps, they say it's too difficult to implement. Just as you're saying it's all about choice.

But the choice seems to be between subsidized CRAP and expensive healthy food which the govt is dissuading you from eating.

And no matter how many times you say that no one is forcing you to do something, it doesn't change the FACT that when the govt promotes sugar, more people eat sugar, and when the govt promotes healthy eating, MORE PEOPLE eat healthier.

Psychology is the study of human behavior

but any human can change his behavior at any time. You deny this and say people are incapable of changing the way they eat unless they are acted on by some outside force different from the outside force that makes them eat like shit.

It doesn't matter what the government does or doesn't do it doesn't matter how many food commercials are on TV it doesn't even matter if your parents fed you like crap

Anyone can at any time change their eating habits and they won't change them unless they want to change them.

People who are fat and stay fat do not want to change

Well, human behavior can possibly change. Some people find it hard to change. I have things about me I've tried to change and I struggle to change them, literally I can't change them.

But with food behavior can be changed, and I'm talking about making those changes, but you don't like the way they'd be implemented. You don't seem to have a problem with the govt making sugary products cheaper, but you have a problem with healthy products being made cheaper. Why is that?

As for people not changing unless they want to change them, I disagree. In fact the evidence is there that when govt changes things, some of those people will change. I showed you about products being taxed more in Hungary and other places and how this saw less people buying these products.

Some people don't want to change, and they don't have to. However some people DO want to change but struggle to do so, and the govt can have a positive impact.

Say, the US has an obesity rating of 30%+ and Germany has one of 12%. So there you have 18% of people who could be less fat, who want to be healthier, and yet struggle to do so, but given some help, they will be.

But hey. If you do this then A) sugary food companies will lose out and politicians will lose their kick backs and B) the health industry will make less money and the politicians will lose their kick backs.

We can't have politicians losing their kick backs just because some people want to be thinner, now can we?
Now this is a good point but it never occurs to anybody. Absolutely nobody. Why is that? What pushes a psychological pressure on the girls to never make such preparations? I am not a woman but this didn't occur to me either.

I would like to speculate, that the school should have classes with graded papers to teach people such skills. Or maybe these people come from the belief that it is nobody's business but theirs so they reject their own schools. So how about this. The more the obese kids in school, the less the budget the school gets, so eventually the rejected school must close. Then we recommend home schooling for them.

what skill?

A little thought is not a skill. If a person is made to work late on a regular basis and doesn't want to eat the shit food that is brought in then it's the simplest of simple behaviors to bring a little extra food to work,

Anyone who can't figure that out without being forced to take a class is too stupid to get a job in the first place
Stupid? How patriotic is it to call the compatriots of your country summarily stupid? Also, most big corporations want you to be stupid when they hire you, because that way they can control what you think.

Edit: it's okay if they are stupid, I think, but I want them shapely not fat. What can we tell them?

You make it sound so fucking difficult for a person to think ahead about what he's going to eat

If you can't figure out that if you might be asked to work late and you don't want to eat the shit food provided by the boss that you should bring your own then yes you are a fucking idiot

And there are plenty of fucking idiots out there. That's the reality of life. So, what do you do about it? Just say "I don't care" or try and make life better for society?

Because in the US it's usually the former, hence why murder rates are too high, crime is too high, people feel unsafe, people are fat, the prison population is overflowing, education is underwhelming, healthcare is fucking expensive.....

Our murder rate is no higher than it was in 1950.

Why do I have to do anything about the choices other people make of their own free will?
I don't want people meddling in my life so I don't meddle in other peoples' lives.

We have no obligation to "society" We do have an obligation to respect the liberties of others if my neighbor wants to eat cake pie and ice cream all day long it's none of my business

So what? It was higher in the 1950s than western Europe and it's higher now that Western Europe.

Yeah, why do you have to do anything? Why do you have to give a shit about other people? You don't. You can be as selfish as you like. But then again I'll fight for society to be a better place, and you'll fight for society to be a more selfish place.
No. But then I didn't say that.

The point is that just because something is known, doesn't mean it happens.

People know that you have to look when you cross the road, doesn't stop people getting killed. Also it doesn't mean that you don't teach kids how to cross the road for fear that they'll not be free and not making their own choices if you teach them how to do so.

Apples to orangutans comparison.

Crossing the road depends on variable you cannot control (the behavior of drivers)
Eating depends only on YOUR choices of what you put in your mouth.

You seem to believe that there is some unseen power making people eat what they eat.

You're dealing with a lot more than just simple "depending on YOUR choices". You're dealing with psychology, mental problems, poverty and the like. But hey, you can ignore all of that, right?

Don't give me that shit.

Anyone can change their habits if they want to.
and poor people all over the planet manage to eat and not be obese. It is never more expensive to eat real food than it is to buy prepared boxed crap.

Yes, anyone can change their habits if they want to. So why don't they want to? Why does a person who is fat and hates being fat not change their habits? Why?

There must be a reason why, and every time you ignore the reasons why. So please, tell me why.
The why is easy

It's takes more effort than doing nothing and there will be discomfort involved.

The minute people feel the carb flu as they adjust to a better diet or are hungry they want to end the discomfort

People who start exercising stop because their bodies are sore and tired and it's a lot easier to sit on the couch with a bag of chips

If a person really and truly hated being fat he wouldn't be fat

One thing is truly hating being fat, and the other is not liking being fat. People don't want to be fat, but struggle to be thinner for many different reasons. But hey, you don't give a shit, remember?
I never said anyone was better off being obese but I can't tell someone else how to live his life. You seem to have no problem with forcing and manipulating people via any means possible to get them to do what you think is best for them.

And there is nothing overly difficult about losing weight and eating better you yourself agree than people know that a bowl of fruit and veggies is better for them than a bowl of ice cream and cake.

But people in this country have an aversion to any type of discomfort so they won't make it through the adjustment period of a diet or they won't stand for being the least bit hungry for a day.

It all comes down to choice and ANYONE can make a choice to eat better, lose weight and get fit ANY Time they want to

The problem here is that people are manipulated anyway. They're manipulated as children, they're manipulated as adults. The companies producing sugary foods spend a hell of a lot of money manipulating people.

Coca-Cola Co.: ad spend 2016 | Statistic

"This graph shows the amount that Coca-Cola Co. spent on advertising worldwide from 2014 to 2016. In 2016, Coca-Cola spent about four billion U.S. dollars on advertising. The company's global revenue amounted to about 41.86 billion U.S. dollars in that year."

Yeah, they spend 10% of revenue on advertising. That's a LOT of money. And what is it doing? It's going to manipulate people. People are buying this drink that has absolutely no value for a human at all. In a 12 oz can of Coke there's 39g of sugar.

Scientific experts: Sugar intake 'should be halved' - BBC News

"According to health experts, 5% of daily energy intake is the equivalent of 19g or five sugar cubes for children aged four to six, 24g or six sugar cubes for children aged seven to 10, and 30g or seven sugar cubes for those aged 11 and over, based on average diets."

So, a can of coke has twice the daily sugar for children aged 4-6, it has more than that for 7-10 and it has about the daily recommended intake for anyone over this age on an average diet.

Just on drink.

Coca-Cola Company Statistics - Statistic Brain

Number of coke bottles sold each day 1.8 billion

Wait, WHAT THE FUCK? 1.8 billion bottles of coke are sold a day, there are 7 billion people in the world. So, on average in three and a half days every person drinks a bottle of coke. The chances are that those who drink coke, are, on average drinking at least a bottle a day. In other words, if one in three people drink coke (the obesity rating in the US is 1/3rd, then they're getting their daily recommended value just from that coke. Chances are there are just some people drinking way too much.

Now. the consumption of Coca Cola is highest in Mexico, number 2 on the list of obesity, then Chile, then the US with 403 products consumed per capita per year. So, on average every American is drinking one coke product a day and a little more. Well, we know that averages mean some are drinking far more. Oh, and this doesn't include Pepsi.

So why does this company sell so much of this product that isn't good? Because it's spending a lot of money telling people things.

Lobbying Spending Database - Coca-Cola Co, 2017 | OpenSecrets

Here you can see they spent up to $10 million a year lobbying.

But it gets more interesting:

Taxpayers subsidize about $4 billion worth of soda products

Taxpayers subsidize about $4 billion worth of soda products"

Yeah. Not only does the govt not want to make healthier food cheaper, it actually goes out of its way to make unhealthy food cheaper.

I don’t have a problem with food stamps when they are used to purchase health foods, but I do have a problem when people use them to buy junk food. The way I see it, if you want a 2-liter Pepsi, then you should pay for it out of your own pocket, not mine.

When I posed this question to a leading government official with the federal Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program, he told me that it would be too hard to monitor the so-called "good foods" and the "bad foods.""

Yep, it's too hard. Too difficult to bother doing anything that would harm the bad food companies.

In January of 2012, Coca-Cola lobbied against a bill in Florida that would have added soda, among other items, to the list of SNAP’s prohibited items. Coca-Cola fought a similar effort by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to ban the use of food stamps on “sugar-sweetened beverages.”

Coke wants food stamp users to buy sodas."

Sure, why not? Coca-Cola is looking out for its interested, the govt is for sale to the highest bidder, sugar based product companies like Coca-Cola, Pepsi etc.

Top 10: US food and beverage manufacturers of 2015

Top 10 food and beverage companies in the US in 2015

1) Pepsi - sugar, sugar, more sugar, fuck loads of sugar, and sugar coming out of your ass.
2) Tyson food inc. Meat based, but I'd bet it's full of chemicals and the like.
3) Nestle, lots of sugar,
4) JBS - meat
5) Coca Cola.

So two of the top five are basically drinks companies that pump sugar into people's bodies. They get subsidies from the govt, they then fight any attempts by govts to prevent people using food stamps etc buying them, the govt plays dumb about being able to do anything about it, chuuuuhhhh ching $$$$$$ they see the money coming in.

The govt isn't representing the people. You want the govt to be neutral. Well it's not, it's PROMOTING unhealthy eating.

You know it doesn't matter how many commercials are on TV EVERYTHING a person puts in his mouth is a choice.
People already know what good food choices are even you do not dispute that.

And even if as kids people eat like crap there is a point in their life where they can change what they eat.

And it is NEVER EVER cheaper to eat prepared boxed or fast food than it is to make your own.

No one is forcing people to eat shit food

And it doesn't matter how many times you say the same thing, it doesn't make it true.

Psychology exists. You're acting like human psychology doesn't exist, that understand the issues doesn't need to happen simply because... well... because it's easier for you to ignore things?

When the govt is told not to allow people to buy crap with food stamps, they say it's too difficult to implement. Just as you're saying it's all about choice.

But the choice seems to be between subsidized CRAP and expensive healthy food which the govt is dissuading you from eating.

And no matter how many times you say that no one is forcing you to do something, it doesn't change the FACT that when the govt promotes sugar, more people eat sugar, and when the govt promotes healthy eating, MORE PEOPLE eat healthier.

Psychology is the study of human behavior

but any human can change his behavior at any time. You deny this and say people are incapable of changing the way they eat unless they are acted on by some outside force different from the outside force that makes them eat like shit.

It doesn't matter what the government does or doesn't do it doesn't matter how many food commercials are on TV it doesn't even matter if your parents fed you like crap

Anyone can at any time change their eating habits and they won't change them unless they want to change them.

People who are fat and stay fat do not want to change

Well, human behavior can possibly change. Some people find it hard to change. I have things about me I've tried to change and I struggle to change them, literally I can't change them.

But with food behavior can be changed, and I'm talking about making those changes, but you don't like the way they'd be implemented. You don't seem to have a problem with the govt making sugary products cheaper, but you have a problem with healthy products being made cheaper. Why is that?

As for people not changing unless they want to change them, I disagree. In fact the evidence is there that when govt changes things, some of those people will change. I showed you about products being taxed more in Hungary and other places and how this saw less people buying these products.

Some people don't want to change, and they don't have to. However some people DO want to change but struggle to do so, and the govt can have a positive impact.

Say, the US has an obesity rating of 30%+ and Germany has one of 12%. So there you have 18% of people who could be less fat, who want to be healthier, and yet struggle to do so, but given some help, they will be.

But hey. If you do this then A) sugary food companies will lose out and politicians will lose their kick backs and B) the health industry will make less money and the politicians will lose their kick backs.

We can't have politicians losing their kick backs just because some people want to be thinner, now can we?

Of course it can change and anyone can do it.

Now you're blaming politicians because some guy can't stop stuffing chips in his mouth.
As long as you keep blaming everyone else but the couch potato whose only exercise is walking to the fridge and lifting a spoonful of ice cream counts as weight lifting you will always be part of the problem and the fat slobs out there will always be victims in your eyes and by doing that you give them an excuse to get fat and stay fat because after all none of it is their fault and everyone else is to blame
Apples to orangutans comparison.

Crossing the road depends on variable you cannot control (the behavior of drivers)
Eating depends only on YOUR choices of what you put in your mouth.

You seem to believe that there is some unseen power making people eat what they eat.

You're dealing with a lot more than just simple "depending on YOUR choices". You're dealing with psychology, mental problems, poverty and the like. But hey, you can ignore all of that, right?

Don't give me that shit.

Anyone can change their habits if they want to.
and poor people all over the planet manage to eat and not be obese. It is never more expensive to eat real food than it is to buy prepared boxed crap.

Yes, anyone can change their habits if they want to. So why don't they want to? Why does a person who is fat and hates being fat not change their habits? Why?

There must be a reason why, and every time you ignore the reasons why. So please, tell me why.
The why is easy

It's takes more effort than doing nothing and there will be discomfort involved.

The minute people feel the carb flu as they adjust to a better diet or are hungry they want to end the discomfort

People who start exercising stop because their bodies are sore and tired and it's a lot easier to sit on the couch with a bag of chips

If a person really and truly hated being fat he wouldn't be fat

One thing is truly hating being fat, and the other is not liking being fat. People don't want to be fat, but struggle to be thinner for many different reasons. But hey, you don't give a shit, remember?

That does not change the fact that if people really wanted to be thin they would be.
You want to blame the food companies, TV commercials and politicians but not the fat ass who eats oreos all day
what skill?

A little thought is not a skill. If a person is made to work late on a regular basis and doesn't want to eat the shit food that is brought in then it's the simplest of simple behaviors to bring a little extra food to work,

Anyone who can't figure that out without being forced to take a class is too stupid to get a job in the first place
Stupid? How patriotic is it to call the compatriots of your country summarily stupid? Also, most big corporations want you to be stupid when they hire you, because that way they can control what you think.

Edit: it's okay if they are stupid, I think, but I want them shapely not fat. What can we tell them?

You make it sound so fucking difficult for a person to think ahead about what he's going to eat

If you can't figure out that if you might be asked to work late and you don't want to eat the shit food provided by the boss that you should bring your own then yes you are a fucking idiot

And there are plenty of fucking idiots out there. That's the reality of life. So, what do you do about it? Just say "I don't care" or try and make life better for society?

Because in the US it's usually the former, hence why murder rates are too high, crime is too high, people feel unsafe, people are fat, the prison population is overflowing, education is underwhelming, healthcare is fucking expensive.....

Our murder rate is no higher than it was in 1950.

Why do I have to do anything about the choices other people make of their own free will?
I don't want people meddling in my life so I don't meddle in other peoples' lives.

We have no obligation to "society" We do have an obligation to respect the liberties of others if my neighbor wants to eat cake pie and ice cream all day long it's none of my business

So what? It was higher in the 1950s than western Europe and it's higher now that Western Europe.

Yeah, why do you have to do anything? Why do you have to give a shit about other people? You don't. You can be as selfish as you like. But then again I'll fight for society to be a better place, and you'll fight for society to be a more selfish place.
Me letting people live their lives as they choose is not being selfish

But tell me what do you call a person who wants to tell everyone else how to live?

and we are not and never have been western Europe. I hope to god we never will be because those countries are all falling apart

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